
tech2024-05-30  97

…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

I thought it would be interesting to hear from other developers what their favorite or most used ColdFusion custom tags, UDF’s, or CFC’s are. I’ll start off:

我认为听到其他开发人员最喜欢或最常用的ColdFusion自定义标签,UDF或CFC是什么会很有趣。 我将开始:

– This has saved my life a few times when I needed to use XML with CF 5. It’s based on the Microsoft XMLDOM parser, which from my research is not the greatest in the world. But when you just need to do some simple XML parsing, it can really save your life.

–当我需要在CF 5中使用XML时,这节省了我的生命几次。它基于Microsoft XMLDOM解析器,根据我的研究,该解析器并不是世界上最大的解析器。 但是,当您只需要执行一些简单的XML解析时,它确实可以挽救您的生命。

DeleteCFCache – This nifty little UDF can be handy to have around. Ever get an error that won’t seem to go away no matter what you try? It may be because CFMX has cached that file. It can be a nightmare to figure out the first time you see it and then when you do figure it out, it becomes a pain to clear the cache. This little UDF can make it much easier to clear out those files and save your sanity.

DeleteCFCache –这个漂亮的小UDF可以很方便地使用。 是否遇到了无论您尝试什么都不会消失的错误? 可能是因为CFMX已缓存该文件。 第一次发现它时可能会感到恶梦,然后再弄清它时,清除缓存变得很痛苦。 这个小的UDF可以使清除这些文件和节省理智变得更加容易。

ImageSize – CFMX required. Grabs the image height and width for you. It’s a very handy tag to have around, especially when doing any image manipulation.

ImageSize –需要CFMX。 为您抓取图像的高度和宽度。 这是一个非常方便的标签,尤其是在进行任何图像处理时。

So there are a few of mine. Feel free to post your favorites here.

所以有一些我的。 随时在这里发布您的收藏夹。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/favorite-cf-functionstagsetc/
