视觉传达 子专业

tech2024-05-30  90

视觉传达 子专业

Is your goal as a business owner primarily focused on helping your clients increase sales, improve efficiency, prevent a crisis or understand why a particular strategy might work? If so, you likely want to gain your clients’ trust so that you’ll be chosen for their next project.

作为企业主,您的目标是否主要集中在帮助客户增加销售,提高效率,预防危机或了解为什么特定策略可能起作用? 如果是这样,您很可能希望获得客户的信任,以便您被选中参加他们的下一个项目。

Conveying credibility through a Website is a challenge we all face, but Web professionals are a unique case. We must convince potential clients of our credibility, experience and professionalism to such a degree that they’re eager to contact us with regards to projects that may be worth thousands of dollars.

通过网站传达信誉是我们所有人都面临的挑战,但是Web专业人员是一个独特的案例。 我们必须在一定程度上说服潜在客户相信我们的信誉,经验和专业精神,以使他们渴望就价值数千美元的项目与我们联系。

A great many designers, developers and business owners in today’s market conduct their business primarily over the Internet, so we may never come face to face with clients or business contacts. Working with people at a distance definitely presents a challenge, but its one that can easily be overcome. How? Give your site visitors the facts!

在当今市场上,许多设计师,开发人员和企业主主要通过Internet开展业务,因此我们可能永远不会与客户或业务联系人面对面。 与远距离的人合作肯定会带来挑战,但可以轻松克服这一挑战。 怎么样? 向您的网站访问者提供事实!

A bio or resume can alleviate the lack of connection and increase the integrity of your site. A factual presentation of your experience can add valuable credibility to your online presentation. After all, the more credible your site, the more likely your prospects are to make contact with you.

简历或简历可以减轻连接的缺失并提高网站的完整性。 对您的经历进行事实介绍可以为您的在线介绍增加宝贵的信誉。 毕竟,您的网站越可信,您的潜在客户与您联系的可能性就越大。

But, which format is most appropriate? Is it best to present a career history through a bio or a resume? The answer depends on the purpose the information will serve. As a resume is primarily used to seek employment, I’d suggest you use a resume only if you’re trying to win a contract or land some type of position. A bio is generally the ideal way to convey your professional experience or your company’s history.

但是,哪种格式最合适? 最好通过简历或简历来介绍职业经历吗? 答案取决于信息将服务的目的。 由于简历主要用于寻找工作,因此建议您仅在试图赢得合同或获得某种职位时才使用简历。 简历通常是传达您的专业经验或公司历史的理想方式。

什么是生物? (What Is a Bio?)

A bio, or biography, acts as a portal into your professional experience or your company’s growth and expansion. It’s a condensed version of your career history designed to give potential clients insight into who you are and what you do. However, while your bio is the short story of your professional life, keep in mind that it should highlight the most important aspects of your experience in a way that successfully demonstrates your credibility.

简历或传记作为进入您的专业经验或公司发展与壮大的门户。 这是您的职业经历的精简版,旨在使潜在客户了解您的身份和从事的工作。 但是,尽管您的简历只是您职业生涯的短篇小说,但请记住,它应该以成功证明您的信誉的方式突出您的经历中最重要的方面。

A bio is most appropriate when incorporated into Website content, proposals, business plans, portfolios and press kits. As a bio is an important tool for presenting details about your business or yourself, most often entrepreneurs, artists, writers, designers, business owners, professionals and consultants use a bio.

当将简历整合到网站内容,提案,商业计划,投资组合和新闻资料中时,它是最合适的。 由于简历是提供有关您的业务或您自己的详细信息的重要工具,因此企业家,艺术家,作家,设计师,企业主,专业人员和顾问通常会使用简历。

生物中有什么? (What’s In a Bio?)

As you prepare your bio, remember its purpose: to make a statement that boosts your credibility. First, think about your visitors. What kinds of information will your prospect want to know? What will impress them? As Web design and development are such competitive fields, you must show prospects why they should choose you over your competitors.

准备生物时,请记住其目的:发表声明,以提高您的信誉。 首先,考虑一下您的访客。 您的准客户想知道哪些信息? 什么会打动他们? 由于Web设计和开发是竞争激烈的领域,因此您必须向潜在客户展示为什么他们应该选择您而不是竞争对手。

Once you’ve identified what prospects want, make a list of your relevant experience. Don’t be hesitant to do a bit of boasting, but don’t lie about having done something you haven’t. There’s nothing wrong with presenting yourself dynamically, but don’t make anything up.

确定潜在客户后,列出您的相关经验。 不要犹豫,要吹牛,但不要说谎,不要做自己没有做过的事。 动态展示自己没有什么问题,但不要化妆。

Here’s a list of the key points your bio should contain:


Open with a reference to your name and business title.

打开时会提及您的姓名和公司名称。 Share your business philosophy or mission statement.

分享您的经营理念或使命宣言。 Provide to illustrate your qualifications and strengths.

提供以说明您的资格和优势。 Explain how you got involved in your particular business.

说明您如何参与特定业务。 Note how many years of experience you have.

注意您有多少年的经验。 Mention some of your goals and successes.

提及您的一些目标和成功。 Outline the background of your company.

概述贵公司的背景。 Include mention of your education or any specialized training you’ve had.

提及您的学历或所接受的任何专业培训。 List any special associations to which you belong.

列出您所属的任何特殊关联。 If your business requires special licensing, raise it.

如果您的企业需要特殊许可,请提高许可。 Describe any awards or special recognition you’ve received.

描述您收到的任何奖励或特别认可。 Identify the thing that sets you apart from everyone else


The following sample bio describes a real estate agent, and demonstrates her energetic approach:


Behind any successful professional, you’ll usually discover a strong, focused individual who does whatever is required to help her clients reach their goals. Ms. Barbara Jones is no exception. Bringing an energetic spirit, and love of the splendid Canadian countryside, Ms. Jones makes the purchasing or selling of a home a very rewarding and positive experience. Whether buying or selling a home, Ms. Jones’ knowledge and great attention to detail makes her a genuine asset to her clients.

在任何成功的专业人士的背后,您通常会发现一个强大而专注的人,他会尽一切努力帮助客户实现目标。 芭芭拉·琼斯女士也不例外。 琼斯女士充满活力,热爱加拿大灿烂的乡村,这使购房成为一种非常有益和积极的经历。 无论是买卖房屋,琼斯女士的知识和对细节的高度关注使她成为客户的真正财富。

Inspired by her love of real estate, Ms. Jones began her career more than 15 years ago. Specializing in residential real estate, Ms. Jones’ strong work ethic, coupled with her enthusiastic attitude, has gained her a reputation as an agent that is greatly in demand. For those planning to buy or sell a home or considering a move to the Canadian community, Ms. Jones’ character, knowledge and credibility help prospective buyers or sellers make the most informed real estate decision of their lives.

琼斯女士对房地产的热爱激发了她15多年的职业生涯。 琼斯女士擅长于住宅房地产,其坚强的职业道德以及热情的态度使她赢得了作为急需的代理商的声誉。 对于那些打算买卖房屋或打算搬到加拿大社区的人,琼斯女士的性格,知识和信誉可帮助潜在的买主或卖主做出最明智的房地产决策。

Coupled with extensive knowledge of real estate, Ms. Jones holds a degree from Brooks College. An avid golfer and swimmer, Ms. Jones makes her home in Victoria, where she resides with her husband and three children. An active member of the community along with several associations, Ms. Jones is a member of the Canadian Board of Realtors, as well as the Ontario Real Estate Association.

琼斯女士拥有广泛的房地产知识,拥有布鲁克斯学院的学位。 琼斯是一名狂热的高尔夫球手和游泳运动员,在维多利亚州安家,与丈夫和三个孩子一起居住。 琼斯女士是社区的活跃成员,并拥有数个协会,是加拿大房地产经纪人委员会以及安大略省房地产协会的成员。

什么是简历? (What Is a Resume?)

As I mentioned, resumes are most commonly used by those trying to obtain work. Research indicates that only one out of every 200 resumes gains the candidate an interview. Your resume must demonstrate immediately why someone would choose you over your competitors. So, never be afraid to do a bit of (true) boasting.

正如我提到的,简历是那些试图获得工作的人最常使用的简历。 研究表明,每200份简历中只有1份能使候选人获得面试机会。 您的简历必须立即说明为什么有人会选择您而不是竞争对手。 因此,永远不要害怕做一些(真正的)夸耀。

As you prepare your presentation, be conscious that you’re trying to make an impression that will win you an interview. Consider carefully what a prospective employer might want to know about you. Again, you want to demonstrate clearly why the company or prospective employer would choose you over other applicants.

在准备演示文稿时,请注意,您要给自己留下深刻的印象,以赢得面试机会。 仔细考虑准雇主可能想知道的有关您的信息。 同样,您想清楚地说明为什么公司或潜在雇主会选择您而不是其他申请人。

简历中包含什么 (What to Include in a Resume)

Identify Your Career Objective


Start by identifying your career objective — but make sure it doesn’t lock you into any one role. Some argue that an objective can limit your scope for employment, but it’s a great way to give potential employers an idea of the type of position you’re seeking. Think carefully about what makes you the ideal candidate, and try to identify an objective that ties into this point of difference.

首先确定您的职业目标-但要确保它不会使您陷入任何一个角色。 有人认为,目标可以限制您的就业范围,但这是使潜在雇主了解您所寻求职位类型的好方法。 仔细考虑是什么使您成为理想的候选人,并尝试确定与这一差异点相关的目标。

Here’s an example of an objective that doesn’t tie you to one type of position, yet indicates the areas in which your skills lie:


Desire a challenging career opportunity in which to contribute extensive design expertise, excellent customer service skills and outstanding organizational abilities; eager to provide solutions and benefits that exceed company expectations.

渴望一个具有挑战性的职业机会,其中需要贡献出广泛的设计专业知识,出色的客户服务技能和出色的组织能力; 渴望提供超出公司期望的解决方案和收益。

Share significant accomplishments


If you’ve done something you’re particularly proud of, make sure it stands out.


While working for Smith and Company, sold more than one million dollars in the first year as a sales representative; quickly promoted to sales manager

在史密斯公司工作期间,第一年以销售代表的身份卖出了超过一百万美元; Swift晋升为销售经理

During employment with Jones and Company, credited with revamping and reorganizing the entire sales team, which resulted in a tremendous increase in sales


Present details of your education and specialized training


If you don’t have a degree, share any specialized training you’ve participated in. Include the school, the degree, and any awards you’ve achieved.


Mention your computer skills


In this age of technology, the more proficient you are in regard to software and hardware, the more marketable you’ll be.


Summarize your qualifications


You want to show employers why they should hire you, so don’t be afraid to list your strengths and qualifications. List at least three or four strengths or qualifications. For example, if you’re applying for a position as an events coordinator, you might consider including something similar to the following:

您想向雇主展示为什么他们应该雇用您,所以不要害怕列出您的优势和资格。 列出至少三个或四个优势或资格。 例如,如果您要申请担任事件协调员的职位,则可以考虑添加类似于以下内容的内容:

A detail oriented, computer literate individual who enjoys coordinating events, planning activities and scheduling calendars; a go-getter who works hard until the job is done well.

注重细节,具有计算机知识的个人,喜欢协调活动,计划活动和安排日历; 一个努力工作直到完成工作的傻瓜。

Highlight your career experience


Name the companies you’ve worked for, the dates you were employed, and the city, state and job title. Naturally, you should explain your responsibilities in detail, but use bullet points instead of long paragraphs. If you were to apply for a position as an office manager, list a minimum of four bulleted points that relate to your responsibilities. One of those bullets might read as follows:

列出您工作过的公司,工作日期以及城市,州和职称。 当然,您应该详细说明您的职责,但要使用要点而不是较长的段落。 如果要申请办公室经理职位,请列出至少四个与您的职责相关的要点。 这些项目符号之一可能如下所示:

Primarily responsible for answering phones, setting appointments, writing letters, responding to client inquiries and greeting visitors; consistently acknowledged for special skill in helping individuals feel at ease during visits.

主要负责接听电话,安排约会,写信,回复客户询问和问候访客; 始终被公认为帮助访问者放松的特殊技能。

Share your hobbies and interests


This isn’t necessary, but, on occasion, hobbies and interests open doors to conversation during interviews.


Include memberships and associations


Memberships show a potential employer that you’re involved in your field of expertise.


前30秒! (The First 30 Seconds!)

The first few seconds of your online presentation are the most critical. You’re attempting to convince viewers that you have what they want, so convey your expertise proudly. Ideally, your presentation should be no longer than a page, but in today’s market, a one-page resume might suggest that you don’t have enough experience. On the other hand, you don’t want your bio or resume to be boring or too long, either. Striking a balance is the key.

在线演示的前几秒是最关键的。 您正试图说服观众自己想要的东西,因此自豪地传达您的专业知识。 理想情况下,您的演示文稿不应超过一页,但在当今的市场中,一页的履历可能表明您没有足够的经验。 另一方面,您也不希望自己的简历或简历变得无聊或时间太长。 取得平衡是关键。

您应该获得帮助吗? (Should You Get Help?)

Writing about ourselves can be a daunting task, as it can seem self-promotional or arrogant. But there is a way to express yourself honestly without appearing arrogant or conceited: tell the truth. When information is conveyed honestly, it never appears smug. If you find it difficult to write about yourself, consider having a professional prepare your presentation. It’s often much easier for an outsider to be objective about your experience, and to present it in the best light.

写自我介绍可能是一项艰巨的任务,因为它看起来可能自我激励或自大。 但是有一种方法可以诚实地表达自己,而不显得自大或自负:说实话。 诚实地传达信息时,它永远不会自鸣得意。 如果您觉得自己很难写,请考虑由专业人士准备您的演示文稿。 局外人通常很容易客观地了解您的经历,并以最佳的眼光展示它。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/credibility-website/

视觉传达 子专业
