火狐书签栏 谷歌

tech2024-05-30  93

火狐书签栏 谷歌

Google has released a long-awaited Firefox version of its toolbar. The toolbar runs on Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

Google已经发布了期待已久的 Firefox版本的工具栏。 该工具栏可在Windows,Mac和Linux系统上运行。

There are some other Google-related extensions for Firefox:


Google Sugggest – suggests completion of search terms typed into the Firefox search bar.

Google Sugggest –建议完成在Firefox搜索栏中键入的搜索词。

Send to Phone – sends web pages to mobile phones

发送到电话 –将网页发送到手机

For those in the know – you may have already been using the Googlebar – which is not affiliated with Google – and supports Mozilla and Firefox.


Some of my own favorite Firefox extensions:


PDF Download – which allows for choice between downloading a PDF or viewing in browser.

PDF下载 –可以选择下载PDF或在浏览器中查看。

Web Developer – which we have talked about before on Open Sourcery. A phenomenal tool for any web designer/developer.

Web Developer –我们之前在Open Sourcery上已经讨论过。 任何网页设计师/开发人员的绝佳工具。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-toolbar-for-firefox-et-al/

火狐书签栏 谷歌
