flash mx拖拽实例

tech2024-05-30  104

flash mx拖拽实例

Another panel has been released today, this time taking advantage of further built in (but hidden) features of Flash MX 2004 Professional to produce a simulated ‘flash snapshot’ for your Movie Clips.

今天发布了另一个面板,这次是利用Flash MX 2004 Professional的进一步内置(但隐藏)功能为影片剪辑生成模拟的“ Flash快照”。

As before, multiple event handlers, duration, direction and easing are available within the interface to make adding the effect to your Movie Clips as easy as falling off a bike.


In this example, there is a preview screen where you can see a representation of the effect. The preview screen is updated whenever you change the duration, direction, or easing type; it can also be updated by clicking on the ‘preview’ button next to the preview image

在此示例中,有一个预览屏幕,您可以在其中查看效果的表示。 每当您更改持续时间,方向或缓动类型时,预览屏幕都会更新; 也可以通过单击预览图像旁边的“预览”按钮来更新它

Creating a series of virtual snapshots using the panel is a breeze, as can be seen in the example below


Download Photo Flash Effect Panel for Flash MX 2004 >>

下载适用于Flash MX 2004的照片Flash效果面板>>

View Photo Flash Effect Panel for Flash MX 2004 Example>>

查看用于Flash MX 2004示例的照片Flash效果面板>>

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/photo-flasher-effect-panel-for-flash-mx-2004-professional/

flash mx拖拽实例
