
tech2024-05-30  84

The Apache web server is gaining new momentum in 2005 after Netcraft reported them relatively flat in market share last year. The February web server survey shows them gaining a bit more than a percentage point year to date. While that may seem low – this is a survey in which more than 59 million servers were queried.

在Netcraft去年报告它们的市场份额相对持平之后,Apache Web服务器在2005年获得了新的动力。 2月份的Web服务器调查显示,到目前为止,他们获得的收益超过一个百分点。 尽管这似乎很低,但是根据这项调查,已查询了超过5900万台服务器。

While many users come to Apache on a Unix-flavored operating system, the number of newcomers exploring Apache first on Windows is rising. No clear hard stats exist for this – but forum questions would suggest it.

当许多用户使用Unix风格的操作系统访问Apache时,在Windows上首先探索Apache的新用户数量正在增加。 尚无明确的统计数据,但是论坛提出了建议。

I was introduced to Apache in 1997 when I built my first Red Hat system. It was not until 2002 that I built Apache on anything other than a Linux/Unix platform. As a February wrap-up – I have assembled several of the Apache on Windows links that have been sent along to me over time. I must admit the numerous servers I manage are exclusively either running Apache on Linux or OS X at this point – however I do count a Windows 2000 Advanced Server among my development machines running Apache 2.x.

我在1997年构建第一个Red Hat系统时被介绍给Apache。 直到2002年,我才在Linux / Unix平台以外的任何平台上构建Apache。 作为二月份的总结,我整理了一些Windows上的Apache链接,这些链接已经随着时间的推移而发送给我。 我必须承认,目前管理的众多服务器仅在Linux或OS X上运行Apache-但是,在运行Apache 2.x的开发机器中,我确实将Windows 2000 Advanced Server包括在内。

I would welcome additional links to this list!


Apache, MySQL and others on Windows:


From the Source


The place to start: Apache Software Foundation

开始的地方: Apache Software Foundation

Tomcat on Windows from Apache


MySQL and Windows from mysql.com


PHP and Apache on Windows from php.net

Windows上的PHP和Apache ,来自php.net

Using ActiveState Perl on Windows with Apache

在Windows和Apache上使用ActiveState Perl

Third Party Binaries


Pre-compiled LAMP for Windows (and Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris): XAMPP

适用于Windows(以及Linux,Mac OS X和Solaris)的预编译LAMP: XAMPP

WAMPserver brings Apache 1.3.x, MySQL 4.x and PHP 4/5 along with some other useful tools to Windows

WAMPserver将Apache 1.3.x,MySQL 4.x和PHP 4/5以及一些其他有用的工具引入Windows

Helpful Docs


SSL and Apache2 on Windows 2003 Server

Windows 2003 Server上的SSL和Apache2

A fork of the above for less than 2003 Server

低于2003 Server 的上述分支

Using dynamic dns to host a web site behind a broadband router over your personal ISP connection


Hosting Apache on Cygwin – emulating Unix on Windows instead of using native Apache on Windows (not sure why this would be needed – but there are always special circumstances)

在Cygwin上托管Apache –在Windows 上模拟Unix,而不是在Windows上使用本机Apache(不确定为什么需要这样做-但总是有特殊情况)

Apache and Tomcat on Windows XP/2000 Pro How To

Windows XP / 2000 Pro上的Apache和Tomcat如何

Configuration Tools


While I prefer configure Apache manually, which offers the most control, or to use open source solutions, I did want to mention this shareware ($75) Apache configuration control for Windows users

虽然我更喜欢手动配置Apache,以提供最多的控制权,或者使用开放源代码解决方案,但我确实想为Windows用户提到此共享软件(75美元) Apache配置控件 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/running-apache-on-windows/
