OS X上MySQL数据库设计

tech2024-05-30  90

Lakewood Studios has recently released iStudio 2 for OS X that enables Mac users to design MySQL databases from the desktop. The software enables single or multiple users to interact with MySQL 4.x database on local and network drives and on remote servers.

Lakewood Studios最近发布了适用于OS X的iStudio 2,使Mac用户可以从桌面设计MySQL数据库。 该软件使单个或多个用户可以与本地和网络驱动器以及远程服务器上MySQL 4.x数据库进行交互。

What I like is its ability to design databases, import/export and edit data from the desktop and to administer basic permissions and table analysis. In addition, the company has an excellent User Guide included with the software that unlike some products, goes in depth and provides great coverage for new and advanced database users.

我喜欢它的功能是能够从桌面设计数据库,导入/导出和编辑数据以及管理基本权限和表分析。 此外,该公司的软件附带了一套出色的《用户指南》,与某些产品不同,该指南深入了,并为新老数据库用户提供了广泛的报道。

An interesting sub-note to this tool is its ability to serve as a standalone database solution on the desktop. Users can either use it as a personal database, including integration with Microsoft Office 2004 — similar to interaction between Access and Excel/Word on Windows, or as a full-strength database design and collaboration tool with multiple users and/or on remote servers over the Internet.

该工具一个有趣的子注释是它可以用作桌面上的独立数据库解决方案。 用户可以将其用作个人数据库,包括与Microsoft Office 2004集成(类似于Access与Windows上的Excel / Word之间的交互),也可以用作具有多个用户和/或远程服务器上的完整数据库设计和协作工具。互联网。

Getting started entails completing a connection form for either logging in to an existing database, or creating a new database, as shown below.


If the database is remote, the user is prompted to import the database into iStudio for local editing.


You can create databases from an existing starter template provided by Lakewood Studios or design one from scratch, creating tables, fields and field definitions.

您可以从Lakewood Studios提供的现有入门模板创建数据库,也可以从头开始设计一个模板,创建表,字段和字段定义。

Templates include:


In addition, users can define their own templates and save them into the program.


Importing was straightforward and I successfully imported records from delimited files into a local database. Numerous delimiters are supported in the event custom delimiters have been used in a file.

导入非常简单,我成功地将记录从定界文件导入本地数据库。 如果在文件中使用了自定义分隔符,则支持许多分隔符。

Database design tools are flexible and include all of the features of MySQL 4.x. Creating tables and fields graphically is shown in the following screenshots.

数据库设计工具非常灵活,并包含MySQL 4.x的所有功能。 以下屏幕快照显示了以图形方式创建表和字段。

Create Tables:


Create Fields:


Once a database is created, data can be imported and records edited within the program in the main record viewing and editing window.


There are features for the power user, including query builders, reporting and the capability to store frequently used queries as bookmarks.


Finally, iStudio includes administration capabilities with user, privileges and thread/query management as well as database table analysis.


The company is offering iStudio 2 for $69.95 as an intro sale through August 27, when the price will return to $129. They offer academic discounts and a 14-day trial of the program.

该公司提供iStudio 2的价格为69.95美元,直到8月27日为止,届时价格将回到129美元。 他们提供学术折扣和该计划的14天试用期。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/mysql-database-design-on-os-x/
