unity 碰撞监测脚本

tech2024-05-30  92

unity 碰撞监测脚本

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a Ball and wall collision effect.


I’ll use the simple hittest() function in Flash to achieve this effect. Download the sample files here. Let’s start working.

我将在Flash中使用简单的hittest()函数来实现此效果。 在此处下载示例文件 。 让我们开始工作。

1. Open a new movie wiht a width=550 and a height=400.

1.打开一部新电影,其宽度= 550和高度= 400。

2. First we will create the outer wall. Create a small rectangle object like this one:

2.首先,我们将创建外墙。 创建一个像这样的小矩形对象:

3. Convert the rectangle object to a movieclip, and name it "wall".

3.将矩形对象转换为动画片段,并将其命名为“ wall”。

4. Now, drag four instances of the wall object and arrange as below.


5. Give each wall an instance name. I used the instance names border1, border2, border3, and border4.

5.给每面墙一个实例名称。 我使用了实例名称border1,border2,border3和border4。

6. Now let’s create the ball. Create a small circle object.

6.现在,我们来创建球。 创建一个小圆圈对象。

7. Convert it to a movieclip, and give it an instance name. I called it "circle".

7.将其转换为动画片段,并为其指定实例名称。 我称它为“圆圈”。

8. Now we will give the action script. Create three key frames as shown below.

8.现在,我们将提供动作脚本。 创建三个关键帧,如下所示。

9. In the first key frame, instert the action:


flag = 0;  //x coordinate =0  x= 190;   //y cordinate =0  y=190;  //random = 0  rand = 0;

10. Initialize the variable in the first key frame.


11. In the second key frame, insert these actions:


//set the x and y property of the circle movieclip  setProperty ("/circle", _x, x);  setProperty ("/circle", _y, y);  // creates a random number with this function  function random_fun()  {  r = random(10);  return r;  }  // check if circle has hit border4 if hit change x and y values  if (circle.hittest(border4))  {  tellTarget ("/circle") {gotoAndPlay(2)}  flag = 1;  rand = random_fun()  }  // check if circle has hit border3 if hit change x and y values  if (circle.hittest(border3))  {  tellTarget ("/circle") {gotoAndPlay(2)}  flag = 2;  rand = random_fun()  }  // check if circle has hit border2 if hit change x and y values  if (circle.hittest(border2))  {  tellTarget ("/circle") {gotoAndPlay(2)}  flag = 3;  rand = random_fun()  }  // check if circle has hit border1 if hit change   x and y values  if (circle.hittest(border1))  {  tellTarget ("/circle") {gotoAndPlay(2)}  flag = 4;  rand = random_fun()  }  // set the x and y co-ordinates according the the   place where the circle hit  if (flag ==0) {  x = x+rand;  y = y+5;  }  if (flag == 1) {  x = x+5;  y = y-rand;  }  if (flag == 2) {  x = x-5;  y = y-rand;  }  if (flag == 3) {  x = x-rand;  y = y+5;  }  if (flag == 4) {  x = x + 5;  y = y - rand;  }  // end action script

12. In the third key frame insert the action:


gotoAndPlay (2);

That’s it! The movie should now work!

而已! 电影现在应该可以了!

This movie is not as complex as it looks. Actually, it’s very easy compared to others found on the Web. There are a lot of possibilities with this movie. Let your imagination run wild!

这部电影并不像看起来那样复杂。 实际上,与在网络上找到的其他工具相比,这非常容易。 这部电影有很多可能性。 让想象力自由驰骋!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ball-wall-collision-effect/

unity 碰撞监测脚本
