
tech2024-05-31  112


Tuning your Linux server can mean many things to many people. A portion of tuning is about security, insuring the configurations of the ftp, mail, ssh and web servers are properly setup to enable access and interaction with your server while tightening the belt for those who may be browsing through for potential back doors.

调整Linux服务器对许多人来说可能意味着很多事情。 调整的一部分是关于安全性的,以确保正确设置ftp,mail,ssh和Web服务器的配置,以实现访问和与服务器的交互,同时为那些可能正在浏览潜在后门的人拉紧安全带。

However, an important part of tuning is also making sure only the necessary services are running on your server to maximize the memory, processor and disk space you have available.


In an upcoming column I discuss Webmin (, which is the premier open source graphical user interface for Linux server administration (and Solaris and numerous Unix-flavors). It is also an excellent tool for tuning Linux servers as it provides root access to bootup and shutdown configuration scripts as well as all of the critical web environment servers used.

在接下来的专栏中,我将讨论Webmin( ),它是用于Linux服务器管理(以及Solaris和众多Unix风格)的主要开源图形用户界面。 它也是调优Linux服务器的出色工具,因为它提供了对启动和关闭配置脚本以及所使用的所有关键Web环境服务器的根访问权限。

For example, if you manage a dedicated server for your web hosting customers, a look via Webmin at the Bootup items (those that are slated for startup on each boot of the system) may reveal several unecessary services running. You can disable CUPS (for *nix printing), NFS and Samba, as well as any application servers you are not using.

例如,如果您为Web托管客户管理专用服务器,则通过Webmin查看启动项(计划在系统每次启动时启动的项)可能会显示正在运行的一些不必要的服务。 您可以禁用CUPS(用于* nix打印),NFS和Samba以及未使用的任何应用程序服务器。

On one of my servers, we found Interbase, PostgreSQL and MySQL all starting at boot, however, we only needed MySQL for this machine. By disabling those and additional services (ldap, named and snmpd), we saw an increase in available RAM at 15%. That can vastly improve performance when loads from database processing are a key part of your sites.

在我的一台服务器上,我们发现Interbase,PostgreSQL和MySQL都在启动时启动,但是,我们只需要MySQL用于该机器。 通过禁用这些服务和其他服务(ldap,named和snmpd),我们发现可用RAM增加了15%。 当来自数据库处理的负载是站点的关键部分时,这可以极大地提高性能。

As noted earlier, security is also important in tuning, and Webmin provides easy access to INETD or XINETD for tightening which internet services and protocols are running (such as echo, finger, rlogin, rsync, telnet and so on). The protocols for ftp and pop are here as well, so disabling the daemon all together does not work.

如前所述,安全性在调整中也很重要,Webmin可以轻松访问INETD或XINETD,以加强正在运行的Internet服务和协议(例如echo,finger,rlogin,rsync,telnet等)。 ftp和pop的协议也在这里,因此一起禁用守护程序是行不通的。


