
tech2024-05-31  106


Google is branching out beyond search this week with news of a multi-faceted instant messaging client and the upgraded Desktop 2 with Sidebar.

Google本周将发布多方面的即时消息客户端和升级的带有Sidebar的Desktop 2的消息,从而扩展到搜索之外。

Google’s IM, which the Wall Street Journal reports will be called Google Talk, will go head to head with AOL, Yahoo and Skype among others. This will include both text and audio chat and conferencing.

据《华尔街日报》报道,谷歌的即时消息将被称为“ Google Talk”,它将与美国在线,雅虎和Skype等厂商并驾齐驱。 这将包括文本和音频聊天以及会议。

While these will bring great value to the individual user – I also see marketable value to the web professional (though it may entail having some Windows programming skills or a friend with those same capabilities) through its API and Plug-In development community.

尽管这些将为个人用户带来巨大的价值,但我也看到通过其API和插件开发社区 ,Web专业人士可以有市场价值(尽管可能需要具备Windows编程技能或具有相同功能的朋友)。

Perhaps most interesting of the two (although I am sure we will all be testing Google Talk!) to explore is the new Desktop 2, which includes Sidebar, an interactive browser add-in that can collect email, RSS feeds, search and more. A vibrant sphere of plug-ins will erupt in short order ripe for the picking by those web pros who can leverage them rather than spending time building a plug-in. However, for those ready to write some code, this customization level could lead to extending your relationships with your clients (upselling is always on my mind). One could imagine providing plug-ins to a client that:

可能要探索的两个最有趣的(尽管我相信我们都将测试Google Talk!)包括新的Desktop 2,其中包括Sidebar,它是一个交互式浏览器加载项,可以收集电子邮件,RSS feed,搜索等等。 那些充满活力的插件领域将在短期内爆发,以便那些可以利用它们而不是花时间构建插件的网络专业人员来挑选它们。 但是,对于那些准备编写一些代码的人,这种自定义级别可能会导致扩展您与客户的关系(我一直在想增加销售)。 可以想象向客户端提供以下插件:

Extends their web site to the desktop, perhaps tracking new content on the site or offering to track news/instances of their company name on the web

将他们的网站扩展到桌面,可能会跟踪网站上的新内容,也可能会跟踪网站上公司名称的新闻/实例 Is configured to check their email from the domain you manage for them

配置为从您为他们管理的域中检查他们的电子邮件 Queries the web application you have developed for them for management reports

查询您为其开发的Web应用程序以获取管理报告 Tracks web statistics throughout the day on their site

全天跟踪其网站上的网络统计信息 The list goes on…


Google’s forays into new realms and going up against entrenched masters of the web will for sure drive innovation across the board – benefiting us all. It is also certain that its technology will spillover to web professionals providing saleable new tools or at the very least inspiration for unique usage.

Google进军新领域并与根深蒂固的网络高手抗衡,必将带动全面创新-使我们所有人受益。 还可以肯定的是,其技术将溢出到提供可售新工具的Web专业人员身上,或者至少会激发出独特用法的灵感。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/reach-out-and-touch-with-google/

