
tech2024-05-31  92


Webmin was originally on a path to be released as a commercial software product, and early versions were released as betas prior to 2000. It was then that Caldera sponsored development of Webmin and since it has been released under a free license.


In conjunction with my two-part series on using Webmin for Linux administration, I also exchanged an email with Jamie Cameron, the originator and lead developer on the Webmin project.

结合使用Webmin进行Linux管理的两部分系列文章,我还与Webmin项目的发起人和首席开发人员Jamie Cameron交换了一封电子邮件。

BW: Do you measure downloads from the Sourceforge site? What is your weekly download rate?

BW:您是否衡量Sourceforge网站的下载量? 您每周的下载速率是多少?

JC: Yes, Sourceforge has download statistics. In fact, they are linked from http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin . Last time I checked, the average was about 5000 [downloads] per day.

JC:是的,Sourceforge具有下载统计信息。 实际上,它们是从http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin链接的。 上次检查时,平均每天大约有5000次[下载]。

BW: What is next for Webmin? Any roadmap information you want to share? Are there particular areas where you would like to see developers contributing?

BW:Webmin的下一步是什么? 您要分享任何路线图信息吗? 您是否希望看到特定领域的开发人员做出贡献?

JC: My biggest objectives at the moment are:


Adding new modules for servers or services not currently supported by


Webmin, like vsftp and INN.


Keeping up with all the new Linux distributions that get released, so that Webmin remains compatible with them.

紧跟发行的所有新Linux发行版,因此Webmin保持与它们兼容。 Re-factoring and re-writing some of the existing modules to use new common UI generation code, instead of printing HTML directly. This would provide a more consistent user interface, simplify the code, and all themes to have more control over how modules look.

重构和重写一些现有模块以使用新的通用UI生成代码,而不是直接打印HTML。 这样可以提供更一致的用户界面,简化代码以及所有主题,从而可以更好地控制模块的外观。 Expanding my Virtualmin virtual hosting module to support new features like virtual Majordomo mailing list hosting, multiple domains per user, reseller access and so on.


BW: Can you explain a bit more in detail how managing several servers from one Webmin interface works?


JC: Webmin has it’s own RPC mechanism, which allows one server to call functions and run commands on another server running Webmin. There are several modules that make use of this feature to do things like creating Unix users on multiple hosts at once, by calling the user creation function on each of those servers.

JC:Webmin拥有自己的RPC机制,该机制允许一台服务器调用函数并在另一台运行Webmin的服务器上运行命令。 有几个模块使用此功能来完成一些操作,例如通过在每个服务器上调用用户创建功能来一次在多个主机上创建Unix用户。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/q-and-a-with-jamie-cameron-of-webmin/

