
tech2024-05-31  100


The growing mainstream adoption of open source has spawned a number of more serious conversations over the last several years about business models. Particularly, what will work for creating successful companies and real dollars while adhering to an open source philosophy.

在过去的几年中,越来越广泛地采用开放源代码,这引发了关于业务模型的许多更严肃的讨论。 特别是,在坚持开源哲学的前提下,对于创建成功的公司和实际收入将起作用的东西。

In the past five years, the arguments against taking open source seriously have largely been silenced as applications have been proven in production in some of the largest environments in the world (science, retail, government, etc..).


Open Sourcery has several threads that have explored the intersection of commercial software and open source, and by now most professionals are comfortable with the idea that one can profit by supporting and otherwise working in that crossroads.


This has also been a space to highlight commercial products built to service open source applications or stacks (bundles of apps like Apache/PHP/MySQL). A timely article from Computerworld (a frequent source along with eWeek that frequently profile the growth and high performance capabilities of open source, databases especially) shows the further penetration and acceptance of the most visible databases in the space – including MySQL and PostgreSQL.

这也是一个突出展示为开放源代码应用程序或堆栈(诸如Apache / PHP / MySQL等应用程序捆绑包)服务的商业产品的空间。 《 计算机世界》 ( Computerworld)的一篇及时文章 (经常与eWeek一起提供资源,经常介绍开放源代码,尤其是数据库的增长和高性能),显示了该领域中最可见的数据库(包括MySQL和PostgreSQL)的进一步渗透和接受。

It seems coincidental – however – two new management tools for working with these popular database solutions have emerged as well. AwareIM from AwareSoft seeks to bridge an enormous gap involving open source databases (including IBM’s more recently minted open source DB Derby).

但是,似乎偶然的是,出现了两个新的管理工具,它们可以与这些流行的数据库解决方案一起使用。 AwareSoft的AwareIM试图弥合开源数据库(包括IBM最近发布的开源DB Derby)的巨大差距。

The product provides a rich GUI development environment that seeks to hide nearly all programming and all database design elements. In place of these traditional steps to build a web application the company presents a wizard of screens to define business objects, attributes and rules that define how business processes work. In the background AwareIM grinds out table structure, code to execute the defined logic and lays out a friendly interface that can be customized further.

该产品提供了一个丰富的GUI开发环境,该环境寻求隐藏几乎所有程序设计和所有数据库设计元素。 代替构建Web应用程序的这些传统步骤,该公司提供了一个屏幕向导来定义业务对象,属性和规则,这些对象定义了业务流程的工作方式。 在后台,AwareIM研讨了表结构,执行定义的逻辑的代码并提出了可以进一步自定义的友好界面。

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of AwareIM is the potential for use by savvy business users in addition to developers who will leverage it. There are three scenarios:

AwareIM最有趣的方面可能是精明的业务用户以及将利用它的开发人员使用它的潜力。 有以下三种情况:

Developers will use it to save time in developing web apps for small and medium size companies

开发人员将使用它来节省中小型公司开发Web应用程序的时间 Developers will use it and then deploy it for larger enterprise solutions and train sophisticated business users on maintenance

开发人员将使用它,然后将其部署到大型企业解决方案中,并培训高级业务用户进行维护 Companies toying with open source and accustomed to GUI development (think Visual Studio and MS SQL Server – which AwareIM actually supports the latter) will use it to explore open source

那些喜欢开源并习惯于GUI开发的公司(认为Visual Studio和MS SQL Server – AwareIM实际上支持后者)将使用它来探索开源。

Introduced to Open Sourcery readers late last year, Navicat has also built its business around the success of MySQL and advanced its management needs. The latest release this summer of Navicat 2005 reflects the products growing maturity.

Navicat 于去年下半年向Open Sourcery读者介绍,它还围绕MySQL的成功建立了业务,并提高了管理需求。 Navicat 2005今年夏天的最新版本反映了产品的日趋成熟。

Capable of running on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, Navicat has listened to its users and rolled out several new features. In particular, as a user of Navicat, I like the new SSH tunnel capability, as well as a View Builder, SQL Console and new synchronization tools for my OS X platform.

Navicat能够在Linux,Mac OS X和Windows上运行,已经倾听了用户的声音并推出了一些新功能。 特别是,作为Navicat的用户,我喜欢新的SSH隧道功能,以及适用于我的OS X平台的View Builder,SQL Console和新的同步工具。

While the management clients are rich for Linux and Mac users, its Windows client by far offers the most premium features including import of Access and Excel files as part of a migration and a visual report builder.


A full feature matrix covering all platforms is on the Navicat site.

Navicat网站上提供了涵盖所有平台的完整功能列表 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/maturing-development-and-management-tools/

