
tech2024-05-31  95


So why did we go from “The Fuse” to “Infused”? Well it’s a personal thing really. I’ve always seen my ColdFusion code as infusing life into an otherwise dull (ie static) web site. Also since I’ve started ColdFusion I’ve been spending a lot of time taking old PHP sites, or PHP products and “infusing” them with ColdFusion so I could use them with my CF apps.

那么,为什么我们从“保险丝”转向“融合”呢? 好吧,这确实是个人的事情。 我一直认为我的ColdFusion代码将生活注入了原本平淡的网站(即静态网站)。 另外,自从我开始使用ColdFusion以来,我就一直花费大量时间来使用旧PHP网站或PHP产品,并将它们“注入” ColdFusion,以便可以在我的CF应用程序中使用它们。

Just like in my sites and products I’m hoping that we, the SitePoint ColdFusion community will be infused with life, and show others the wonders of ColdFusion. Of course I’m not a big proponent of telling anyone that one language is better than another. I agree with David, the original SP CF Blogger, when he says that ColdFusion is not for everyone, and that it can’t solve every problem. You really have to pick the right solution for the problem.

就像我希望自己的网站和产品一样,SitePoint ColdFusion社区将充满生命,并向其他人展示ColdFusion的奇迹。 当然,我也不是要告诉任何人一种语言胜于另一种语言。 我同意原始SP CF Blogger David的看法,他说ColdFusion并不适合所有人,并且不能解决所有问题。 您确实必须为该问题选择正确的解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-are-we-infused/

