
tech2024-06-01  77

On the 10th August 2001, Verisign Inc., the company responsible for running the .com shared registry system, dropped a massive bomb-shell. They announced the immediate suspension of the "batch" release of deleted domain names. In one swift action, they put the entire expiring domains industry ‘on hold’ until further notice.

2001年8月10日,负责运行.com共享注册表系统的公司Verisign Inc.投下了一颗巨大的炸弹 。 他们宣布立即停止已删除域名的“批量”发布。 他们Swift采取行动,将整个即将到期的域名行业“搁置”,直至另行通知。

So what prompted this drastic action by Verisign? In Domain Name Goldrush Part 3, I reported that ICANN registrars had got in on the expiring domains game. Some were pre-auctioning falling names in an attempt to grab them for their own customers. Others were renting out their registry connections to domain speculators. Still others, it was rumoured, were grabbing valuable names for themselves before auctioning them to the highest bidders, or stockpiling them for future use – activites which are expressly against ICANN rules.

那么,什么促使Verisign采取了这种严厉行动? 在“ 域名Goldrush第3部分”中 ,我报告了ICANN注册服务商加入了即将到期的域名游戏。 一些公司正在拍卖一些名号,试图为自己的顾客抢购它们。 其他人则将其注册表连接出租给域投机者。 有传言说,还有其他人在为高价竞标者竞价之前为自己争取了有价值的名字,或者将它们存储起来以备将来使用,这显然违反了ICANN规则。

The wild, wild, west it really was.


威瑞信回击 (Verisign Hits Back)

This led Verisign to announce on the 16th July that they would cap each ICANN registrar to 256K bandwidth or 250 simultaneous RRPs, a move designed to prevent the repeated excesses of a few rogue registrars.

因此,Verisign于7月16日宣布 ,他们将为每个ICANN注册服务商提供256K带宽或250个同时RRP的上限,此举旨在防止少数流氓注册服务商重复出现过多行为。

But apparently, the abuses not only continued, but became even worse. It was rumoured that some registrars had attempted 1500 registrations for a single name in one second! This kind of abuse prevented normal customers from successfully registering domain names, and it soon became obvious that something had to be done…

但是显然,这种虐待不仅继续存在,而且变得更加严重。 据传,有些注册商在一秒钟内尝试了1500个单一名称的注册! 这种滥用使普通客户无法成功注册域名,并且很快变得很明显,必须采取一些措施……

结束……还是仅仅是开始? (The End… or Just the Beginning?)

The August 10th announcement from Verisign was by no means totally unexpected. In fact, some are even applauding it, saying that Verisign have restored law and order to the domain name wild west. But hold on a minute, something isn’t quite right here. Firstly, why weren’t the measures that were introduced back on the 16th July effective, even partially, in halting the abuse?

威瑞信(Verisign)在8月10日发布的声明绝不是完全意外的。 实际上,有些人甚至为它鼓掌,称Verisign已恢复了对狂野西部域名的法律和秩序。 但是请稍等片刻,此处的内容并不完全正确。 首先,为什么在7月16日采取的措施在制止这种滥用方面没有起到甚至部分有效的作用?

Secondly, and more importantly, Verisign/ICANN know exactly which registrars were abusing the system, day after day, week after week. They have detailed records to prove it. They have even written emails to the offending registrars asking them to stop.

其次,更重要的是,Verisign / ICANN日复一日,一周又一周准确地知道哪些注册服务商滥用该系统。 他们有详细的记录来证明这一点。 他们甚至给违规注册商写了电子邮件,要求他们停止。

In Domain Name Goldrush Part 3, Dan Halloran, the Chief Registrar Liaison at ICANN said he was "confident that the registry operator has in place the policies and technology that it needs to ensure fair access. Any repeated or intentional abuse will undoubtedly be dealt with very strongly by the registry operator."

ICANN的首席注册服务商联络员Dan Halloran在域名Goldrush第3部分中说,“他对注册管理运行机构已经制定了确保公平访问所需的政策和技术充满信心。毫无疑问,任何重复或有意的滥用都将得到处理。注册管理执行机构非常坚决。”

So why on earth did Verisign choose to shut down the whole system rather than deal with it as ICANN thought they should have done, through punishment of offending registrars? Whatever their reasoning, we now find ourselves left in domain name limbo, where potentially hundreds of thousands of domain names that should be released for you and I to register will instead be stock-piled by the registry. They say this stock-piling will end "once a satisfactory plan is implemented to return them to the pool of available names, [and] under which all registrars receive equivalent access as required by VeriSign GRS’s registry agreement with ICANN."

那么,为什么Verisign会选择关闭整个系统,而不是像ICANN认为的那样,通过惩罚违规注册商的方式来处理整个系统? 无论他们基于什么理由,我们现在都发现自己陷入了域名混乱的境地,注册表中可能储存了成千上万本应发布给您和我进行注册的域名,而这些域名可能将由您注册。 他们说,这种存储将结束“一旦实施了令人满意的计划,将它们返回到可用名称池中,(并且)所有注册服务商都可以根据VeriSign GRS与ICANN达成的注册管理机构的要求获得同等的访问权限。”

接下来是什么? (What Next?)

So, if punishing rogue registrars is not seen as a viable option, what other solutions are there? Many have put forward ideas. A few of the more popular ones include:

因此,如果惩罚流氓注册商不是可行的选择,那么还有其他解决方案吗? 许多人提出了想法。 一些较受欢迎的包括:

1) Auction Expiring Names


Some have suggested the establishment of a system that would allow interested parties to bid for expiring domain names. Using this method, names would no longer ‘drop’ back into the available name pool, but would be bought instead using market principles. This is a reasonable idea which would obviously eradicate the shared registry abuse, but it still has serious potential drawbacks:

一些人建议建立一种系统,允许有关各方竞标过期的域名。 使用这种方法,名称将不再“掉落”到可用的名称池中,而是将根据市场原则购买。 这是一个合理的想法,显然可以消除共享注册表滥用,但是它仍然存在严重的潜在缺陷:

It would take many many months to set up such a system that was fair to the registry, ICANN registrars and consumers. In the meantime, the stockpile of expired domain names would start to number in the millions.

建立这样一个对注册管理机构,ICANN注册服务商和消费者均公平的系统将需要很多个月的时间。 同时,过期域名的储备将开始以百万计。

Any radically new system has the potential for malfunction and abuse. In particular, auction systems on the Net have always been less than 100% transparent. Ask anyone who’s bought or sold names at domain auction sites like Afternic. When you’re dealing with millions of names worth tens of millions of dollars, you have to get it right first time. Otherwise the fallout has the potential to be horrendous – and to take years to clean up.

任何全新的系统都有可能发生故障和滥用。 特别是,网上拍卖系统的透明度始终不到100%。 询问在Afternic之类的域名拍卖网站上买卖域名的人 。 当您要处理价值数千万美元的数百万个名称时,您必须在第一次就正确使用它。 否则,后果有可能令人恐惧,并需要花费数年的时间进行清理。

2) Use Technology to Control Access to the Shared Registry


Since we’re talking about a shared registry system here, it should be obvious that the most sensible way to deal with the problem is to employ technology to put real, physical limits on each ICANN registrar. This way, they could each be allocated a suitable amount of bandwidth and number of registry connections within any given time period.

既然我们在这里谈论共享注册系统,那么显然,解决问题的最明智的方法是采用技术为每个ICANN注册服务商设置实际的物理限制。 这样,可以在任何给定时间段内为它们分别分配适当数量的带宽和注册表连接数。

Surely such rate-limiting technology has to exist – Verisign themselves claimed to have put such measures in place on the 16th July. If these measures failed, we can only conclude that their technical competence is questionable. Either that, or their efforts were half-hearted for economic or political reasons, as now they’re arguing that they tried technology but it didn’t work, and it’s therefore not a viable solution.

当然,必须存在这种限速技术– Verisign自己声称已在7月16日实施了此类措施。 如果这些措施失败了,我们只能得出结论,他们的技术能力是值得怀疑的。 要么是出于经济或政治原因,要么是他们的努力无济于事,因为现在他们争辩说他们尝试了技术,但没有用,因此这不是可行的解决方案。

3) Release Domain Names at Random Times


Verisign, the registrar, currently release all their expired domain names in batches each morning, hence the term the ‘6.30 AM domain name goldrush’. The details of these names are known up to five days in advance to domain speculators. But this ‘batch release’ system is unique to Verisign. Other registrars delete their names in real-time, not more than 45 days after the domain’s original expiry date. These names are then immediately available for registration.

注册商威瑞信(Verisign)当前每天早晨分批发布其所有过期域名,因此,其名称为“ 6.30 AM域名goldrush”。 这些名称的详细信息在域名投机者至少提前五天之前就可以知道。 但是,这种“批量发布”系统是Verisign独有的。 其他注册服务商会实时删除其名称,而该域名的原始到期日期不得超过45天。 这些名称可立即用于注册。

Some parties have suggested that Verisign should adopt the same system that other registrars use, which would eliminate the massive number of registration attempts that are made most mornings during the goldrush hour.


The problem with this solution is fundamental: parties trying to grab domain names do so using automated scripts. These script are what cause the shared registry to collapse with the frequency that it does, and they don’t cost anything to run. If Verisign stopped dropping their names in batches, name grabbers would simply leave these scripts running for days on end, in the hope that a name would get deleted. If thousands of parties ran name-grabbing scripts continuously for days or weeks at a time, this would almost inevitably lead to the melt-down of the shared registry system.

该解决方案的问题是根本的:试图抢夺域名的各方使用自动化脚本来这样做。 这些脚本是导致共享注册表崩溃的频率的原因,并且它们不需要任何运行费用。 如果Verisign停止批量删除其名称,名称获取者将只是让这些脚本连续运行几天,以期希望删除一个名称。 如果成千上万的参与者一次连续几天或几周连续运行命名脚本,这将不可避免地导致共享注册表系统崩溃。

4) Collaboration between Registrars


SnapNames have a service called Snap-Back(TM) which allows anyone to ‘back order’ a domain name on a first-come, first-served basis, for $49. SnapNames already have several major registrars as partners, including Verisign and eNom. If others were to join in, a situation could evolve whereby collaboration, rather than confrontation, was the order of the day. But in a world of cut-throat competition between ICANN registrars in every corner of the globe, such widespread co-operation may be an elusive goal. In particular, smaller registrars with limited site traffic might feel they can make more money by grabbing names for customers directly, rather than partnering with SnapNames.

SnapNames提供一项名为Snap-Back™的服务,该服务允许任何人以先到先得的方式“倒序订购”域名,价格为49美元。 SnapNames已经有几个主要的注册商作为合作伙伴,包括Verisign和eNom。 如果其他人参与进来,则可能会出现一种情况,那就是协作而不是对抗已成为当务之急。 但是,在全球各地的ICANN注册服务机构之间的激烈竞争中,如此广泛的合作可能是一个遥不可及的目标。 特别是,站点流量有限的小型注册服务商可能会觉得,他们可以直接抓住客户的名字而不是与SnapNames进行合作,从而赚取更多的钱。

Those are some of the main options. If you have any suggestions of your own, please feel free to send them to me at lee@domainguidebook.com, and I will forward them to the appropriate parties for consideration.

这些是一些主要选项。 如果您有任何建议,请随时通过lee@domainguidebook.com将它们发送给我,我会将它们转发给适当的各方以供考虑。

So when will all this stuff get decided? There’s a quarterly ICANN conference coming up, from September 7th to 10th in Montevideo, Uruguay. We can expect some major progress there, so if you’ve got any sparkling ideas about how to distribute expiring domains, make sure you send them in soon!

那么什么时候才能决定所有这些东西呢? 从9月7日至10日,将在乌拉圭蒙得维的亚举行季度ICANN会议 。 我们可以期待在那里取得一些重大进展,因此,如果您对如何分配即将到期的域有任何闪闪发光的想法,请确保将其尽快发送!

Be sure to read Part 5…


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/domains-industry-hold/
