
tech2024-06-01  111


Content sites are publications, which gives them a business model. Commerce sites are stores, which gives them a business model. But what are community sites?

内容站点是出版物,从而为其提供了一种商业模式。 商业站点是商店,这为其提供了一种商业模式。 但是什么是社区网站?

They can be virtual town halls, they can be debating societies, they can be salons, or they can be water coolers, but none of those analogies yields a clue as to their business model.


Community sites emerged in the 1980s on systems like CompuServe, taking a portion of the revenue from the online time they generated. AOL’s decision to move to all-you-can-eat pricing in 1993 killed that business model.

社区站点在1980年代出现在诸如CompuServe之类的系统上,它们从产生的在线时间中获得了一部分收入。 AOL于1993年决定采用无限量定价的决定扼杀了这种商业模式。

The Internet boom made advertising a valid business model for a time. When banner spaces could be sold at $20 per thousand, any content on them was superfluous. But that game is over. Today many communities – whether based on Websites or email – beg their users for money (which never works) or simply toss in the towel.

互联网的繁荣使广告成为一种有效的商业模式。 当横幅空间可以以每千美元20美元的价格出售时,上面的任何内容都是多余的。 但是那场比赛结束了。 如今,无论是基于网站还是电子邮件,许多社区都在向用户讨价还价(这是行不通的),或者只是在毛巾上乱扔东西。

The reason is that many people who built Web communities did so without understanding their own role. They were building clubs in which they wanted to be members, not businesses they were going to run for profit. These communities were labors of love, but the owners are now suffering donor fatigue.

原因是许多建立Web社区的人这样做是在不了解自己的角色的情况下进行的。 他们正在建立自己想成为会员的俱乐部,而不是想要牟利的企业。 这些社区是充满爱心的劳动,但业主现在正遭受捐助者的疲劳。

However, there are models for Web communities that combine elements of content and commerce.


Like content sites, community sites should be organized around a market or lifestyle; they should register their users to provide advertisers with audited circulation figures; and they should create "membership" benefits (access to archives, special events, email access to other members) that encourage payments.

与内容网站一样,社区网站应围绕市场或生活方式进行组织; 他们应该注册用户,以便为广告客户提供经过审核的发行量; 并且他们应该创造“会员资格”利益(访问档案,特殊事件,通过电子邮件访问其他成员)来鼓励付款。

Classmates.com is a classic success story. They buy cheap ads, measure the success of these ads based on free registrations, then up-sell users to $30-per-year memberships based on the lists of high school classmates that registered guests can see in their emails.

Classmates.com是一个经典的成功故事。 他们购买便宜的广告,根据免费注册评估这些广告的成功率,然后根据注册来宾可以在其电子邮件中看到的高中同学的名单,将用户以每年30美元的价格出售给会员。

As with ecommerce sites, users of community sites can share certain needs for products or services. Site owners can make money as affiliates of other sites; they can organize buying pools (and take a little off the top); and they can build "resource pages" – thinly-disguised online malls that offer discounts to members.

与电子商务网站一样,社区网站的用户可以共享对产品或服务的某些需求。 网站所有者可以作为其他网站的会员赚钱; 他们可以组织购买池(并花一些钱); 他们可以建立“资源页面” –伪装成薄薄的在线商城,为会员提供折扣。

But in all cases, success begins by knowing your audience. You need to know your target just like a publication owner knows theirs. You need to know the products and services your target needs just like a store manager knows them. And you need to identify your members by name, address, email and interest. You need this information if you’re to place yourself at the intersection of the marketplace you’ve created, and earn yourself a piece of the action.

但是在所有情况下,成功都是从了解您的受众开始的。 您需要像出版物所有者知道目标一样了解目标。 您需要了解目标客户所需的产品和服务,就像商店经理知道它们一样。 您需要通过姓名,地址,电子邮件和兴趣来识别您的成员。 如果您要将自己放置在已创建的市场的交叉点上,并从中获得收益,则需要此信息。

Knowing who your target is will tell you who you need to be. If your community is based on a lifestyle you may be like the AARP, and seek discounts that can generate membership fees. If your community is based on a market you might be more like the folks at Supercomm, a virtual trade fair.

知道目标是谁会告诉您您需要成为谁。 如果您的社区基于生活方式,那么您可能会喜欢AARP ,并寻求可以产生会员费的折扣。 如果您的社区基于市场,那么您可能更像Supercomm (虚拟贸易展览会)上的人们。

You may have started with a virtual clubhouse, but now you’ve wound up running an association. Your members represent a powerful economic force, but it takes professional help to harness that force. If you don’t want to be in that business, find someone who is – and pay them what they’re worth. Or, if you do want to be in that business, then: welcome, but you’ve got a steep learning curve. It’s time to get serious.

您可能从一个虚拟俱乐部开始,但是现在您已经结束了一个协会的运营。 您的成员代表着强大的经济力量,但需要专业的帮助才能发挥这种力量。 如果您不想从事该行业,请找到一个真正的人,然后向他们支付他们的身价。 或者,如果您确实想从事该行业,那么:欢迎,但是您的学习曲线很陡。 现在该变得认真了。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/community-pay/

