
tech2024-06-01  105


So you’ve tried every tool out there to promote your site and achieved decent results. You’re probably thinking, "Now what?" I have one word for you — "Community."

因此,您已经尝试了所有工具来推广您的网站并取得不错的结果。 您可能在想,“现在呢?” 我对您有一个词-“社区”。

Yes, creating a community on your site is the next big step to making your site successful; but, before I tell you how to go about this, let me tell you that building a community is not going to be an easy task. It requires time and patience. But don’t worry, it will pay off.

是的,在您的网站上创建社区是使网站成功的下一步。 但是,在我告诉您如何进行此操作之前,让我告诉您,建立社区并不是一件容易的事。 这需要时间和耐心。 但请放心,它会有所回报。

What I’m going to teach you is how to use discussion forums (also known as ‘message boards’ or ‘bulletin boards’) to get repeat visitors to your site and to build your reputation.


1)如何在我的网站上安装讨论区? (1) How do I install a discussion forum on my site? )

First, you will have to choose which program you are going to use. Don’t underestimate the importance of the software being used, as it can turn off many potential ‘netizens’ of your community. Below I’ve listed some of the most popular programs available, and the pros and cons of each.

首先,您将必须选择要使用的程序。 不要低估所用软件的重要性,因为它会关闭社区中许多潜在的“网民”。 下面列出了一些最受欢迎的程序,以及每个程序的优缺点。

Ultimate Bulletin Board:


+ Plenty of features. + Clean and intuitive user interface. + Static pages, meaning less server load. + Easy to install and maintain. – Free upgrades are available only for one year. – Many people won’t be able to afford it.

+众多功能。 +干净直观的用户界面。 +静态页面,意味着更少的服务器负载。 +易于安装和维护。 –免费升级仅提供一年。 –许多人买不起。

My rating (from 1 to 10): 9 Available at




+ Speed improvements. + Compact layout. + Clean code, easy to modify. + Built-in ICQ feature. – Dynamically generated pages – extra server load. – Less features when compared to UBB.

+速度提高。 +紧凑的布局。 +简洁的代码,易于修改。 +内置ICQ功能。 –动态生成的页面–额外的服务器负载。 –与UBB相比,功能更少。

My rating (from 1 to 10): 8 Available at




+ Many features (including stats). + Price tag (free). + Very customizable without having to edit the code. – Dynamically generated pages. – Layout may confuse ‘newbies.’ – Grammar errors throughout the program.

+许多功能(包括统计信息)。 +价格标签(免费)。 +非常可定制的,而无需编辑代码。 –动态生成的页面。 –布局可能会使“新手”感到困惑。 –整个程序中的语法错误。

My rating (from 1 to 10): 8 Available at


2)如何让人们开始说话? (2) How do I get people to start talking? )

This is one of the most difficult parts in the process of building a community. People won’t start talking unless you give them a reason. Get several friends to create discussions, always participate in them, ask for moderators and opinions on how to improve the forums. Also, be sure to include a link to your forums on every page of your website. It also helps to run a contest where users can get prizes for their help (ask for a logo, a good name, forum ideas, etc.) or a simple poll regarding a current (and, if possible, controversial) topic.

这是建立社区过程中最困难的部分之一。 除非您提供理由,否则其他人不会开始讲话。 找几个朋友来创建讨论,始终参与讨论,要求主持人和关于如何改善论坛的观点。 另外,请确保在网站的每个页面上都包含指向论坛的链接。 它还有助于举办竞赛,用户可以从中获得奖励(寻求徽标,好名声,论坛想法等),或就当前主题(如果可能,还有争议)进行简单民意测验。

3)如何保持论坛活跃? (3) How do I keep the forums active?)

Once your forums are active (say, over 100 posts per day), you are not going to need to do much. Be sure to keep SPAM out of your forums by immediately deleting any blatant advertisements. This is the job of the forum moderators, who should be carefully selected based upon their knowledge of the topic and the time they are willing to spend moderating a forum.

一旦您的论坛处于活动状态(例如每天超过100个帖子),您将不需要做太多事情。 请确保立即删除所有明显的广告,将SPAM排除在论坛之外。 这是论坛主持人的工作,应根据他们对主题的了解以及他们愿意主持论坛的时间来认真选择他们。

4)事实和提示。 (4) Facts and tips.)
Do not expect to make a lot of money using banner advertisements in your forums. The click-through ratios will be too low to justify the money advertisers spend. Don’t bother with click-through networks either, you’ll make a pittance. In case you still want to put advertisements in the forums, be sure they are located at the bottom of each page to increase the click-through ratio; since users are more likely to click on them after they have read the conversation.

不要指望在论坛中使用横幅广告来赚钱。 点击率太低,不足以证明广告客户的支出是合理的。 也不要打扰点击型网络,您会觉得可惜。 如果您仍然想在论坛中放置广告,请确保它们位于每个页面的底部,以提高点击率; 因为用户在阅读对话后更有可能点击他们。 Try to ask for as much feedback as you can. Visitors love to participate in the building process of the community.

尝试寻求尽可能多的反馈。 访客喜欢参与社区的建设过程。 Don’t hesitate to delete (or edit) posts that contain either blatant advertisements or bad language. Not doing so will generate fights that might turn off some of your most active forum members.

请毫不犹豫地删除(或编辑)包含明显广告或粗俗语言的帖子。 不这样做会引起战斗,这些战斗可能会关闭您一些最活跃的论坛成员。

That’s all for now. If you followed all the tips here, you will be on a route that will build a good reputation for yourself on the Internet. It will also act as a "lead generator" for your site, as people who participate in your forums, and will come to know and trust you, will be more likely to buy your products or hire you.

目前为止就这样了。 如果您按照此处的所有提示进行操作,您将可以在Internet上为自己建立良好的声誉。 它也将成为您网站的“潜在客户生成器”,因为参加您论坛的人会认识并信任您,因此更有可能购买您的产品或雇用您。


