托管 非托管

tech2024-06-01  103

托管 非托管

One of the most important business relationships for a Website owner (whether the site’s for business or pleasure) should be with a Web hosting company.


After all, you pay a host to look after your site — you should expect them to take good care of it. So it stands to reason then that host selection is important for anyone who manages or runs their own site.

毕竟,您需要付钱给主机托管者来照顾您的站点-您应该期望他们会照顾好它。 因此,理所当然的是,主机选择对于管理或运营自己的站点的任何人都很重要。

This Guide to Hosting is in two parts. Today we’ll:

本托管指南分为两部分。 今天我们将:

look at why it’s important to choose the right host,

看看为什么选择合适的主机很重要, review a hosting assessment checklist you can adapt to yur needs, and

查看您可以适应您的需求的主机评估清单,并且 consider the aspects of shared or dedicated hosting, and choosing server software.


Then, in Part 2, we’ll explore in detail the basic elements you should consider as you develop your checklist and assess different hosts, including:

然后,在第2部分中 ,我们将详细探讨在开发清单和评估不同主机时应考虑的基本元素,包括:

disk space

磁盘空间 email accounts

电子邮件帐号 FTP Access

FTP访问 data transfer

数据传输 bandwidth

带宽 multimedia support


…and more.


But first, let’s look at why the choice of host for your site is so important.


节省面子和金钱! (Saving Face — and Money!)

How your chosen Web host looks after the server that hosts your site will reflect on you as the owner of the site. If the site is frequently unavailable due to unreliable servers, poor server configuration or the server simply being unable to handle the traffic your site receives, this will give your users the impression that you don’t really know what you’re doing. This is bad enough with hobby sites, but is of particular concern if you run a virtual store, or have potential employers trying to view your online portfolio.

您选择的Web主机如何照顾托管站点的服务器,这将对您作为站点的所有者产生影响。 如果由于服务器不可靠,服务器配置不佳或服务器根本无法处理站点收到的流量而导致站点经常不可用,这将使您的用户感到您根本不知道自己在做什么。 这对于爱好网站来说已经足够糟糕了,但是如果您经营一家虚拟商店,或者有潜在的雇主试图查看您的在线投资组合,则尤其要担心。

We’d all like to think that once our site’s up and running, it’ll always be available to everyone who wants to view it, whenever they want to. But as we all know, this certainly isn’t the case. There will always be those times when a site you try to visit isn’t available for whatever reason. That is, unfortunately, the unpredictable nature of the Internet.

我们所有人都想,一旦我们的网站启动并运行,任何想要查看它的人都将随时可以使用它。 但是众所周知,事实并非如此。 在某些情况下,您总是会出于某些原因无法访问您尝试访问的网站。 不幸的是,这就是Internet的不可预测的性质。

If your site is a business site, it could suffer from the lost opportunities to take orders or enjoy brand exposure, and personal and hobby sites, too, could miss revenue opportunities while they’re unavailable. Even not-for-profit sites can get a poor reputation if visitors find them unavailable or slow to use.

如果您的站点是商业站点,则可能会失去失去下订单或享受品牌知名度的机会,而个人和爱好站点也可能会在无法使用时错过创收机会。 如果访问者发现无法使用或使用缓慢,那么即使是非营利性网站也可能会获得较差的声誉。

While the potential loss of revenue is the most obvious reason for wanting to choose a good host, your decision can often have other ramifications than simply up-time. Quite often a problem with a host can affect the other services associated with your domain. Services such as email and FTP could also be affected, so you might find that while your site’s down, you’re also unable to check your email. Worse still, email messages could be returned to the sender, giving your visitors the conclusion that the site no longer exists…

虽然潜在的收入损失是希望选择好的主机的最明显原因,但是您的决定通常会带来其他后果,而不仅仅是正常运行时间。 主机问题经常会影响与您的域关联的其他服务。 电子邮件和FTP等服务也可能会受到影响,因此您可能会发现,当站点关闭时,您也无法检查电子邮件。 更糟糕的是,电子邮件可能会返回给发件人,使您的访问者得出该站点不再存在的结论……

服务水平保证 (Service Level Guarantees)

While undoubtedly some downtime will be beyond our control, we can reduce the risks if we choose the host that is most suitable for the needs of the site. Any host worth their salt should inform you of any scheduled downtime before it happens via email, which will allow you to make alternative plans should you need to. Of course there is no way to predict any unscheduled downtime, but many hosts will offer an uptime guarantee that compensates you in some way for any downtime over and above that scheduled. The hosts that are more confident of their levels of service will usually offer better terms of agreement than will their less competent counterparts.

毫无疑问,某些停机时间将超出我们的控制范围,但如果我们选择最适合站点需求的主机,则可以降低风险。 任何对自己负责的主机都应该在通过电子邮件通知您计划的停机时间之前将其通知您,这将使您能够根据需要制定替代计划。 当然,无法预测任何计划外的停机时间,但是许多主机将提供正常运行时间保证,以某种方式补偿您超出计划外的任何停机时间。 与服务水平较低的主机相比,对服务水平更有信心的主机通常会提供更好的协议条款。

It’s one thing to think that you’re covered by these up-time guarantees, but quite another when you think you actually have a claim for compensation. It may be an idea to keep both a print and an electronic copy of the Terms of Service and any other important documents from the day that you purchase a new hosting plan, just in case.

认为您已获得这些正常运行时间保证是一回事,而当您认为自己确实有索赔要求时,则是另一回事。 为了防万一,从购买新托管计划之日起,请保留印刷版《服务条款》和任何其他重要文件的印刷版和电子版。

Often problems can occur simply because you aren’t able to monitor the site yourself 100% of the time. There are, however, products and services that can carry out various tests to check whether your site is live. But even if you can prove that your site was unavailable to you (or to your monitoring service) for more than the agreed acceptable level, you should always check the small print: if the problem wasn’t your host’s fault, they may not need to pay up!

通常,仅由于您无法100%地自己监视站点而可能会发生问题。 但是,有些产品和服务可以执行各种测试来检查您的站点是否正常运行。 但是,即使您可以证明对您(或您的监控服务)无法使用您的站点的程度超出商定的可接受水平,您也应始终检查小字样:如果问题不是主机的错,他们可能就不需要付清!

你得到你所付出的! (You get what you pay for!)

One thing to remember is that there is a host for every site. My perfect host could be your perfect hosting nightmare! A server that is well suited for one of your sites may slow down another. And there’s no right host, so don’t even try to visit and assess them all.

要记住的一件事是每个站点都有一个主机。 我的理想主机可能是您理想的主机噩梦! 非常适合您的一个站点的服务器可能会使另一个站点变慢。 而且没有合适的主持人,因此甚至不要尝试访问并评估所有内容。

Remember, it’s in your best interests to find the most suitable host set up for your site that you can afford, otherwise you can easily get a reputation for being unreliable, unresponsive and uncaring.


建立清单 (Building a Checklist)

Before you begin to look for a host for your site, you really need to establish a checklist – a method that you can use to rate and score any host that you’re interested in. Of course, before you can assess any service, you’ll need to have a good idea about what features you want your future host to offer. This is where a checklist of every feature you’re looking for — and a collection of questions you want to ask — comes in very handy.

在开始为您的站点寻找主机之前,您确实需要建立一个清单-一种可以用来对感兴趣的主机进行评分和评分的方法。当然,在评估任何服务之前,您需要您需要对希望将来的主机提供哪些功能有所了解。 这是您要查找的每个功能的清单,以及要问的一系列问题,非常方便。

Preparing a checklist before you search for a new host can save you both time and money in the longer term. It forces you to prioritize the various features of your site, which is handy when you have a restricted budget and need to make compromises between features and cost.

在搜索新主机之前准备一份清单,可以长期节省您的时间和金钱。 它迫使您优先考虑站点的各种功能,这在预算有限且需要在功能和成本之间进行折衷的情况下非常方便。

This guide has been designed to help you prepare a checklist of features that are tailored to your particular site’s needs or expected future potential, regardless of whether you know the type of hosting features you want.


Once you’ve compiled your checklist, you’ll be able to assess much more quickly whether a particular host is suitable for your site. Since many hosts fight for a site owner’s attention (and hard-earned cash!), you’ll probably find yourself referring to your checklist frequently during your research. But this works both ways – it would be silly to host your site with the first service you came across that matched your criteria, given the vast number of hosts out there. Be discerning.

编制清单后,您将能够更快地评估特定主机是否适合您的站点。 由于许多主机争夺网站所有者的关注(以及来之不易的现金!),因此您可能会发现自己在研究过程中经常引用清单。 但这是双向的,因为存在大量的主机,所以用您遇到的第一个符合您标准的服务来托管您的站点是很愚蠢的。 敏锐。

给主机评分 (Rating the Hosts)

Once you have put your checklist of features together, you can then use it to help you rate each of the hosts. Exactly how you go about doing this will depend how important each of the features are to you. If you’ve sorted the features on your checklist in order of importance, then you can simply award points on a sliding scale, 1 point for the least important thing, 2 for the second least important, and so on. Then when you assess each host, award them a point for each feature they offer that’s on your checklist, and add them up to reach a final score.

将功能清单放在一起后,便可以使用它来帮助您评估每个主机。 您究竟要如何执行此操作将取决于每个功能对您的重要性。 如果您已按重要性顺序对清单中的功能进行了排序,则可以按比例缩放等级,最不重要的事物获得1分,次重要的事物获得2分,依此类推。 然后,当您评估每位主机时,请为他们在清单上为其提供的每个功能授予一个分数,并将它们加起来以获得最终分数。

Here are some of the features that I personally look for in a host.


Support for PHP (least important)

支持PHP(最不重要) User Control Panel

用户控制面板 Site Statistics

网站统计 Support for ASP and Perl

支持ASP和Perl Price below £10 a month (most important)


When I visit potential hosts I compare the features available with my checklist. The example scoring system shown above favors the cheapest hosts first (cost is important to me, as mine is a hobby site). If I were seeking hosting for a business site, then the cost obviously wouldn’t be so important, as the quality of the service itself would in this case be the critical element. But whatever bases you use to rate each host, the one that offers the most of the features you want will achieve a higher score.

当我访问潜在主机时,我将可用功能与清单进行比较。 上面显示的示例评分系统首先优先考虑最便宜的主机(对于我来说,成本很重要,因为我是一个爱好网站)。 如果我要为一个商业站点托管,那么费用显然不会那么重要,因为在这种情况下,服务本身的质量将是至关重要的因素。 但是,无论您使用哪种基础对每台主机进行评分,提供大多数所需功能的主机都将获得更高的分数。

The sliding scale is probably the easiest way to convert your checklist into a score or rating, but it is by no means the only way. If you have two or more features that are equally important, then you can give them all the same score. However you use the checklist, it’s sure to make the process of host assessment easier.

滑动量表可能是将清单转换为分数或等级的最简单方法,但这绝不是唯一的方法。 如果您具有两个或两个以上同等重要的功能,则可以给它们全部相同的分数。 无论您使用清单如何,都可以确保简化主机评估过程。

Remember, you get what you pay for.


It’s a sad but true fact of life that many of us have very small hosting budgets. While there are hosts out there that can offer a rather tempting deal at pocket money prices, don’t expect these hosts to offer the kinds of guarantees that come with similar but more costly packages. If your site is going to be important to your business or livelihood, do yourself a favor and look upon your hosting as an investment rather than an expense. The extra cash helps to pay for things like infrastructure, back ups and security, so if anything does go wrong you’ll be in a better position to do something about it.

我们很多人的托管预算都很少,这是一个可悲但真实的事实。 尽管有一些主机可以以零用钱的价格提供相当诱人的交易,但不要指望这些主机会提供类似但成本更高的软件包所提供的保证。 如果您的网站对您的业务或生计很重要,请帮自己一个忙,将托管作为投资而不是支出。 额外的现金有助于支付基础设施,备份和安全性等费用,因此,如果出现任何问题,您将可以更好地解决问题。

A checklist is a good way to sort out which hosts are most likely to offer the kind of hosting you want, but there really is no substitute for doing that extra bit of research in newsgroups and on message boards once you have your potential host short list. The people who will know best how a host performs will be the customers themselves, and unfortunately they can be quite hard to track down at times. Having said that, it shouldn’t be too hard to identify hosts you should avoid, as most unhappy customers like to share their experiences with likeminded individuals.

清单是一种很好的方法,可以确定哪些主机最有可能提供您想要的主机,但是,一旦您有潜在的主机简短列表,那么在新闻组和留言板上进行大量额外的研究确实是无可替代的。 最了解主持人的工作方式的人将是客户自己,不幸的是,有时他们很难找到。 话虽如此,识别大多数主机客户喜欢与志同道合的人分享他们的经验,应该不难确定您应该避免的主机。

For more information, visit Web Hosting Talk – it’s a good place to find out about hosts and ask customers for recommendations.

有关更多信息,请访问Web Hosting Talk –在这里,您可以找到有关主机的信息并向客户提出建议。

1.共享或专用托管? (1. Shared or Dedicated Hosting?)

There are three main types of server plans available from the hosting companies, or four if you include the special reseller packages that some offer. The kind of server plan you choose will depend on your current and future site needs, so it’s a good idea to know what type of plans are available, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.

托管公司提供三种主要的服务器计划,如果包括某些提供的特殊经销商软件包,则提供四种。 您选择的服务器计划类型将取决于您当前和将来的站点需求,因此,最好知道可用的计划类型以及每种计划的优缺点。

Shared or Virtual Servers


These kinds of plans allocate you a limited amount of space on a server that’s shared with other sites. The quotas you’re given for this kind of hosting will vary from host to host, but typical disk space quotas are around 50Mb, which is often more than enough for a site. This kind of hosting is usually the cheapest option (perhaps with the exception of free Web space provided by some ISPs), so you shouldn’t really expect great things from a plan that hosts your site on a shared server.

这些计划可在与其他站点共享的服务器上为您分配有限的空间。 这类主机的配额因主机而异,但典型的磁盘空间配额约为50Mb,对于一个站点而言,这通常绰绰有余。 这种托管通常是最便宜的选择(也许,某些ISP提供的免费Web空间除外),因此,您不应该对将站点托管在共享服务器上的计划真正感到满意。

Limited Languages


One of the main problems with hosting on a shared server is the fact that the features and technologies available to you will be limited. ASP, PHP and Perl are not always available on shared or virtual plans, due to security and stability issues, If they are offered, you still may not have at your disposal all the modules and components needed for your site to function correctly. JSP support on a shared server is still rare, so if you use it you may need to go for a dedicated server anyway.

在共享服务器上托管的主要问题之一是,您可以使用的功能和技术将受到限制。 由于安全性和稳定性问题,ASP,PHP和Perl并不总是在共享计划或虚拟计划中可用。如果提供了ASP,PHP和Perl,则可能无法使用站点正常运行所需的所有模块和组件。 共享服务器上对JSP的支持仍然很少,因此,如果使用它,您可能仍需要专用服务器。

Other Sites’ Problems


Don’t forget that your site will not be the only one on the server, so problems with other sites hosted on the same server as yours could cause problems with the speed of yours — or even bring your site down altogether. Obviously, the more sites on the server, and the more relaxed the hosts are about running custom-made scripts, the more likely you are to experience problems.

不要忘记,您的站点将不是服务器上唯一的站点,因此与您的服务器托管在同一服务器上的其他站点的问题可能会导致您的速度出现问题,甚至使您的站点完全瘫痪。 显然,服务器上的站点越多,主机运行自定义脚本的放松越多,您遇到问题的可能性就越大。

It would be a good idea to find out in advance how many other sites you can expect to share a server with, and the penalties you’d suffer if you ever exceed your disk space or data transfer limits. It’s very easy to exceed your data transfer limit: all it takes is for your site to become popular (either with interested users or an unruly Web-bot) and you could find yourself with either a huge bill, or a site that works on a part time basis.

最好事先找出可以与服务器共享多少个其他站点,以及如果超出磁盘空间或数据传输限制,可能会遭受的损失。 超过数据传输限制非常容易:要做的只是使您的网站变得流行(无论是受到感兴趣的用户还是不守规矩的Web机器人),并且您可能会花费巨额账单,或者某个在兼职基础。

Hosting your site on a shared server shouldn’t be too much of a problem if it’s a low traffic site with static pages, but if you expect your site to get rather busy or complicated, you really should consider a dedicated server of some description.


Dedicated Servers


Setting up a dedicated server is not as easy as renting space on a shared server, but it can do wonders for your site. Firstly, you’re free to use all the resources on the server (as there shouldn’t be any other sites residing on the server that you aren’t aware of). Having the use of all the processing power of a single computer can make a world of difference to a site, particularly if it uses databases and other server side technologies.

设置专用服务器并不像在共享服务器上租用空间那样容易,但是它可以为您的站点带来奇迹。 首先,您可以自由使用服务器上的所有资源(因为服务器上不存在您不知道的其他站点)。 充分利用一台计算机的所有处理能力可以对站点产生巨大的影响,特别是如果它使用数据库和其他服务器端技术。

Having a dedicated server also gives you the freedom (within reason) to do as you please. If your site requires JSP support, you can install it yourself (if you opt for a server with remote administration), or have your host install it for you. This is just the kind of freedom you’ll need if you build your own components and modules, or if you use technologies that are not widely supported.

拥有专用服务器还使您可以自由地(在合理的范围内)随心所欲地进行操作。 如果您的站点需要JSP支持,则可以自己安装(如果您选择具有远程管理的服务器),也可以让主机为您安装它。 如果您构建自己的组件和模块,或者使用不受广泛支持的技术,那么这只是您需要的一种自由。

Another bonus about having a dedicated server is that you can house more than one site on it if you wish. This can help you keep costs low, but you shouldn’t forget that the more sites you have on the server, the more things can go wrong.

拥有专用服务器的另一个好处是,如果您愿意,可以在其上容纳多个站点。 这可以帮助您降低成本,但您不应忘记服务器上的站点越多,出错的地方就越多。

Having your own dedicated server can be a lot of work, particularly if you have to set up the DNS entries, FTP accounts and mail settings for all the domains that are hosted on it. Some hosts will do all the hard work for you, and undoubtedly this will be reflected in the price. Be aware of the hidden charges such as making backups, rebooting the machine and other tasks associated with dedicated hosting that you might not think of at first.

拥有自己的专用服务器可能需要大量工作,尤其是如果您必须为托管在其上的所有域设置DNS条目,FTP帐户和邮件设置时。 一些房东会为您完成所有的辛苦工作,而毫无疑问,这将反映在价格中。 请注意一些隐性费用,例如进行备份,重新启动计算机以及与专用托管相关的其他任务,这些这些您一开始可能不会想到。

A dedicated server isn’t for everyone, and is probably overkill for a single simple static Website that attracts only a handful of visitors. If your site will use server side technologies and databases for most of its content, then it would certainly benefit from the extra power you’ll gain from its own server.

专用服务器并不适合所有人,并且对于仅吸引少量访问者的单个简单静态网站来说可能是过大的。 如果您的站点的大部分内容都将使用服务器端技术和数据库,那么它一定会从您自己的服务器中获得的额外功能中受益。

Co-location Servers


This is just like having a dedicated server. The difference is that you buy the hardware and set the serve up yourself, and then rent the space in the data center and connections to the Internet.

这就像拥有专用服务器一样。 不同之处在于,您需要购买硬件并自行设置服务,然后在数据中心租用空间并连接到Internet。

This option really isn’t for the beginner. At least with a dedicated server, the host will set the server up for you. With co-location, the onus is on you. It’s true that his option gives you the most freedom in terms of which software you install, but it’s also the most involved. If you’re unable to go to the data center and fix the problems yourself, you can expect hefty charges for having the host to do it for you; backups and reboots are unlikely to be free or charge.

此选项确实不适合初学者。 至少使用专用服务器,主机将为您设置服务器。 在同一地点,责任由您承担。 的确,在安装哪种软件方面,他的选择为您提供了最大的自由度,但它也是其中涉及最多的。 如果您无法访问数据中心并自行解决问题,则可以期望由主机为您做大量的费用; 备份和重新启动不太可能免费或收费。

Co-locating your computer is often far more expensive than simply renting a dedicated server from your host, and it can also be more time consuming. This hosting option is best left to the more technically-minded people — it’s not usually necessary for most sites.

与从主机租用一台专用服务器相比,共置一台计算机通常要昂贵得多,而且还可能会花费更多时间。 此托管选项最好留给技术娴熟的人使用-大多数网站通常不需要这样做。

Reseller Hosting


This isn’t one of the main types of hosting per se, but it is becoming more and more popular. Essentially it’s like an affiliate program: you receive hosting discounts in one way or another as a reward for encouraging more people to use that host’s servers.

这本身不是托管的主要类型之一,但是它变得越来越流行。 从本质上讲,这就像一个联盟计划:您以一种或另一种方式获得主机折扣,以作为鼓励更多人使用该主机服务器的奖励。

More often than not, the accounts that you’re able to resell are on virtual (shared) servers. The way that discounts are applied will depend on the host; some will charge you upfront for a reseller account and leave you to sell it on however you like, while others give you a discounted price for each standard plan they offer.

通常,您可以转售的帐户位于虚拟(共享)服务器上。 折扣的使用方式取决于主办方; 有些会向您收取转销商帐户的预付款,并让您以自己喜欢的价格出售该帐户,而另一些则会为您提供的每个标准计划提供折扣价。

You should be aware that many hosts out there now resell Web space. While this may not be a problem, you should understand that the maintenance of the servers is often beyond the control of a reseller. It would be a good idea to check whether the company or person you rent the space from is a reseller — then you’ll know who is responsible should anything go wrong (and you may even wish to host directly with the host they’re reselling, just to get more features or space).

您应该知道,现在有许多主机在转售Web空间。 尽管这可能不是问题,但您应该了解服务器的维护通常超出了经销商的控制范围。 最好检查一下您租用该空间的公司或个人是否是转售商–然后,如果发生任何问题,您将知道由谁负责(而且您甚至可能希望直接与他们转售的主机托管) ,只是为了获得更多功能或空间)。

Reseller accounts can also provide a handy alternative to anyone who has more than one site but can’t afford a dedicated server of their own. Due to the nature of these reseller accounts, however, you should remember that the more advanced and busy sites who used these services would not be running as fast as they could on a more pricey hosting option.

转销商帐户还可以为拥有多个站点但负担不起自己专用服务器的任何人提供方便的选择。 但是,由于这些经销商帐户的性质,您应该记住,使用这些服务的更高级,更繁忙的站点在使用价格更高的托管选项时将无法以最快的速度运行。

2.服务器软件 (2. Server Software)

There are so many combinations of operating systems and servers that it can be hard to know which one to go for. The two most common server configurations are Windows running Internet Information Server (IIS) or *nix (Unix based) running Apache Server. If you know more about the server platforms and the server software that can run on those platforms, you’ll soon discover that not all servers were created equal.

操作系统和服务器的组合是如此之多,以至于很难知道该选择哪一种。 两种最常见的服务器配置是运行Internet Information Server(IIS)的Windows或运行Apache Server的* nix(基于Unix)。 如果您了解有关服务器平台和可以在这些平台上运行的服务器软件的更多信息,您将很快发现并非所有服务器都是相同的。

Windows NT and Windows 2000

Windows NT和Windows 2000

Windows NT servers have become harder to find since Windows 2000 replaced NT, but as 2000 is essentially an upgrade, this is no great loss. Most Windows servers typically run IIS 4 (WinNT) or IIS 5 (Win2000), but it is certainly possible to run other servers such as Apache on the Windows operating system, even if they don’t quite work in the same way as they might on other platforms.

自从Windows 2000取代NT以来,Windows NT服务器变得越来越难找,但是由于2000本质上是升级,因此损失不大。 大多数Windows服务器通常都运行IIS 4(WinNT)或IIS 5(Win2000),但是即使在Windows操作系统上运行其他服务器的方式不同,当然也可以运行其他服务器,例如Apache。在其他平台上。

One of the main problems with using Windows as your operating system is that sendmail, which is essential to the running of some Perl scripts, can be absent (although the better scripts have provided workarounds for this). File permissions are available, although they are simple when compared to the *nix permissions that some may have grown used to (one permission setting includes all the possible users).

使用Windows作为操作系统的主要问题之一是可能缺少对某些Perl脚本的运行至关重要的sendmail(尽管更好的脚本为此提供了解决方法)。 可以使用文件权限,尽管与某些用户习惯使用的* nix权限相比,它们很简单(一个权限设置包括所有可能的用户)。

Due to the more relaxed attitude on file permissions, and the way that Windows associates file types by extension, you may find it much easier to install scripts on a Windows machine, as there are no permissions settings or paths to forget about. Password protection is also available on Windows systems, however the only downside is that you will need to have access to the actual server itself to implement passwords (unless you are running Apache). It’s always a good idea to hide sensitive data below the main Web directory rather than relying on the ability to password protect directories from prying eyes.

由于对文件权限的态度更加宽松,以及Windows通过扩展名关联文件类型的方式,您可能会发现在Windows计算机上安装脚本要容易得多,因为没有权限设置或要忽略的路径。 密码保护在Windows系统上也可用,但是唯一的缺点是您将需要访问实际服务器本身才能实现密码(除非您正在运行Apache)。 将敏感数据隐藏在主Web目录下始终是一个好主意,而不是依靠密码保护目录的能力来防止窥视。

Unix (and Unix variants)


Unlike Windows, Unix, and its many variants (Linux, FreeBSD and Sun) provide the user with more control over the configuration of the server and the software that it uses. By connecting to the server using telnet or SSH connections, it is possible for users to schedule scripts to run automatically (a cron job), edit file and directory properties and permissions, and even debug scripts as they run on the remote server! Of course, to be able to use your telnet access effectively you should know at least the basics of Unix; unfortunately it’s a little more involved than Windows, as Unix operating systems tend to use text-based commands as opposed to a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

与Windows不同,Unix及其多种变体(Linux,FreeBSD和Sun)为用户提供了对服务器及其所用软件配置的更多控制。 通过使用telnet或SSH连接连接到服务器,用户可以安排脚本自动运行(cron作业),编辑文件和目录属性和权限,甚至调试在远程服务器上运行的脚本! 当然,为了能够有效地使用telnet访问,您至少应该了解Unix的基础知识。 不幸的是,由于Windows操作系统倾向于使用基于文本的命令而不是图形用户界面(GUI),因此它比Windows涉及更多的内容。

Because Unix-based systems don’t use as many system resources as those running Windows, it tends to be a more stable and reliable option. Given identical hardware specifications, a Unix system will be more efficient, as it doesn’t need the resources that the Windows system would use simply to update and interpret the GUI. If you want more server power for your money, Unix is a good choice: not only does it boast more efficient resource management, but being open source, it’s the cheapest option as well!

因为基于Unix的系统使用的系统资源不如运行Windows的系统资源那么多,所以它往往是一种更稳定和可靠的选择。 给定相同的硬件规格,Unix系统将更加高效,因为它不需要Windows系统仅用于更新和解释GUI的资源。 如果您想花更多的钱来获得服务器功能,Unix是一个不错的选择:Unix不仅拥有更有效的资源管理,而且是开源的,它也是最便宜的选择!

Unix and its derivatives are often the platform of choice for many Web programmers that develop scripts, with many of these scripts making use of the built in Unix program, Sendmail. Due to the open source nature of the Unix culture, there are plenty of free scripts available, and many are optimized for use on a Unix-based server.

对于许多开发脚本的Web程序员来说,Unix及其派生词通常是首选的平台,其中许多脚本都使用内置的Unix程序Sendmail。 由于Unix文化的开源性质,因此有许多免费脚本可用,并且许多脚本已针对基于Unix的服务器进行了优化。

Internet Information Server (IIS)


IIS comes with full support for ASP, while other servers don’t support it without a 3rd party add-on. Chili!Soft ASP is popular for those who want to use ASP on *nix servers, however there are noticeable differences between the Microsoft version of ASP and Chili!Soft’s version, so it’s best to use a Windows server for ASP pages to ensure they work as expected. Perl and PHP will happily work on a Windows machine, although the functioning of some of the more advanced functions (which are not often used) may be quirky or missing altogether.

IIS完全支持ASP,而其他服务器在没有第三方插件的情况下不支持。 对于那些希望在* nix服务器上使用ASP的人来说,Chili!Soft ASP很流行,但是Microsoft版本的ASP和Chili!Soft版本之间存在明显的区别,因此最好使用Windows服务器安装ASP页面以确保它们能正常工作如预期的那样。 Perl和PHP可以在Windows机器上愉快地工作,尽管某些更高级的功能(不经常使用)的功能可能有些古怪或完全缺失。

Most good Windows hosts will offer configuration of the host via some sort of control panel. The more advanced control panels will let you edit settings related to the domain you’re hosting, but most should let you change the permissions of a file. The better control panels will let you customize your various error pages and offer password protection for your site.

大多数优秀的Windows主机都会通过某种控制面板来提供主机的配置。 使用更高级的控制面板,您可以编辑与您托管的域相关的设置,但是大多数控制面板都应允许您更改文件的权限。 更好的控制面板将使您可以自定义各种错误页面,并为站点提供密码保护。



Apache is a popular choice for server software because of its highly configurable nature. Because it’s an Open Source server, it evolves rapidly and there are always plenty of volunteers to help find and fix the bugs.

Apache具有高度可配置性,因此是服务器软件的流行选择。 因为它是一个开放源代码服务器,所以它发展Swift,并且总是有很多志愿者来帮助查找和修复错误。

The best thing about the Apache server is that you can configure it on a folder-by-folder basis using the .htaccess file. This contains information about how the folder and the files in it will behave when requested, and allows you to have many custom error pages, password protection and even a way to protect your images from displaying on unauthorized sites!

关于Apache服务器的最好之处在于,您可以使用.htaccess文件逐个文件夹地对其进行配置。 它包含有关文件夹及其中文件在请求时的行为的信息,并允许您使用许多自定义错误页面,密码保护,甚至可以保护图像免于在未经授权的站点上显示!

The configuration of Apache can be confusing at first, but it’s worth pursuing because it’s so flexible; spend enough time with it and you’ll be able to get it to do pretty much whatever you want it to. If you’d rather not get too intimate with the inner workings of an Apache server, then you might be able to complete the configuration using a more user-friendly control panel. This will make the task much easier to understand, and may even give you access to change the behavior of parts of the server you wouldn’t otherwise have the permissions to alter.

首先,Apache的配置可能会令人困惑,但是值得一提的是,它是如此灵活。 花足够的时间使用它,您将能够使它完成几乎所有您想要的操作。 如果您不想太熟悉Apache服务器的内部工作原理,则可以使用更加用户友好的控制面板来完成配置。 这将使任务更容易理解,甚至可能使您可以更改服务器原本没有更改权限的部分的行为。

So Which Combination Should I Go For?


While it’s certainly possible to install Apache on a Windows server, the two most common OS/Server combinations are Apache on *nix and IIS on Windows. IIS will only run on a Windows system at the present time, so having IIS on *nix is not an option.

当然可以在Windows服务器上安装Apache,但是两种最常见的OS / Server组合是* nix上的Apache和Windows上的IIS。 IIS目前仅在Windows系统上运行,因此不能在* nix上使用IIS。

If you don’t have any specific server or scripting needs, then it doesn’t really matter which combination you go for; although choosing a *nix server over Windows will give you better value for money in terms of performance and uptime.

如果您没有任何特定的服务器或脚本需求,那么选择哪种组合并不重要。 尽管在Windows上选择* nix服务器将在性能和正常运行时间方面为您带来更高的性价比。 If you need to use a specific technology and you know that it has limitations dependant on the operating system of your server, then the choice of server software should already be clear to you.

如果您需要使用特定的技术,并且知道该技术的局限性取决于服务器的操作系统,那么服务器软件的选择对您来说应该已经很清楚了。 ASP developers are better off using a Windows server running IIS, but can also use a Unix server if a 3rd Party add-on is incorporated.

ASP开发人员最好使用运行IIS的Windows服务器,但如果合并了3rd Party附加组件,也可以使用Unix服务器。 PHP and Perl developers can use any environment that supports their technologies, but it’s worth noting that Apache offers modules that improve the efficiency of these languages; so perhaps they are more suited for use on a computer that runs Apache.

PHP和Perl开发人员可以使用任何支持其技术的环境,但是值得注意的是Apache提供了可提高这些语言效率的模块。 因此也许它们更适合在运行Apache的计算机上使用。 If any PHP or Perl script requires the sendmail program, the operating system will have to be *nix.

如果任何PHP或Perl脚本需要sendmail程序,则操作系统必须为* nix。

If you’re just starting out and want to know which server is the right choice for the development of your site, base your choice on the features you think you’ll want to make use of in the future. Making the right choice early on will save you a lot of hassle; switching server side technologies from one platform to another is not as easy as simply uploading the files and hoping for the best!

如果您只是刚入门,并且想知道哪个服务器是您网站开发的正确选择,请根据您认为将来将要使用的功能进行选择。 尽早做出正确的选择将为您节省很多麻烦; 将服务器端技术从一种平台切换到另一种平台并不像简单地上传文件并希望获得最佳效果那样简单!

For more information, visit:


Windows 2000 (and IIS) – find out more about Microsoft’s server offerings.

Windows 2000(和IIS) –了解有关Microsoft服务器产品的更多信息。

Apache Server – get yourself a copy and learn more about the Apache Web Server.

Apache Server –获得一份副本,并详细了解Apache Web Server。

Chili!Soft – ASP enable your non Windows server environment using Chili!Soft.

Chili!Soft – ASP使用Chili!Soft启用非Windows服务器环境。

Unix vs. Windows NT Hosting – more about the pros and cons of each type of hosting.

Unix与Windows NT托管 –有关每种托管类型的优缺点的更多信息。

And for server-related books, try:


Apache: The Definitive Guide


Web Caching


Web Performance Tuning


Look out for Part 2 of this guide, where we’ll look in depth at the hosting features you should assess using your checklist – file support, disk space, bandwidth and more!

请查看本指南的第2部分 ,我们将在此深入了解您应该使用清单进行评估的托管功能-文件支持,磁盘空间,带宽等!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/complete-guide-hosting-1/

托管 非托管
