
tech2024-06-02  89

In the ‘6.30 AM Domain Gold-Rush’ article I set about trying to explain the buzz currently surrounding the expired domains business. This follow-up article will attempt to answer some of the most commonly asked questions that resulted from the first article:

在“ 6.30 AM Domain Gold-Rush”文章中,我试图解释当前围绕过期域名业务的嗡嗡声。 后续文章将尝试回答第一篇文章引起的一些最常见的问题:

Q) If some of the names are so valuable, why do people give them up rather than renew them?


A) There are many reasons why people don’t renew valuable names. Sometimes the owner is bankrupt, or just loses interest in the online world. Other times they have no idea of the value of the name, and just give it up to save the renewal fee. Many names are lost because the registrant doesn’t keep his domain name registration details up-to-date. In particular, e-mail addresses have a habit of becoming ‘out-of-date’ due to the owner changing his/her ISP or other reason. If the registrant is not easily contacted by e-mail, many registrars won’t try to contact them at all. The end result: the registrant doesn’t know the domain name is about to expire, and loses it. It then gets put back into the ‘expired name’ pool. Incarceration and death are some more permanent reasons why people don’t renew domain names. The list is practically endless.

A)人们不更新重要名称的原因有很多。 有时,所有者破产了,或者只是对在线世界失去了兴趣。 其他时候,他们不知道名称的价值,只是放弃它以节省续订费。 许多名称丢失了,因为注册人没有及时更新其域名注册详细信息。 尤其是,由于所有者更改其ISP或其他原因,电子邮件地址有变得“过时”的习惯。 如果不容易通过电子邮件与注册人联系,那么许多注册商将根本不会尝试与他们联系。 最终结果:注册人不知道域名即将到期,并且丢失了该域名。 然后将其放回“过期名称”池中。 监禁和死亡是人们不续订域名的一些更永久的原因。 该列表实际上是无止境的。

Q) Can I create my own expiring names list?


A) In theory, yes, it is possible. You need to start by downloading the zone files. These files contain a complete list of all the dot coms, dot nets, and dot orgs currently registered. You can get them free from Verisign, once they have approved you:

答:从理论上讲,是可以的。 您需要先下载区域文件。 这些文件包含当前注册的所有.com,.net和.org的完整列表。 一旦他们批准您,您可以从Verisign免费获得它们:

Be warned, though. These files are huge – 500 megabytes in size between them. This is just the start. Once downloaded, you have to decompress them. These files are several gigabytes in size. You must analyze them to find out which names are currently ‘on hold’. Once you have a list of domains on-hold, then you have to scan them everyday to see which ones are about to expire. As of now, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of names to scan each week.

被警告,虽然。 这些文件非常大-它们之间的大小为500 MB。 这只是开始。 下载后,您必须解压缩它们。 这些文件的大小为数GB。 您必须对它们进行分析,以找出当前“保留”的名称。 一旦您拥有待保留的域名列表,则必须每天对其进行扫描,以查看哪些域名将要过期。 截至目前,我们正在谈论每周要扫描的数十万个名称。

So that’s the theory. In practice, it is much easier to find a company specializing in doing this, week in and week out. There are several such ‘expired domain’ services out there, but be careful. Many of these services ‘leave out’ the best names, so they can sell them to private customers or keep them for themselves. DomainsBot provides an excellent service, and were just recently featured in the NY Times

这就是理论。 实际上,一周又一周地找到一家专门从事此工作的公司要容易得多。 有几种这样的“过期域”服务,但是要小心。 这些服务中有许多“遗漏”了最好的名字,因此他们可以将其出售给私人客户或自己保留。 DomainsBot提供了出色的服务,最近才在《 纽约时报》上发表

Q) I want to register names for resale. How do I maximize my chances of registering several of the best names?

问)我想注册转售的名称。 如何最大程度地注册多个最佳名字?

Not surprisingly, this was the most popular question asked! The bad news is that you are competing with thousands of other people, some of whom are professionals and have been doing this for years. The good news is there are NO SECRETS to registering the best expiring names. If your request is the first one to hit the registry after the name has become available, you WILL GET the name. To maximize your chances of getting as many good names as possible, there is plenty you need to do first.

毫不奇怪,这是最受欢迎的问题! 坏消息是您正在与成千上万的其他人竞争,其中有些人是专业人士并且已经这样做了多年。 好消息是注册最佳到期名称没有秘密。 如果您的请求是该名称可用后第一个进入注册表的请求,则将获取该名称。 为了使您获得尽可能多的好名声的机会最大化,首先需要做很多事情。

The basis for all these techniques is that in the end, what you are dealing with is a simple probability problem i.e. the more requests you can send to the registry around the time the name drops, the better your chances of getting the name.


1) Use several different registrars On any given day, one registrar might be working slowly, and a different one working at full efficiency. On another day, one registrar might be down completely. Set up accounts with several different registrars and try and register names with all of them, at the same time!

1)使用多个不同的注册服务商在任何一天,一个注册服务商可能工作缓慢,而另一个则充分发挥作用。 在另一天,一个注册商可能会完全破产。 用几个不同的注册商设置帐户,并尝试同时向所有注册者注册名称!

2) Use several browser windows With many registrars, it is possible to open multiple browser windows using a single account. This way, you can send them multiple requests in a short time interval.

2)使用多个浏览器窗口对于许多注册商,可以使用一个帐户打开多个浏览器窗口。 这样,您可以在短时间内发送给他们多个请求。

3) Use several computers For the really serious domain grabbers, this is a must. It’s even rumored that Korean professionals have rooms full of PCs just being utilized to grab falling domains….

3)使用多台计算机对于真正的域名抢夺者,这是必须的。 甚至有传言说,韩国专业人士的房间里装满了PC,这些PC仅被用来抢占域名。

4) Use a fast Internet connection It makes sense that the faster your connection to the Internet, the quicker you can send requests to the registry and the quicker you get the reply. If you are serious about grabbing names, trade-up your 56k dial-up line ;)

4)使用快速的Internet连接有意义的是,您与Internet的连接速度越快,您可以将请求发送到注册表的速度就越快,得到答复的速度就越快。 如果您真的想获取名称,请以您的56k拨号线为代价;)

5) Use registrars with ‘bulk registration’ facilities If the registrar you are using has a ‘slow’ interface (which means it takes several minutes to send a single registration request through to the registry), chances are you aren’t going to grab any decent names. You need to find registrars with bulk-registration facilities, and best of all, single-click bulk-registration facilities.

5)使用具有“批量注册”功能的注册服务商如果您正在使用的注册服务商具有“慢速”界面(这意味着将单个注册请求发送到注册表需要花费几分钟的时间),那么您很可能不会抓住任何体面的名字。 您需要找到具有批量注册功能的注册服务商,最重要的是,单击一下即可批量注册功能。

6) Use a feedback mechanism Every week there is a big drop going down; make a list of the top ten names dropping. The next day, go to a WHOIS tool like PowerWHOIS (http://www.powerwhois.com) and write down which domain registrar was used to register the best names. If you do this over a period of days, you will develop a good feeling for which registrars have really got it together when it comes to registering the names being dropped.

6)使用反馈机制每周都有很大的下降。 列出删除的十大名字。 第二天,转到诸如PowerWHOIS(http://www.powerwhois.com)之类的WHOIS工具,并写下用于注册最佳域名的域名注册商。 如果经过几天的时间这样做,您会感到一种很好的感觉,在注册要删除的名称时,注册服务商确实将其整合在一起。

Warning: Of course the ultimate way to send through as many registration requests as possible is to use custom-written scripts. This way, it is possible to send hundreds of requests through in a single minute. This is a very anti-social practice which, if widely adopted, will only lead to the whole registration system collapsing on a regular basis. Most domain registrars also explicitly ban it, and if you are caught, you will have your account closed. Don’t do it.

警告:当然,发送尽可能多的注册请求的最终方法是使用自定义编写的脚本。 这样,可以在一分钟内发送数百个请求。 这是一种非常反社会的做法,如果被广泛采用,只会导致整个注册制度定期崩溃。 大多数域名注册商也明确禁止使用它,如果您被发现,您将被关闭帐户。 不要这样

Q) I don’t want to register names for resale; I am just interested in registering one particular name for a site. How do I maximize my chances of grabbing it before the speculators?

问:我不想注册要转售的名称; 我只是想为网站注册一个特定名称。 如何最大程度地在投机者面前抓住它?

A) OK, first the bad news. You might know the name is for ‘proper use’ but the registry doesn’t. To them, every request is as valid as the next one. Therefore you have no special advantage trying to register a name about to drop. The good news comes in two parts:

A)好,首先是坏消息。 您可能知道名称是“正确使用”的,但注册表却没有。 对于他们来说,每个请求都与下一个请求一样有效。 因此,尝试注册即将删除的名称没有特殊优势。 好消息分为两个部分:

(i) Most names, 90% or more, are not valuable to resellers. If your name falls into this category, you won’t have any problem getting the name registered. You can use any domain registration site to do so. ii) A company called SnapNames has a new service called ‘Snap-Back’, which gives you a great chance of getting names during the drop. The fee is $35 per name, but this is refunded if SnapNames don’t get the name for you. So how do SnapNames manage to grab names before speculators? Didn’t you just say that ‘every request is as valid as the next one’? Absolutely true. But SnapNames have advantages over most speculators, notably that they are a very well organized and financed team and are very closely connected to several domain registrars. They use many of the same techniques speculators use to grab names. They simply implement them better.

(i)大多数名称(占90%或以上)对经销商而言都不有价值。 如果您的名字属于这个类别,那么注册该名字不会有任何问题。 您可以使用任何域注册站点来执行此操作。 ii)一家名为SnapNames的公司提供了一项名为“ Snap-Back”的新服务,这使您有很大的机会在删除过程中获取名称。 费用为每个名称$ 35,但是如果SnapNames找不到您的名字,这笔费用将退还。 那么,SnapNames如何设法在投机者之前抢占名称? 您不是只是说“每个请求都与下一个请求一样有效”吗? 千真万确。 但是,SnapNames比大多数投机者具有优势,尤其是它们是一个组织良好且资金雄厚的团队,并且与多个域注册商紧密联系。 他们使用许多与投机者用来获取名称相同的技术。 他们只是更好地实施它们。

Q) What time do names drop exactly?


A) No names drop before 6.30 AM EST. But most names actually seem to drop a few minutes after that. Names never seem to drop later than 6.45 – 6.50 AM EST.

A)在美国东部时间上午6.30之前,名称不会丢失。 但实际上,大多数名称似乎在此后几分钟就消失了。 名称似乎永远不会在美国东部时间早上6.45 – 6.50掉线。

Read on! See Part 3…

继续阅读! 见第三部分

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/securing-best-names/
