
tech2024-06-03  94


If you’ve spent any time in the SitePoint Forums, you’ll know of W. Luke, our omnipresent Administrator. For years, Wayne’s managed the forums with an expert hand — yet he’s remained a virtual enigma to the majority of Community members.

如果您花了点时间在SitePoint论坛中 ,您将了解我们无所不在的管理员W. Luke。 多年来,韦恩(Wayne's)用专家的手来管理论坛-但是他仍然是大多数社区成员的不解之谜。

Today we present the inside story on our esteemed Admin. What does he do for work? For fun? How did he get involved with SitePoint in the first place? And what are his plans for the Forums? Wayne reveals all…

今天,我们在受尊敬的管理员中介绍内部故事。 他做什么工作? 为了娱乐? 首先,他是如何参与SitePoint的? 他对论坛的计划是什么? 韦恩揭示了所有……

SP: Firstly Wayne, can you tell us a little about your history? Have you always had an interest in the Internet and worked in IT? What kinds of roles and businesses have you been involved with through you career?

SP:首先,韦恩,您能谈谈您的历史吗? 您是否一直对Internet感兴趣并从事IT工作? 在您的职业生涯中,您参与了哪些角色和业务?

Well, I grew up destined to be a cancer researcher: my mother always knew that I would find a cure! However in my second year of pre-medical school, I decided that I really didn’t like the sight of blood. It was then that I started seriously studying computers. Before that, they were a cool toy that I played around with occasionally.

好吧,我长大后注定是一名癌症研究人员:我的母亲一直都知道我会找到治愈方法! 但是,在我读医学院的第二年,我决定我真的不喜欢看到鲜血。 从那时起,我开始认真研究计算机。 在此之前,它们是我偶尔玩过的很酷的玩具。

I came to the Internet through big business. In 1989, I signed up for AOL and joined the world of instant communications. I forget what it was called then, but it was a Macintosh-only community, competing with Compuserve and Prodigy. Anyway, I started spending a lot of time online and thought it would be cool if anyone could setup a community like this.

我通过大型企业来到互联网。 1989年,我注册了AOL,并加入了即时通信领域。 我忘记了当时的名字,但这是一个仅限Macintosh的社区,与Compuserve和Prodigy竞争。 无论如何,我开始在网上花费大量时间,并认为如果有人可以建立这样的社区会很棒。

In 1994, I found HTML while I was going to technical school to become a C++ Programmer. It was a hobby and I played a little. My computing career started as an Implementation Programmer for a Banking Software company where I made customizations to our standard software package for over 80 customers. One of those customers was St. George Bank, based in Sydney. This allowed me to travel at the company’s expense, and see a little more of the world.

1994年,我上技术学校成为C ++程序员时发现了HTML。 这是一种爱好,我玩了一点。 我的计算职业生涯始于一家银行软件公司的实施程序员,在那里我为80多家客户定制了我们的标准软件包。 这些客户之一是位于悉尼的圣乔治银行。 这使我能够自费旅行,并参观了更多世界。

Since that position, I have worked for the 5th largest Insurance Company in the United States, upgrading their proprietary systems under Visual Basic and SQL Server. My last corporate job ended in 2000. That job was with Protection One, which is a security alarm company. There, I worked with three others, rewriting the entire Patrol suite to upgrade their systems over 18 months. That project included Visual Basic, ASP, C++, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase and HTML.

从那个职位开始,我就职于美国第五大保险公司,在Visual Basic和SQL Server下升级其专有系统。 我的上一份公司工作于2000年结束。该工作是与安全警报公司Protection One一起完成的。 在那里,我与其他三个人一起工作,重写了整个Patrol套件,以在18个月内升级他们的系统。 该项目包括Visual Basic,ASP,C ++,Oracle,SQL Server,Sybase和HTML。

Since then I’ve been working on my own projects, providing full time support for vBulletin and managing the Forums.


在SitePoint论坛上 (On SitePoint Forums)

SP: So how did you first get involved with SitePointForums? And to what do you attribute their success?

SP:那么您是如何第一次参与SitePointForums的? 您将他们的成功归因于什么?

In 1999, I created a Website for an online game that I liked. I was looking for ideas on how to fix a problem with its frames in Netscape 4.X.X and did a search for Webmaster Resources. At that time, I was using Hotbot all the time and Webmaster-Resources.com came up as number one. While I was checking it out, I found the forums and decided to ask for a review. Well, my site got torn apart! I implemented some changes but was determined to prove people wrong. So I read every single post made to that date. I started posting questions and ripping apart ideas. Sometimes I would post 100 messages in a day. As time went one, the Administrator of the time asked if I wanted to be a moderator. At that time only the Website Reviews forum was moderated so I decided to go for it. I started posting more, at one point one out of six posts in the forums was mine. Eventually, they asked me to be a co-administrator of the forums.

1999年,我为自己喜欢的在线游戏创建了一个网站。 我一直在寻找有关如何解决Netscape 4.XX中框架问题的想法,并搜索了网站站长资源。 那时,我一直在使用Hotbot,而Webmaster-Resources.com排名第一。 在检查时,我找到了论坛,并决定要求进行审查。 好吧,我的网站被拆了! 我进行了一些更改,但决心证明人们做错了。 因此,我阅读了该日期的每一篇帖子。 我开始发表问题并分解想法。 有时我一天会发布100条消息。 随着时间的流逝,那个时间的管理员问我是否想成为主持人。 当时只主持了网站评论论坛,所以我决定去参加。 我开始发表更多文章,有一点在论坛中六分之一是我的。 最终,他们要求我成为论坛的共同管理员。

The success of the forums, I think, can be attributed to the active management behind it. This isn’t only myself and the other SitePoint Team members but also Nicky, the Advisors and the Mentors. I could never run the forums without their help and support. It is the great content on SitePoint (and Webmaster-Resources before it), that brings people to the community. But it’s the staff and regular posters that keep them there.

我认为,论坛的成功可以归功于其背后的积极管理。 这不仅是我本人和其他SitePoint团队成员,而且还是Nicky,顾问和指导者。 没有他们的帮助和支持,我永远无法运营这些论坛。 正是SitePoint(以及之前的Webmaster-Resources)上的精彩内容将人们带入了社区。 但是,正是员工和定期的海报使他们留在那里。

SP: Everyone knows you as the Forums Administrator — but what does this role involve? What does a working day in the life of Wayne Luke actually entail?

SP:每个人都知道您是论坛管理员-但是此角色涉及什么? 韦恩·卢克(Wayne Luke)的生活中实际上需要做什么工作?

Well my days aren’t really set in stone. I usually wake up between 5:30 and 7:00 in the morning. I get my stepson off to school and eat breakfast. I’ll usually work for a couple of hours checking up on new posts, reading the nightly email. While I’m doing that, I listen to the news from a source like National Public Radio or Fox News.

好吧,我的日子并不是一成不变的。 我通常在早上5:30至7:00之间醒来。 我让继子去上学,吃早餐。 我通常会花几个小时检查新帖子,阅读每晚的电子邮件。 在执行此操作时,我会收听来自国家公共广播电台或Fox新闻之类的消息。

After that’s done, I usually check my other sites and take a break. From there I will meditate and reflect on the rest of the day. Sometimes this is includes quiet meditation and sometimes it includes playing music for my plants. After that I will work until the heat of the day which is about 4:00.

完成之后,我通常会检查其他站点并休息一下。 从那里,我将沉思并思考一天的其余时间。 有时这包括安静的冥想,有时包括为我的植物播放音乐。 之后,我将一直工作到大约4:00。

I could be more organized about my work, but most of my day is actually spent answering support questions for vBulletin. I try to relax in the heat of the day and not do much, sometimes I take a nap. In the evenings, both my wife and I are usually on the computer. I try and check a few new posts at SitePoint here and there and do some research on some subject that pops into my mind. After 11:00 p.m., I usually watch a movie or play a computer game. The schedule is slightly different on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I usually spend time packaging up and shipping sales from my online store, and helping out in the retail outlet.

我的工作可能会井井有条,但实际上大部分时间都是在回答vBulletin的支持问题。 我试图在一天中的大热时放松一下,但并没有做太多事情,有时我会小睡一会。 晚上,我和妻子通常都在计算机上。 我尝试在这里和那里的SitePoint上检查一些新的帖子,并对一些突然浮出水面的主题做一些研究。 晚上11:00后,我通常会看电影或玩电脑游戏。 日程安排在周二和周四略有不同,因为我通常会花时间打包和从网上商店运送商品,并在零售店提供帮助。

SP: How do you think SPF differs from other forums? In what ways has this difference in SPF’s character been influenced by administrative choices… choices you’ve supported, and choices you might not have fully supported? And what are some of the main points of SitePoint (excluding the Forums) that you feel are "make or break" points of the site?

SP:您认为SPF与其他论坛有何不同? SPF角色的这种差异在哪些方面受到管理选择……您支持的选择,以及您可能未完全支持的选择的影响? 您认为SitePoint的“成败”点有哪些主要的SitePoint(不包括论坛)?

Well a breaking point is Servicesbase. I don’t think it has been fully developed to its potential, and could be a much more productive part of SitePoint. I feel it should be more like a directory of services and tools available to the Webmaster. It could go much further.

一个突破点是Servicesbase。 我认为它尚未充分发挥其潜力,可能会成为SitePoint生产力更高的一部分。 我觉得它应该更像是网站管理员可用的服务和工具目录。 它可以走得更远。

While I think most people come to SitePoint for Web building information, I feel that more information could be given on the ecommerce situation, including comparisons of different providers and software packages as well as a place where people could purchase services. Unfortunately, this has never come about, much to my disappointment.

虽然我认为大多数人来SitePoint都是为了获取Web建筑物信息,但我认为可以提供有关电子商务情况的更多信息,包括比较不同的提供商和软件包以及人们可以购买服务的地方。 不幸的是,这从来没有发生过,令我非常失望。

The best part of SitePoint, I feel is the articles. There are some great contributors out there and we are all lucky they share their knowledge.

我觉得SitePoint最好的部分是文章。 那里有一些杰出的贡献者,我们都很幸运,他们分享了他们的知识。

SP: How has SPF evolved in terms of structure? What are some of the tough decisions did you have had to make — and how were you able to implement them without "losing" the team around you?

SP:SPF在结构方面如何演变? 您必须做出哪些艰难的决定?如何在不“失去”周围团队的情况下实现这些决定?

Well, I like to apply what I call "Adaptive Evolution" to the forums. They grow in a way that’s dictated by the community at large. This is why there is an imbalance of discussions — there are more on building a Website, even though I think that’s only 10% of the job, and the easiest thing to do.

好吧,我喜欢将所谓的“自适应进化”应用于论坛。 它们以整个社区要求的方式增长。 这就是为什么讨论不平衡的原因-尽管我认为这只是工作的10%,而且是最简单的事情,但建立网站还有更多内容。

However, the community keeps asking for more in that area. When I make major changes to the Community, these are often discussed with the Advisors and Mentors. This allows the group to remain a team and involves everyone in the process. I think this allows the community to grow at a good pace, but it feels more natural than it could be if handled otherwise.

但是,社区不断要求在该领域提供更多服务。 当我对社区进行重大更改时,通常会与顾问和导师讨论这些更改。 这样一来,小组就可以保持团队合作,并让所有人参与其中。 我认为这可以使社区以良好的速度发展,但是感觉比其他方法更自然。

SP: Can you describe what it’s like to work successfully in an "online team"? What kinds of challenges does working over the Internet with a dispersed team present? What tips would you give to someone else trying the same approach?

SP:您能描述在“在线团队”中成功工作的感觉吗? 与分散的团队一起在Internet上工作面临哪些挑战? 您会给尝试相同方法的其他人提供哪些技巧?

Well, the largest problem that crops up is communication.


Sometimes it’s hard to remember that visual cues don’t get translated in your words, so sometimes a comment or opinion ends up being interpreted as a reprimand, and reprimands are interpreted as being much sterner than they really are. This has caused a few problems over the last few years. Luckily, I work with a group of very talented individuals so we can usually talk it out.

有时很难记住视觉提示没有被翻译成您的单词,因此有时评论或意见最终被解释为谴责,而谴责被解释为比实际更糟。 在过去的几年中,这引起了一些问题。 幸运的是,我与一群很有才华的人一起工作,所以我们通常可以说出来。

The other problem is that with a group in a forum situation, time can pretty much be thrown out of the window. What could be handled in 15-20 minutes in a face-to-face meeting often takes weeks to handle online. As not everyone has the technology for instant communication via something like Netmeeting or Voice Over IP, it can be frustrating at times. My advice to others would be to take advantage of instant communication technologies from the start. Instant Messaging is nice, but it’s not the best solution — and conducting meetings in a forum setting is a practical impossibility.

另一个问题是,在论坛中有一群人时,时间几乎可以被抛在窗外。 在一次面对面会议中,需要15到20分钟才能处理的内容通常需要数周才能在线处理。 由于并非每个人都拥有通过Netmeeting或IP语音之类的即时通信技术,因此有时可能会令人沮丧。 我对他人的建议是从一开始就利用即时通信技术。 Instant Messaging很不错,但这不是最佳解决方案-在论坛环境中召开会议实际上是不可能的。

SP: Have there ever been any "leadership disputes" at SitePoint Forums? Do you find it difficult balancing the needs and agendas of your team members with the fact that they’re geographically remote, and participate on a voluntary basis?

SP:SitePoint论坛上是否有过“领导权纠纷”? 您是否发现很难平衡团队成员的需求和议程以及他们在地理上偏远并且自愿参加的事实?

There have been disputes over different items. However, I run the forums under what I call a "Benevolent Dictatorship". This means that in the end I have final say with regards to the forums, unless I’m overruled by the SitePoint Founders.

在不同的项目上存在争议。 但是,我在所谓的“仁慈专政”下经营这些论坛。 这意味着,最终,我对论坛拥有最终决定权,除非被SitePoint创始人否决。

This doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to the Mentors’ and Advisors’ ideas. I consider them akin to the Cabinet of the President of the U.S.A. They are more my advisors than they are the community’s: they help guide the forums, and are constantly thinking up new ideas. In this way, I think that we can come to a mutual agreement on how to direct the community without stepping on each other’s toes too much.

这并不意味着我不听导师和顾问的想法。 我认为他们类似于美国总统内阁。他们是我的顾问,而不是社区顾问:他们帮助指导论坛,并不断思考新想法。 通过这种方式,我认为我们可以就如何指导社区达成共识,而又不会过多地互相指责。

SP: What is the most difficult thing you’ve been faced with while leading this online community?


The most difficult thing is managing personal opinions on various topics while allowing an open discussion on the forums. I don’t want to say "free speech" because we don’t really allow that, but I do want to allow open discussion even if I disagree strongly with the views expressed.

最困难的事情是管理各种主题的个人意见,同时允许在论坛上进行公开讨论。 我不想说“言论自由”,因为我们实际上不允许这样做,但是即使我非常不同意所表达的观点,我也希望允许进行公开讨论。

SP: And what’s the best thing you’ve gained from your work with SitePoint?


Well, first off it would have to be the knowledge I’ve gained from everyone in the community. When I first joined the forums, I was just a hobbyist with a couple of pretty bad Websites. Since then I’ve grown, learned new technologies, and met a lot of really great people. There are many in the community that I consider good acquaintances and a few that I consider friends. This fellowship and sharing of knowledge is what I see as the community’s greatest triumph.

首先,必须是我从社区中的每个人那里获得的知识。 当我第一次加入论坛时,我只是一个业余爱好者,有几个相当糟糕的网站。 从那时起,我成长,学习了新技术,并结识了很多真正的好人。 我认为社区中有很多熟人,还有一些我认为是朋友。 我认为,这种团契和知识共享是社区最大的胜利。

SP: What’s your favorite aspect of running SPF?


The people. It’s the best place to meet people with the same work-related interests that I have — people from all over the world. Just learning about different countries and the trials they have in technology or the advances they have over what I am used to is exhilarating to me.

人民。 这是与我有相同工作兴趣的人(来自世界各地的人)会面的最佳场所。 仅仅了解不同的国家,以及他们在技术上的试验或他们在我所习以为常的方面所取得的进步,就使我感到振奋。

SP: Tell us about one thing in your history with SP that made you feel proud of SP and the job you do here.


I don’t know if there is just one thing that makes me feel proud about SitePoint or the forums. If anyone had asked me 4 years ago if I saw myself running a large community like this, I would have said "No". By nature, I am not a very outgoing person, however in the forums, that’s different.

我不知道是否只有一件事让我为SitePoint或论坛感到自豪。 如果有人在4年前问我,如果我看到自己经营这样一个大型社区,我会说“不”。 从本质上说,我不是一个很外向的人,但是在论坛中,情况有所不同。

Maybe in a roundabout way, I’d have to say that I am proud to be given the opportunity to help so many others and learn about other cultures, ways of doing business, and developing software for the Web.


SP: And where is SPF going next?


I would like to see it move towards being a more service-oriented community where people know they can get the answers they need, find great products or locate service providers to fit their requirements. It has some of these elements now, but the result is too chaotic for it to be beneficial to everyone. The goal is to bring order to these elements so that they can benefit everyone, including SitePoint.

我希望看到它朝着一个面向服务的社区发展,人们知道他们可以得到所需的答案,找到优质的产品或找到适合他们要求的服务提供商。 它现在具有其中的一些元素,但是结果太混乱了,以至于无法使所有人受益。 目的是使这些元素井井有条,以便它们可以使所有人(包括SitePoint)受益。

准时管理 (On Time Management)

SP: How much time do you dedicate to SPF each day – and how much time would you spend, on average, posting? Administrating?

SP:您每天要花多少时间专门用于SPF?平均要花多少时间? 正在管理?

I honestly don’t know. As I don’t have a time card, I’ve never tracked the hours. I would have to guess on average it would be 2-3 hours a day with spikes when a new version of vBulletin is released.

老实说我不知道​​。 由于我没有时间卡,因此我从未追踪过时间。 我将不得不猜测,平均每天要花费2-3个小时才能发布新版本的vBulletin。

SP: How do you manage your time? Do you have a fixed day routine in which you order the immense number of tasks you have?

SP:您如何管理时间? 您是否有固定的日程安排来订购数量众多的任务?

I could probably use a more set schedule, but there are many things in my life that preclude my having a schedule set in stone. Usually I just write things down and cross them off as I finish them. Any new task is added to the bottom of the list unless I’m told it is important.

我可能可以使用更固定的时间表,但是我一生中有很多事情使我无法确定时间表。 通常,我只是写下来并在完成时将它们划掉。 除非我被告知很重要,否则任何新任务都将添加到列表的底部。

SP: How do you juggle your responsibilities here at SitePoint, your other jobs, your wife, your kids and your sanity? Do you make clear distinctions between work, SitePoint and family?

SP:您如何在SitePoint兼顾您的职责,您的其他工作,您的妻子,您的孩子和您的理智? 您是否在工作,SitePoint和家庭之间做出明确区分?

Sometimes it’s very hard to juggle everything. When my family is around, I tend to place them first above anything else. This means in the evenings and on weekends, I really get very little done. Usually, I’m an early riser, so I can work easily during the day.

有时候很难杂乱无章。 当我的家人在身边时,我倾向于将它们放在第一位。 这意味着在晚上和周末,我真的干得很少。 通常,我是个早起的人,所以我白天可以轻松地工作。

Usually the weekends are so hectic though that I look forward to the workweek so I can relax a little. The fact that I work out of my home actually gives me four hours extra to work every day, though I don’t always use it for that purpose. If I worked in an office somewhere, chances are I would get less done and not have as much time for the family.

通常周末虽然很忙,但我希望能有个工作周,所以我可以放松一下。 尽管我并不总是将其用于工作,但我每天在家工作的事实实际上使我每天有四个小时的工作时间。 如果我在某处的办公室工作,我的工作可能会减少,并且没有足够的时间陪伴家人。

One thing that I do is meditate for about a half-hour every day. This allows me to focus and get settled in for the day ahead. If something happens where I can’t do my meditation, I have a very unproductive day. For working on SitePoint I check the forums and help throughout the day. Since it is all accessible through the Web, I can manage it from any PC quite easily. Other work is given a higher priority than SitePoint, though I still work to dedicate enough time to all projects.

我要做的一件事是每天冥想大约半小时。 这使我能够集中精力并适应未来的一天。 如果发生无法进行冥想的事情,那我的日子会很不好。 为了在SitePoint上工作,我会全天检查论坛并提供帮助。 由于都可以通过Web进行访问,因此我可以很容易地从任何PC上对其进行管理。 尽管我仍然致力于为所有项目分配足够的时间,但其他工作的优先级高于SitePoint。

生活 (On Life)

SP: What do you do when you aren’t working on SPF?


I manage a couple of other small sites, including a small religious community and an online store that sells items for earth-based religions, mainly things like teas, oils, herbs, gifts and books.


For hobbies, I study homeopathic medicines and herbalism and watch movies. Recently, I have started experimenting with making Mead. It is a great soothing task with a great product at the end. Occasionally, I like to play games, mainly things like Starcraft and Red Alert 2.

对于业余爱好,我研究顺势疗法药物和草药疗法,并看电影。 最近,我开始尝试制作Mead。 最终,出色的产品将是一项艰巨的任务。 有时候,我喜欢玩游戏,主要是《星际争霸》和《红色警戒2》。

I also volunteer on the local Hate Crimes Task Force to help bring them to a end. Just recently, I was appointed the Vice President of a new charitable organization where we will operate a food and clothing bank, as well as give counseling to those in need.

我还自愿参加了当地的仇恨犯罪工作队,以帮助结束他们。 就在最近,我被任命为一个新的慈善组织的副总裁,在那里我们将经营一家食品和服装银行,并为有需要的人提供咨询。

SP: Do you visit other Webmaster-related sites regularly? Which are your favorites?

SP:您是否定期访问其他与网站管理员相关的网站? 您最喜欢哪个?

The only other Webmaster sites I visit regularly are support forums for vBulletin and Oscommerce. None of the others provide me with anything I can’t find in the SitePoint Forums.

我经常访问的唯一其他网站站长网站是vBulletin和Oscommerce的支持论坛。 没有其他人可以为我提供SitePoint论坛中找不到的任何内容。

SP: You told us you use msn explorer for gaming on msn zone. What games do you like on msn?

SP:您告诉我们您使用msn Explorer在msn区域进行游戏。 您喜欢在MSN上玩哪些游戏?

Well I use it for more than games. Usually I only play things like Bedazzled and Mahjong on MSN. Occasionally, I will play chess or checkers there as well. I use MSN Explorer as the basis of all my recreational browsing, and to manage the ebay auctions I bid on. Often, I use it for browsing news, their community groups, listening to digital radio and getting the local radio. For these purposes, I feel it provides a better interface than the normal Internet Explorer one.

好吧,我将它用于游戏之外。 通常我只在MSN上玩Bedazzled和Mahjong之类的东西。 有时,我也会在那里下棋或跳棋。 我使用MSN Explorer作为所有休闲浏览的基础,并管理我竞标的eBay拍卖。 通常,我使用它来浏览新闻,他们的社区团体,收听数字广播并获取本地广播。 为此,我觉得它提供了比普通Internet Explorer更好的界面。

SP: We know you’re into fantasy books – which are your favorites, and who are your favorite authors?


I am a fantasy reader. I currently have over 800 different novels in the genre. My favorite authors include Anne McCaffrey, Anne Rice, Piers Anthony, Douglas Adams, R.A. Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, J.R.R Tolkien, and Terry Brooks. There are many other authors I like as well but these are the got-to-have ones.

我是一个奇幻的读者。 我目前有超过800部不同类型的小说。 我最喜欢的作家包括安妮·麦卡弗里(Anne McCaffrey),安妮·莱斯(Anne Rice),皮尔斯·安东尼(Piers Anthony),道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams),萨尔瓦托(RA Salvatore),埃德·格林伍德(Ed Greenwood),JRR Tolkien和特里·布鲁克斯(Terry Brooks)。 我也喜欢许多其他作者,但这些都是必备的。

SP: Can you explain your avatar to us?


It is a painting by Jonathon Earl Bowser called the Dark Knight. It was supposed to be an illustration in his unpublished novel. I picked it for the symbolism it represents to me: that of a wanderer seeking truth. You can see the whole picture here.

这是乔纳森·厄尔·鲍泽(Jonathon Earl Bowser)的一幅画,名为《黑暗骑士》。 它应该是他未出版的小说中的一个例证。 我之所以选择它,是因为它代表了我的象征意义:流浪者寻求真理的象征意义。 您可以在这里看到整个图片 。

SP: Do you ever go on vacations? If so, what’s been your best holiday experience to date? How long were you away from SPF?

SP:你曾经去度假吗? 如果是这样,到目前为止,您最好的度假经历是什么? 您距离SPF多久了?

Occasionally, I do. My wife and I always go on a religious retreat the first week of February, where we spend time meditating and focusing on life around us, and reflecting on the past year. This is the only time I’m truly away from SitePoint, as we don’t take phones, computers or any modern communications devices with us. It’s a time to be away from that.

有时候,我愿意。 我和我的妻子总是在2月的第一个星期参加宗教静修会,在那里我们花时间进行冥想并专注于我们周围的生活,并回顾过去的一年。 这是我真正远离SitePoint的唯一一次,因为我们不带电话,计算机或任何现代通讯设备。 现在是时候远离这一点了。

Other times we like to take weekends here and there to visit family. However, I simply use their computers to log in and check the forums and SitePoint. My best holiday so far in my life would have been traveling across 30 states when I was eleven and seeing many different sites. In the future, I’d like to visit Europe, mainly the northern islands of the U.K., and Australia.

其他时候,我们喜欢在这里和那里度周末,探望家人。 但是,我只是使用他们的计算机登录并检查论坛和SitePoint。 到目前为止,我一生中最好的假期是11岁那年在30个州旅行,并看到许多不同的景点。 将来,我想访问欧洲,主要是英国的北部岛屿和澳大利亚。

SP: We’ve been told that you’ve gained a lot of your knowledge from books. Which are your favorites?

SP:我们被告知您已经从书本中学到了很多知识。 您最喜欢哪个?

Favorite books? Hmmm, that’s a hard one, because I’ve read so many.

最喜欢的书? 嗯,那是很难的,因为我读了很多。

I’d have to say my all-time favorites would include the works of Homer and Virgil, the writings of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. I also liked the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Twain, and Steinbeck. You can pull a lot of information about life out of their books even though they are fictional.

我不得不说我一直以来最喜欢的作品包括荷马和维吉尔的作品,托马斯·杰斐逊和托马斯·潘恩的著作。 我也喜欢莎士比亚,狄更斯,吐温和斯坦贝克的作品。 即使他们是虚构的,您也可以从他们的书中获取很多有关生活的信息。

I’m also an avid reader of History Books and can always recommend the Encyclopedia Britannica as a good source of information. Lately I have been reading manuscripts from the 13th and 14th centuries, which cover the thinking of the time, from religion and politics, to other things like woodworking and herbalism. I don’t really read computer books. I do own a couple of hundred of them, but have never read one cover to cover. I use them as references and refer to their indexes a lot.

我还是历史书籍的狂热读者,可以随时推荐《大不列颠百科全书》作为很好的信息来源。 最近,我一直在阅读13和14世纪的手稿,这些手稿涵盖了从宗教和政治到木工和草药等其他事物的时代思想。 我真的不读书。 我确实拥有其中的数百本,但从未读过一篇封面。 我将它们用作参考,并经常参考它们的索引。

We’d like to thank Wayne for giving his time for this interview!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/forums-administrator/

