
tech2024-06-03  84


Macromedia Flash is taking over the web. It seems everywhere you look there is a flash animation playing. The thing that separates a poor flash site from a great flash site is creativity. It is pretty obvious that many people lack creativity by looking at some of the web sites out there today, however some still manage to amaze us.

Macromedia Flash正在接管网络。 看起来到处都是闪烁的动画。 将不良Flash网站与优质Flash网站区分开的是创造力。 很明显,许多人通过查看当今的某些网站而缺乏创造力,但是仍有一些人设法使我们感到惊奇。

So it all comes down to creativity….


Well, what if you just aren’t a creative person? Or even worse, what if you are creative but just don’t have the time to learn Macromedia Flash but would still like to have some flash of your own on the web?

好吧,如果您不是一个有创造力的人呢? 甚至更糟的是,如果您有创造力,但又没有时间学习Macromedia Flash,但仍然希望在网络上拥有自己的Flash,该怎么办?

“您现在可以告别每小时$ 50 – $ 100的设计师费!” ("You can now say goodbye to $50 – $100 per hour designer fees!")

What if you could make some flash animations of your own? Avoiding high hourly design rates. We’ll there are several options that allow you to be your own flash developer without any experience at all. The first thing you need to do is figure out if you want a little bit of flash on your site or a full blown flash web site experience for your viewers. If you only require a small amount of flash you should check out Swish, a small flash tool that allows you to create simple text effect animation that can really spice up your site. Check out this tool at SwishZone.com and for a small $30 investment you can add some flash to your web site.

如果可以制作一些自己的Flash动画怎么办? 避免高每小时的设计速度。 我们将提供多种选择,使您完全不需要任何经验就可以成为自己的Flash开发人员。 您需要做的第一件事就是弄清楚您是希望站点上有一点点Flash还是为观看者带来完整的Flash网站体验。 如果您只需要少量的Flash,则应查看Swish,这是一个小型Flash工具,可让您创建简单的文本效果动画,从而为您的网站增光添彩。 在SwishZone.com上查看此工具, 只需花费30美元的少量投资,您就可以在网站上添加一些Flash。

Now, if you are looking for something a bit more "flashy" than what Swish has to offer, check out Flash Blaster. This flash tool let’s you create a fully animated splash screen (short animation at the start of your web site) for your web site and they offer a selection of packages to suit your needs. For more information check out FlashBlaster.com

现在,如果您正在寻找比Swish提供的功能更“华丽”的东西,请查看Flash Blaster。 使用此Flash工具,您可以为您的网站创建一个完全动画的启动屏幕(网站开头的简短动画),并且它们提供了一些适合您需要的软件包。 有关更多信息,请访问FlashBlaster.com。

Finally, for the user who wants a fully animated flash web site presence on the web but you are "creatively challenged" or don’t have the time to learn how to use Macromedia Flash, there are solutions out there for you. To mention a few, eFlash Technologies, Balthaser, and Tough Media, all offer utilities that create fully animated flash web sites.

最后,对于希望在网页上使用完全动画的Flash网站但您却面临“严重挑战”或没有时间学习如何使用Macromedia Flash的用户,这里有适合您的解决方案。 仅举几例, eFlash Technologies , Balthaser和Tough Media都提供了创建完全动画Flash网站的实用程序。

I have decided to focus on what eFlash Technologies has to offer due to the fact that the Balthaser system is too complex for the average "Joe" and Tough Media doesn’t have as many templates to offer as eFlash Technologies. eFlash Technologies also has an interesting business opportunity.

由于Balthaser系统对于一般的“ Joe”而言过于复杂,而Tough Media没有eFlash Technologies提供的模板那么多,因此我决定专注于eFlash Technologies提供的产品。 eFlash Technologies也有一个有趣的商机。

eFlash Technologies Inc. has developed a powerful, build-it-yourself multimedia flash web site tool that lets anyone create a flash presence in a matter of minutes. If you were able to use your computer to read this article, you could use the eFlash system. Using the web site building tool, you select from a series of template designs (your sites graphical layout), then enter the site content, select some background music, the site background color and voila!, your site is created on the fly! You can also log into the eFlash system 24/7 to edit your content and design style.

eFlash Technologies Inc.已经开发了功能强大的自行构建多媒体Flash网站工具,任何人都可以在几分钟内创建Flash展示。 如果您能够使用计算机阅读本文,则可以使用eFlash系统。 使用网站构建工具,您可以从一系列模板设计(您的网站图形布局)中进行选择,然后输入网站内容,选择一些背景音乐,网站背景颜色和voila !,即可即时创建网站! 您也可以登录eFlash系统24/7编辑您的内容和设计风格。

Don’t just take my word for it, check out the companies I have mentioned in this article and start making some flash of your own.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/tools-wont-break-bank/

