
tech2024-06-03  83


Every content site manager I know is trying to “force” registration these days.


The process has its attractions. You can send email to a registered user. You can count registrations in your presentations to potential advertisers. You can even name and identify registered users. You can survey them. There are all sorts of ways to make money off ’em.

这个过程有其吸引力。 您可以将电子邮件发送给注册用户。 您可以将演示文稿中的注册统计给潜在的广告客户。 您甚至可以命名和标识注册用户。 您可以对其进行调查。 有各种各样的赚钱方法。

But all this misses a key Clue, a Clue that every single business publisher knows in their bones: the purpose of controlling circulation is to prove to advertisers that you reach their target.


每个广告商想知道的 (What Every Advertiser Wants to Know)

As in all things related to business, you see, it’s not about you. It’s about them, the people who pay your bills: your customers. Or in this case, your advertisers.

就像所有与业务有关的事物一样,这与您无关。 是关于他们的,是您付款的人:您的客户。 或者,在这种情况下,您的广告客户。

There are two reasons why people buy ads. One is for direct marketing, and Websites have always used direct marketing metrics. A "clickthrough" is a direct marketing metric – it measures an action, a "click" to an ad, one vital step down the sales funnel. And most campaigns that measure clickthroughs also measure "conversions," the offer’s success in generating sales from prospects.

人们购买广告有两个原因。 一种是直接营销,网站一直使用直接营销指标。 “点击”是一种直接的营销指标,它衡量的是操作,对广告的“点击”,是降低销售渠道的重要步骤。 而且大多数衡量点击率的广告系列也都衡量“转化”,这是要约成功地从潜在客户中产生销售额的原因。

But if someone buys an ad for its branding impact, they want more. Direct marketing metrics aren’t enough: they want to know that their ad hit its target. If the target is Website managers, the campaign must hit all of them, multiple times. The purpose of building a campaign that incorporates various media is to do just that.

但是,如果有人购买广告以提升品牌影响力,他们就会想要更多。 直销指标还不够:他们想知道自己的广告达到了目标 。 如果目标是网站管理员,则该广告系列必须多次击中所有人。 建立一个包含各种媒体的运动的目的就是这样做。

So, the advertiser asks, how many site managers do you have in your audience? What size sites do they represent? How much do they spend? How big a piece of the market does that represent – in terms of people and dollars? And can you prove it (see this report for information on audits)?

因此,广告客户问,您的受众群体中有多少个站点管理员? 它们代表什么规模的网站? 他们花多少钱? 以人和美元计算,该市场有多大代表? 并且您可以证明它(有关审计信息,请参阅此报告 )?

These are all valid questions. Controlled-circulation print publications can answer them, but most Websites can’t. So advertisers who now buy print, don’t buy the Web. Until sites can answer these questions with the precision of their print counterparts, they’re poor media for building brands.

这些都是有效的问题。 受控流通的印刷出版物可以回答这些问题,但大多数网站无法回答。 因此,现在购买印刷品的广告商不会购买网络。 在网站无法像他们的印刷同行们那样精确地回答这些问题之前,它们对于建立品牌来说是糟糕的媒体。

你需要给他们什么 (What you Need to Give Them)

Registration would seem to let you answer those questions. Forcing people to register in order to access your site would seem to guarantee answers.

注册似乎可以让您回答这些问题。 强迫人们注册才能访问您的网站似乎可以保证答案。

But if you’re thinking that way, you’re thinking wrong. Again, this is not about you, but about them. Although the definition of "them" has changed: now we’re talking about readers.

但是,如果您以这种方式思考,那么您就错了。 再次,这不是关于您,而是关于他们。 尽管“他们”的定义已更改:现在我们正在谈论读者。

If you are to justify yourself as a brand-building medium, you have to convince the readers in your target market that they should register with you. Magazines do this with "qualcards", detailed questionnaires given to prospective readers. Those who measure up – and hit the target – get a free print magazine, and those who don’t, don’t.

如果要证明自己是建立品牌的媒介,则必须说服目标市场的读者他们应该向您注册。 杂志通过向准读者提供详细的问卷“质量卡”来做到这一点。 那些“衡量”并达到目标的人会获得免费的印刷杂志,而那些不这样做的人则不会。

I have personally filled out dozens of qualcards over the years, and (because I’m a reporter, not a "player" in advertising, or computer networking) I’ve been turned down many times, too. PC Week didn’t want me in the 1980s because I didn’t buy enough PC equipment and related supplies. Infoworld didn’t want me because I wasn’t a big buyer of network equipment. Advertising Age didn’t want me because I wasn’t in that business.

多年来,我亲自填写了许多合格卡,而且(因为我是记者,而不是广告或计算机网络的“参与者”),我也被拒绝了很多次。 PC Week在1980年代不想要我,因为我没有购买足够的PC设备和相关用品。 Infoworld不想我,因为我不是网络设备的大买家。 广告时代不想要我,因为我不从事这项业务。

In short, if you don’t hit the target, your registration is worthless. If you do hit the target, on the other hand, your registration is golden. So design an online "qualcard" that will hit your industry target, and only approve those registrations that meet your standards.

简而言之,如果您没有达到目标,那么您的注册将毫无价值。 另一方面,如果您确实击中了目标,则您的注册非常成功。 因此,设计一个可以达到您的行业目标的在线“质量卡”,并且只批准那些符合您标准的注册。

The best example of this principle on today’s Web is Variety.

在当今的网络上,此原则的最好例子是Variety 。

品种指标的价值 (Variety Targets for Value)

Variety targets the entertainment business. Its list is a who’s who of TV, movies, and the rest. Variety wants those people as readers – it doesn’t want the rest of us.

多样化针对娱乐业务。 它的名单是电视,电影以及其他领域的名人录。 多样性希望这些人作为读者–它不需要我们其他人。

So this year Variety hit upon a plan. Print subscribers would continue to get free access to Variety.com. Non-subscribers could apply to subscribe, but if they were turned down, they could still buy access at $59 per year.

因此,今年综艺节目创下了计划。 印刷订户将继续免费访问Variety.com。 非订阅者可以申请订阅,但如果遭到拒绝,他们仍然可以每年59美元的价格购买访问权限。

How..? Next week, we’ll talk about how Websites can get their readers to say "yes" to such an audacious demand.

怎么样..? 下周,我们将讨论网站如何使读者对如此大胆的要求说“是”。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/purpose-visitor-registration/

