
tech2024-06-03  81


The human mind is a busy place.


Getting the attention of another person is always a complex process, but it’s the cornerstone of marketing. Fortunately, the basic concepts of learning theory and memory can assist advertisers in their mission. Domain Branding leverages your domain name, making it a powerful marketing tool. There can even be almost measurable financial benefits to meaningful & easily remembered corporate identities!

引起另一个人的关注始终是一个复杂的过程,但这是营销的基石。 幸运的是,学习理论和记忆的基本概念可以帮助广告商完成任务。 域名品牌利用您的域名,使其成为功能强大的营销工具。 有意义且易于记忆的公司身份甚至可以带来几乎可衡量的财务收益!

How can you communicate a message that will be seen, heard and most importantly, remembered by your audience? And how can you do it cost effectively, when media evolves before our eyes on a daily basis? Like other advertisers, you need to navigate through the cluttered marketplace and have your message remembered. Domain Branding is the solution.

您如何传达将被听众看到,听到和最重要的是记住的信息? 当媒体每天在我们眼前发展时,您如何才能有效地降低成本? 像其他广告商一样,您需要在混乱的市场中导航并记住您的信息。 域品牌是解决方案。

Let’s look at the elements that affect the communication of your message. First, we’ll explore what’s known about mind, memory and learning. Then we’ll apply this to the business world, with examples that use these theories to get messages remembered cost effectively.

让我们看一下影响消息传递的元素。 首先,我们将探索关于思维,记忆和学习的知识。 然后,我们将其应用到商业领域,并提供使用这些理论的示例,以节省成本地记住消息。

新媒体–同脑 (New Media – Same Brain)

The means of communication change dramatically, on a continual basis. Mixing new and existing media is the marketer’s latest challenge. Online marketers discover with each new campaign that traditional assumptions about communication fail to succeed in the electronic environment. However, while the media evolve, the less easily controlled factors of brain structure and memory capacity do not.

通讯方式不断变化。 混合新媒体和现有媒体是营销人员的最新挑战。 在线营销人员在每次新活动中都发现,关于交流的传统假设在电子环境中无法成功。 但是,随着媒体的发展,大脑结构和记忆能力较难控制的因素却没有。

In fact, understanding the historical evidence as to how people learn may now be more important than ever.


学习能力 (Learning Capacity)

A customer’s phone call to your business in direct response to an advertisement is a learned activity. However, not all the factors of learning can be influenced by the advertiser. For instance, you can’t control the prior experiences, brain structure, intelligence and genetics of your target audience. And each of these factors can impact on learning.

客户直接响应广告打给您企业的电话是一种学习活动。 但是,并非所有学习因素都可以受到广告客户的影响。 例如,您无法控制目标受众的先前经验,大脑结构,智力和遗传学。 这些因素都会影响学习。

The theoretical limit of human memory is two bits per second(1), which means that your audience can learn up to two little pieces of information each second. This provides each individual with only a few hundred megabytes of memory for their entire lifetime – and, as you can imagine, there are far more stimuli available for our learning than what we can actually manage to take in. This memory limit also has direct implications for advertisers, who must obviously fight for very limited space.

人类记忆的理论极限是每秒两位(1) ,这意味着您的听众每秒最多可以学习两个小信息。 这为每个人的整个生命周期提供了仅数百兆的内存,并且,正如您可以想象的那样,我们学习所能获得的刺激远远超过了我们实际能够吸收的刺激。这种内存限制也有直接的含义。对于广告商而言,他们显然必须争取非常有限的空间。

The challenge is to be that communicator who successfully grabs those two crucial bits. But what happens once your message is learned?

面临的挑战是成为成功抓住这两个关键要素的沟通者。 但是,一旦了解到您的信息会发生什么?

忘了 (Forgetting)

A message that’s not remembered is a dollar spent without a return. The audience’s rate of retention will increase with repetition, especially when that repetition brings with it associated memories of satisfying experiences. So, if you can tap into a pleasurable sensation within the minds of your audience members, you’ll enjoy a greater chance of having your message remembered.

一条不记得的消息是花了一美元而没有回报。 观众的保留率会随着重复的增加而增加,尤其是当重复带来相关的令人满意的回忆时。 因此,如果您可以在听众的心中发掘一种愉悦的感觉,那么您将有更大的机会记住您的信息。

But the rate of forgetting is greatest immediately after learning occurs. Fortunately, we can use learning theory to help make our promotions more memorable.

但是一旦学习发生,遗忘率最高。 幸运的是,我们可以使用学习理论来使我们的晋升更加令人难忘。

学习理论基础 (The Basis of Learning Theory)

Learning theories, and the techniques advertisers use to motivate their audiences, are based on four assumptions:


Drive – an internal state of tension that requires action

驱动力 –内部紧张状态,需要采取行动

e.g. The user thinks ‘this computer’s too slow!’


Cue – an environmental stimulus

提示 –环境刺激

e.g. The user sees your ad for new computers.


Response – the reaction

React -React

e.g. The user thinks ‘hey, that looks like good value!


Reinforcement – a reward given to the respondent for their response

强化 –给予答辩人奖励

e.g. You provide quality service which causes the user to think ‘What a good choice that was’ – and can encourage their return custom.


学习理论的变化 (Variations of Learning Theory)

The major theories of learning are split into two groups:


the various forms of behaviorism and

行为主义的各种形式和 the more recent cognitive theories.


Behaviorism assumes that we learn, and are conditioned, through outside influences. Cognitive theories place more emphasis on the internal choices made by the individual.

行为主义假设我们通过外部影响来学习并受其制约。 认知理论更加强调个人的内部选择。



Behaviorism’s bottom line is that we will respond only as we have been conditioned to respond, and that a greater amount of conditioning produces a greater response.


These assumptions imply that whichever advertiser has the most money – and can buy the greatest number of media spots for their communication – will win. To the advertiser with a limited budget, this would be very limiting and discouraging indeed.

这些假设表明,无论哪个广告客户拥有最多的钱,并且可以购买最多数量的媒体用于他们的交流,都将赢得胜利。 对于预算有限的广告客户而言,这将是非常有限的,并且确实令人沮丧。

Cognitive Theories


The more recent theories of cognitive learning accredit the individual with a great deal more complexity. These theories argue that the learning process is more complex: people are not simply conditioned, but also employ problem solving and insightful thinking while they learn. These two processes are crucial to the effectiveness of an advertiser’s message, given the speed at which the media now evolve.

认知学习的最新理论使个人更加复杂。 这些理论认为,学习过程更为复杂:人们不仅受到条件的限制,而且在学习过程中也会采用解决问题和有见地的思维方式。 考虑到媒体的发展速度,这两个过程对于广告商信息的有效性至关重要。

Recent cognitive theories of memory(2) suggest that there are two factors involved in learning: the conscious and the unconscious. While we are used to the idea of conscious remembering, there are also automatic, unconscious processes going on in the mind that assess how familiar an item is. And this theory suggests that those advertisements that leverage an individual’s existing familiarity will be more effective than those which merely seek to condition the audience to remember something completely new.

最近的记忆认知理论(2)表明,学习涉及两个因素:有意识的和无意识的。 当我们习惯于有意识的记忆时,头脑中还会发生自动的,无意识的过程,以评估物品的熟悉程度。 这个理论表明,那些利用个人现有的熟悉度的广告将比那些仅仅试图限制听众记住全新事物的广告更为有效。

学习理论与广告 (Learning Theory & Advertising)

You may have already spent a tremendous amount of time and money on advertising. But you can increase the effectiveness of your communications by leveraging the learning theories, and applying them to New Media in a way that encourages users to remember your message. In short, you can make the process of Drive, Cue, Response and Reinforcement work cost-effectively for your business.

您可能已经在广告上花费了大量时间和金钱。 但是,您可以利用学习理论并将其应用到新媒体中,以鼓励用户记住您的信息,从而提高交流的效率。 简而言之,您可以使业务的驱动,提示,响应和加固过程经济高效地进行。

新媒体和域名品牌 (New Media & Domain Branding)

Your domain name is often your first exposure to the audience, and your first chance to generate consumer response. It’s the point at which hundreds of thousands of consumers make the decision to visit your site, or move on. And it’s also the point of return. Of all the Websites you’ve visited, which do you remember? And which will you return to?

您的域名通常是您第一次与受众群体接触,也是您第一次引起消费者反响的机会。 在这一点上,成千上万的消费者决定访问您的网站或继续前进。 这也是回报的重点。 在您访问过的所有网站中,您还记得哪些? 您将返回哪一个?

Learning theory teaches us that certain associative messages will be remembered better than others amid the clutter of communications in the marketplace. And, as we saw above, the names that are the most easily remembered are those that are associated with good memories. This has some serious implications for Domain Branding.

学习理论告诉我们,在市场交流混乱的情况下,某些联想信息会比其他信息更好地被记住。 而且,正如我们在上面看到的,最容易记住的名字是与美好回忆相关的名字。 这对域名品牌产生了严重的影响。

It’s important also to note that the decay rate for ad messages (i.e. the rate at which they’re forgotten) can be reduced in two key ways. The first method is to increase the meaningfulness of your communication to your audience. More meaningful or more vivid material is retained longer.

同样重要的是要注意,广告消息的衰减率(即被遗忘的消息率)可以通过两种主要方法降低。 第一种方法是增加交流对听众的意义。 更有意义或更生动的材料可以保留更长的时间。

Decay can also be reduced by the inclusion of incongruent elements in your message. A name that creates a disparity, which in turn jogs memories of normal associations, is more likely to be retained if it is meaningful to the audience.(3)

消息中包含不一致的元素也可以减少衰减。 如果名称对观众有意义,那么会产生差异的名称会反过来缓和正常联想的记忆。 (3)

这是什么意思呢? (What Does it All Mean?)

A Domain Name Retention Program based on meaningful and incongruent domain names can dramatically reduce your advertising costs. How? It’s simple. Domain Branding that’s based on familiar and positive experiences tends to be remembered longer, requiring less repetition and, as a result, a smaller advertising spend. Your customers remember you easily – and they come back.

基于有意义且不一致的域名的域名保留程序可以大大降低您的广告费用。 怎么样? 这很简单。 基于熟悉和积极经验的域名品牌往往会被记住得更长,需要更少的重复,因此,广告支出也更少。 您的客户很容易记住您-他们会回来。

研究过程 (The Research Process)

We performed a study to prove this hypothesis. Domains were selected primarily on memorable branding that was correlated to the underlying theories of human recall. The results aimed to identify those elements of a prospect’s bricks-and-mortar life that produced satisfying memories, and would thereby render the greatest degree of recall at the lowest cost, across all media.

我们进行了一项研究以证明这一假设。 域名的选择主要是根据令人难忘的品牌来进行的,这些品牌与人类回忆的基本理论相关。 这些结果旨在确定潜在客户的实体生活中那些产生令人满意的回忆的元素,从而在所有媒体上以最低的成本实现最大程度的召回。

We explored whether it was possible to combine and leverage the various learning theories. And we analyzed which names were most likely to be remembered the longest, and forgotten slowest. We tested hundreds of names against consumer recall and noted only those domains that were the most quickly remembered and most slowly forgotten – the most durable names.

我们探讨了是否有可能合并和利用各种学习理论。 然后,我们分析了记住时间最长,忘记最慢的名字。 我们针对消费者的召回测试了数百个名称,并仅记录了那些记忆最Swift,遗忘最缓慢的域名-最持久的域名。

结果 (The Results)

The names that were found to be the most durable when communicated through new media were those that reminded the listener of traditional media and real life experiences.


The most successfully memorized and recalled domain names integrated familiar expressions (e.g. ACloseCall.com), and incongruence (e.g. Elarming.com). Other easily remembered, durable, and cost-reducing domain categories included:

最成功地记忆和调用的域名集成了熟悉的表达式(例如ACloseCall.com)和不一致(例如Elarming.com)。 其他易于记忆,持久且可降低成本的领域类别包括:

unique spoken phrases

独特的口语短语 memorable one-worders

难忘的单词 keyword-rich domains easily found by search engines

搜索引擎可以轻松找到关键字丰富的域名 familiar phrases that humorously mirror culture and society.


To make an audience recall a domain name that wasn’t already within audience members’ memories would obviously cost more than it would if the name contained elements that had already been assimilated into the audience’s memory. The dotcom suffix makes effective names even more memorable because we hear, see and recall them instantly. In all cases, .net and .org were avoided as they were deemed not to be part of an audience’s everyday experience. Computer-generated names that had no associations were avoided. And attempts to use dotcoms that were simply different (OfficeSuppliersX.com) were also avoided, unless they were memorable and musical, such as ScoobieDoobieDoo.com. The motive for using slight differences between names was usually economic, as a computer-generated domain costs less to register than does the process of buying one or hiring a naming consultant.

要让听众想起一个不在听众记忆中的域名,显然要比该域名包含已经被听众记忆的元素花费更多。 dotcom后缀使有效的名称更加令人难忘,因为我们可以立即听到,看到和回忆它们。 在所有情况下,均应避免使用.net和.org,因为它们被认为不属于听众的日常体验。 避免使用没有关联的计算机生成的名称。 并且避免了尝试使用完全不同的dotcom(OfficeSuppliersX.com),除非它们令人难忘且具有音乐性,例如ScoobieDoobieDoo.com。 使用名称之间的细微差别的动机通常是经济的,因为计算机生成的域名的注册成本要比购买域名或雇用命名顾问的过程少。

获奖名字 (The Winning Names)

1. Unique Spoken Phrases that Jog Unconscious Memories.


Because they are read in the same way that we speak them, these names are recalled most easily and forgotten slowest. Such expressions included:

由于阅读它们的方式与我们说它们的方式相同,因此最容易记住这些名称,而忘记得最慢。 这些表达包括:


AQuotePlease.com Cost-Effectively.com


and a wide assortment of others that are indelibly imprinted on the collective psyche.


2. Memorable One-Worders


These names included neologisms from common and uncommon meanings that had already been imprinted on the collective mind:



Conniptions.com Digitizable.com

Digitizable.com eCentivize.com

eCentivize.com Elarming.com

Elarming.com iCentivize.com

iCentivize.com Magicianship.com

Magicianship.com Netologism.com


These were the most easily remembered names – users recalled them before even hearing them. Unconscious memory was obviously at work here.

这些是最容易记住的名称-用户甚至在听到它们之前就已经对其进行了回忆。 无意识的记忆显然在这里起作用。

3. Keyword-Rich Domains


These names were most easily recalled when they contained familiar phrases like:



eCustomerFocus.com InternetBusinessLibrary.com


4. Phrases Mirroring Culture Humorously


These names grabbed users’ attention because they were both incongruent and familiar:



eConniptions.com eDealize.com

eDealize.com eFieFoeFum.com


5. Generic Names Without Gimmicky Associations





Ecommerce-Cheap.com MultimediaCheap.com

MultimediaCheap.com NetsOfficialHome.com

NetsOfficialHome.com OfficialHomeRun.com

OfficialHomeRun.com PriceConscious.com


These names were recalled even when they were two or more words in length.




1. Ralph Merkle: "How Many Bytes In Human Memory"

1. Ralph Merkle:“人类记忆中有多少字节”

2. Jacoby (1991): Two Factor Theory

2. Jacoby(1991):两因素理论

3. Karen Finlay, University of Guelph

3.圭尔夫大学Karen Finlay

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/remembered-makes-big-money/

