
tech2024-06-05  108


It’s now more important than ever for companies to translate shrinking marketing budgets into concrete sales results. Internet newsletters provide a unique opportunity for companies to accomplish this by creating synergy between these two disciplines.

现在,对于公司而言,将不断缩减的营销预算转化为具体的销售成果比以往任何时候都更为重要。 互联网新闻通讯通过在这两个领域之间建立协同作用,为公司提供了实现此目标的独特机会。

(正确的)信息卖 ((The Right) Information Sells)

While many companies have distributed newsletters for a long time, most have failed to optimize the sales power of the medium. Typically, newsletters are filled with marketing copy that touts the company’s accomplishments, and ignores a basic fact – customers don’t care about this type of news.

尽管许多公司已长期分发新闻通讯,但大多数公司未能优化该媒体的销售能力。 通常,时事通讯中充斥着推销公司业绩的营销文案,而忽略了一个基本事实:客户不关心此类新闻。

People want to receive information that’s useful and relevant to their business lives, not hear about your latest merger or strategic partnership. In effect, companies are wasting a great opportunity to not only push out a message to prospects or customers, but also to pull them to the company.

人们希望收到对他们的业务生活有用且相关的信息,而不是想知道您最近的合并或战略合作伙伴关系。 实际上,公司正在浪费大量机会,不仅向潜在客户或客户发布信息,而且还将其吸引到公司。

The companies that successfully win their customers’ allegiance will be those that concentrate on business fundamentals, and reach out to potential customers to sell the solution itself, not just the company’s services.


How can you achieve this? First, understand your readers’ psychology. Then, emphasize three key themes – trust, stability and value – to bring your message closer to the customer’s world.

你怎么能做到这一点? 首先,了解读者的心理。 然后,强调三个关键主题-“信任,稳定性和价值”,以使您的信息更贴近客户的世界。

收件箱之战 (The Battle for the Inbox)

Most of the home pages your customers know are the ones that routinely appear in their inboxes. In effect, companies have used opt-in email to change the venue in which they’re competing. In doing so, they’ve gone from fighting for attention online to enjoying predictable mindshare through newsletters and e-mail campaigns.

您的客户知道的大多数主页都是通常显示在其收件箱中的主页。 实际上,公司已经使用选择加入的电子邮件来更改他们竞争的场所。 为此,他们已经从争取在线注意力转向通过新闻通讯和电子邮件活动享受可预见的思想分享。

But the average business person now gets over 50 emails a day. When they open their inbox, they have just three questions in mind – which do I read, which do I save to read later, and which do I delete without opening? If your company bombards prospects with information they aren’t interested in, your newsletters will quickly be deleted and your subscriber lists will shrink.

但是现在,普通商务人士每天会收到超过50封电子邮件。 当他们打开收件箱时,他们只想到三个问题-我读哪些书,以后保存以备阅读,以及不打开就删除哪些书? 如果您的公司用他们不感兴趣的信息轰炸潜在客户,则您的新闻通讯将Swift被删除,订户列表也会缩小。

So how can you compete?


出售时事通讯 (Newsletters that Sell)

To optimize your newsletter’s effectiveness, populate each issue with articles that surround the business problem and allay customers’ fears. Focus on making it easy for customers to buy your services.

为了优化时事通讯的效率,请在每个问题上填充围绕业务问题并缓解客户担忧的文章。 专注于使客户易于购买您的服务。

There are three broad themes that surround every business problem. Focus your Internet newsletters on these themes, and you’ll automatically provide the kind of information that enables prospects to better assess, and ultimately choose, your services:

每个业务问题都围绕三个主题。 将您的Internet新闻通讯集中在这些主题上,您将自动提供可以使潜在客户更好地评估并最终选择服务的信息:

Trust – Companies must reduce concerns that, after customers invest considerable time and resources in the service, the provider will disappear. Several factors can put potential customers’ fears to rest.

信任 –公司必须减少担心,即客户在服务中投入大量时间和资源后,提供商将消失。 有几个因素可以消除潜在客户的恐惧。

Branded partners – Team up with the members of your industry’s highest echelon – these players don’t back losers

品牌合作伙伴–与行业最高级别的成员合作 –这些参与者不会支持失败者

Management team – Recruit individuals with proven track records of success and the ability to see beyond the curve


Philosophy – Try to have one foot within the current trend, while the other foot’s stepping into the next


Integrity – Your clients need to feel comfortable that they’re working with an honest company


Stability – Successful companies work hard to reassure prospects that their service is reliable. They go to great pains to demonstrate that the solution is an efficient and profitable improvement on established business methods.

稳定性–成功的公司努力工作以向潜在客户保证其服务可靠。 他们不遗余力地证明该解决方案是对既定业务方法的有效且有益的改进。

Value – Focus on the capabilities customers will gain/when they buy your product or service – educate them about your brand’s benefits.


缩小差距 (Bridge The Gap)

To gain and keep customer mindshare, Internet newsletters are ideal, but they must provide relevant, useful information if they’re going to succeed. Make sure your newsletter focuses on trust, stability and value, for maximum sales impact.

为了获得并保持客户的心意,互联网新闻通讯是理想的选择,但是如果要获得成功,它们必须提供相关的有用信息。 确保您的时事通讯关注信任,稳定性和价值,以最大程度地影响销售。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/trust-stability-value/

