
tech2024-06-05  117


There is one common problem that many site owners around the world share, regardless of where their site is hosted or what language it’s written in. The single problem we’ve all experienced at some point is Web traffic; if we don’t have enough, then we usually have too much!

无论站点托管在何处或使用哪种语言,世界上许多站点所有者都会遇到一个共同的问题。我们在某个时候遇到的单个问题是Web流量。 如果我们没有足够的,那么我们通常会有太多!

The problem of getting traffic is well understood and thoroughly documented. Anyone who is serious about being a "somebody" on the Web will have considered their online promotional strategy, particularly if they do not have a "real world" brand or identity that they can build on. Many of us have been there, done that!

流量问题已得到充分理解并得到了充分记录。 认真对待成为“某人”的任何人都将考虑他们的在线促销策略,尤其是如果他们没有可以建立的“真实世界”品牌或身份。 我们很多人都去过那里,做到了!

In the early days, I was envious of the traffic that other sites related to mine received. I would sit and wonder just how they attracted several thousands of people to their Websites every day — just what was the secret of their popularity anyway?

在早期,我很羡慕其他与我的网站有关的流量。 我会想知道他们每天如何吸引数千人访问他们的网站-无论如何,他们受欢迎的秘诀是什么?

The last thing on my mind was the knock-on effect of having so many visitors; I just wanted them! The kind of resources I’d need to sustain all those visitors never really occurred to me. I knew little about data transfer, bandwidth or server resources, let alone how much of each I was using.

我心中的最后一件事是吸引这么多访客的连锁React。 我只想要他们! 我需要维持所有这些访客真正需要的资源是我从未真正想到的。 我对数据传输,带宽或服务器资源一无所知,更不用说我正在使用多少资源了。

起步 (Starting Out)

As I was only working on a small hobby site at the time, I wasn’t prepared to spend any money to host my site. My choice of host usually rested on the amount of Web space offered or the type of advertising I would need to display to be able to use the free service.

由于当时我只在一个小型业余网站上工作,所以我不准备花任何钱来托管我的网站。 我选择的主机通常取决于所提供的Web空间量或为了使用免费服务而需要显示的广告类型。

I was, I guess, a "typical" hobbyist Webmaster; building pages to learn and practice my skills while trying to attract the attention of other likeminded individuals. If I was to "be discovered" and become famous overnight, I would be thrilled to bits! However, knowing what I know now, my newfound fame would certainly come at a price.

我猜我是一个“典型的”业余网站管理员。 建立页面来学习和练习我的技能,同时努力吸引其他志同道合的人的注意力。 如果我要“被发现”并在一夜之间成名,那我一定会非常激动! 但是,知道我现在所知道的,我的新名气肯定会付出代价。

毒刺 (The Stinger)

The problem is not the attention as such, but the sudden increase in the demands on your server and its network. If a host expects a particularly active site that doesn’t need much in the way of resources on their servers, then they will price the hosting to cover their costs accordingly. Most free hosting plans are designed with quiet personal homepages in mind, so the data transfer limits aren’t enough for even a semi-popular site. Often with free hosts, you risk losing your account without warning for reasons such as excessive account usage or something you’ve overlooked in their terms of service.

问题不在于关注本身,而是对服务器及其网络的需求突然增加。 如果主机期望一个特别活跃的站点,而该站点不需要太多服务器资源,那么他们将为主机定价以相应地支付其费用。 大多数免费托管计划的设计都考虑到安静的个人主页,因此,即使是半受欢迎的网站,数据传输限制也不够。 通常是免费主机,您可能会因帐户使用过多或服务条款被忽视等原因而在没有警告的情况下丢失帐户。

If you use up the equivalent of your host’s monthly allowance for data transfer in a single day, do you really expect them to sit back and let you continue to do so for much longer? Don’t forget that they also have their bills to pay, and if your site has unintentionally doubled their cost for the month you can be sure they would want to pass some of it on to you. Pay up or find a new host!

如果您在一天之内用尽了主机每月用于数据传输的补贴,您是否真的希望他们坐下来让您继续这样做呢? 别忘了他们也要支付账单,如果您的网站在一个月内无意中将其费用翻了一番,则可以确保他们希望将其中的一部分转嫁给您。 付款或找到新主机!

If the increase in Web traffic was due to a particular event, then excessive use of the server could only be temporary; even the news networks could not have anticipated the extra demand on their Web servers on September 11th. However, these sites can afford to absorb the costs incurred to fix the problem; most "hobbyist" site owners cannot.

如果Web流量的增加是由于特定事件造成的,那么过度使用服务器可能只是暂时的; 甚至新闻网络也无法预期9月11日对其Web服务器的额外需求。 但是,这些站点有能力承担解决该问题所产生的费用。 大多数“业余爱好者”网站所有者不能。

The bulk of the cost to sustain a site that outgrows its current hosting plan is due to excessive data transfer usage. Prices and pricing structures vary, so how much and when you will be charged will depend on your host — perhaps it’s time you remind yourself exactly what these costs are before you charge ahead with your next site promotion effort!

维护超出其当前托管计划的站点的大部分成本是由于过度使用数据传输所致。 价格和定价结构各不相同,因此,向您收取多少费用以及何时收取费用取决于您的房东-也许是时候您要提醒自己确切的费用,然后再进行下一次网站推广工作!

为意外做好准备! (Prepare for the Unexpected!)

There are a few things you can do to minimise the extra costs you might incur as a result of an increase in your site’s popularity.


Optimise your images and remove needless HTML.

优化图像并删除不必要HTML。 Reduce the number of needless clicks in your site’s navigation.

减少网站导航中不必要的点击次数。 Make your multimedia page elements optional.

将您的多媒体页面元素设为可选。 Choose a host that:

选择一个主机: Offers at least double your expected data transfer usage.

提供至少两倍于您预期的数据传输使用量。 Has a low user-to-server ratio (if using shared hosting).

用户与服务器的比率低(如果使用共享主机)。 Has good redundancy in their network.

在其网络中具有良好的冗余性。 Allows you to upgrade and downgrade your plan easily.

使您可以轻松升级和降级计划。 Make sure you:

确保你: Warn your host if you expect a sudden surge of traffic.

如果您预计流量会突然激增,请警告您的主机。 Consider a dedicated server if your site is particularly server intensive.

如果您的站点特别占用服务器资源,请考虑使用专用服务器。 Make a note of any overage charges you may incur and include provision for them in your budget.


Sometimes it isn’t always a good idea to go for the cheapest hosting option. If you’re shopping around for shared hosting, be wary of hosts that offer reseller packages that allow resellers to allocate their own resources and set their own prices. There may be nothing wrong with the host that provides the service, however, resellers often have little or no experience at managing a server and so have a tendency to overload the particular server they use.

有时候,选择最便宜的托管选项并不总是一个好主意。 如果您四处逛逛以寻求共享主机,请警惕那些提供转销商软件包的主机,这些软件包允许转销商分配自己的资源并设置自己的价格。 提供服务的主机可能没有什么问题,但是,经销商通常很少或没有管理服务器的经验,因此倾向于使他们使用的特定服务器过载。

A budget host is suitable for most "simple" hobbyist sites that attract only a handful of visitors each day. They are not however, always the best option for anyone who is serious about their site, as the cost of the package is often not enough to cover the resources the site would use. A budget host may save you some money now, but if your site suddenly gets popular and you’re not prepared, you will pay later!

预算托管人适合于大多数“简单”的业余爱好者网站,这些网站每天仅会吸引少量访问者。 但是,对于那些认真对待自己网站的人来说,它们并不是总是最好的选择,因为软件包的成本通常不足以覆盖该网站将要使用的资源。 预算托管人现在可以为您节省一些钱,但是如果您的网站突然变得受欢迎并且您没有准备好,您将在以后付款!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/bubble-cost-site-popularity/

