源转化 目的转化 双向转化

tech2024-06-06  89

源转化 目的转化 双向转化

Do you know where your conversions, downloads, sales, inquiries or leads are coming from?


Tracking the effectiveness of your advertising placements, whether they be on pay-per-click search engines, ad swaps with fellow publishers, or paid sponsorships, is the only way to know what’s working and what’s not.


How many people clicked the ad? How many bought your product? How many subscribed to your newsletter? Do you know? You should! Relying on log files and landing pages simply doesn’t cut it when it comes to tracking post-clickthrough activity. Here are 5 low-cost tools that help you answer the question of conversions.

有多少人点击了广告? 有多少人购买了您的产品? 有多少订阅了您的新闻通讯? 你知道吗? 你应该! 在跟踪点击后活动方面,仅依靠日志文件和登录页面并不会减少它。 这里有5种低成本的工具,可帮助您回答转化问题。

1.)PromotionStat (1.) PromotionStat)

Overview: PromotionStat reports and separates visitors from different advertising vehicles/sources, and tracks their behavior once they’re on your Website.

概述: PromotionStat会报告访问者并将他们与不同的广告媒介/来源分开,并在访问者进入您的网站后对其行为进行跟踪。

Noteworthy features:


Detects artificial/fake traffic.

检测人工/虚假流量。 Measures the effectiveness of individual pay-per-click search engine keywords.

衡量单个按点击数付费搜索引擎关键字的有效性。 Also measures "product demand" – find out which products your visitors find the most interesting.


Pricing: Starts at $19.95/month, which allows the monitoring of up to 5 pages and the serving of 100,000 ad impressions.


2)ROIBot (2) ROIBot )

Overview: A collection of tools which includes an autoresponder, Web Page Spy (monitors URLs that you specify for updates), FFA Submitter (worthless in my opinion), a Lifeline (server up-time monitor), search engine submitter, and AdTracker.


The AdTracker tracks advertising campaign effectiveness and reports referring URLs, browser used, operating system used, and orders placed.


Noteworthy features: You can set up an unlimited number of personalized autoresponder messages.


Pricing: $17/month flat-fee for everything.

定价:所有内容每月$ 17的固定费用。

3)NetAuditNow (3) NetAuditNow )

Overview: NetAuditNow is a service which logs onto your Web server, grabs your log files, and then uses them to spit out reports. This means NetAuditNow can replace other forms of tracking such as the use of WebTrends or Webalizer.

概述: NetAuditNow是一项服务,该服务登录到Web服务器,获取日志文件,然后使用它们吐出报告。 这意味着NetAuditNow可以替代其他形式的跟踪,例如使用WebTrends或Webalizer。

One of the reports that NetAuditNow generates is the advertising quality and return-on-investment report. This report compares the quantity (total and average number) to quality (time, pages viewed and purchases) of visitors who came to your site from various ad banners and links.

NetAuditNow生成的报告之一是广告质量和投资回报率报告。 此报告将通过各种广告标语和链接访问您网站的访问者的数量(总数和平均数)与质量(时间,浏览的页面和购买次数)进行比较。

Noteworthy features: Can report on everything from search engine traffic to total monthly page views and unique visitors.


Pricing: Starts at $495/month (eek!)


4)NetQuantify (4) NetQuantify )

Overview: Online reports reveal which placements generate the most sales, registrations and any other activity you want to track.


Noteworthy features: None


Pricing: Free tracking of up to 5 campaigns. $195/month for 25 campaigns.

定价:最多跟踪5个广告系列。 25个广告系列,每月195美元。

5)AdMinder (5) AdMinder)

Overview: When you create a campaign with AdMinder, you have the option of entering the cost. This allows AdMinder to calculate not only the cost per click, but also the cost per sale (or action), and the return-on-investment for that particular campaign.

概述:使用AdMinder创建广告系列时,可以选择输入费用。 这样,AdMinder不仅可以计算每次点击费用,还可以计算该特定广告系列的每次销售(或操作)费用以及投资回报率。

Noteworthy features: Great interface. Allows for easy management of multiple campaigns by displaying ads that are scheduled to run in the near future, and ads that are about to expire. Allows for the export of data to Excel or any other spreadsheet software.

值得注意的功能:出色的界面。 通过显示计划在不久的将来投放的广告和即将到期的广告,可以轻松管理多个广告系列。 允许将数据导出到Excel或任何其他电子表格软件。

Pricing: $19.95/month flat-fee.


Bonus: AdMinder has agreed to offer SitePoint.com visitors a free month-long trial.

奖励: AdMinder已同意向SitePoint.com访问者提供为期一个月的免费试用。

结论 (Conclusions)

In my personal opinion, after having investigated all five options presented here, AdMinder is the best choice for small business owners and entrepreneurs who are wise about their expenditures. ROIBot is a close second with slightly less comprehensive ad tracking features, but lots of other tools which may well come in handy.

我个人认为,在研究了此处介绍的所有五个选项之后,AdMinder是明智地考虑支出的小企业主和企业家的最佳选择。 ROIBot紧随其后,其综合的广告跟踪功能稍差一些,但很多其他工具可能会派上用场。

Considering how long it would take to program your own tracking solution (or have your programmer do it), these services represent excellent value for anybody who spends more than a few dollars a month on advertising, or carries out extensive cross-promotions.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/where-conversions-coming/

源转化 目的转化 双向转化
