
tech2024-06-06  99


Dump That Free Hit Counter And Start Tracking


It seems that every other web site we visit has some sort of hit counter on the main page, supposedly telling us how many people have been there before us. This week we’re going to address this popular trend, explain why you don’t need one, and what you should be doing instead.

似乎我们访问的每个其他网站的主页上都有类似的计数器,据说可以告诉我们之前有多少人在那里。 本周,我们将解决这一流行趋势,解释为什么您不需要一个流行趋势,而应该做些什么。

Most Internet marketers will normally implement a hit counter on their site for one or both of two reasons — to give them a rough estimate of the number of visitors, and/or to give visitors the impression that their site is popular and thus worthy of a good look.


Let’s consider the first reason. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know how many people have visited your web site, in fact it’s something that you really do need to know. But putting a visible hit counter on your home page is not the answer, especially not one of those free services.

让我们考虑第一个原因。 想要知道有多少人访问了您的网站没有错,实际上,您确实需要知道这一点。 但是,在首页上放置可见的点击计数器并不是解决之道,尤其是那些免费服务之一。

For one thing, the free services require you to in some way promote their site. For another, they are normally slow and increase the time it takes for your pages to load. But most importantly, a hit counter doesn’t provide you with all of the information you need.

一方面,免费服务需要您以某种方式推广他们的网站。 另一方面,它们通常很慢,并且增加了页面加载所需的时间。 但最重要的是,点击计数器无法为您提供所需的所有信息。

Just look at any of the top web sites on the Internet. We promise that you will not find a visible hit counter on any of them! That alone should tell you that the common hit counter is worthless. If a visible counter was worthwhile, don’t you think Yahoo or Infoseek would have one?

只需查看Internet上的任何顶级网站即可。 我们保证您不会在其中任何一个上找到可见的计数器! 仅此一项就可以告诉您,普通的计数器是毫无价值的。 如果一个可见的计数器值得,您是否认为Yahoo或Infoseek会有一个?

You just can’t win with a visible hit counter. If your site does not get many visitors, all it’s going to do is make sure that the visitors you do get know that they are not visiting a popular site. If anything, all this will do is discourage them from exploring your web site in detail.

您只是无法用可见的计数器赢得胜利。 如果您的网站没有吸引太多的访问者,那么要做的就是确保您获得的访问者知道他们没有访问受欢迎的网站。 如果有的话,所有这些将阻止他们详细浏览您的网站。

On the other hand, maybe your site gets 50,000 visitors a day and you think that letting people know this via a hit counter is a good idea. Not really. If your web site gets lots of traffic it is because you are doing something right, and having a hit counter isn’t going to affect this.

另一方面,也许您的网站每天有50,000个访问者,并且您认为通过点击计数器让人们知道这一点是个好主意。 并不是的。 如果您的网站访问量很大,那是因为您做得正确,并且点击计数器不会对此造成影响。

Unfortunately, what normally happens is that the misguided Internet marketer will set up a visible hit counter on their home page and then artificially inflate their visitor count. This is done in the hopes that it will impress people, but it’s a terribly bad idea and does not work.

不幸的是,通常发生的情况是,被误导的互联网营销人员会在其主页上设置可见的点击量计数器,然后人为地增加访问者人数。 这样做是希望能给人们留下深刻的印象,但这是一个非常糟糕的主意,并且行不通。

In the early days of the web it was "cool" to have a hit counter on your home page, but they are so commonplace these days that no one pays them any attention anyway. No matter what your reason for using a visible hit counter, we say dump it and start tracking!

在网络的早期,在主页上放置一个点击计数器是“很酷的”,但是如今它们是如此普遍,以至于没人能引起他们的注意。 无论您出于何种原因使用可见的点击计数器,我们都会说将其丢弃并开始跟踪!

追踪访客的足迹 (Tracking Visitors’ Footsteps)

While Yahoo and Infoseek don’t have visible counters on their pages, rest assured that they know your every move. No other advertising medium allows you to do the things the Internet does, and it amazes us that more marketers do not take advantage of serious site tracking.

尽管Yahoo和Infoseek的页面上没有可见的计数器,但请放心,他们知道您的一举一动。 没有其他广告媒介可以让您做互联网做的事情,令我们惊讶的是,更多的营销人员没有利用认真的网站跟踪优势。

Part of the problem seems to be that many Internet marketers are only concerned with promoting their web site and getting more people to visit. More visitors equals more sales right? Well yes that is true, but only if your web site leads visitors through the sales process.

问题的一部分似乎是,许多互联网营销商只关心推广其网站并吸引更多人访问。 更多的访客等于更多的销售权吗? 是的,的确如此,但前提是您的网站引导访问者完成销售过程。

Before you even begin promoting a web site, you should have in your mind the path that you want visitors to take through your site. Sales is a process. One step leads to the next, until finally the end result is hopefully that what was once just a prospect is now a customer.

在甚至开始推广网站之前,您应该先确定希望访问者浏览网站的路径。 销售是一个过程。 一个步骤通往下一个步骤,直到最终最终希望是曾经只是潜在客户的现在变成了客户。

Tracking your visitor’s footsteps throughout your web site is the best way to determine why they didn’t take the action that you wanted them to take. Who knows, maybe 80% of your visitors aren’t even making it past your introductory page? You’ll never know unless you track them.

跟踪访问者在整个网站上的足迹是确定为什么他们没有采取您希望他们采取的行动的最佳方法。 谁知道,也许您的访问者中有80%的访问者甚至没有超过介绍页? 除非您跟踪它们,否则您将永远不知道。

Consider this another Internet marketing rule that is written in stone. If you’re not tracking your entire web site and tweaking it on a regular basis, you’re throwing money down the proverbial drain. From a profit standpoint, it is critical that you know the answers to questions like:

考虑这是一成不变的互联网营销规则。 如果您没有跟踪整个网站并定期对其进行调整,那么您会浪费很多钱。 从利润的角度来看,了解以下问题的答案至关重要:

How do visitors find your site in the first place?

访问者如何首先找到您的网站? How many of them make it past the main page?

有多少人超过了主页? Which page of your site is the most popular?

您网站的哪个页面最受欢迎? How long does the average visitor stick around?

平均访客停留多长时间? What is the average number of pages viewed?

平均浏览的页数是多少? What path do visitors take through your site?

访问者通过您的网站走什么路? What links do they use to leave your site?


If you don’t know the answers to these simple questions, here’s an easy way to increase your profits starting immediately. And the good news is that it may not cost you anything other than some time. We’re going to show you how to use free CGI scripts to ultimately increase sales!

如果您不知道这些简单问题的答案,这是一种立即开始增加利润的简便方法。 好消息是,它可能只会花费您一些时间。 我们将向您展示如何使用免费的CGI脚本最终提高销售量!

While you don’t really need to learn anything technical to use the scripts we’re going to suggest, you do need to be able to run CGI scripts on your web server. If you have no idea what CGI scripts are, ask your ISP. If they say no, we strongly suggest that you find a new ISP.

虽然您实际上不需要学习任何技术来使用我们将建议的脚本,但是您确实需要能够在Web服务器上运行CGI脚本。 如果您不知道什么是CGI脚本,请询问您的ISP。 如果他们拒绝,我们强烈建议您找到一个新的ISP。

If you haven’t realized it by now, we are a big fan of CGI scripts because they are what allows you to add interactivity to your web site. But CGI scripts can also help you do many other things, like track your visitors’ footsteps.

如果您现在还没有意识到这一点,那么我们会非常喜欢CGI脚本,因为它们使您可以向网站添加交互性。 但是CGI脚本还可以帮助您完成许多其他事情,例如跟踪访问者的足迹。

Go to http://www.cgi-resources.com

前往http://www.cgi-resources.com Click on "Programs and Scripts"

点击“程序和脚本” Click on "Perl"

点击“ Perl” Click on "Logging Accesses and Statistics"


You’ll be presented with no less than 30 CGI script packages which will help you gather valuable information about your visitors, and believe it or not, most of them are free! We looked at all of them, so we’ll save you the time and suggest the two we like best to help you get started.

您将获得不少于30个CGI脚本程序包,这些程序包将帮助您收集有关访客的宝贵信息,无论您信不信由你,它们大多数都是免费的! 我们仔细研究了所有这些内容,因此为您节省了时间,并建议我们最好使用两者来帮助您入门。

One of the first scripts we tried, and still one of our favorites, is AXS by Fluid Dynamics. It’s one of the first scripts listed and you can’t miss it. You can download it for free, and with a minimal amount of effort you could be tracking your entire web site within the next few hours.

Fluid Dynamics的AXS是我们尝试的第一个脚本之一,也是我们的最爱之一。 这是列出的第一个脚本之一,您不能错过它。 您可以免费下载它,而您只需花费很少的精力,即可在接下来的几个小时内跟踪整个网站。

The direct URL to the AXS site is http://www.xav.com/scripts/axs Rather than going into detail about it here, we’ll let you discover it for yourself. It’s a great system and the only thing we don’t like about it is that it creates it’s own log files, and they get huge if your site is busy.

指向AXS网站的直接URL是http://www.xav.com/scripts/axs。与其在此不做详细介绍,不如让您自己发现它。 这是一个很棒的系统,我们唯一不喜欢它的是它创建了自己的日志文件,如果您的网站很忙,它们会变得很大。

The alternative is to use something like Darryl Burgdorf’s WebLog. The direct URL to this great script is http://awsd.com/scripts/weblog. It does everything AXS does, but it runs off of your existing server logs which makes it easier to set up for most. It’s also more efficient.

另一种选择是使用Darryl Burgdorf的WebLog之类的东西。 此出色脚本的直接URL是http://awsd.com/scripts/weblog 。 它可以完成AXS的所有工作,但会以现有的服务器日志为基础,从而使大多数设置更加容易。 效率也更高。

Both AXS and WebLog will give you all of the information you could ever want about your visitors, and both display this information in a way that is easy for you to interpret using graphs, etc. We encourage you to download and set up one of these scripts to track your web site.


正在跟踪我的网站,下一步该怎么办? (My Site Is Being Tracked, What Next?)

The point of tracking your site is to act on the information you gather and use it to improve your web site’s effectiveness. If you discover that 80% of your visitors aren’t making it past your home page, or that the average person leaves within 2 minutes, you now have your work cut out for you.

跟踪您的网站的目的是对收集到的信息采取行动,并使用它来提高网站的有效性。 如果您发现80%的访问者没有通过主页访问,或者普通人在2分钟内离开,那么您现在就可以完成工作了。

The real value of tracking your visitor’s footsteps is that it will help you determine why they did not take the action that you wanted them to take. Once you see how most people navigate your web site, you can then make changes until the path they take is the one you want.

跟踪访客的脚步的真正价值在于,它可以帮助您确定访客为什么没有采取您希望他们采取的行动。 一旦看到大多数人如何浏览您的网站,您就可以进行更改,直到他们采用的方式是您想要的方式。

Spend some time implementing a good tracking system on your site, because if you can increase your visitor-to-sales ratio even just a few percentage points it will be more than worth your time. Remember, it doesn’t matter how many hits you get if your site doesn’t do its job.

花一些时间在您的网站上实施良好的跟踪系统,因为如果您可以增加访问者/销售者比率,即使仅增加几个百分点,也将是您的宝贵时间。 请记住,如果您的网站没有发挥作用,那么您获得多少点击就无关紧要。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/hit-counter-start-tracking/

