
tech2024-06-08  84

Over the course of the past two or three weeks, I’ve received email from several people who had an unusual problem. They were getting loads of traffic to their site.

在过去的两三个星期中,我收到了一些有异常问题的人的电子邮件。 他们越来越多的流量到他们的站点。

I’ll bet you’re thinking, "Gee, now there’s a problem I’d like to have".


The dilemma wasn’t the abundance of traffic, it was the lack of sales this traffic "should" have produced.


A zillion hits can send you to the chiropractor with back problems from having to walk around with that big ol’ head, but what good has it done your site if no sales result from all those hits?


So, how do you convert click-thrus to customers? That’s the $64,000 question.

那么,如何将点击到客户转换为客户? 那是$ 64,000的问题。

I’ve identified a few things that I believe will help you in that area.


形式服从功能; 并非相反 (Form Follows Function; Not The Other Way Around)

Before you begin designing your site, you need a concrete plan for what you want to accomplish with it. Seems self-explanatory, doesn’t it? The next time you’re surfing, though, see how many sites have loads of cool graphics and animations center stage and their product or ordering information stuck in some obscure place so as not to ruin the "look" of the site.

在开始设计网站之前,您需要针对要完成的工作制定具体计划。 似乎不言自明,不是吗? 不过,下一次浏览时,请查看有多少个站点的舞台上有很多很棒的图形和动画,并且它们的产品或订购信息被卡在某个不起眼的地方,以免破坏站点的“外观”。

Don’t get this one backward; your site design should harmonize with, but be secondary to, the actual purpose for your site’s existence, not the other way around. For most of us, the goal is to design a site that will generate business, not outbursts of "Ooh! look at the pretty picture!".

不要退后一步; 您的网站设计应该与网站存在的实际目的相协调,但次要的,而不是与之相反。 对于我们大多数人来说,目标是设计一个能够产生业务的网站,而不是“噢!看一眼漂亮的图片!”。

This, in my mind, is one of the most important steps of the design process: Develop a "mission statement" for your site and stick to it. Resist the urge to add completely superfluous items just because you "like them". I’m the world’s worst at this. I’m not good at planning and I’ll admit I have a weakness for the bright, shiny objects of the Web, but I’ve tried to train myself to act otherwise for the good of my site and you should consider doing so too.

在我看来,这是设计过程中最重要的步骤之一:为您的站点制定一个“任务说明”并坚持下去。 抵制仅仅因为您“喜欢它们”而添加完全多余的项目的冲动。 我在这方面是世界上最糟糕的。 我不擅长计划,但我会承认我在处理明亮的Web对象方面有缺点,但是我尝试过训练自己,以维护网站的利益,否则您也应该考虑这样做。

文字内容 (Text Content)

Another problem with many business sites is dead, flat, uninspired and uninspiring content.


The Web isn’t like other advertising media; people want information fast. You don’t have the luxury of going on and on about why your product or service is great. With print advertising, potential customers can look over the information more or less at their leisure. On the Web, they look over it at that moment and if you don’t catch their interest immediately, you might have lost them for good.

网络与其他广告媒体不同。 人们需要快速的信息。 您没有继续谈论为什么您的产品或服务出色的理由。 借助平面广告,潜在客户可以在闲暇时或多或少地查看信息。 他们当时在网上查看它,如果您不立即引起他们的兴趣,您可能会永远失去他们。

Make your content interesting. Make it interactive if possible and make it concise. Don’t expect your visitors to read a 2500 word pitch for your product/service; I’d wager about 99.9999% won’t (and that’s being conservative).

使您的内容有趣。 如果可能,使其具有交互性并使其简洁。 不要指望您的访客为您的产品/服务阅读2500个字的间距; 我会下注约99.9999%(这是保守的)。

避免诈骗的气味 (Avoid the Scent of Scam)

"Make $5500 in the next 2 hours, if you’re not busy." "Become a millionaire in your spare time."

“如果您不忙,在接下来的2小时内赚5500美元。” “在您的业余时间成为百万富翁。”

"Since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there has never been a better product than [fill in the blank]!!! In fact, in a rare occurrence of species premonition, dinosaurs actually foresaw our product and became extinct due to overwhelming despair brought about by the realization they would never be able to use it. But don’t cry for the dinosaurs, their loss is your gain!!!"


<sniff, sniff> Hey, do you smell that? Something reeks of a scam.

<闻,闻>嘿,你闻到了吗? 骗子的东西。

You guys all have great products and services I’m sure. There’s not a thing in the world wrong with being proud of them, but avoid the outlandish claims, the bold text, the exclamation marks, the blinking thingies, and the money graphics. I really believe people’s rip-off meter pegs out at any of these.

你们都拥有出色的产品和服务,我敢肯定。 世界上并没有为自己感到骄傲而错,但是避免了古怪的主张,大胆的文字,感叹号,闪烁的东西和金钱图案。 我真的相信人们的窃听器会钉住其中的任何一个。

提供联系信息 (Provide Contact Information)

Show visitors you’re a "real" person. Provide several ways for them to get in touch with you and respond to their email.

向访客显示您是“真实”的人。 为他们提供几种与您联系并回复其电子邮件的方式。

Your contact information should be very visible on (at a *minimum*) the front page. Explain to visitors how, where, and when they can get in touch with you. Help dispel that nameless, faceless image that we site owners are sometimes subjected to.

您的联系信息应该在首页上(最少*)清晰可见。 向访客解释如何,在何时何地与您取得联系。 帮助消除我们网站所有者有时会遇到的无名无名的形象。

In my opinion, this fosters trust and trust engenders potential sales.


显示您的产品 (Display Your Products)

Another "duh" category you say? Au contraire. Some sites I’ve seen have the products displayed poorly, or not at all.

您说的是另一个“杜”类别吗? 互惠生。 我见过的某些网站上的产品显示不佳或根本没有显示。

Provide your visitors with pictures (if possible), prices, descriptions, sizes, etc. of your products or services. Put a little effort into enhancing the presentation of those products or services so they are shown in the best possible light.

向您的访客提供您的产品或服务的图片(如果可能),价格,描述,尺寸等。 尽力改善这些产品或服务的展示方式,以便以最佳的方式展示它们。

易于订购 (Make It Easy to Order)

Last, but certainly not least; in fact, probably *the* most important factor in determining whether or not your visitors turn into customers is the fact that you need to make it as easy as possible for the customer to order from you.

最后,但并非最不重要; 实际上,确定您的访客是否转变为顾客的最重要因素可能是您需要尽可能简化顾客从您那里订购的事实。

This ties in with "form follows function" above. If you’re trying to sell something, you want to make it easy to buy, don’t you?

这与上面的“形式遵循功能”有关。 如果您想出售某物,则想使其易于购买,不是吗?

Make your site easy to navigate; especially the order/shopping areas. Provide clear, easy to follow instructions on ordering and (I think) you should consider accepting credit cards on your site, if at all possible.

使您的网站易于浏览; 特别是订单/购物区。 提供清晰,易于遵循的订购说明,并且(我认为)(如果可以的话)应该考虑在您的网站上接受信用卡。

Don’t make your visitors jump through a lot of hoops to place an order. Spend some time thinking about how you could make your site the best it can be for your visitors; they’ll love you for it.

不要让您的访客跳很多圈来下订单。 花一些时间思考如何使您的网站最适合访问者。 他们会为此而爱你的。

Hopefully this article has given you at least a little insight into how to convert some of your click-thrus to customers.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/click-thrus-customers/
