
tech2024-06-08  78


You have read a lot of articles about increasing the number of visitors to your site. But if you want to sell from your site, getting visitors is the easy part. The hard part is gaining your visitors’ trust so that they will buy from you.

您已经阅读了许多有关增加站点访问者数量的文章。 但是,如果您想从自己的网站上出售商品,吸引访问者就很容易了。 困难的部分是获得访问者的信任,以便他们从您那里购买。

Your visitors are still spooked by the Internet. They are not sure whether their credit card is safe. They don’t know whether you sell a quality product. They wonder whether you will actually ship the product. Until you convince them that you will handle their transaction honestly and well, you don’t stand a chance.

您的访问者仍然对Internet感到恐惧。 他们不确定自己的信用卡是否安全。 他们不知道您是否出售优质产品。 他们想知道您是否会实际发货。 除非您说服他们您将诚实诚实地处理他们的交易,否则您就没有机会。

This will change as all of us gain more experience on the net; much more trust will be granted in the near future. But you can’t change today’s reality – customers are very weary of purchasing products and services on the net. Thus, only the vendor who works extra hard to build trust will prosper in today’s market.

随着我们所有人在网上获得更多经验,这种情况将会改变。 在不久的将来将获得更多的信任。 但是您无法改变当今的现实–客户非常厌倦在网上购买产品和服务。 因此,只有努力工作以建立信任的供应商才能在当今的市场中繁荣昌盛。

So, how do you build trust? You have to build it into every element of your site. You have to keep asking yourself, every time you make a decision, "Will this enhance my visitor’s trust in me." This is the net, you are hard to trust, so work hard to be trusted.

那么,您如何建立信任? 您必须将其构建到站点的每个元素中。 每当您做出决定时,您都必须不断问自己:“这会增强访客对我的信任吗?” 这是网络,您很难信任,所以要努力工作以被信任。

Here are ten guidelines to help measure how you are doing. They apply no matter what you are selling. Take a look at your site. See if you are paying attention to all ten. Be critical and improve – there are a lot of folks nipping at your heals.

这里有十条指导方针,以帮助您评估自己的表现。 无论您卖什么,它们都适用。 看一下您的网站。 看看您是否正在注意所有十个。 保持批判并提高精神-很多人都your不休地he愈自己。

1.透过访客的眼睛看'网 (1. See the ‘Net Through Your Visitors Eyes)

First, if you haven’t spent a great deal of time on the net, spend a great deal of time on the net. Don’t try to get it right until you have seen how bad it can be. Your visitors have literally millions of places to go on the net. Once they find your site, don’t give them even the slightest reason to be upset with you. Feel their aggravation at using a slow site. See how boring long-winded self-promotions are. Find out how mad it makes them when their email is ignored. Then make sure your visitors don’t experience these things.

首先,如果您没有在网上花费大量时间,请在网上花费大量时间。 在看到它有多严重之前,请不要尝试使其正确。 您的访客实际上有数百万个地方可以上网。 一旦他们找到您的网站,就不要给他们丝毫让您不高兴的理由。 使用缓慢的网站时会感到不适。 看看漫无边际的自我推销是多么无聊。 找出当他们的电子邮件被忽略时它使他们发疯的程度。 然后确保您的访客没有经历这些事情。

2.设计专业网站 (2. Design a Professional Site)

The best web design has been estimated to be 20 times more effective than the worst. You cannot ignore this. You have to keep it quick, clean, and professional. To be trusted like a pro you had better look like a pro. Your customers are spending hard-earned cash. They want to feel fully confident that they are getting what they expect. A poorly designed site is an immediate tip-off that you are not serious. You look like an amateur. If you cannot design a professional site, pay someone to. A 20 times improvement for a few thousand dollars is an easy choice for a pro.

最佳的网页设计被认为比最差的网页设计有效20倍。 您不能忽略这一点。 您必须保持其快速,清洁和专业。 要像专业人士一样被信任,您最好看起来像专业人士。 您的客户花了来之不易的现金。 他们希望完全有信心得到他们所期望的。 设计不佳的网站会立即提示您不认真。 你看起来像个业余爱好者。 如果您无法设计专业网站,请付费。 对专业人士来说,几千美元的20倍改进是一个容易的选择。

3.只出售您兴奋的产品 (3. Sell Only Products that You Are Excited About)

A professional is in it for the long haul. Over time your customers will sense your enthusiasm for your products. If you have to fake it, they will know. And people don’t trust fakes.

专业人士长期存在。 随着时间的流逝,您的客户将感受到您对产品的热情。 如果您必须伪造它,他们会知道的。 人们不相信假货。

4.强迫您的顾客退货 (4. Compel Your Customer to Return)

Customers will not buy from you on their first visit to your site. You may want them to, but they won’t. It takes time and familiarity to breed trust. You need to build up a relationship. So it is imperative that you develop some method of getting your customers to return to your site again and again. You might host a contest, provide useful current information, or announce a special sale – but do something, figure out some method to get them back. Don’t expect any sales if you don’t.

客户在首次访问您的网站时不会向您购买。 您可能希望他们这样做,但他们不会。 培养信任需要时间和熟悉度。 您需要建立关系。 因此,必须开发一种使客户一次又一次返回您的站点的方法。 您可以举办比赛,提供有用的当前信息或宣布特别促销–但要做一些事情,想办法让他们回来。 如果没有,不要期望任何销售。

5.询问客户什么需要修复,然后修复 (5. Ask Customers What Needs Fixing, Then Fix It)

If you treat your customers with warmth and respect they will help you when you ask for it. So ask for it. Ask them how you can improve your site. Create a survey and tune it up through several small tests. When you have it right, survey as many customers as you can. Then act on the results; make the changes your customers ask for. Your customers will see the improvements and know you are a serious professional in whom they can place their trust.

如果您以热情和尊重的态度对待客户,他们会在您要求时为您提供帮助。 所以要求它。 问他们如何改善您的网站。 创建一个调查并通过几个小测试对其进行调整。 如果您做对了,请调查尽可能多的客户。 然后根据结果采取行动; 进行客户要求的更改。 您的客户将看到这些改进,并知道您是一位认真的专业人员,他们可以信赖他们。

6.做你 (6. Be You)

You have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your personality and values. Don’t write words or create graphics that you predict your customer will expect to see. Don’t try to please everyone. Give them you. You should not act cool and calculating with these folks. You are trying to build a community around your site. Use your real voice – your customers will know it is you and respect and trust you for it.

您有很多机会展示自己的个性和价值观。 不要写词或创建您希望客户看到的图形。 不要试图取悦所有人。 给他们你。 您不应该对这些人采取冷静和计较的态度。 您正在尝试在您的站点周围建立社区。 使用真实的声音-您的客户会知道它是您,并为此尊重并信任您。

7.使用推荐 (7. Use Testimonials)

How else are your potential customers going to know whether they are buying from the right site? Let the testimonials speak to product quality and to the level of service and integrity you provide. To paraphrase an old axiom – the website owner who does not use testimonials has skinny kids.

您的潜在客户还如何知道他们是否从正确的网站购买商品? 让推荐信谈到产品质量以及您提供的服务和完整性水平。 解释旧的公理-不使用个人鉴定的网站所有者有个瘦小的孩子。

8.获取您自己的域名 (8. Get Your Own Domain Name)

There are plenty of free web page offers out there. Several offer quite a tempting array of features. These are great for your personal use, but they send exactly the wrong message to your potential customer. They say you are not serious, that you are just trying out this business to see if anyone bites. Get your own domain name and host your site with a pro.

有很多免费的网页提供在那里。 有些提供了相当诱人的功能。 这些功能非常适合您个人使用,但它们会向您的潜在客户发送错误的信息。 他们说您并不认真,您只是在尝试这项业务,看看是否有人在咬。 获取您自己的域名,并由专业人士托管您的网站。

9.提前 (9. Be Up-Front)

Don’t cloak the information that your customers want to see. A common technique in print advertising is to bury key facts. The advertiser wants to build the buying case and he expects the customer to patiently wade through all the copy to get the facts. Forget about it, this is the net. Web surfers are not patient. They want it right up front and right now. If you make them dig, they are gone.

不要掩盖客户想要查看的信息。 平面广告中的一种常见技术是掩盖关键事实。 广告客户想要建立购买案例,他希望客户耐心地浏览所有副本以获取事实。 算了,这就是网。 网上冲浪者并不耐心。 他们希望现在就这样。 如果您让他们挖洞,它们就消失了。

The price of your product or service is the best example. It is the first thing your customers want to know, so tell them. Put it right on your home page. If it is fair, they’ll respect you for telling them and will click on into the site. If not, you would have lost them anyway.

您的产品或服务的价格就是最好的例子。 这是您的客户想知道的第一件事,所以告诉他们。 将其放在您的主页上。 如果公平的话,他们会尊重您的告知,并会点击进入该网站。 如果没有,您无论如何都会丢失它们。

10.随心所欲…快做 (10. Do What You Say You Will… And Do It Quickly)

Internet customers work in Internet time. They want and deserve their product, their service, and answers to their questions quickly. Respect these desires. Ship your product the day you get the order. Answer your email as soon as you read it. Keep your site current. There is no tolerance for mediocre performance on the web; stay sharp or get out of the game.

Internet客户在Internet时间工作。 他们想要并应得的产品,服务和对问题的快速回答。 尊重这些愿望。 在收到订单的当天发货。 阅读后立即答复您的电子邮件。 保持网站最新。 网络上的中等性能没有容忍度; 保持敏锐或退出游戏。

So how well does your site engender trust? Be honest, go over the ten questions carefully and critically. It is very important that you follow these and similar guidelines to insure that you build trust with your potential customer. If you earn your visitors’ trust, you have a chance of turning them into customers. If you don’t earn their trust – forget about it, your visitor is going to buy from someone else.

那么,您的网站对信任度有多好? 老实说,仔细,批判地研究十个问题。 遵循这些准则和类似准则非常重要,以确保与潜在客户建立信任。 如果您赢得了访问者的信任,就有机会将其转变为客户。 如果您不赢得他们的信任–那就别说了,您的访客会从别人那里购买。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/gain-customers-trust/

