托管 非托管

tech2024-06-09  94

托管 非托管

There seems to be a lack of information on the subject of Web hosting. It amazes me, because the Web host is literally the backbone of your site. If you get stuck with a shoddy host your site won’t appear on the Net. Your email won’t come through. Your shopping cart won’t function. Without a dependable Web host… your online business would be out of business!

似乎缺少有关虚拟主机的信息。 令我感到惊讶的是,因为Web主机实际上是您网站的骨干。 如果您陷于劣质主机,您的站点将不会出现在网络上。 您的电子邮件不会通过。 您的购物车将无法运行。 没有可靠的Web主机,您的在线业务将无法运营!

So how do you make heads or tails out of the bandwidth, megabytes, POP3s, FTPs and SSLs? Due to the lack of information available, most site owners make one of two choices: they pick the least expensive package, or they choose the one that offers the most features "just to be safe".

那么,如何利用带宽,兆字节,POP3,FTP和SSL来赚钱呢? 由于缺乏可用的信息,大多数站点所有者会选择以下两种方法之一:他们选择最便宜的软件包,或者选择提供功能最多的“只是为了安全”。

Allow me to define a few of the more common terms that you might hear in your search for the ideal host. I’ll also offer some guidelines to help you make a knowledgeable decision about exactly which features you really need.

请允许我定义一些在搜索理想主机时可能会听到的更常见的术语。 我还将提供一些指南,以帮助您就真正需要的功能做出明智的决定。

基础 (The Basics)

Storage Space


This is the amount of space you lease on the host’s server, and it’s measured in megabytes. So how much do you need for your site? Well, on most Websites, one page with limited graphics and some text would take (on average) 5 kilobytes (Kb). If you have heavy graphics, photos, etc. your pages might require up to 30 Kb.

这是您在主机服务器上租用的空间量,以兆字节为单位。 那么, 您的网站需要多少钱? 好吧,在大多数网站上,一页图形有限且一些文本平均需要5 KB(Kb)。 如果您有沉重的图形,照片等,则页面可能需要30 Kb。

Multiply the number of pages by the number of kilobytes to calculate a rough estimate of how much space your site currently needs. Also, don’t forget to account for space that will be used by other things you’ll store on the server. eBooks take up an enormous amount of space, as do Flash movies. They’ll also be stored on the host’s server, and need to be included in your estimate. Try to anticipate what you’re likely to add to the site in the future, and include that in your total — you’ll want to allow some room for growth.

将页面数乘以千字节数,可以大致估算出您的站点当前需要多少空间。 同样,不要忘记考虑将要存储在服务器上的其他内容所占用的空间。 电子书和Flash电影一样占用大量空间。 它们还将存储在主机的服务器上,并且需要包含在估算中。 尝试预测您将来可能会添加到站点中的内容,并将其包括在您的总数中-您将需要一些增长空间。

A quick tip: just look at the file index on your computer to see the size of each page, ebook or Flash presentation.




When files are transferred from the host’s server to the site visitor, they use up bandwidth. When pages are clicked and displayed on the screen, when ebooks are downloaded, when shopping carts are put to use, bandwidth comes into play. The more "active" your site is — the more there is for the site visitor to do — the more bandwidth you’ll need.

当文件从主机服务器传输到站点访问者时,它们会占用带宽。 单击页面并在屏幕上显示时,在下载电子书时,在使用购物车时,带宽就发挥了作用。 您的站点越“活跃”-站点访问者要做的越多-您将需要更多的带宽。

Email Accounts


There are two primary types of email that Web hosts offer. Web mail is email that can be accessed online using your browser. You pull it up and view it just as you would any other Website. POP3 email is that which can be used with email software (called an email client) such as Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora or Pegasus.

Web主机提供两种主要类型的电子邮件。 Web邮件是可以使用您的浏览器在线访问的电子邮件。 您将其拉起并查看它,就像浏览其他任何网站一样。 POP3电子邮件是可以与电子邮件软件(称为电子邮件客户端)一起使用的电子邮件,例如Outlook Express,Outlook,Eudora或Pegasus。

Where you need to be careful is in determining how you’ll manage your email accounts, and what charges are involved with each alternative. Some hosts offer a limited number of POP3 addresses and then charge you for additional ones. Others may not offer a "control panel" for the maintenance of your email addresses, and might charge you to process any changes you need to make.

您需要注意的是确定如何管理电子邮件帐户以及每种选择涉及哪些费用。 一些主机提供有限数量的POP3地址,然后向您收取其他费用。 其他人可能没有提供“控制面板”来维护您的电子邮件地址,并可能要求您处理任何需要进行的更改。

额外 (The Extras)

Now let’s consider a few items that you’ll probably have heard of, and see how they can help you run an online business smoothly.




One additional service that will come in very handy is that of an autoresponder. This will allow you to send an automatic message to people who email you. You will find this service useful when you’re on vacation, or when you want to reassure customers that their message has gotten through, without having to make a personal reply to this effect every time you receive an email.

自动应答器是一项非常方便的附加服务。 这将使您能够向发送电子邮件给您的人发送自动消息。 当您休假时,或者您想向客户保证他们的信息已经通过,而不必每次收到电子邮件时都对此情况进行个人答复时,您会发现此服务很有用。

FTP and Front Page


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is the protocol used to upload your Website to the host’s server. Most Web design software includes an FTP application that incorporates Dreamweaver and Go Live. Note that Microsoft’s Front Page does not include FTP. It also has some other special considerations that make it necessary for your host to specifically support Front Page, if that’s the softare you use — check with your potential host for more details.

FTP代表文件传输协议。 这是用于将您的网站上传到主机服务器的协议。 大多数Web设计软件都包含结合了Dreamweaver和Go Live的FTP应用程序。 请注意,Microsoft的首页不包括FTP。 它还有一些其他特殊考虑因素,如果您使用的是软肋,那么您的主机必须特别支持Front Page –请与您的潜在主机联系,以获取更多详细信息。

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)


This is the process that allows the secure, encrypted transfer of data. Some confuse this with the acceptance of credit cards. Although most shopping carts and online merchant accounts use SSL, it does NOT mean that your host includes a merchant account with your hosting package.

这是允许安全加密传输数据的过程。 有些人将其与接受信用卡相混淆。 尽管大多数购物车和在线商户帐户都使用SSL,但这并不意味着您的主机在您的托管软件包中包括了商户帐户。

In addition to payment options, SSL can be used to collect sensitive data from your site visitors, to ensure that your emails are not intercepted online, and to provide a sense of security for your customers.


“还有更多?!” ("There’s More?!")

Yes! Choosing a Web host is a serious process. A few other questions to consider during this decision-making time revolve around the function of your site.

是! 选择Web主机是一个严肃的过程。 在此决策过程中要考虑的其他几个问题与您网站的功能有关。

Are you going to offer purchases online? If so, you’ll need a shopping cart.

您要在线购买吗? 如果是这样,您将需要一个购物车。

Are you going to provide an ezine or newsletter? If so, it would be beneficial to find a host that offers list servers. If not, you can find a free one (which will include advertisements) or you’ll have to pay for this service from another provider.

您要提供电子杂志还是新闻通讯? 如果是这样,找到提供列表服务器的主机将是有益的。 如果没有,您可以找到一个免费的服务(其中将包括广告),或者您必须从另一家提供商处付费。

Do you want to track your site visitors? That would be very wise! Be sure to view the types of traffic statistics the host offers. Unfortunately, some don’t provide very detailed information. At a minimum you’ll want to see the referring URL (where the visitor came from), the number of hits per month and the pages on your site that are receiving the most views.

您想跟踪您的网站访问者吗? 那将是非常明智的! 确保查看主机提供的流量统计信息的类型。 不幸的是,有些没有提供非常详细的信息。 至少您需要查看引荐网址(访问者来自何处),每月的点击数以及您网站上获得最多观看次数的页面。

Think you’ll have questions from time to time? Then it would be an excellent idea to find a host that offers 24/7/365 tech support via chat or telephone.

认为您会不时有疑问吗? 然后,找到通过聊天或电话提供24/7/365技术支持的主机将是一个绝妙的主意。

And last, but certainly not least, be very sure to check out the "up time" and security of the host. As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, if the host isn’t dependable, your business will be out of business! It’s imperative that your host has measures in place in case of crashes or outages. Likewise, you’ll want a host that offers security for the information you’ll be storing on his/her server. Find out about firewalls and other security precautions they’ve taken.

最后,但同样重要的是,一定要确保检查主机的“正常运行时间”和安全性。 正如我在本文开头所提到的,如果主机不可靠,那么您的业务将破产! 当务之急是要确保主机有适当的措施以防发生崩溃或中断。 同样,您需要一个主机来为要存储在他/她服务器上的信息提供安全性。 了解有关防火墙及其采取的其他安全预防措施的信息。

Knowledge is power! Knowing what to look for can save you a lot of money, time and aggravation. And it can keep your business IN business.

知识就是力量! 知道要寻找什么可以节省大量金钱,时间和麻烦。 它可以使您的业务持续运转。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ecommerce-hosting-horror/

托管 非托管
