
tech2024-06-10  87


Several companies have popped up recently offering eBusiness sites in a box. These boxed sites include shopping carts, templates to build your site from, the use of your own domain name, an email account, and in many cases credit card processing.

最近涌现了几家公司提供一体式电子商务站点的公司。 这些装箱的网站包括购物车,用于构建网站的模板,使用自己的域名,电子邮件帐户以及在许多情况下的信用卡处理。

These services should meet the needs of most small business owners who simply want to sell a few products online.


These companies provide an excellent way for the less technically inclined to create a great web presence. These services virtually eliminate the learning curve about issues such as HTML, Shopping Carts and accepting credit cards. They also remove the needs of expensive consultants and Web design companies. It’s just pay, point, click and your business is online.

这些公司为技术欠佳的人提供了一种极好的方式来创建出色的网站。 这些服务实际上消除了有关HTML,购物车和接受信用卡等问题的学习曲线。 它们还消除了昂贵的顾问和Web设计公司的需求。 只需付款,点击,点击,您的企业就可以在线上进行。

Here’s a quick look of some of the services currently available:




Vista allows you to create a store, take appointments or reservations, schedule a chat, and put surveys and local weather maps on your site. You can accept credit cards, access reports to let you know where your business stands, and promote your site. This is all done through a browser-based administration console which makes the entire process very intuitive. With prices starting at $19.95, Vista looks like an excellent choice for small business owners.

Vista使您可以创建商店,进行约会或预定,安排聊天以及在您的站点上放置调查和当地天气地图。 您可以接受信用卡,访问报告以了解您的业务状况,并宣传您的网站。 所有这些都是通过基于浏览器的管理控制台完成的,这使整个过程非常直观。 Vista的起价为19.95美元,对于小型企业主来说似乎是一个不错的选择。



BigStep provides many of the same services that Vista does, only for free. If you want to accept credit cards you’ll pay monthly and per-transaction fees, which are in-line with what others are charging for processing credit card orders. BigStep’s feature list includes things like email newsletter publishing, search engine submission, customer database, a shopping cart, and statistics about your traffic. BigStep’s well-rounded offerings and pricing make it a top contender in this category.

BigStep免费提供与Vista相同的许多服务。 如果您想接受信用卡,则需要按月支付和每次交易费用,这与其他人处理信用卡订单收取的费用是一致的。 BigStep的功能列表包括电子邮件新闻发布,搜索引擎提交,客户数据库,购物车以及有关您的流量的统计信息。 BigStep全面的产品和价格使其成为同类产品中的佼佼者。



BIZ Free Ride claims that it will will let you build your business website, in three steps, absolutely free for 90 days. After that period, you’ll have to upgrade to http://www.e-bizinabox.com/ whose features include catalog publishing, shopping cart, newsletter distribution, sales order tracking, inventory management, support chat room, traffic stats among others. They charge $169 per year for the deluxe version of their services, which include credit card processing. I couldn’t locate any information on the per-transaction fees for credit card processing.

BIZ Free Ride声称,它将使您分三步建立您的企业网站,完全免费90天。 在此之后,您必须升级到http://www.e-bizinabox.com/,其功能包括目录发布,购物车,新闻稿分发,销售订单跟踪,库存管理,支持聊天室,流量统计等。 。 他们每年收取169美元的豪华版服务费用,其中包括信用卡处理费用。 我找不到有关信用卡处理的每次交易费用的任何信息。



With a three step setup process, no setup fees, support for over 1000 items, extensive tax and shipping options and more, MyCart.net is a company that you should be taking a good look at. MyCart.net has a partnership with Nova which allows you to accept credit card orders after a $95 application fee and $50 setup fee, both of which are very reasonable. Among the cool features that MyCart.net offers are pager notification of orders, creation of packing slips and single-click re-ordering much like Amazon.com’s highly-touted 1-Click order technology. You’ll find a comparison chart between MyCart.net and Yahoo store at: http://www.mycart.net/html/comparison.htm.

只需三步设置过程,无需支付设置费用,即可支持1000多种商品,提供广泛的税收和运输选项,因此MyCart.net是一家值得您关注的公司。 MyCart.net与Nova有着合作关系,可以让您接受95美元的申请费和50美元的安装费后的信用卡订单,这两者都是非常合理的。 MyCart.net提供的很酷的功能包括订单的寻呼机通知,装箱单的创建和单击的重新订购,就像Amazon.com吹捧的一键式订购技术一样。 您可以在http://www.mycart.net/html/comparison.htm上找到MyCart.net和Yahoo商店之间的比较表。



Yahoo, one of the best known brands on the net, has its own online store service which offers extremely easy setup and credit card processing through its partner, Bank One. Bank One charges a $175 setup fee for new merchant account (charged only if your application is accepted), plus a monthly service fee of $45. On a per transaction basis, they charge 30 cents plus a percentage depending on the type of credit card used. All this is in addition to the $100 per month you’ll be paying to sell up to 50 items through your Yahoo store. In my opinion, the companies listed above offer a lot more bang for the buck than Yahoo.

雅虎是网络上最知名的品牌之一,它拥有自己的在线商店服务,该服务通过其合作伙伴Bank One提供非常容易的设置和信用卡处理。 银行一号为新的商户帐户收取175美元的设置费(仅在您的申请被接受时才收取),另加每月45美元的服务费。 在每笔交易的基础上,他们收取30美分,另加一个百分比,具体取决于所使用的信用卡类型。 所有这一切,除了您每月需要支付100美元(通过Yahoo商店出售多达50件商品)外,还需要支付。 在我看来,以上列出的公司提供的价格比雅虎高得多。



AuctionWatch differs from all the other services listed above. Rather than helping you create your own website, AuctionWatch helps you sell your products through online auctions. Its toolset includes inventory management, professional listings at the auction sites, auction launching, post-sale management, shipping and payment. Most of these tools are provided absolutely free while others like shipping and payment processing are handled by AuctionWatch’s partners for a fee.

AuctionWatch与上面列出的所有其他服务不同。 AuctionWatch可以帮助您通过在线拍卖来销售产品,而不是帮助您创建自己的网站。 它的工具集包括库存管理,拍卖现场的专业列表,拍卖启动,售后管理,运输和付款。 这些工具中的大多数都是绝对免费提供的,而其他工具(例如运输和付款处理)则由AuctionWatch的合作伙伴收取费用。



FreeMerchant offers: Internet store hosting, secure shopping cart, internet store builder, unlimited catalog size, traffic logs, email account, shipping and tax calculators, coupon creator and much more. At the moment they do not allow you to have your own domain name, although they can re-direct a domain name to the actual location of your site. FreeMerchant makes all its money from referrals and partnerships with value-added service providers.

FreeMerchant提供:互联网商店托管,安全购物车,互联网商店建设者,无限制的目录大小,流量日志,电子邮件帐户,运费和税金计算器,优惠券创建者等等。 目前,尽管他们可以将域名重定向到您网站的实际位置,但它们不允许您拥有自己的域名。 FreeMerchant的所有收入都来自推荐和与增值服务提供商的合作关系。

Amazon.com zShops

Amazon.com zShops

Being associated with one of the biggest brands on the Internet, Amazon.com, is no doubt a good way to get started. Amazon.com zShops allows you to list up to 3000 products for sale on their site for $9.99 a month. If you want to accept payment via credit cards, Amazon.com asks for 2.5% + $0.25 per transaction.

与互联网上最大的品牌之一Amazon.com建立联系无疑是一个很好的入门方法。 Amazon.com zShops允许您在其网站上列出多达3000种待售产品,每月费用为9.99美元。 如果您想接受信用卡付款,Amazon.com要求每笔交易收取2.5%+ 0.25美元的费用。

Please note that this article isn’t meant to endorse any single company. It is up to you to practice due diligence before outsourcing your Web presence to any one company.

请注意,本文并非旨在认可任何一家公司。 在将Web服务外包给任何一家公司之前,您需要实践尽职调查。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/box-solutions-reviewed/

