
tech2024-06-11  125


It kills me when I type in a domain name to see what’s on the site, only to find myself at the registrar’s "Parking Page" (which advertises the company where the domain was registered). It’s an absolute waste of a good domain. I’m sure that if I’ve typed the domain in, other people have as well. Unfortunately, there’s no way to track your actual visitor statistics, as the domain resides on the registrar’s server.

当我输入域名以查看网站上的内容时,我发现自己死在注册服务商的“停车页面”(该页面广告着注册该域名的公司)中,这使我丧命。 绝对是浪费好域名。 我敢肯定,如果我输入了域,其他人也将输入。 不幸的是,由于域位于注册服务商的服务器上,因此无法跟踪您的实际访客统计信息。

I’m going to show you how to take your parked domain names, utilize two of today’s coolest online tools, and make money with them. First, let’s talk a little about both tools, and how they can help you generate some cash.

我将向您展示如何获取您的域名,如何利用当今最酷的两种在线工具,并从中赚钱。 首先,让我们讨论一下这两种工具,以及它们如何帮助您产生现金。

把钱拿出来! (Show Me The Money!)

The first tool is affiliate programs. Most of you probably know all there is to know about affiliate programs, but for those who don’t, here’s the basic idea behind them. An affiliate program is when a person or company agrees to pay another person or company a fee for referring potential, or actual customers to their Website. Commissions are usually calculated in one of three ways: pay-per-click, pay-per-sale, or pay-per-lead.

第一个工具是会员计划。 你们中的大多数人可能都知道有关联属网络营销计划的全部知识,但是对于那些不了解联属网络营销计划的人,这是其背后的基本思想。 联盟计划是指某人或某公司同意向另一人或某公司支付一定费用,以将潜在客户或实际客户推荐给他们的网站。 佣金通常以以下三种方式之一计算:每次点击付费,每笔销售付费或每笔潜在客户付费。

I don’t have the time here to go over how all three work, but you can find a lot of information in the Affiliate Programs category on SitePoint. The main point I want you to understand is there are literally thousands of different affiliate programs out there, and they sell just about everything imaginable. You can join most of them for free, as well. Your job will be to find the one (or more!) that’s right for you.

我没有时间在这里讨论这三个方法的工作原理,但是您可以在SitePoint的“ 会员计划”类别中找到很多信息。 我想让您了解的要点是,实际上有成千上万种不同的会员计划,它们几乎销售所有可以想象的东西。 您也可以免费加入其中的大多数。 您的工作将是找到最适合您的一个(或多个!)。

一点点魔术(烟和镜子) (A Little Bit Of Magic (Smoke and Mirrors))

The second tool we need in order to put our "Profit Machine" into action, is a domain redirection service. What domain redirection does is let you take your domain name and "redirect" it to any page on any existing Website. When someone types in your domain, they’re instantly redirected to the page you specify.

为了将我们的“利润机器”付诸实践,我们需要的第二个工具是域重定向服务。 域名重定向的作用是让您获取域名并将其“重定向”到任何现有网站上的任何页面。 当有人输入您的域时,他们会立即重定向到您指定的页面。

Domain redirection (a.k.a. "forwarding") is now offered by most domain registration companies as part of the cost of registration or as an added service with additional charges. There are also companies that offer this service for free, even if you didn’t register your domains with them (they make there money through the other services they offer). The company that I have the most experience with is DomainRedirect.com. I’ve had approximately 1,100 domains redirected by them, and they’ve been great. MyDomain.com is another company that offers this service and has a good reputation.

现在,大多数域注册公司都提供域重定向(也称为“转发”),作为注册成本的一部分或作为附加服务(带有附加费用)。 也有一些公司免费提供此服务,即使您没有向他们注册域名(它们也可以通过他们提供的其他服务来赚钱)。 我经验最丰富的公司是DomainRedirect.com 。 我已经重定向了大约1100个域,它们很棒。 MyDomain.com是另一家提供此服务并享有良好声誉的公司。

Now, instead of having your domain sit there and sell domains for the place at which you registered it, you can have it point to the page that was created for you by the affiliate program you joined.


实际观看 (See It In Action)

For an example of how you can use your domains, affiliate programs and domain redirection to make money, let’s imagine that you visited my URL www.CyberAffiliates.com. As soon as you typed in the URL and clicked enter, you’d be redirected to one of my affiliate links that sells Affiliate Program Software at http://www.groundbreak.com/cgi-bin/affiliate/clickthru.cgi?id=mrdomains. But if you looked in the address bar, it would still tell you that you were at CyberAffiliates.com.

有关如何使用域,会员计划和域重定向来赚钱的示例,假设您访问了我的URL www.Cyber​​Affiliates.com。 键入URL并单击Enter后,您将被重定向到我的一个销售会员计划软件的会员链接,网址为http://www.groundbreak.com/cgi-bin/affiliate/clickthru.cgi?id = mrdomains。 但是,如果您查看地址栏中的内容,它仍然会告诉您您在Cyber​​Affiliates.com。

Can you imagine how hard it would be to try to get someone to remember that long URL? I can’t even remember it without looking it up. Another problem this process helps avoid is that of users removing the affiliate code from the URL, who thereby thwart you of your affiliate earnings.

您能想象尝试让某人记住该长网址有多难吗? 我什至不记得它就不记得它了。 此过程可避免的另一个问题是用户从URL中删除会员代码,从而阻碍了您的会员收入。

Many buyers don’t like to be "tracked", so they often remove the affiliate code from the URL before they click on it. When this happens, they go to the main purchase site for the service or product — which means that if they buy something, you get zero credit for directing them to the site in the first place. Through this redirection process, there’s a good chance they will never know that they’re being tracked, and the chances that they’ll use your affiliate program are much greater!

许多买家不喜欢被“跟踪”,因此他们通常在点击URL之前就从URL中删除会员代码。 发生这种情况时,他们会前往服务或产品的主要购买站点-这意味着,如果他们购买了东西,则首先将他们定向到该站点将获得零信用。 通过此重定向过程,很有可能他们永远不会知道自己正在被跟踪,而且他们使用您的会员计划的机会更大!

The first day I actually used this method, I posted a response to a message on a popular discussion board from someone who wanted an affiliate software solution for their business. I wrote a blurb on some of the features of the software program I was affiliated with, and explained how I use it on one of my sites. Then I simply used CyberAffiliates.com as the link to the site. About 2 hours later I received an email that notified me of my first commission – $40 (USD). Not bad for a domain that cost me $15 and about 5 minutes of my time!

我实际使用这种方法的第一天,我在一个受欢迎的讨论板上张贴了对某人的消息的回复,该人希望为其业务使用会员软件解决方案。 我写了一篇有关附属软件程序功能的简介,并解释了如何在我的一个站点上使用它。 然后,我只是使用Cyber​​Affiliates.com作为网站的链接。 大约2小时后,我收到一封电子邮件,通知我我的第一笔佣金– 40美元。 对于花费我15美元和大约5分钟时间的域名来说,还不错!

Since then I’ve set up the same thing with many of my domain names. If you go to MrCreditCards.com, you’re automatically redirected to a merchant account reseller. If you go to FamilyTreeKit.com, the URL takes you to a site that sells genealogy software. The list goes on and on, but I’m sure you get the idea.

从那时起,我就用许多域名设置了相同的名称。 如果您访问MrCreditCards.com,您将自动重定向到商家帐户经销商。 如果您访问FamilyTreeKit.com,则URL会将您带到出售家谱软件的网站。 清单还在不断增加,但我确定您能理解。

I try to only sign up for affiliate programs with companies whose services I’d feel good about using, or I’ve used before with success. This way, I can feel good about recommending the services, and I can justify taking the commissions. Now, if anyone asks me about affiliate software, merchant accounts, etc., I can easily send them to my affiliate sites through one of my easy-to-remember domain addresses.

我尝试只与那些我对使用服务感到满意或成功使用过服务的公司注册会员计划。 这样,我对推荐服务感觉很好,并且可以证明接受佣金的合理性。 现在,如果有人问我有关会员软件,商家帐户等的信息,我可以轻松地通过我一个易于记忆的域名地址将其发送到我的会员站点。

如何启动自己的盈利机器 (How To Start Your Own Profit Machine)



The first thing you need to do is match up your domain(s) with what you want to sell. Obviously, it’s not nearly as advantageous to use MrCreditCards.com to sell light bulbs, as it would to sell merchant accounts or to take credit card applications online. There are many sites that list affiliate programs, but a few of the larger ones are CommissionJunction.com, Refer-It.com, AssociatePrograms.com and Associate-It.com. If you do a quick search on the Internet for "Affiliate Programs", you will of course find many more.

您需要做的第一件事是将您的域名与您要出售的商品进行匹配。 显然,使用MrCreditCards.com来销售灯泡并不如销售商户帐户或在线使用信用卡应用程序那么有利。 有许多列出联盟计划的站点,但是较大的一些站点是CommissionJunction.com , Refer-It.com , AssociatePrograms.com和Associate-It.com 。 如果您在Internet上快速搜索“会员程序”,您当然会发现更多。

After you match up the product you want to sell through your domain name, go ahead and sign up for the program. Once you’re signed up, you’ll be given a special URL with your tracking code built in. Keep that in a handy place, because you’ll need it shortly.

匹配要通过域名出售的产品后,继续并注册该程序。 注册后,系统会为您提供一个内置跟踪代码的特殊URL。将其放在方便的地方,因为很快就会需要它。



Next, you’ll need to have your domain redirected. If the company you registered your domain with offers free redirection (or forwarding) with your registration, you should probably take advantage of that. If they don’t, you’ll need to find a company that offers what you need. After you’ve located one, you’ll need to sign up for the service. During this process, you’ll need to provide the URL with the tracking code that you were given by the affiliate company. Enter that URL when you’re asked for the URL to which you want your domain redirected (a.k.a. the "Destination Address").

接下来,您需要重定向您的域。 如果您注册域名的公司在注册时提供了免费的重定向(或转发),则您应该利用这一优势。 如果他们不这样做,那么您将需要找到提供您所需要的东西的公司。 找到一个后,您需要注册该服务。 在此过程中,您需要向URL提供会员公司提供的跟踪代码。 当系统询问您要将域重定向到的URL(即“目标地址”)时,输入该URL。



Unless you’re using a redirection service provided by your registrar and your domain’s already pointing to the correct destination, you will need to modify the domain’s DNS information. The redirection company you decide to use will give you the DNS details you need. Take that information and go into the "Domain Manager" provided by your registrar. You’ll need to select the domain you want to modify, and then select the "Modify DNS" (or its equivalent) link.

除非您使用注册服务商提供的重定向服务,并且您的域已经指向正确的目的地,否则您将需要修改域的DNS信息。 您决定使用的重定向公司将为您提供所需的DNS详细信息。 获取该信息,然后进入您的注册商提供的“域管理器”。 您需要选择要修改的域,然后选择“修改DNS”(或其等效项)链接。

Once you’re there, you’ll need to delete your old DNS info and input your new details. What this does is point your domain name to the servers of the redirection company. That way, they’ll be able to redirect your domain to your specified location. It should look something like this, but with the DNS info you were given:

到达那里后,您需要删除旧的DNS信息并输入新的详细信息。 这是将您的域名指向重定向公司的服务器。 这样,他们将能够将您的域重定向到您指定的位置。 它看起来应该像这样,但是有了DNS信息,您得到了:





Then click Submit to finish the update.


That should do it. It usually takes anywhere from 24 to 72 hours for the DNS information to update. Once it’s updated, your domain name will point to your affiliate link and you will be poised to make some cash!

那应该做。 DNS信息更新通常需要24到72个小时。 更新后,您的域名将指向您的会员链接,您将有机会赚钱!



Now that your money making domain is ready to go, let everyone know about it. The more people you get your domain in front of, the better chance you have of making money. There are tons of articles and sites that are dedicated to increasing traffic. Read everything you can get your hands on and then put what you’ve learned into action. The money is sure to follow!

现在您的赚钱领域已经准备就绪,请让所有人都知道。 您掌握的领域越多,您赚钱的机会就越大。 有大量的文章和网站致力于增加流量 。 阅读您可以动手的所有内容,然后将学到的知识付诸实践。 钱肯定会跟随!

你在等什么? (What Are You Waiting For?)

I know there are thousands (if not millions) of you out there, who own domain names that sit around collecting dust. Why not put them to use and start to make money with them? Your profits are only four steps away!

我知道您当中有成千上万(如果不是数百万)的人,他们拥有遍布尘埃落定的域名。 为什么不让它们使用并开始与他们一起赚钱呢? 您的利润只有四步之遥!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/domains-profit-machines/

