
tech2024-06-12  86

问题 (The Problem)

Domain management is a challenge for anyone with a large number of domain names under their control. Just how do you keep track of which registrars your domains are registered with? Which email addresses are in use as contact addresses? Which name-servers are used by which domains? And perhaps most importantly, when are the names due to expire?

对于拥有大量受控域名的任何人而言,域名管理都是一项挑战。 您如何跟踪您的域名向哪个注册商注册? 哪些电子邮件地址被用作联系地址? 哪个域名使用哪些域名服务器? 也许最重要的是,这些名称何时到期?

One common method of domain management is to employ a spreadsheet or database and keep track of names that way. But updating everything manually whenever changes occur soon becomes a time-consuming hassle. Mistakes happen, changes go unnoticed, and inevitably the accuracy of such domain database will always be questionable. Of course, if your records aren’t 100% accurate, many problems can occur. In particular, failing to renew domain names before their expiry date can result in their permanent deletion and re-registration by other parties.

域管理的一种常见方法是采用电子表格或数据库并以这种方式跟踪名称。 但是,无论何时发生更改,手动更新所有内容都变得很耗时。 错误会发生,更改不会引起注意,并且不可避免地,此类域数据库的准确性始终是值得怀疑的。 当然,如果您的记录不是100%准确的,则可能会发生许多问题。 特别是,如果未能在域名的有效期之前对其进行续订,则可能导致其永久删除并被其他方重新注册。

解决方案 (The Solution)

Fortunately a product has come along that really promises to take the hassle out of domain management. Watch My Domains Pro (or WMD) is a Windows program that works by analyzing the WHOIS records of all the domain names you provide. Once the analysis is complete, you have an easy-to-view snap-shot of your domain portfolio. The information that is collected and tabulated during the analysis includes:

幸运的是,出现了一种真正有望消除域管理麻烦的产品。 Watch My Domains Pro (或WMD)是Windows程序,通过分析您提供的所有域名的WHOIS记录来工作。 分析完成后,您便可以轻松查看域组合的快照。 分析期间收集和制表的信息包括:


注册商 IP address

IP地址 name-servers

名称服务器 admin email

管理员电子邮件 tech email

科技电子邮件 billing email

帐单电子邮件 creation date

创建日期 last update date

最后更新日期 expiry date


Here are some uses to which you could put this information:


Expiry Date – This is probably the single most important information within WHOIS records, as your failure to renew your domain name before the expiry date could result in the immediate deletion of the domain name. WMD will default to highlighting in red all domains within 60 days of renewal, so you can easily see which domains need to be renewed, a really great feature.

到期日 –这可能是WHOIS记录中最重要的信息,因为如果您在到期日之前未更新域名,可能会导致立即删除该域名。 WMD默认将在续订后60天内以红色突出显示所有域,因此您可以轻松查看需要续订的域,这确实是一个很棒的功能。

Also, you can alter the number of days from 60 to whatever you want. You can also use the expiry date information to quickly see how many of your domains are due for renewal this month, next month etc. – great for financial planning.

另外,您可以将天数从60更改为所需的任何天数。 您还可以使用到期日期信息来快速查看本月,下月等要续订的域名数量-非常适合财务规划。

Name-servers – WMD is able to keep track of up to three name-servers attached to each domain name. This allows you to check that domains are using the name-servers you thought they were. You can also effortlessly see if any names only use one name-server, something that’s not recommended if you want to keep your Website running consistently. Also, if you ever move Web host, being able to see which name-servers your names are currently attached to can make the whole transition process much easier, and ensure that no names are left behind in the move.

名称服务器 – WMD最多可以跟踪每个域名附带的三个名称服务器。 这使您可以检查域是否正在使用您认为是的名称服务器。 您还可以毫不费力地查看是否有任何名称仅使用一个名称服务器,如果要保持网站的连续运行,不建议这样做。 同样,如果您曾经移动过Web主机,则能够查看您的名称当前连接到的名称服务器可以使整个转换过程变得更加容易,并确保在移动过程中不遗留任何名称。

IP Address – If a domain name is not set up correctly to point to a valid IP address, WMD will show this as an error. If it is set up, WMD will indicate the IP address to which the domain points. Again, this is useful information if you move Web hosts, or just want to check that your domains are indeed assigned to the IP addresses you thought they were.

IP地址 –如果未正确设置域名以指向有效的IP地址,WMD将显示为错误。 如果已设置,则WMD将指示域指向的IP地址。 同样,如果您移动Web主机,或者仅想检查您的域是否确实分配给了您认为是的IP地址,这将是有用的信息。

Contact emails – WMD will list admin email, tech email, and billing email addresses. It also has a nifty feature called "Tagged Emails" which allows you to specify a list of "known" email addresses. Any contact emails that show up within domain records, and which have not been previously tagged by you will be highlighted in red. This is a great feature — keeping track of contact emails is a vital part of good domain management. Many a domain name has been lost because the admin email was an address that was no longer valid, or no longer checked regularly by the domain name owner.

联系人电子邮件 – WMD将列出管理员电子邮件,技术电子邮件和账单电子邮件地址。 它还具有一个称为“已标记电子邮件”的精巧功能,可让您指定“已知”电子邮件地址的列表。 域记录中显示的任何联系人电子邮件,如果您以前未对其进行标记,则将以红色突出显示。 这是一个很棒的功能-跟踪联系人电子邮件是良好域管理的重要组成部分。 许多域名已丢失,因为管理电子邮件地址不再有效,或者不再由域名所有者定期检查。

Once you have all this information, you can easily sort the domain names using any of the fields listed above. In addition, it’s easy to export the information as a comma separated text file or Access-compatible database file. The only restriction on the information exported is that the email addresses are not exported during the process unless they are "tagged emails". This ensures the product is not used to harvest email addresses from the WHOIS records for the purposes of spamming — as such, it’s a restriction which should be applauded. If you really need an unrestricted version, you need to look at Watch My Domains ISP.

获得所有这些信息后,您可以使用上面列出的任何字段轻松地对域名进行排序。 此外,很容易将信息导出为逗号分隔的文本文件或与Access兼容的数据库文件。 导出信息的唯一限制是,在此过程中不会导出电子邮件地址,除非它们是“带标签的电子邮件”。 这样可以确保该产品不会被用于从垃圾邮件收集中提取WHOIS记录中的电子邮件地址-因此,应该对此表示赞赏。 如果您确实需要不受限制的版本,则需要查看Watch My Domains ISP 。

WMD currently works with .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .uk, .au, and .nu domains, and other extensions are planned in the future. The cost is $37, which includes a year of free software updates.

WMD当前可与.com,.net,.org,.biz,.info,.uk,.au和.nu域一起使用,并且将来还会计划其他扩展名。 费用为37美元,其中包括一年的免费软件更新。

观看“我的网域专业版”获胜者! (Watch My Domains Pro is a Winner!)

If you’ve ever felt that your domain portfolio takes too much time to manage, or you’re in danger of forgetting to renew names, then Watch My Domains Pro is the product you’ve been waiting for. Whether your names are all with one registrar, or spread around twenty different registrars, you will find this product a god-send which will pay for itself in no time at all.

如果您曾经觉得自己的域名组合需要花费太多时间来管理,或者有忘记更新名称的危险,那么Watch My Domains Pro是您一直在等待的产品。 无论您的名字是一个注册商,还是分布在二十个不同的注册商中,您都会发现这款产品是上帝赐予的,它将立即收回成本。

Download a FREE 21-day fully functioning copy of Watch My Domains PRO here

在此处下载免费的21天功能齐全的《 Watch My Domains PRO》副本

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-watch-domains-pro/
