
tech2024-06-13  96

Any service-oriented business must provide a means to support those that it serves. In Information Technology this is especially crucial, as time is money. The more technology-dependent the corporate world becomes, the more necessary it is to provide the uptime required to maintain continuity of business.

任何面向服务的业务都必须提供一种手段来支持所服务的业务。 在信息技术中,这尤其重要,因为时间就是金钱。 企业界对技术的依赖程度越高,提供维持业务连续性所需的正常运行时间就越有必要。

One statistic I recently heard was that if the NASDAQ Technology Stock database responsible for the management of stock trading were to fail, stockholders and traders would lose over 1 million U.S. dollars every hour the system was down. And though the typical Web developer mightn’t carry responsibility for the NASDAQ database on their shoulders, as service providers in the technology sector, our work is of the same time-critical nature. It’s absolutely crucial that we’re able to respond quickly and effectively to correct problems that our customers experience.

我最近听到的一个统计数据是,如果负责股票交易管理的纳斯达克技术股票数据库出现故障,那么当系统关闭时,股东和交易者每小时将损失超过100万美元。 尽管典型的Web开发人员可能不需要承担NASDAQ数据库的责任,但作为技术部门的服务提供商,我们的工作却具有时间紧迫性。 我们能够快速有效地做出响应以纠正客户遇到的问题,这一点至关重要。

On a project with which I was recently involved, the team reviewed a number of options for the tracking and management of trouble tickets. We knew from experience that customers would encounter service difficulties, and they’d need to be able to contact us for support.

在我最近参与的一个项目中,团队审查了跟踪和管理故障单的许多选项。 根据经验,我们知道客户会遇到服务困难,因此他们需要能够与我们联系以寻求支持。

项目要求 (The Project Requirements)

As we wanted to fit the ticket manager into our existing front-end design, we sought a package that was easy to configure in terms of colors and fonts, etc. It had to be intuitive enough for the customer to use, and powerful enough to prevent miscues and lost tickets.


The team looked through numerous software applications and free scripts, but couldn’t find one that suited these requirements. Many scripts were overly complicated, and performed so many duties that they missed the point altogether, while others were so basic that they weren’t even worth a second glance. Others were perfect, but expensive — costing between $500-$2,500 …a sacrifice our budget couldn’t take. Finally, we discovered the solution.

该团队研究了许多软件应用程序和免费脚本,但是找不到适合这些要求的软件。 许多脚本过于复杂,执行了许多任务,以至于完全错过了重点,而其他一些脚本却过于基础,以至于不值得一看。 其他的则是完美的,但价格昂贵-花费在$ 500- $ 2,500之间……牺牲我们的预算无法接受。 最后,我们找到了解决方案。

IsolSoft支持中心v.1.5 (IsolSoft Support Center v.1.5)

IsolSoft’s Support Center was one of those products that leapt off the page: in an instant, there was a mesmerizing bond between us and the software! Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but I can truthfully say that the product seemed instantly to meet all the criteria we’d set forth.

IsolSoft的支持中心是跳出页面的那些产品之一:瞬间,我们与软件之间就产生了令人着迷的联系! 好的,可能有点夸张,但是我可以如实地说,该产品似乎立即满足了我们提出的所有标准。

In fact, with a three-tier user interface, Support Center went beyond our requirements. In the user control panel, available to customers, the user could view all tickets ever submitted and sort by open tickets, closed tickets or search all the tickets for a given issue.

实际上,通过三层用户界面,支持中心超出了我们的要求。 在用户可用的用户控制面板中,用户可以查看曾经提交的所有票证,并按打开的票证,关闭的票证排序或搜索所有票证中的给定问题。

The staff control panel delivered considerable administrative power to support techs, giving them the means to:


close tickets that had been assigned to them,

关闭已分配给他们的票, leave comments and a

发表评论和一个 get a listing of dates and times when tickets had been opened and the actions performed on them.

获取打开票证的日期和时间以及对票证执行的操作的列表。 Staff could also reassign tickets to others. Upon reassignment, the trouble ticket would automatically appear in the new staff member’s ticket list.

工作人员还可以将门票重新分配给其他人。 重新分配后,故障凭单将自动出现在新员工的凭单清单中。

But the most powerful user-level belonged to the admin, who possessed total control over the software. The admin could configure the board’s stylesheet, including header and footers, which gave us the flexibility we needed. In addition, email templates (for standard customer emails) were easy to set up, although, had we wished, we could have chosen to use the defaults that came with the software (and were actually quite good).

但是,最强大的用户级别属于管理员,他对该软件拥有完全控制权。 管理员可以配置委员会的样式表,包括页眉和页脚,从而为我们提供了所需的灵活性。 此外,电子邮件模板(用于标准客户电子邮件)易于设置,尽管我们希望,我们可以选择使用该软件随附的默认值(实际上非​​常好)。

The admin could also add new staff, and was able to review all tickets and the staff member to whom each had been assigned. He or she could also make responses, and intervene in the ticket process at their discretion.

管理员还可以添加新员工,并能够查看所有故障单以及分配给每个故障单的工作人员。 他或她还可以做出回应,并根据自己的意愿干预票务流程。

善良 (The Good)

As far as I’m concerned, balancing cost and effectiveness, this is the best product on the market. The whole software package is written in PHP, which was the preferred choice on our Apache-enabled Linux server. Installation is a cinch — with a handy browser-executable install script included in the package.

就我而言,平衡成本和有效性,这是市场上最好的产品。 整个软件包都是用PHP编写的,这是在支持Apache的Linux服务器上的首选。 安装非常方便-软件包中包含方便的浏览器可执行安装脚本。

Once installed, the product’s easily integrated into the site. We’ve configured the service to modify a few items that we felt were unssary to our particular service (such as the ability for new users to sign up on their own — we wanted to allocate each a userid that corresponded with other software we use) and this configuration was quick and easy.

安装后,该产品可以轻松集成到站点中。 我们已经配置了该服务,以修改一些我们认为对我们的特定服务不重要的项目(例如,新用户可以自行注册的能力-我们希望为每个用户分配一个与我们使用的其他软件相对应的用户ID)而且此配置快速简便。

The three-tiered support system also makes it extremely easy to track and maintain trouble tickets in practice. Every change in the status of the ticket causes an email to be sent to the ticket author to make them aware of the progress of their ticket.

在实践中,三层支持系统也使跟踪和维护故障单变得极为容易。 票证状态的每次更改都会导致向票证作者发送一封电子邮件,以使他们了解票证的进度。

坏人 (The Bad)

We discovered that the Support Center script had not yet been updated to use PHP 4.2, which raised a number of security questions. As of yet, I haven’t been able to determine exactly when a patched version of the software will be released. We were, however, able to modify the code to work in our secure environment.

我们发现支持中心脚本尚未更新为使用PHP 4.2,这引发了许多安全问题。 到目前为止,我还无法确切确定何时发布该软件的修补版本。 但是,我们能够修改代码以在我们的安全环境中工作。

总结 (The Wrap Up)

Rating: 4/5

评分: 4/5

Price: US$99.95 (includes upgrades and patches and free support for 1 year)

价格: 99.95美元(包括升级和补丁以及免费为期1年的支持)

For More Information: http://www.isolsoft.com

有关更多信息: http : //www.isolsoft.com

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/v1-5-trouble-ticketing-made/
