
tech2024-06-13  99


Flash can be easy. The release of SWiSH clearly demonstrates that you don’t need to be graphic artist or a programmer to build stunning Flash movies for your Website.

闪光灯很容易。 SWiSH的发布清楚地表明,您无需成为图形艺术家或程序员,即可为网站构建出色的Flash电影。

Last year SWiSH was released as a tool that can animate text: you had a handful of effects that could not only make you text dance — it would practically do the Macarena. Easy to use, the product’s interface was not cluttered, nor too complex . SWiSH 2.0 extends this philosophy with more than a few handy new additions.

去年,SWiSH被发布为可以对文本进行动画处理的工具:您拥有少量的效果,这些效果不仅可以使您跳舞,而且可以使Macarena发挥作用。 易于使用,产品的界面既不混乱也不复杂。 SWiSH 2.0扩展了这一理念,增加了许多方便的新功能。

特征 (Features)

Button: Yes, now you can finally create buttons that work and operate exactly like buttons in Flash.


Sprite Object: this is very similar to movie clips in Flash. You can create a short animation and have it be placed within a button, inside a main movie, or anywhere along the timeline. Very cool.

Sprite对象:这与Flash中的影片剪辑非常相似。 您可以创建一个简短的动画,并将其放置在按钮内,主电影内或时间轴上的任何位置。 很酷。

Importing: Now you can import many of the common open standards for Vector and Raster graphics. The new imported formats include: WMF, EMF and SWF files, as well as GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG images.

导入:现在,您可以导入许多矢量和栅格图形的通用开放标准。 新导入的格式包括:WMF,EMF和SWF文件,以及GIF,JPG,BMP和PNG图像。

Drawing Tools: the drawing tools allow you to draw and edit Vector graphics on the stage.


Effect Presets: SWiSH 2 now not only gives you 150 animation effects, but also allows you to modify each Effect, giving you total control over how the animation plays back. As an added bonus, you can save that setting.

效果预设: SWiSH 2现在不仅可以为您提供150种动画效果,还可以修改每个效果,从而完全控制动画的播放方式。 另外,您可以保存该设置。

Live Editing: this is very cool. You can play the animation as a SWF file (the exported file format needed to play a Flash movie in a Web page) within SWiSH and edit it at the same time!

实时编辑:这非常酷。 您可以在SWiSH中将动画作为SWF文件(在Web页面中播放Flash电影所需的导出文件格式)进行播放,并同时进行编辑!

SWF Opitimization: the optimization of all files into Flash SWF files is now much more intelligent. Exported files are now much smaller.

SWF Opitimization:将所有文件优化为Flash SWF文件现在更加智能。 现在,导出的文件要小得多。

善良 (The Good)

If you are not a pro Flash developer, there are few products that can match SWiSH’s ease of use. What makes this product particularly engaging is the way you can get up and running in a matter of minutes to build very cool Flash movies. The Effects Presets allows you to add 3D, explosions, Vortex, and TypeWriter visual effects, among others. Each of these presets can be tweaked to the tiniest detail and then saved, so that you can easily apply the new effect to future movies.

如果您不是Flash的专业开发人员,那么很少有产品可以与SWiSH的易用性相匹配。 使该产品特别引人入胜的是您可以在几分钟内启动并运行以制作非常酷的Flash电影的方式。 “效果预设”使您可以添加3D,爆炸,Vortex和TypeWriter视觉效果等。 可以将这些预设中的每个预设调整为最微小的细节,然后保存,以便您可以轻松地将新效果应用于以后的电影。

The new Vector drawing tools are a welcome inclusion. A seasoned Flash developer will see that they are very similar to the drawing tools in Flash. You have the basic shape tools (line, pencil, Oval and Oblong), and the paint tools that fill the shapes with color. I actually found these tools easier to work with than those in Macromedia’s Flash — not a bad job at all.

新的Vector绘图工具是受欢迎的工具。 经验丰富的Flash开发人员将看到它们与Flash中的绘图工具非常相似。 您拥有基本的形状工具(线条,铅笔,椭圆形和长方形),以及用颜色填充形状的绘画工具。 实际上,我发现这些工具比Macromedia Flash中的工具更易于使用-绝对不是一件坏事。

Finally, another new asset that is very much needed in SWiSH is the ability to create buttons and movie clips (SWiSH calls movie clips "Sprites"). And these complete the full tool chest, which will allow you to create high quality, captivating Flash movies.

最后,SWiSH迫切需要的另一个新资产是创建按钮和影片剪辑的能力(SWiSH将影片剪辑称为“ Sprites”)。 这些功能完善了整个工具箱,使您可以创建高质量的,引人入胜的Flash电影。

不太好 (The Not-So-Good)

I think SWiSH is a great tool for the pricetag — the effects alone can make the price worthwhile. However, I do see room for improvement, for instance, with the scripting tool.. I can tell that SWiSH was designed to create movies, not interactive Flash presentations — this feature really was a pain to work I’d really like to see that area of the program improved for version 3.0.

我认为SWiSH是标价的好工具-单凭效果就可以物有所值。 但是,我确实看到了使用脚本工具进行改进的余地。.我可以说SWiSH旨在创建电影,而不是交互式Flash演示文稿–该功能确实很难工作,我非常希望看到该程序的区域针对版本3.0进行了改进。

I was also disappointed by the lack of support for importing Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand files. Many designers use these as their primary tools for building graphics. I found it annoying to have to export my Illustrator graphics as WMF files and then import them into SWiSH.

我也对缺少导入Adobe Illustrator或Macromedia Freehand文件的支持感到失望。 许多设计人员将它们用作构建图形的主要工具。 我发现必须将Illustrator图形导出为WMF文件,然后将其导入SWiSH感到很烦。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are dozens of Flash movie clones appearing on the market. The two leaders are Macromedia and Adobe with Flash and Live Motion. These are too massive programs brimming with functionality, but they’re very expensive. If you take their best features — the ability to create animation easily, and distil it in a neat, small program — you get SWiSH. For the price SWiSH is a great addition to your library.

市场上有数十种Flash电影克隆。 两个领导者是Macromedia和具有Flash和Live Motion的Adobe。 这些程序过于庞大,功能泛滥,但是它们非常昂贵。 如果您拥有其最佳功能-轻松创建动画并将其分解为整洁的小型程序的能力-您将获得SWiSH。 对于价格,SWiSH是您的图书馆的绝佳选择。

There are over 70 products that create Flash movies. See over for a collection of the best with price, value and brief description. As you’ll see, SWiSH rates very well on all criteria.

有70多种产品可以制作Flash电影。 查看价格,价值和简要说明的最佳收藏。 正如您将看到的,在所有条件下SWiSH的评分都很高。

Rating: 4 stars Price: $49.95 Special Offer: SitePoint users buy SWiSH now for $39.96

评分: 4星价格: $ 49.95 特价: SitePoint用户现在以39.96美元的价格 购买SWiSH

Flash工具比较 (Flash Tools Comparison)

Macromedia Flash $399 ***** The one that started it all. A great interface and access to all of those neat features. How can you knock it?

Macromedia Flash, 399美元*****这一切开始了。 强大的界面,可访问所有这些简洁功能。 你怎么敲它?

Adobe Live Motion 2 $199 ***** Macromedia is getting a run for its money with this product. Great graphics tools and full access to the scripting library making this a great tool.

Adobe Live Motion 2 $ 199 ***** Macromedia的这款产品颇受青睐。 出色的图形工具以及对脚本库的完全访问权限,使它成为了一个出色的工具。

SWiSH $49.95 **** A great tool to build fast animations with stunning effects.

SWiSH $ 49.95 ****一个很棒的工具,可以创建具有惊人效果的快速动画。

FlashJester Various Pricing *** Takes your Flash movies and make them into screensavers.


SWFStudio $139 **** SWF Studio allows you to extend your Flash movies to connect with databases through ODBC and other cool tools.

SWFStudio $ 139 **** SWF Studio允许您扩展Flash电影,以通过ODBC和其他出色的工具与数据库连接。

Swift 3D $159 **** The best 3D tool that exports to the Flash format. Why is this not in Macromedia’s own Flash tool?

Swift 3D $ 159 ****导出为Flash格式的最佳3D工具。 为什么Macromedia自己的Flash工具中没有此功能?

FlashTyper Free ** A Web-based Flash text movie tool.

FlashTyper Free **基于Web的Flash文本电影工具。


