
tech2024-06-14  74


Macromedia Fireworks is a graphics program developed especially for the creation of web based graphics.

Macromedia Fireworks是专门为创建基于Web的图形而开发的图形程序。

I have experimented with many graphic programs in the past, and have found that Fireworks allows the greatest amount of control with ease of use and power. Some of the features that I have found absolutely necessary that are well adapted into the program are layers, special effects, the ability to use Photoshop plug-ins, and much more.

过去,我已经尝试过许多图形程序,并且发现Fireworks允许最大程度的控制,并且易于使用且功能强大。 我发现绝对适合该程序的某些功能包括图层,特殊效果,使用Photoshop插件的功能等等。

Some of the most unique and powerful features of Fireworks lay in the exporting of graphics which traditionally had to be handled by a third party piece of software for viable compression. Fireworks allows the creation and editing of animated GIF files, JPG files, and the new Internet standard file PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

Fireworks的一些最独特和最强大的功能在于图形的导出,传统上,图形导出必须由第三方软件处理才能进行可行的压缩。 Fireworks允许创建和编辑动画GIF文件,JPG文件以及新的Internet标准文件PNG(便携式网络图形)。

Another powerful area of the Fireworks program is that all parts of the image are editable at any time. This has never been done in a graphics program before. Basically what this means is that if you get all the way through finishing an image and decide you don’t like a certain area, its no problem, anything can be changed at any time with no worries. For example if you make a spelling mistake in some of the text on an image you can click on it and change it around. This could be compared to automatically creating a layer for every single thing in an image so that it can be edited at all times without affecting the rest of the graphic.

Fireworks程序的另一个强大功能是可以随时编辑图像的所有部分。 以前从未在图形程序中完成此操作。 基本上,这意味着如果您从头到尾完成一幅图像并确定自己不喜欢某个区域,那么这没问题,可以随时更改任何内容而无后顾之忧。 例如,如果您在图像上的某些文本中犯了拼写错误,则可以单击它并进行更改。 可以将其与自动为图像中的每件事创建一个图层相比,以便可以随时对其进行编辑而不会影响图形的其余部分。

As well as it all time edibility, Fireworks also has real-time effects. This means that if you want to experiment with a bevel you play around with it, and instantly see how the change would effect the image as a whole. (Some others effects are drop shadow, emboss, glow, and more).

除了具有长期的可编辑性外,Fireworks还具有实时效果。 这意味着,如果您要试验斜角,可以尝试一下它,并立即查看更改对整体图像的影响。 (其他一些效果是阴影,浮雕,发光等)。

You can also create JavaScript RollOvers, animations and optimize your images for use on the internet, create image maps, batch process your graphics and much more. Fireworks also has a great Export Preview window that shows you how your graphics will look like in different formats and in different settings before you save them. I could go on and on, the number of features in Fireworks is simply unmatched in any graphics program.

您还可以创建JavaScript过渡,动画和优化图像以在Internet上使用,创建图像地图,批量处理图形等等。 Fireworks还具有一个很棒的“导出预览”窗口,可在保存图形之前向您显示图形在不同格式和设置下的外观。 我可以继续说下去,Fireworks中的功能数量在任何图形程序中都是无法比拟的。

The only major setback with Fireworks is the $300 price tag. Although it is a great price for mid range buyers (Adobe Photoshop sells at around $1000 these days), for lower budgets Paint Shop Pro is probably a better choice.

Fireworks唯一的主要挫折是300美元的价格标签。 尽管对于中档购买者而言,这是一个不错的价格(如今Adobe Photoshop的售价约为1000美元),但对于较低的预算,Paint Shop Pro可能是一个更好的选择。

A minor setback with this program is that the constant edibility and real-time effects take up memory. When you have just windows running, 32 MB of RAM on your system, Fireworks still sometimes is only able to use about 5mb of that RAM. Basically what that means is that I wouldn’t recommend running any other high memory grubbing programs…. For example anything by Microsoft.

该程序的一个小缺点是持续的可编辑性和实时效果会占用内存。 当仅运行Windows,系统上有32 MB的RAM时,Fireworks有时仍只能使用大约5mb的RAM。 基本上,这意味着我不建议运行任何其他高内存干扰程序…。 例如微软的任何东西。

Rating: 5



