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tech2024-06-14  80

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Looking to buy or sell a domain name? SitePoint launched a marketplace for buying and selling domains and websites in the years since we published this article. Have a look at Flippa!

想购买或出售域名? 自从我们发布本文以来,SitePoint推出了一个买卖域和网站的市场。 看看Flippa !

Domain names have become an asset lately. Once we bought domain names so people could find us online, but now it seems the majority of people buy domain names to sell for huge profits.

域名最近已成为一种资产。 一旦我们购买了域名,以便人们可以在网上找到我们,但是现在看来,大多数人购买域名是为了牟取暴利。

Many people start to buy up domain names without giving it any real thought, and end up with a stack of domains that wouldn’t even sell for the amount they paid to acquire it in the first place. On the other hand, however, some domains have really great value. Once you realize that you have a domain in your possession that has some worth, you’ll probably take some time to consider all the possible ways you can market it to a targeted audience.

许多人开始购买域名时没有给出任何真正的想法,最后得到了一堆域名,这些域名甚至都不会以他们最初为获得该域名而支付的价格出售。 但是,另一方面,某些领域确实具有巨大的价值。 一旦意识到自己拥有一个有价值的域名,您可能会花一些时间考虑将其营销给目标受众的所有可能方式。

当您成为赢家时... (When You’re on a Winner…)

So, you have a real winner in hand, now what? The first thing to realize is that, if you own a good domain name, you needn’t be in any rush to sell it. If it holds value now, it’ll probably hold value tomorrow, and, most likely, several months or even years from now.

那么,您手中有一个真正的赢家,现在呢? 首先要意识到的是,如果您拥有一个好的域名,则不必急于出售它。 如果它现在拥有价值,那么它可能明天就拥有价值,最有可能从现在起几个月甚至几年。

The first thing to consider is who would be attracted to the name? Next, think about what platform you’ll use to sell it, and how you’ll sell it via that platform. Should media such as:

首先要考虑的是谁会被这个名字吸引? 接下来,考虑将使用哪个平台销售它,以及如何通过该平台销售它。 应使用以下媒体:


拍卖, sites that list domains for sale,

列出待售域名的网站, word of mouth,

口口相传 advertisements, etc.


be used? Today we’ll look at selling domain names via auctions, one of the most popular means to offload valuable domains. And one of the best auction sites to sell domain names, or virtually anything, is eBay.

使用? 今天,我们将探讨通过拍卖出售域名的方法,这是最有价值的域名卸载方法之一。 eBay是出售域名或几乎任何东西的最佳拍卖网站之一。

Domains can be purchased quite cheaply through some sites, namely Stargate for US $13.95, or Godaddy for US $8.95. These can then be sold on eBay for minimum US$30-40, but if you sell to the right person, on the right day, names can go for much more. This may sound iffy, but if a domain is marketed correctly, the chances of a larger profit will be maximized.

可以通过某些网站以非常便宜的价格购买域名,例如, Stargate的价格为13.95美元, Godaddy的价格为8.95美元。 然后可以在eBay上以至少30至40美元的价格出售这些商品,但是如果您在合适的日期将产品卖给合适的人,名字的价格就会更高。 这听起来有些虚假,但是如果一个域名被正确地销售,获得更大利润的机会将被最大化。

域名拍卖如何运作? (How Do Domain Auctions Work?)

If you think auctioning domains sounds like it’s worth a try, then your first step is to get set up at eBay.


1. Get Registered


To sell anything on eBay, registration is required. Registration is free, but there is a small fee to list items for sale. Buying is free, and can begin right away — and there are no eBay fees to buy, only to sell.

要在eBay上出售任何东西,都需要注册。 注册是免费的,但是列出要出售的物品需要支付少量费用。 购买是免费的,并且可以立即开始-而且没有eBay费用可以购买,只能出售。

In order to sell, as of this writing, details of a credit card must be put on file with eBay. They then verify the credit card (as an anti-fraud precaution), but also to verify rights to the bank account that you, as the seller, have listed. Once verification is complete, you can start to list items for sale.

为了进行销售,截至撰写本文时,必须在eBay上记录信用卡详细信息。 然后,他们验证信用卡(以防欺诈),还验证您作为卖方列出的银行帐户的权利。 验证完成后,您可以开始列出要出售的物品。

2. Do your Homework


After you’ve registered successfully, do a little research to find out where domains should be placed for sale. eBay has dozens of categories, and one is of course the Domain Names directory: .com Domain Listings, while the other is the Businesses for sale–> Websites section (if the domain being sold points to a developed site): Businesses for sale —-> Web sites.

成功注册后,请进行一些研究以找出应在哪里出售域名。 eBay有数十种类别,其中一个类别当然是域名目录: .com域名列表 ,而另一个类别是“ 待售业务”- >“网站”部分(如果要出售的域名指向已开发的网站): 待售业务- ->网站 。

Now, before you list any items, remember that eBay charges a percentage fee for listing items. Read the details of selling fees here.

现在,在列出任何项目之前,请记住,eBay会为列出项目收取一定的费用。 在此处阅读销售费用的详细信息 。

eBay currently offers an ongoing promotion, as of this writing, in which people can list items in two categories for the price of one. Of course, the more categories in which you list an item, the better chance you’ll have to attract a wide, interested buyer audience. The two categories mentioned above are your best bets for selling a domain on eBay.

在撰写本文时,eBay当前正在进行一项持续的促销活动,人们可以以两种价格列出两种商品。 当然,列出商品的类别越多,吸引更多感兴趣的买家受众的机会就越大。 上面提到的两个类别是在eBay上出售域名的最佳选择。

3. Choose your Listing Type


Next, to help you sell your domain, eBay provides you with different ways to list your auctions, in order to help maximize each auction’s exposure to targeted potential buyers.


Featured Listing


For a fee, eBay also offers listings in bold text, and special placement of your auctions at the tops of pages. This is called a Featured Listing, and it costs a total of US$49 to include your auction as a featured listing in both categories. This is a completely optional expense, and I personally use it mainly for domain names that I believe really have excellent sales potential. You can find the featured listing details here.

收费的eBay还提供加粗字体的列表,并在页面顶部特别展示您的拍卖。 这称为精选列表,将您的拍卖作为两个类别的精选列表包括在内的总费用为49美元。 这是完全可选的费用,我个人主要将其用于我认为确实具有出色销售潜力的域名。 您可以在此处找到特色列表详细信息 。

Premium Listing


There’s yet another type of featured listing called Premium Listing. Premium listings tend to bring in more bids at higher prices. Results of closed auctions prove it can be worth the fee.

还有另一种特色列表,称为高级列表。 优质商品往往会以更高的价格带来更多出价。 公开拍卖的结果证明这是值得的。

Homepage Featured


Finally, there’s "Homepage Featured". I wouldn’t recommend that you choose this option. The cost is US$99, and your item will appear on the main ebay.com page. It’s expensive and a big risk if you have an auction that starts at US$1 and no one bids on it. A category feature will suffice, otherwise people will have to browse through 26+ pages of that category, and still may not see your listed domains.

最后,有“精选首页”。 我不建议您选择此选项。 费用为99美元,您的商品将显示在ebay.com主页上。 如果您的拍卖起价为1美元,而且没有人竞标,那么这是昂贵的,而且是一个很大的风险。 一个类别功能就足够了,否则人们将不得不浏览该类别的26个以上的页面,并且仍然可能看不到您列出的域。

Can a non-featured item be successful? Yes, it can. I sold the first site I mentioned above for US$50, but the second time I auctioned it I decided not to buy a feature listing, and thus paid only around US$4 for the sale. As for the second example, I listed that domain again 3 days after the original auction closed, and sold it for US$200.

非特色商品能否成功? 是的,它可以。 我以50美元的价格售出了我在上面提到的第一个网站,但第二次拍卖时,我决定不购买功能清单,因此只花了大约4美元。 对于第二个示例,我在原始竞价结束后三天再次列出了该域名,并以200美元的价格出售。

4. Decide on the Auction Duration


The next choice you’ll need to make is the auction duration. As of now, 3, 5, and 7 days are free, while 10 days is not. I always use 7 day auctions, and so do most other sellers. So far, I personally haven’t seen a big difference in results between 7 and 10 day auctions, so I recommend using the 7 day option free of charge.

您需要做的下一个选择是拍卖持续时间。 截至目前,免费提供3、5和7天,而免费提供10天。 我总是使用7天拍卖,其他大多数卖家也是如此。 到目前为止,我个人还没有看到7天和10天拍卖的结果有很大的不同,所以我建议免费使用7天拍卖。

5. Get an Appraisal


Appraisal is an important factor in buying and selling a domain name. Whether the domain is a word in the dictionary, or has been made up, consider having a domain appraised by an appraisal authority. Domain appraisal authorities check out the domain name, the number of words in it, how many words like it appear in search engines, and consider other related factors to determine its monetary value. People tend to prefer domain names that have had an appraisal, to those domain names that don’t.

评估是买卖域名的重要因素。 不论该域是词典中的单词还是已被编造,请考虑由评估机构对域进行评估。 域名评估机构会检查域名,其中的单词数,在搜索引擎中出现多少个单词,并考虑其他相关因素来确定其货币价值。 人们往往更喜欢经过评估的域名,而不喜欢经过评估的域名。

For example, I bought Want2Call.com more than a year ago at namebargain.com for US$12.99 per year, and sold it for a whopping US$460 — that was for the domain only, nothing else. There was no developed site attached to it, not even a single page: the domain name pointed to the name servers of the registrar (namebargain back then when it had the US$12 promotion).

例如,一年多以前,我以每年12.99美元的价格在namebargain.com上购买了Want2Call.com,然后以高达460美元的价格出售了它-仅用于域名,没有别的。 没有附属的开发站点,甚至没有页面:域名指向注册服务商的名称服务器(当时名称促销时是US $ 12促销)。

I know what you’re thinking — ‘That’s a great profit!’ Well, it so happens that after the auction ended, the name was appraised for US$10,000. As of writing this, the current Want2Call.com owner has the domain up for sale, and they’re asking for a surprising sum. Even though I made a lot selling the domain after 1 year, I can’t help but feel I should have held onto it for a while longer.

我知道您在想什么-“真是可观的利润!” 好吧,碰巧在拍卖结束后,这个名字被估价为10,000美元。 在撰写本文时,当前的Want2Call.com所有者已将域名出售,他们要价令人惊讶。 即使我在一年后卖出了很多域名,但我还是忍不住要花更长的时间。

If the domain name you’re offering for sale has been appraised, post a certificate picture at eBay. The appraisal doesn’t have to be from a well-recognized company, any will do. For example, in my last auction, I went over to SwiftAppraisal.com for free appraisal. The appraisal certificate isn’t required for the sale, but it seems to help a lot when it comes to getting the highest bid possible for your name.

如果您要出售的域名已经过评估,请在eBay上发布证书图片。 评估不必来自公认的公司,任何都可以。 例如,在上一次拍卖中,我转到SwiftAppraisal.com进行免费评估。 拍卖不需要评估证书,但是对于您的名字可能获得最高出价,它似乎很有帮助。

当心骗局 (Beware the Scam)

Auctions are an excellent way to sell items, but there is one major downside: scams. Think they’re a rarity? Here are two examples from my own experience. First, one bidder placed a bid on a domain name of mine, and then emailed me saying not to leave a negative for them if they are "not able to pay." I emailed them back and asked if that was a joke. They never paid, and gave me a lame excuse. I ended up having to cancel their bid. Not only did I lose that auction with no bids, I lost the US$49 I put in to have it listed as a feature item.

拍卖是一种很好的出售物品的方式,但是有一个主要的缺点:诈骗。 觉得他们很稀有? 这是我个人经历中的两个例子。 首先,一个竞标者对我的域名出价,然后给我发送电子邮件,说如果他们“无法付款”,请不要对他们留下负面意见。 我给他们发了电子邮件,问这是否是个玩笑。 他们从不付钱,给了我一个la脚的借口。 我最终不得不取消他们的出价。 我不仅没有出价就失去了拍卖机会,而且输掉了将其列为特色项目的49美元。

In the second example, another auction ended with a winning bidder, but they never replied. I filed a NBP [Non-Paying Bidder] complaint with eBay, eBay contacted the bidder. They confirmed that the winning bidder’s email didn’t exist, and suspended his account. Again, I lost US$49.

在第二个示例中,另一场拍卖以中标者结束,但他们从未答复。 我向eBay提出了NBP [非付款竞标者]投诉,eBay与竞标者联系。 他们确认中标者的电子邮件不存在,并暂停了其帐户。 我又损失了49美元。

确保拍卖成功 (Ensuring Auction Success)

Here are a few hints based on my own experience.


Research is Key


Some items receive bids from multiple bidders while others receive only one bid from a single bidder — this is the norm. I suggest doing a little study on domain auctions to get the idea of what is common place. Also, I suggest that you go into the main domain name categories, and scroll down to see auctions that have attracted lots of bids (an auction’s number of bids is visible on the right side of the page). Once you spot an auction with lots of bids, click on it to read the details. Study it to ascertain how the author managed to attract bids and how he or she presented the information to appeal to the bidder. Believe me, if the potential target is not pleased, they will never bid.

有些项目从多个投标者那里收到投标,而另一些项目仅从单个投标者那里得到一个投标,这是正常现象。 我建议对域名拍卖进行一些研究,以了解常见的地方。 另外,我建议您进入主要的域名类别,然后向下滚动以查看吸引了很多出价的拍卖(页面右侧显示了拍卖的出价数量)。 一旦发现有很多出价的拍卖,请单击它以阅读详细信息。 研究它以确定作者如何设法吸引投标,以及他或她如何展示信息以吸引投标人。 相信我,如果潜在的目标不满意,他们将永远不会出价。

Develop a MiniSite for your Domain


One way to make a domain look really good is to develop it into a small site. Even if this site receives virtually no traffic, it can wow interested buyers, who might buy the domain for hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Remember, too, that the price a domain sells for will depend on the number and type of people who visit that particular auction — developing a small site can help you attract more buyers, and jack up your price! True – there are buyers who tend to look for domains attached to sites that already receive a fair amount of traffic, but there doesn’t seem to be huge demand of this on eBay, which makes it a great place to sell practically any domain.

使域名看起来非常不错的一种方法是将其开发成一个小型站点。 即使该站点实际上没有任何访问量,它也可以吸引感兴趣的买家,他们可能以数百甚至数千美元的价格购买该域名。 还要记住,域名出售的价格将取决于访问特定拍卖的人数和类型-开发一个小型网站可以帮助您吸引更多买家,并提高价格! 没错–有些买家倾向于寻找与已经获得大量流量的网站相连的域名,但是在eBay上似乎对此需求不大,这使得它成为销售几乎任何域名的好地方。

For example, I personally bought the domain name http://www.insiderdvd.com from godaddy.com for US $8.95, developed it by affiliating it with a free store at vstore.com. The site had very few hits, but looked well developed, and I put it up for auction at eBay. The auction ended in seven days at a cool US $103.50 — not too shabby for my outlay of a mere US $8.95, plus the little work I put into it to make it more attractive to buyers.

例如,我个人以8.95美元的价格从godaddy.com购买了域名http://www.insiderdvd.com,并通过在vstore.com上与免费商店建立联系来开发了该域名。 该网站的访问量很少,但看起来发展良好,我将其放在eBay上进行拍卖。 拍卖在7天之内以$ 103.50美元的低价结束-仅仅我以$ 8.95美元的价格购得的价格,这还不算太过分,加上我投入了很少的精力使它对买家更具吸引力。

Sell at the Right Time


Time is another factor that increases a domain name’s value. If a domain name has potential, stick with it. The longer you hold onto a domain, the more potential it will have when it’s offered for sale. If something can be built out of it, build it and then sell the domain.

时间是增加域名价值的另一个因素。 如果域名具有潜力,请坚持下去。 您持有域名的时间越长,出售该域名的潜力就越大。 如果可以从中构建某些内容,请构建它,然后出售该域名。

What about a domain related to an upcoming event, or a year? If the value of a domain name is directly dependent upon a time frame, then think about selling it at the peak time, rather than holding onto it indefinitely. For example, if there’s a new movie coming out, and you have a domain name that’s related to it, selling it after a good 5 years won’t bring in much. Leverage the movie’s success, and market it right away. The hardest part will be deciding whether or not to sell it to the first or second bidder, or wait another day or two.

与即将发生的事件或一年相关的域又如何呢? 如果域名的价值直接取决于时间范围,请考虑在高峰时间出售它,而不是无限期地保留它。 例如,如果有一部新电影上映,并且您有一个与之相关的域名,那么经过5年的销售就不会带来太多收入。 利用电影的成功,并立即进行营销。 最困难的部分将是决定是否将其出售给第一或第二投标人,或者等待一两天。

Choose the Right Type of Auction


1. Buy It Now


eBay offers BIN (Buy It Now), which allows an auction to close as soon as a bidder decides to pay an amount set by the seller. In such an auction, if the first bidder bids the exact BIN amount, it is sold right away and the auction ends.

eBay提供BIN(立即购买),一旦投标人决定支付卖方设定的金额,便可以结束拍卖。 在这样的拍卖中,如果第一投标人出价确切的BIN数量,则立即将其出售,拍卖结束。

Most .com domain sellers use BIN. I use BIN on some of my more valuable domains (depending on time), because it’s often risky to sell such domains for a large price, and if someone is willing to pay a fixed amount that you’ve calculated will bring in a decent profit, why not sell? Selling a domain for the BIN price has a lot to do with the type and number of people who visit that particular auction: it doesn’t happen often.

大多数.com网域卖家都使用BIN。 我在一些更有价值的域名(取决于时间)上使用BIN,因为以高价出售此类域名通常存在风险,并且如果有人愿意支付您计算出的固定金额,则会带来可观的利润,为什么不卖? 以BIN的价格出售域名与访问该特定拍卖的人的类型和人数有很大关系:这种情况很少发生。

If a domain is sold for BIN, great! But if not, settle for the maximum bid price. Personally, I sometimes start bids at US $1, and sometimes at exactly US$49 (if I do a featured listing), so that even if there is only one bid on it, I don’t lose much.

如果某个域名以BIN的价格出售,那就太好了! 但是,如果不是,请选择最高出价。 就我个人而言,有时我的起拍价是1美元,有时是恰好是49美元(如果我做一个特色列表),所以即使只有一个出价,我也不会损失太多。

2. Private Auctions


Private Auctions hides the identity of bidders at auctions on eBay. This is good if a listing is an item of personal nature, or something that bidders don’t want others to know they bought (eg. printed materials or toys of explicit nature).

私下竞价在eBay上的拍卖中隐藏了投标人的身份。 如果清单是个人性质的物品,或者投标人不希望别人知道他们购买的物品(例如,印刷材料或明显性质的玩具),则这很好。

But the opportunity to hide their identity gives scammers a perfect break. The person who starts the auction is the only one who knows who has bid. I’ve tried private auctions on a few domain names, and while it did help on occasion, the number of scams was very high. The problems I discussed above occurred on private auctions, and the winning bidders backed out or didn’t contact me. So, I don’t recommend private auction unless you’re sell a domain that bidders would be hesitant to bid on with their identities revealed.

但是,隐藏他们的身份的机会使诈骗者得以完美休息。 发起拍卖的人是唯一知道谁出价的人。 我曾尝试过对几个域名进行私下拍卖,尽管有时确实有帮助,但骗局数量却非常高。 我上面讨论的问题是在私下竞价中发生的,中标者退出或未与我联系。 因此,我不建议您进行私下竞价,除非您出售的是一个域名,出价人不愿透露其身份来竞标。

3. Dutch Auctions


What happens if you offer multiple items for sale? In this case, there’s the option to sell Dutch. "Dutch" means a person can list more than one item in an auction of the same category and type, but the items themselves don’t necessarily have to be identical. People can buy any individual item by letting the auctioneer know which one they want before bidding, so that the item can be reserved. Others would still be free to bid on any other item listed in the auction.

如果您提供多个待售商品会怎样? 在这种情况下,可以选择出售荷兰语。 “荷兰语”是指一个人可以在同一类别和类型的拍卖中列出多个项目,但这些项目本身不一定必须相同。 人们可以通过在拍卖前让拍卖师知道他们想要哪一个来购买任何单个物品,从而可以保留该物品。 其他人仍可以自由竞标拍卖中列出的任何其他物品。

In order to start a Dutch auction at eBay, you have to have received at least 50 feedback comments, and have been registered with the site for more than 60 days. Feedback can be given by people you’ve sold items to, and/or buyers you’ve bought from — and there’s no requirement that the feedback has to be all positive. Negative comments can be given when something has gone wrong with the sale, and neutral feedback is given when the sale didn’t go smoothly, but did in fact end. For example, a person can have 60 positive feedbacks, 10 negatives, and 1 neutral. That would give you a feedback "rating" of 50. Neutrals don’t count with the rating system, but the comments are all made available to anyone to read.

为了在eBay上进行荷兰式拍卖,您必须至少收到50条反馈评论,并且已经在网站上注册了60天以上。 可以由您向其出售物品的人和/或从您那里购买的买家提供反馈,并且不需要反馈必须是肯定的。 当销售出现问题时,可以给出负面评论,而当销售进展不顺利但实际上结束时,则给出中立反馈。 例如,一个人可以有60个正反馈,10个负反馈和1个中立反馈。 这样一来,您将获得“ 50分”的反馈。中立论点不会计入评分系统,但所有评论都可以供任何人阅读。

For more information on auction types, read these pages on eBay.

有关拍卖类型的更多信息, 请在eBay上阅读以下页面 。

Format Your Listings


A long time ago, I used to list my auctions with plain simple text, no pictures, colors — nothing. It worked, but didn’t exactly help me get great results. HTML tags, on the other hand, can help present the information in a clear way, and grab the user’s attention:

很久以前,我曾经用简单的纯文字,没有图片,没有颜色的方式列出我的拍卖。 它起作用了,但是并不能完全帮助我获得出色的结果。 另一方面,HTML标签可以帮助以清晰的方式呈现信息,并引起用户的注意:

You can use color, bullets, and lists to organize information. However, try not to overdo it — it can become unattractive very fast.

您可以使用颜色,项目符号和列表来组织信息。 但是,请尽量不要过度使用它-它很快就会变得没有吸引力。 Use judgment in designing the auction page. For example, if a black background is created with white text, it will be readable, but some people won’t like the dark page, while hardly anyone will have a problem with a white background (as long as text is dark enough to be easily read).

在设计拍卖页面时要运用判断力。 例如,如果使用白色文本创建黑色背景,则可以读取,但是有些人不喜欢深色页面,而几乎没有人会遇到白色背景问题(只要文本足够深,可以轻松阅读)。 Appease visitors with a little eye candy.


Avoid Partnerships


Something to watch out for is other eBay auctioneers who contact you to say that their auction is similar, and how about a partnership? For example, a user who claims they have a search engine for sale always contacts me, saying it receives "10k – 20k" visits every 6 hours. They ask if I want to list my site at the top of their shopping listings for US$20 so I can say in my auction schpiel that my site attracts a lot of visitors.

需要注意的是其他eBay拍卖商与您联系时说他们的拍卖类似,那么合伙企业又如何呢? 例如,声称自己拥有要出售的搜索引擎的用户始终与我联系,说它每6个小时就会收到“ 10k – 20k”访问。 他们问我是否要在我的购物清单顶部列出我的网站,价格为20美元,因此我可以在拍卖会上说我的网站吸引了很多访问者。

The first few times I received these emails, I sent a normal note saying "No thanks. I’m not interested, and this kind of thing is clearly against eBay rules." Then, when they didn’t stop, I emailed them once saying something along these lines:

收到这些电子邮件的前几次,我发送了一封普通纸条,说:“不,谢谢。我不感兴趣,这种事情显然违反了eBay的规定。” 然后,当他们没有停止时,我曾向他们发送电子邮件,说过这些话:

"Hello. Nice to hear from you again. Let me try to find the default draft email I’ve saved for you. I think I saved it in my "Reply to Spam" template emails. Let me find it and I’ll get back to you."


They didn’t contact me again.


Be cautious before doing any partnerships of any kind with a domain name. Chances are it’s against eBay rules and regulations.

在与域名建立任何形式的合作关系之前,请务必谨慎。 很有可能违反eBay规则和规定。

Keep an Eye on eBay Policy


EBay regularly changes their listing policies. For example, they recently changed the "appraisal" policy for domain names. In the new policy, if a domain name is said to have been appraised, proof must be provide in the form of a link, a text message stating and "quoting" the exact appraisal, or a picture of it the appraisal certificate.

eBay会定期更改其上市政策。 例如,他们最近更改了域名的“评估”政策。 在新政策中,如果据说已经对域名进行了评估,则必须以链接,文字消息的形式提供证明,该文本消息应注明和“引用”确切的评估,或者以图片形式提供评估证书。

Like I said before, paying for appraisal to a site like Afternic is not a necessity and a free appraisal will do. Simply take a snapshot of the page (CTRL+Print Screen), paste it into Paint Shop or PhotoShop, cut the required image, and upload it to eBay (eBay allows one free picture per auction. There is, however, the option to upload as many pictures as you need to another server. If you upload the pictures to your own website, link to them using html code, and they will show up nicely).

就像我之前说过的那样,不必为Afternic这样的网站付费进行评估,而是可以免费进行评估。 只需拍摄页面快照(CTRL +打印屏幕),将其粘贴到Paint Shop或PhotoShop中,剪切所需的图像,然后将其上传到eBay(eBay允许每次拍卖免费提供一张图片。但是,可以选择上传所需的图片数量到另一台服务器。如果您将图片上传到自己的网站,请使用html代码链接到它们,这样可以很好地显示它们)。

Add a Logo


A simple way to maximize bidding is to place any logo made for the domain name on the auction page. Don’t forget to write a note to let bidders know that the logo is included in the auction. It’s not required, but a nice logo can really boost the bidding for a domain.

最大化出价的一种简单方法是将为域名制作的任何徽标放置在拍卖页面上。 不要忘了写一个便条,让投标人知道徽标已包含在拍卖中。 它不是必需的,但是精美的徽标确实可以提高域名的竞标价格。

Run Multiple Auctions Simultaneously


It actually helps to run multiple auctions at the same time. If someone likes your auction, but not the particular item they located, they can click on your username to view other auctions that are currently open. Users do this often and frequently end up bidding on other open auctions.

实际上,这有助于同时进行多个拍卖。 如果某人喜欢您的拍卖,但不喜欢他们所找到的特定物品,则他们可以单击您的用户名来查看当前打开的其他拍卖。 用户经常这样做,最终导致在其他公开拍卖中出价。

Use the Domain Name in the Auction Title


It’s also a good idea to write domain name itself in the auction topic or title, as this makes it easy for people to find your auction in a search, not to mention that people will see the domain name before they click the auction link. People are more apt to visit an auction when they know what you’re selling, and while this approach may increase competition between the values of auctions, it also increases traffic to your auction page.

将域名本身写在拍卖主题或标题中也是一个好主意,因为这使人们可以轻松地在搜索中找到您的拍卖,更不用说人们在单击拍卖链接之前会看到域名。 人们在知道您要出售的商品时更倾向于参加拍卖,尽管这种方法可能会增加拍卖价值之间的竞争,但也会增加您的拍卖页面的访问量。

Advertise Free Transfer


If domain transfer is free, mention it with pride in your auction. Put it in big, clear text; it’s abbreviated as "FT" on eBay. You might even want to add "FT" to the title of the auction, as well as in the auction details (I usually add it at the bottom of my listings). Explain in detail on the auction page if there is a transfer fee, how the buyer will need to pay for everything. The less confusing your auction is for a visitor, the more likely they will be to bid.

如果域名转让是免费的,请在拍卖中自豪地提及它。 用大而清晰的文字表示; 在eBay上缩写为“ FT”。 您甚至可能要在拍卖的标题以及拍卖详细信息中添加“ FT”(我通常将其添加到列表的底部)。 如果有转让费,请在拍卖页上详细说明,买方将需要如何支付所有费用。 您的拍卖对访客的混乱程度越小,他们竞标的可能性就越大。

Choose your Platform Carefully


The platform used to market a domain plays a vital role in getting it sold — and sold at a good price. Online auctions are not magical. It takes time and knowledge of the system to get great results. If one domain is set up for auction today, chances are there won’t be a frenzy of people bidding for it, even if it is a great name. I do believe, however, that eBay is one of the best places to sell a domain a get the maximum price for it. My experience with other auction sites is limited, but eBay works well and is quite popular.

用于销售域名的平台在出售域名以及以高价出售方面起着至关重要的作用。 在线拍卖不是神奇的。 要获得出色的结果,需要时间和系统知识。 如果今天设置一个域名进行拍卖,即使它是一个好名字,也不会有狂热的人竞标它。 但是,我确实相信eBay是出售域名并获得最高价格的最佳场所之一。 我在其他拍卖网站上的经验有限,但是eBay运作良好并且非常受欢迎。

Places like Afternic produce quite a few inquiries, but are short on getting domains sold. To see an example of how Afternic works, see this example appraisal and offer for Want2Call.com

诸如Afternic之类的地方产生了很多查询,但缺少出售域名的机会。 要查看Afternic如何工作的示例,请参阅此示例评估和对Want2Call.com的报价

This is an example of the area where offers are made: don’t make an offer! I don’t own the above domain name anymore (or any domains at Afternic.com for that matter), nor do I sell domains under that name. This is just an example of how to set it up. With this particular domain I didn’t charge for a transfer, but handed the buyer the account and email addresses associated with it. By giving them the log-in information, I bypassed having to pay a transfer fee (fees usually run anywhere from US$10 to US$35). This brings up another important point:

这是提供报价的区域的一个示例:不要报价! 我已经不再拥有上述域名(或在Afternic.com上的任何域名),也不再以该名称出售域名。 这只是如何进行设置的示例。 在这个特定的域中,我不收取转帐费用,而是将与帐户相关联的帐户和电子邮件地址交给了买方。 通过向他们提供登录信息,我无需支付转会费(手续费通常在10美元到35美元之间)。 这带来了另一个重要的观点:

Set up Each Domain as a Separate Account


Make sure you have a separate account set up for each domain you’re selling. This way the purchaser will only have access to the domain they buy, and not other domains in the auctioneer’s possession.

确保为您要出售的每个域设置一个单独的帐户。 这样,购买者将只能访问他们购买的域名,而不能访问拍卖师拥有的其他域名。

Promote the Auction in eZines


Let’s discuss ezines briefly. Domain ezines are online sites specifically for domain discussion and listings. Do a search for groups like "Domains for sale" on Yahoo! Groups or Topica.com, subscribe to any of them and start advertising (read their rules first! No one likes a spammer).

让我们简要讨论一下电子杂志。 域电子杂志是专门用于域讨论和列表的在线站点。 在Yahoo!上搜索“出售域名”之类的组! 群组或Topica.com,订阅其中任何一个并开始做广告(请先阅读其规则!没人喜欢垃圾邮件发送者)。

One important thing to note is to make sure advertising of domains is allowed in such places, or any place the domain is listed for sale. If a domain is listed at a site that doesn’t allow advertising, chances are it will be deleted from that list. Or worse, they may delete the account all together, and place the account owner on a blacklist. A good reputation is important in the line of selling domains — make it your first priority, as you would in any business.

需要注意的重要一件事是确保在这样的地方或列出了待售域名的任何地方都允许发布广告。 如果某个域名在不允许广告的网站上列出,则很可能会将其从该列表中删除。 更糟糕的是,他们可能会一起删除该帐户,并将该帐户所有者置于黑名单中。 良好的声誉在销售域名方面很重要-像在任何行业中一样,将其作为头等大事。

祝好运! (Good Luck!)

This article is intended as a guideline only. I hope it will help you sell domains successfully, or spark an idea or interest in selling domains. Remember, there are no specific rules to follow, but only theory to keep in mind.

本文仅供参考。 希望它能帮助您成功出售域名,或激发出对出售域名的想法或兴趣。 请记住,没有要遵循的特定规则,只有理论要牢记。

As new rules evolve that help both the seller and potential buyers, implement them! There is no one specific solution for domain sales: some work better than others, and it’s a process of trial and error. The big task is to continue to search for a better way to sell, to keep improving and coming up with fresh ideas. Any success I’ve had is because I continuously search for new ideas and avenues. So what are you waiting for? Take a pen, write down all the domain names you own, and see which ones will make both you and the buyer happy!

随着新规则的发展,对卖方和潜在买方都有帮助,请执行它们! 对于域名销售,没有一种特定的解决方案:有些解决方案比其他解决方案要好,这是一个反复试验的过程。 最大的任务是继续寻找更好的销售方式,以不断改进并提出新的想法。 我获得的任何成功都是因为我不断寻找新的想法和途径。 那你还在等什么? 用钢笔写下所有您拥有的域名,看看哪一个会让您和买家满意!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/domains-ebay-complete-guide/

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