评论:UltraDev 4

tech2024-06-17  94

HTML editors aren’t what they used to be. With the recent surge of growth in the area of server-side scripting and database-driven site design, the tools of the trade are evolving along with the needs of Web developers. Including support for WYSIWYG development of sites driven by ASP, JSP, and CFML, Macromedia’s Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 brings a host of powerful new features to the table, along with everything that Dreamweaver 4 has to offer (see the Review: Dreamweaver 4).

HTML编辑器已不再是以前的样子。 随着服务器端脚本和数据库驱动的站点设计领域最近的增长,该行业的工具随着Web开发人员的需求而发展。 Macromedia的Dreamweaver UltraDev 4包括对由ASP,JSP和CFML驱动的站点的WYSIWYG开发的支持,为该表带来了许多强大的新功能,以及Dreamweaver 4必须提供的所有功能(请参阅评论:Dreamweaver 4 )。

For readers unfamiliar with UltraDev, it is essentially Macromedia’s exceptional Web editor Dreamweaver 4 “beefed up” with features aimed at developers of dynamic and/or database-driven Web sites. The main advantage that UltraDev has over its competitors in this arena, which include Allaire Cold Fusion Studio, Microsoft Visual Interdev, and Adobe GoLive, is a degree of language and server independence. While these other programs are limited to working with a single scripting technology (ASP, or CFML in the case of Allaire’s product), UltraDev gives the developer the freedom to work with ASP, JSP, or CFML, and to interact with any database server these languages can connect to.

对于不熟悉UltraDev的读者来说,它实质上是Macromedia卓越的Web编辑器Dreamweaver 4,“ Deepweaver 4”具有针对动态和/或数据库驱动的Web站点开发人员的功能。 在这个领域,UltraDev相对于竞争对手的主要优势是在一定程度上具有语言和服务器独立性,这些竞争者包括Allaire Cold Fusion Studio,Microsoft Visual Interdev和Adobe GoLive。 尽管这些其他程序仅限于使用单一脚本技术(对于Allaire产品而言是ASP或CFML),但UltraDev使开发人员可以自由使用ASP,JSP或CFML并与这些数据库服务器进行交互。语言可以连接。

While freedom to work in any of the three supported languages is nice, UltraDev’s trademark since the release of the original version in June 2000 has been the Live Data preview. At the click of a button, fields defined to contain dynamic information culled from the database will be displayed as live data fetched from the database. This is, to put it mildly, an impressive feat to behold. While competing editors automate the process of uploading a preview page to your server and opening it in a Web browser, UltraDev brings the data to you, letting you work in real time with a WYSIWYG view of what your page will actually look like, dynamic data and all. UltraDev can also cache the results of queries used in your pages so that you can still work with the Live Data preview when your development computer is not connected to the network, and thus cannot access the database server.

尽管可以自由地使用三种支持的语言进行工作,但是自2000年6月发行原始版本以来,UltraDev的商标就是Live Data Preview。 单击按钮后,定义为包含从数据库中挑选出的动态信息的字段将显示为从数据库中获取的实时数据。 坦率地说,这是令人印象深刻的壮举。 当竞争性编辑器自动执行将预览页上传到服务器并在Web浏览器中打开它的过程时,UltraDev将数据带给您,让您以所见即所得的视图实时查看页面的实际外观,动态数据和所有。 UltraDev还可以缓存页面中使用的查询结果,以便在开发计算机未连接到网络并因此无法访问数据库服务器时仍可以使用实时数据预览。

New in UltraDev 4, you can now configure the Live Data preview to connect to the database using the same connection mechanism that your finished site will use. This is handy in situations where you database server is not directly accessible from your development machine for security reasons. To accomplish this, UltraDev uploads a set of scripts into a special directory on your server. It then uses those scripts to communicate with the database server using standard HTTP requests. When you’ve finished your development work, you can then instruct UltraDev to remove these scripts from the server, thereby closing the potential security hole that they represent (note that to exploit that hole a hacker would still need to obtain your username and password to log into the database – the scripts only provide a bridge for the connection).

UltraDev 4的新增功能,您现在可以将实时数据预览配置为使用与最终站点将使用的连接机制相同的连接机制来连接到数据库。 在出于安全原因无法直接从开发计算机访问数据库服务器的情况下,这非常方便。 为此,UltraDev将一组脚本上载到服务器上的特殊目录中。 然后,它使用这些脚本通过标准HTTP请求与数据库服务器通信。 完成开发工作后,您可以指示UltraDev从服务器上删除这些脚本,从而消除它们所代表的潜在安全漏洞(请注意,利用该漏洞,黑客仍需要获取您的用户名和密码,登录数据库-脚本仅提供连接的桥梁)。

As of version 4, Dreamweaver has become a fusion between a WYSIWYG editor and a code-based editor, allowing the designer to flip between the two views, or work in a split-screen view to see both at once. UltraDev 4 inherits these new features as well, providing full syntax highlighting for ASP, JSP, and CFML in addition to the JavaScript and HTML highlighting present in Dreamweaver. The handy Reference panel, which in Dreamweaver 4 provides a complete reference for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS courtesy of O’Reilly, may be expanded in UltraDev 4 to provide references for ASP and JSP from WROX Press by downloading two free plugins from the Macromedia Exchange. Although no CFML reference is available as of this writing, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Macromedia produce one at some point in the near future.

从版本4开始,Dreamweaver已成为WYSIWYG编辑器和基于代码的编辑器的融合,允许设计人员在两个视图之间切换,或在分屏视图中一次查看两者。 UltraDev 4也继承了这些新功能,除了Dreamweaver中提供JavaScript和HTML高亮显示外,还为ASP,JSP和CFML提供了完整的语法高亮显示。 方便的“参考”面板在Dreamweaver 4中提供了O'Reilly提供HTML,JavaScript和CSS的完整参考,可以通过从Macromedia下载两个免费的插件在UltraDev 4中进行扩展,以从WROX Press提供ASP和JSP的参考。交换。 尽管在撰写本文时没有可用的CFML参考,但是看到Macromedia在不久的将来制作出一个参考,我不会感到惊讶。

To users of the previous version of UltraDev, the concept of a Server Behavior should be quite familiar. For the uninitiated, Server Behaviors are what Macromedia calls the pieces of server-side functionality available in UltraDev. These include things like repeating a section of HTML for each row in a database result set (to display a table of results, for instance), displaying a form to add records to a database, providing next/previous links to navigate through a result set displaying a limited number of results per page, and other common design elements for database-driven sites. In UltraDev 4, the library of Server Behaviors has been expanded by providing more flexibility for existing Behaviors and adding Behaviors for user authentication. These new Behaviors allow you to secure pages by requiring that users provide a username and password that are checked against entries in a database table of your own choosing. The results produced by these new Behaviors look very professional; you’ll never have to code a site signup form by hand again!

对于以前版本的UltraDev的用户,“服务器行为”的概念应该非常熟悉。 对于刚开始的用户,服务器行为就是Macromedia称之为UltraDev中可用的服务器端功能的部分。 这些功能包括为数据库结果集中的每一行重复HTML的一部分(例如,显示结果表),显示向数据库添加记录的表单,提供下一个/上一个链接以浏览结果集的操作每页显示有限数量的结果,以及数据库驱动的网站的其他常见设计元素。 在UltraDev 4中,通过为现有行为提供更大的灵活性并为用户身份验证添加行为,服务器行为库得以扩展。 这些新的行为使您可以通过要求用户提供用户名和密码来保护页面,这些用户名和密码将根据您选择的数据库表中的条目进行检查。 这些新的行为产生的结果看起来非常专业。 您再也不必手动编写网站注册表单了!

While the existing library of Server Behaviors is extensive, UltraDev was designed as an expandable product, so that new Behaviors could be added by programming them with the Dreamweaver JavaScript API. While this was a powerful option, it was not especially convenient. UltraDev 4 features a new Server Behavior Builder that lets you design new Behaviors without coding. In the screenshot below, I’ve put together a very simple example that will prompt the designer to choose a database record set and a column name and will display the selected text in red if the value from the database happens to be negative.

尽管现有的服务器行为库很丰富,但UltraDev被设计为可扩展产品,因此可以通过使用Dreamweaver JavaScript API对其进行编程来添加新的行为。 尽管这是一个强大的选项,但并不是特别方便。 UltraDev 4具有新的服务器行为生成器,可让您无需编码即可设计新行为。 在下面的屏幕快照中,我整理了一个非常简单的示例,该示例将提示设计人员选择数据库记录集和列名,并且如果数据库中的值恰好为负,则将以红色显示所选文本。

One of the biggest gripes that JSP developers had with the previous version of UltraDev was its weak support for JavaBeans. In UltraDev 4, JavaBeans can now be added as data sources just like database queries; their properties become available for use in creating dynamic text fields and such. Flexibility in this area could still be better (for example, the you must place copies of the Java class files for JavaBeans you wish to use into the UltraDev directory), but the fact that UltraDev now allows you to hand-code these sorts of things makes using JavaBeans components a lot more convenient than it was in the previous version.

JSP开发人员对早期版本的UltraDev的最大困扰之一是它对JavaBeans的支持不力。 在UltraDev 4中,现在可以像数据库查询一样将JavaBeans添加为数据源。 它们的属性可用于创建动态文本字段等。 这方面的灵活性可能会更好(例如,您必须将要使用的JavaBean的Java类文件的副本放置在UltraDev目录中),但是事实是UltraDev现在允许您手动编码这些东西。使JavaBeans组件的使用比以前的版本更加方便。

If you’re used to hand coding your database-driven Web sites, UltraDev’s drag-and-drop WYSIWYG paradigm certainly takes some getting used to. With UltraDev 4’s support for direct code editing, however, you can get right to work with your existing skills and then gradually migrate to UltraDev’s helpful, time saving features. The only real disappointment in UltraDev 4 is the lack of support for PHP. If you’re committed to developing your sites in PHP, you had best look elsewhere; otherwise, download the 30-day trial version and find out for yourself how UltraDev can simplify your dynamic Web development tasks, letting you get more done in less time!

如果习惯于对数据库驱动的网站进行手工编码,UltraDev的拖放式所见即所得范例肯定需要一些习惯。 但是,借助UltraDev 4对直接代码编辑的支持,您可以正确使用现有技能,然后逐渐迁移到UltraDev的有用,省时的功能。 UltraDev 4中唯一真正令人失望的是缺少对PHP的支持。 如果您致力于使用PHP开发网站,那么最好在其他地方查看; 否则,请下载30天的试用版,并亲自了解UltraDev如何简化动态Web开发任务,让您在更短的时间内完成更多工作!

定价和供货情况: (Pricing and Availability:)

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 for Windows and Macintosh – US$599 UltraDev 4 Fireworks 4 Studio – US$699 Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Upgrade from Dreamweaver UltraDev – US$129 Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Promotion for Dreamweaver Users – US$299

适用于Windows和Macintosh的Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 – US $ 599 UltraDev 4 Fireworks 4 Studio – US $ 699 Dreamweaver UltraDev 4从Dreamweaver UltraDev升级– US $ 129 Dreamweaver UltraDev 4面向Dreamweaver用户的促销– US $ 299

30-day free trial and full version available now at www.macromedia.com.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-ultradev-4/
