
tech2024-06-18  96

I have two theories about the Internet.


Theory #1: Smart people build the Internet, smarter people manage the Internet, but technically challenged people use it.


Theory #2 Web sites have a natural progression. They start off on a free server, then they move to a paid virtual host and at some point will have a domain name. From here, they move up to a better virtual host, and then migrate to a virtual server. Once they reach this point the only step left is to move to a dedicated server or even multiple servers depending on the configuration. The dedicated server can be leased, managed, or simply co-located at a Data Center.

理论#2网站自然发展。 他们从一台免费服务器上开始,然后移至付费虚拟主机,并在某个时候拥有一个域名。 他们从这里移到更好的虚拟主机,然后迁移到虚拟服务器。 一旦达到这一点,剩下的唯一步骤就是根据配置移至专用服务器甚至多个服务器。 专用服务器可以在数据中心租用,管理或简单地放置在同一位置。

As much as I’m sure you’d love for me to expand on theory #1 I will be spending my time going over the intricacies of theory #2. More importantly, I’m going to skip over the free, virtual host, and virtual server and dive right into the big daddy of dedicated hosting.

我确信您一定会爱我,以扩展理论#1,我将花费我的时间讨论理论#2的复杂性。 更重要的是,我将跳过免费的虚拟主机和虚拟服务器,直接进入专用托管的老爹。

First, let me tell you how this article will evolve. You see, like the Internet, this article is changing even as you are reading it. Heck, it’s changing as I write it. I cannot give you a solid idea of what will be next, but I will do my best to prepare you for what’s coming up. With that, in mind let’s get started on my journey into the world of dedicated hosting….

首先,让我告诉您本文将如何发展。 您会发现,就像在阅读互联网一样,这篇文章也在发生变化。 哎呀,我写的时候它正在改变。 我不能给您一个扎实的下一步打算,但我会尽力为您做好准备。 考虑到这一点,让我们开始进入专用托管世界的旅程。

The first thing most people will consider when going dedicated is price (please note for article purposes the single word "dedicated" encompasses dedicated, managed, and collocated servers). While this is important and your budget is a big concern, you actually have a lot more planning to do. People that shop on price alone and try to find the cheapest guy with all the "cool" stuff are in for a hard lesson.

大多数人会在专用时首先考虑的是价格(请注意,出于文章目的,“专用”一词包含专用,托管和并置的服务器)。 尽管这很重要并且您的预算是一个大问题,但实际上您还有很多计划要做。 那些只靠价格购物并试图找到所有“酷”东西最便宜的人的教训很艰巨。

作业系统 (The Operating System)

So, what is the biggest decision I had to make? Operating System. Yes, I know many of you are screaming at me for even considering Win 2K vs. *nix BUT I had to consider all my options. So what did I choose? Well, like most web servers out there I went with a *nix flavor. Red Hat 6.2 to be exact. Why? Budget was a huge consideration for me, as it will undoubtedly be for many of you. Since, I wanted to spend more money on the hardware, and toys I figured I could save big bucks by going with a free Operating System.

那么,我要做的最大决定是什么? 操作系统。 是的,我知道你们中的很多人甚至在考虑Win 2K与* nix时都对我大喊大叫,但我不得不考虑所有的选择。 那我选了什么呢? 好吧,就像大多数Web服务器一样,我都带有* nix风格。 确切地说是Red Hat 6.2。 为什么? 预算对我来说是一个巨大的考虑因素,因为无疑对许多人而言。 从那以后,我想在硬件和玩具上花费更多的钱,我认为通过使用免费的操作系统,我可以节省很多钱。

I choose Red Hat for its huge installed base in the industry and wide support channels. That and the fact that most people know Red Hat, it’s well documented and the idea of RPM’s (yes I know that the other flavors have packaging systems) appealed to me from the start.

我之所以选择Red Hat,是因为Red Hat具有庞大的行业安装基础和广泛的支持渠道。 那就是大多数人都了解Red Hat的事实,它有据可查,并且RPM的想法(是的,我知道其他口味都有包装系统)从一开始就吸引了我。

** Quick Note ** RPM – Red Hat Package Manager – This is an easy and fast way to install software and programs onto a Red Hat system (or RPM enabled system). An RPM will allow one command installation and de-installation with out the need for "make" files, lengthy pre-configuration, and compiling. In other words, it’s a great tool for Linux novices. ** End Note **

**快速说明** RPM – Red Hat Package Manager –这是将软件和程序安装到Red Hat系统(或启用RPM的系统)上的简便快捷方法。 RPM将允许一个命令的安装和卸载,而无需“ make”文件,冗长的预配置和编译。 换句话说,对于Linux新手来说,它是一个很好的工具。 **尾注**

系统 (The System)

Now that I had the Operating System sorted, I moved onto the mechanic’s of the server itself. This lead to the next big question: What kind of system did I want? A dedicated server, a managed server, or collocated server? For some, this is an easy choice based again on your budget. For others it’s a knowledge issue, and still others see it as a control issue.

现在,我已经对操作系统进行了排序,然后进入了服务器本身的机制。 这就引出了下一个大问题:我想要哪种系统? 专用服务器,托管服务器还是并置服务器? 对于某些人来说,根据您的预算,这是一个容易的选择。 对于其他人来说,这是一个知识问题,还有一些人则将其视为控制问题。

定义: (Definitions:)

Collocated Server – This is when you build or purchase a server then place it (aka collocate) it at a data center. The hosting company is not responsible for any aspect of the server other than to provide it with power, and Internet connectivity.

并置服务器 –这是当您构建或购买服务器然后将其(也称为并置)服务器放置在数据中心时。 托管公司不负责服务器的任何方面,除了为其提供电源和Internet连接之外。

Pros: You own the hardware and software and have 100% control over everything.


Cons: You will receive no free support from the hosting company.


Dedicated Server – This is when you lease a server from a company and this company is responsible for the hardware of the server and you are responsible for the software.

专用服务器 –这是当您从公司租用服务器并且该公司负责服务器的硬件并且负责软件时。

Pros: You don’t have to worry about hardware failures or doing upgrades on the hardware since the hosting company will retain responsibility for this.


Cons: Typically a higher monthly cost. You are also forced into using whatever hardware the hosting company offers. (I.e. AMD over Intel processors). You are typically charged for hardware upgrades in the form of a monthly recurring fee.

缺点:通常每月费用较高。 您还必须使用托管公司提供的任何硬件。 (即AMD超过Intel处理器)。 通常会以每月定期费用的形式向您收取硬件升级费用。

Managed Server – A managed server is one that the hosting company retains full control over. You will simply provide the data for the server and dictate how the maintenance of this server will be handled. Typically the client has no root access and cannot add or remove programs without the authorization of the hosting company.

托管服务器 –托管服务器是托管公司保留对其完全控制的服务器。 您只需提供服务器的数据,并指定如何处理该服务器的维护。 通常,客户端没有root访问权,并且未经托管公司的授权也无法添加或删除程序。

Pros: In general, you have to little to worry about since the hosting company will take all the hardware, software, and security issues under their belts. This leaves you more time to concentrate on the site development and less on the administration of the server

优点:一般来说,您不必担心,因为托管公司将处理所有的硬件,软件和安全问题。 这使您有更多时间专注于站点开发,而减少了对服务器的管理

Cons: Typically the most expensive option. You really have less control over the daily operations of the server than with the other two options. However, this is needed in order for the hosting company to deliver on its promises of uptime, security, etc.

缺点:通常是最昂贵的选择。 与其他两个选项相比,您实际上对服务器的日常操作的控制较少。 但是,这是托管公司履行其正常运行时间,安全性等承诺所必需的。

我的解决方案 (My Solution)

So what did I chose and why? Well, as much as I would have like to have gone with a dedicated server I chose the collocated server instead. The managed server for this article was kind of silly but it was a nice dream for about 3 seconds (rewrite the sentence prior to this). Another big factor in my decision was price. For me, it was also circumstance, since I have a data center just around the corner from me, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

那我选了什么,为什么呢? 好吧,就像我想使用专用服务器一样,我选择了并置服务器。 本文的托管服务器有点愚蠢,但是大约3秒钟就是一个美梦(重写之前的句子)。 我决定的另一个重要因素是价格。 对我来说,这也是一种情况,因为我附近有一个数据中心,所以我不能错过这个机会。

硬体 (The Hardware)

So I had my OS and I had picked out how I want the server to be hosted. The final step in this process was to pick out the hardware and the server style. Again we’ll need some definitions here:

因此,我有了自己的操作系统,并选择了如何托管服务器。 此过程的最后一步是挑选硬件和服务器样式。 同样,我们在这里需要一些定义:

White Box Server (AKA shelf mount) – For this I want you to look down at your computer. That is a white box server. These are typically the home built servers and are the cheapest to manufacture.

白盒服务器(又称机架安装) –为此,我希望您看一下计算机。 那是白盒服务器。 这些通常是家用服务器,制造成本最低。

Pros: Easily built, upgraded, and maintained since we’ve all tinkered with our home computers.


Cons: Hosting companies will typically charge you more for this type of server depending on its size. Also, since this server has to be place on a shelf system it’s more susceptible to being "moved" around by passer-by’s.

缺点:托管公司通常会根据服务器的大小向您收取更多费用。 而且,由于必须将该服务器放置在架子系统上,因此更容易被路人“四处走动”。

Rack Mount Server – This is what you see whenever you look at a hosting companies server room. Columns and columns of these servers will be lined up next to each other in their racks. This is also the type of server most hosting companies will lease out.

机架安装服务器 –每当您看到托管公司服务器室时,便会看到此内容。 这些服务器的列和列将在其机架中彼此并排排列。 这也是大多数托管公司将租赁的服务器类型。

Pros: Typically they are easier to mount and many hosting companies will accept them with open arms. Also pricing for these types of servers is based on a per U basis. 1U is about 1 3/4 inch tall.

优点:通常,它们更容易安装,许多托管公司会张开双臂接受它们。 这些类型的服务器的定价也基于每个U。 1U约为1 3/4英寸高。

Cons: Typically these servers are harder to upgrade unless you’ve spent some money up front for Hot Swap items (i.e. Hard Drives etc).


I chose to go with the rack-mounted server. I will be using an Intel ISP 1100. It will be equipped with an Intel PIII 800 Mhz processor, 128 Megs of RAM, and a 20 Gig IDE HD.

我选择与机架式服务器一起使用。 我将使用英特尔ISP 1100 。 它将配备Intel PIII 800 Mhz处理器,128 Megs RAM和20 Gig IDE HD。

Now with that out of the way, we can start installing software. When next we meet we’ll talk about picking extra software and, of course, the installation of this software and the Operating System.

现在,我们可以开始安装软件了。 下一次见面时,我们将讨论选择额外的软件,当然还有该软件和操作系统的安装。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-hosting-options/
