
tech2024-06-22  154


Is it just me, or is customer service really bad all over the place? It’s bad in retail shops, on the phone, through the mail, on the Web,…

是我一个人,还是各地的客户服务真的很差? 在零售商店,通过电话,通过邮件,在网络上,这很糟糕。

But you don’t have to be part of the problem! Here are some tips and real-life examples to help you improve your relationships with customers through outstanding service. Amazingly, as we’ll see, it all comes down to what your mother told you all along.

但是,您不必成为问题的一部分! 以下是一些技巧和实际示例,可帮助您通过出色的服务改善与客户的关系。 令人惊讶的是,正如我们将看到的,这全都归结为您母亲一直告诉您的内容。


Ever break your promises.


If you say, "I will email you back with that information today," or "We will ship that out to you within 24 hours," then DO IT. Make a promise once to a customer and then break it, and they will think, "Oh, too bad, this business has poor customer service just like every other business…" Continually breaking your promises to customers will earn your business a reputation as flaky and unreliable-and, guess what? you will lose your customers. If you can’t keep a promise, then don’t make it; if you do make a promise, then also make every possible effort to keep it. Period.

如果您说“我今天将通过电子邮件将这些信息发送给您”或“我们将在24小时之内将其发送给您”,则请这样做。 对客户做出一次承诺,然后破坏它,他们会认为:“哦,太糟糕了,与其他所有业务一样,这家企业的客户服务质量也很差……”不断地兑现对客户的承诺将使您的企业获得举足轻重的声誉而且不可靠-猜猜怎么着? 你会失去你的客户。 如果你不能兑现诺言,那就不要兑现。 如果您确实做出承诺,那么也要竭尽全力以兑现。 期。

Make things overly complicated for your customer.


For example, if your web store forces potential customers to email you for prices; or they can’t find your contact information (email, phone, fax, etc.) easily on your website; or they have to talk to 10 people in 6 departments to get the help they need; then you are making things too hard for your customers and they will leave you. On a website where I regularly purchase software, I once needed technical help with a product. Going to the home page, I noticed a big animated graphic that said, "Click to leave a message"–so I used it to send an email that I hoped would get to the support staff. Of course, I got no response at all until a couple of days later when, still frustrated, I spent time to seek out the actual support email address on the website (which was several layers down). Don’t frustrate your customers! Whatever they want and need from you, make it painfully easy and obvious for them to get it.

例如,如果您的网上商店强迫潜在客户通过电子邮件向您发送价格; 或者他们无法在您的网站上轻松找到您的联系信息(电子邮件,电话,传真等); 或者他们必须与6个部门的10个人进行交谈以获得他们需要的帮助; 那么您就使客户变得太难了,他们会离开您的。 在我定期购买软件的网站上,我曾经需要产品的技术帮助。 转到主页,我注意到一个很大的动画图形,上面写着“单击以留下消息”,因此我用它发送了一封电子邮件,希望能给支持人员。 当然,直到几天后,仍然感到沮丧的是,我花了一些时间在网站上查找实际的支持电子邮件地址(这是向下几层)后,我才完全没有回应。 不要让您的客户感到沮丧! 无论他们想要和需要您什么,他们都会很容易地很容易地获得它。

Let your automated systems make using your website or business difficult for your customers.


There was the one site where it took me about seven manual tries at unsubscribing, then repeatedly writing to the webmaster, just to get off their email newsletter list…Needless to say, I won’t be re-subscribing to that newsletter, although their site is very useful! If you’re going to automate, do it right, so that customers really CAN help themselves. Otherwise, you’re just going to make them angry and drive them away.

在一个站点上,我花了大约7次手动尝试来取消订阅,然后反复写信给网站管理员,只是为了摆脱他们的电子邮件新闻通讯录……不用说,尽管他们的电子邮件是我的,但我不会重新订阅该新闻通讯。网站非常有用! 如果您要实现自动化,请正确执行,以便客户真正可以自助。 否则,您只会使他们生气并把他们赶走。

Forget that your customers have a strong sense of fair play.


You need to make sure that you always treat them fairly, first come-first served; fair pricing and shipping charges; fair policies-because if you don’t treat them fairly, they will find out about it and leave you. For example, a friend of mine ordered something from an online shopping site that was listed as “in stock.” A couple of months later, he received an email from them saying that the item was actually out of stock when he ordered it and that they were, once again, out of stock. The kicker is, the site had the item in stock several times between when my friend ordered it and when they notified him-but because when he ordered it was out of stock, they never sent the order! However, other people obviously ordered and received the item in the same period of time that he was waiting for it. Then when he called them, they said, in essence, "Sorry, we can’t help you." My friend will never order anything from that site again-they violated basic rules of fairness in dealing with him. Don’t let this kind of stuff drive your customers away; if there are flaws in your system that have the potential to cause unfairness, start fixing them now.

您需要确保始终一视同仁,先到先得; 公平的价格和运输费用; 公平的政策-因为如果您不公平地对待它们,他们会发现并离开您。 例如,我的一个朋友从一个在线购物网站订购了一个列为“库存”的商品。 几个月后,他收到他们的一封电子邮件,说该商品在他订购时实际上已经缺货,并且再次缺货。 更重要的是,在我的朋友订购该商品与通知他之间,该站点有几次存货,但是因为他订购的商品缺货,所以他们从未发送过该商品! 但是,显然其他人在他等待该商品的同一时间订购并收到了该商品。 然后,当他给他们打电话时,他们实质上说:“对不起,我们不能帮助您。” 我的朋友再也不会从该站点订购任何东西了-他们在与他打交道时违反了基本的公平规则。 不要让这种东西将您的客户赶走。 如果您的系统中存在可能导致不公平的缺陷,请立即修复。

Forget to say “thank you.”


A web developer that I know has a system for working with clients in which he says “thank you” (in letters, cards, lunches, and flowers) no less than seven times over the course of his relationship with the client-from the first contact to the maintenance contract. He’s very successful doing this. Make it a point to say “thank you” at every opportunity-your customers will feel like you really appreciate and value them.

据我所知,有一个网络开发人员拥有一个与客户合作的系统,在该系统中,他与客户建立关系的过程中,他说“谢谢”(用信件,卡片,午餐和鲜花)不少于7次。联系维护合同。 他这样做非常成功。 抓住每一个机会说“谢谢”的重点,您的客户会觉得您真的很感激并珍视他们。


Answer your communications-emails and voice messages-promptly.


I hate to have to say this, because it’s so darn basic, but apparently 90% of businesses still don’t get the first rule of good customer service. For example, I have an account with a top-rated online bank. After setting up my account with them, I needed some information-just a couple of numbers-to get started on setting up a merchant account. Now, I KNOW that my bank WANTS me to use their online systems to get help, so I sent an email request to customer service. And then I waited. And then I sent another email request. And waited some more. After waiting for five days, I called their customer service department and got the information I needed within 15 minutes. When I finally did get an email back from customer service a few days later, the response was completely unrelated to what I had asked and was totally unhelpful. So, here it is again: ALWAYS answer your email, voice, and other messages AS QUICKLY as you can. Even if it’s just to say, “I will look into it and get back to you within 3 business days,” that’s a million times better than most businesses are doing. (Note: no, using an autoresponder does not count as answering the message. Sorry.)

我讨厌这样说,因为它太简单了,但是显然90%的企业仍然没有获得优质客户服务的首要原则。 例如,我有一个顶级网上银行帐户。 在与他们建立帐户之后,我需要一些信息(仅几个数字)即可开始建立商人帐户。 现在,我知道我的银行希望我使用他们的在线系统来获取帮助,所以我向客户服务发送了一封电子邮件请求。 然后我等了。 然后我又发送了一封电子邮件请求。 等了。 等待五天后,我致电他们的客户服务部门,并在15分钟内获得了我所需的信息。 几天后,当我终于收到客户服务的电子邮件时,响应与我的要求完全无关,完全没有帮助。 因此,这又是一遍:始终尽可能快地答复您的电子邮件,语音和其他消息。 即使只是说:“我会调查并在3个工作日内与您联系”,这比大多数企业的业绩要好一百万倍。 (注意:否,使用自动回复器不算是应答消息。很抱歉。)

Make the information that your customers want easily available to them.


Once when I wanted to order 4 copies of a book, I shopped around the major Internet booksellers. At one of the booksellers, it was impossible for me to tell how many copies of the book were in stock-and even after I ordered the 4 copies successfully, I got a message back from the company later that my books were NOT in stock. Going to their major competitor, I found that there I could tell whether the books were in stock, check the status of my order, and even cancel it myself if I wanted to. When I shop for books online now, I will be sticking with bookseller #2, because the quality and comprehensiveness of the information I could access on their site was much better.

当我想订购4本书时,我到主要的互联网书店逛逛。 在其中一家书商那里,我无法分辨出有多少本书库存,即使我成功订购了4本书后,公司后来也向我回信说我的书没有库存。 去他们的主要竞争对手,我发现在那里我可以判断这些书是否有存货,检查订单状态,甚至在需要时自己取消。 现在,当我在线上购买书籍时,我将坚持与第二销售商合作,因为我可以在其网站上访问的信息的质量和全面性要好得多。

Treat every customer like a completely precious individual. Relate to him or her as if they were the only person in the world, while you’re on the phone, in chat, or writing an email to them. Customers love personal attention, so hang on their every word and don’t let yourself get interrupted. Remember that your customers are absolutely the lifeblood of your business, and treat them accordingly. No, I’m not suggesting that you form romantic attachments with your customers! but they will sense whether you believe they are valuable. So you must believe that they are valuable and then put that belief into action.

像对待一个完全珍贵的个人一样对待每个客户。 与您联系,就好像他们是世界上唯一的人一样,而您正在打电话,聊天或给他们写电子邮件。 客户喜欢个人的关注,因此请坚持自己的每个话,不要让自己受到干扰。 请记住,您的客户绝对是您企业的命脉,请相应地对待他们。 不,我不建议您与客户建立恋爱关系! 但是他们会感觉到您是否认为自己有价值。 因此,您必须相信它们是有价值的,然后将其付诸实践。

Cultivate an environment in your business where each employee takes personal responsibility for your customers.


When I wanted to get DSL for my home office, what I thought would be a fairly simple transaction (I order DSL, I pay for DSL, you install DSL, we’re all happy) became a 3-month long headache. I did finally figure out which department of the DSL company I needed to call to check up on the status of my order; however, every time I called or emailed that department, I spoke to a different person and had to explain my whole situation over again. All these people were very nice, but ultimately totally unhelpful. What I needed was for one of them to say, “I understand your need, we dropped the ball, and I am personally going to make sure that this happens for you as soon as possible.” You and your staff need to adopt an attitude of personal responsibility for each customer; your customers will keep coming back if they know that they can talk to Bob, or Susan, or whoever just once and get their problem fixed.

当我想为家庭办公室购买DSL时,我认为这是一个相当简单的交易(我订购DSL,我为DSL付费,安装DSL,我们都很高兴)变成了3个月的头痛。 我最终确定了需要打电话给DSL公司的哪个部门来检查订单状态。 但是,每次我给该部门打电话或发电子邮件时,我都与另一个人交谈,不得不再次解释我的整个情况。 所有这些人都很好,但最终完全无济于事。 我需要的是让他们中的一个说:“我了解您的需求,我们丢下了球,我个人将确保尽快为您实现这一目标。” 您和您的员工需要对每个客户采取个人负责的态度; 如果您的客户知道可以与Bob,Susan或任何人交谈一次,并且可以解决他们的问题,他们将继续回来。

Every so often, make an outrageous, extravagant effort to serve a customer.



StrangePegs.com, their web store sold out of a hot collectible item within a few hours of a news announcement on a related website. However, a potential customer then wrote to StrangePegs (from an email link easily located on every page of the site) to ask whether any more of this item was available. The business owner, Andrew, replied promptly that there were no more for sale but that he was trying to get some. But the story doesn’t end there-Andrew hunted through online auctions for weeks, trying to find more of this collectible item. When he finally found one, he wrote to the potential customer to ask whether the price being asked on auction was OK; then purchased the item and arranged for it to be shipped directly to the customer; and didn’t charge the customer a single cent beyond the original auction price plus shipping. StrangePegs actually lost money here-hours went into finding the item and arranging the deal! but the customer was completely impressed with this level of service. You should make an extravagant customer service effort soon. Do it at a financial loss, even. Maybe even put it on your schedule to find some extraordinary customer service activity to do each month (for a different customer each time). That customer will be yours forever, and might even tell his or her friends about you.

他们的网上商店StrangePegs.com在相关网站上的新闻发布后的几个小时内就将热门收藏品售罄。 但是,潜在的客户随后写信给StrangePegs(通过该站点每个页面上的电子邮件链接),以询问是否还有其他可用的商品。 企业所有者安德鲁立即回答说,没有其他东西可以出售了,但他正试图拿到一些。 但是故事并没有就此结束-安德鲁(Andrew)在网上拍卖中搜寻了数周,试图找到更多这种收藏品。 当他终于找到一个时,他写信给潜在的顾客,询问拍卖中要价是否还可以。 然后购买该物品并安排将其直接运送给客户; 并且没有向客户收取超出原始拍卖价格和运费的一分钱。 实际上,StrangePegs在这里几个小时就亏本了,他们找到了物品并安排了交易! 但是这种服务水平给客户留下了深刻的印象。 您应该尽快进行大量的客户服务。 即使这样做也会造成经济损失。 甚至甚至可以按计划安排每个月要进行一些非凡的客户服务活动(每次针对不同的客户)。 该客户将永远是您的客户,甚至可能告诉他或她的朋友您的情况。

When you consider the essentials of outstanding customer service, it really just comes down to doing what your mom always told you: keep your word, play nice, be fair, say “thank you,” answer me when I talk to you, and have a little respect. Do these things, and you might not even have to clean your room or comb your hair-although those probably wouldn’t hurt! So go ahead, make your mom proud and show us some great customer service. Your customers will appreciate it, too.

当您考虑到出色的客户服务的基本要素时,实际上只能归结为您妈妈一直告诉您的事情:保持言行,保持友善,公平,说“谢谢”,当我与您交谈时回答我,并且有点尊重。 做这些事情,您甚至不必打扫房间或梳理头发,尽管它们可能不会受伤! 因此,继续前进,让您的妈妈感到自豪,并向我们展示一些出色的客户服务。 您的客户也会对此表示赞赏。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/outstanding-customer-service/

