
tech2024-06-23  102


In Part 1 of the Buyers’ Guide, we looked at Credit Card processing and the various forms these transactions could take. Now we get into the nitty gritty – fees, charges, and questions you should ask prospective vendors.

在《购买者指南》的第1部分中,我们研究了信用卡处理以及这些交易可以采用的各种形式。 现在,我们进入了一些棘手的问题–费用,收费以及您应该向潜在供应商询问的问题。

如何处理在线交易 (How Online Transactions Are Processed)

The process a transaction goes through is actually quite complicated, however it only takes a few seconds to complete. If you use a Real-Time Processing solution, here’s how an onlione transaction occurs:

事务处理实际上很复杂,但是只需几秒钟即可完成。 如果您使用实时处理解决方案,则以下是独立交易的发生方式:

The customer elects to move to the check out with the items they placed into their shopping cart or selected from the order form on a merchant’s Website.

客户选择将商品放入购物车或从商人网站的订单中选择移至结帐处。 The customer then selects "credit card" as their method of payment.

然后,客户选择“信用卡”作为他们的付款方式。 Their browser connects to the Website host’s secure server, and brings up the secure payment form.

他们的浏览器连接到网站托管人的安全服务器,并显示安全付款表格。 The customer enters in his or her credit card information on the secure payment form, and authorizes the transaction by clicking a “Complete Order” type button.

客户在安全付款表上输入他或她的信用卡信息,然后通过单击“完成订单”类型按钮来授权交易。 The transaction information flows to the Website host’s secure server using SSL encryption.

交易信息使用SSL加密流到网站主机的安全服务器。 The secure server connects to the merchant’s processing bank either via a Secure Payment Gateway (a third party who provides the connection to the processing bank via land line), or directly (some processors have their own proprietary Secure Payment Gateway and therefore do not require a third party to provide this service).

安全服务器通过安全支付网关(通过陆线提供与处理银行的连接的第三方)或直接(某些处理器具有自己专有的安全支付网关,从而连接到商家的处理银行)。第三方提供此服务)。 The processor polls the card network, such as Visa or Master Card, directly, and the validity of the card, and availability of funds is confirmed.

处理器直接轮询诸如Visa或Master Card之类的卡网络,并验证卡的有效性,并确认资金的可用性。 If the transaction’s approved, an authorization code is returned to the processor, or to the Secure Payment Gateway from the processor.

如果交易被批准,则授权码将返回到处理器,或从处理器返回到Secure Payment Gateway。 The authorization is encrypted by the Payment Gateway or processor and transmitted in encrypted form to the Web server of the merchant, which triggers fulfillment of the order.

授权由付款网关或处理器加密,并以加密形式传输到商家的Web服务器,从而触发订单的履行。 The merchant’s Web server then sends the customer’s browser a confirmation receipt.

然后,商人的Web服务器向客户的浏览器发送确认收据。 The amount due is moved from the card holder’s bank to the merchant’s processing bank. The merchant’s processing bank will then move the money to the merchant’s local bank within 2 to 3 business days.

应付金额从持卡人的银行移至商人的处理银行。 商家的处理银行将在2至3个工作日内将款项转移到商家的本地银行。
涉及的费率和费用 (Rates & Fees Involved )

When it comes to deciding which Merchant Account Provider you wish to deal with (there are many out there) the one factor that influences most people is the cost. Obtaining the facility to accept credit card transactions can be expensive, so make sure you compare different providers in order to get the best deal. And read all the fine print too – you may find some "hidden" charges here that are not mentioned elsewhere.

在决定要与哪个商家帐户提供商打交道时(有很多),影响大多数人的一个因素就是成本。 获得接受信用卡交易的便利可能会很昂贵,因此请确保您比较不同的提供商以获取最佳交易。 并阅读所有精美的印刷品-您可能会在这里找到一些其他地方未提及的“隐藏”费用。

Here’s a basic outline of the approximate rates and fees associated with merchant accounts:


Application/Setup: $0 – $100+ (one time fee)

申请/设置:$ 0 – $ 100 +(一次性费用)

All providers have an application fee. Some charge it at the beginning of your agreement, while others add it in to the solution’s purchase or lease costs.

所有提供者都需要支付申请费。 有些协议在协议开始时就收取费用,而其他协议则将其添加到解决方案的购买或租赁成本中。

Hardware/Software: Purchase: $99 and up Lease: $20/month and up

硬件/软件:购买:$ 99以上租赁:$ 20 /月以上

Stay away from leases if it’s at all possible. It’s always better to purchase from the beginning than pay a lease for the next 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. Why? Because with a lease you can end up paying as much as 3 times or more than if you’d purchased the solution outright from the beginning.

尽可能避免租约。 从一开始就购买比在接下来的12、24、36或48个月内支付租赁总要好。 为什么? 因为有了租约,您最终付出的费用可能是从一开始就直接购买解决方案的3倍甚至更多。

While a $29.95 monthly lease for 48 months might sound good, in reality it isn’t. Leases are very hard to break once you’ve agreed to them. If your business goes under before the 48 months are up, you still have to pay out the hardware costs until the last penny has been received by the leasing company. Also, the lease fee you agree to often does not include your state sales tax or the amount that’s charged for the damage or loss waiver.

虽然$ 29.95的48个月月租费听起来不错,但实际上并非如此。 一旦您同意,租约就很难中断。 如果您的业务在48个月还没有到期之前就已经破产,那么您仍然必须支付硬件成本,直到租赁公司收到最后一分钱。 另外,您同意的租赁费用通常不包括您的州营业税或为免除损坏或损失而收取的金额。

If you do decide to lease, always determine the lease’s buyout clause, end of lease terms, and beware especially of clauses that allow the lease company to continue charging you even after the 48 months have passed (they’ll often state that you should contact them in writing one month prior to the end of the lease, or you can just let them keep charging you).


Programming: $0 – $100+ (one time fee)

编程:$ 0 – $ 100 +(一次费用)

This fee usually only applies to retail merchants who have switched from one provider to another. The programming process isn’t difficult, but watch out for the cost – some providers will nickel and dime you on programming fees. Why do they charge this fee if you use your own equipment? This fee’s often used by the company to try to make up for the money they’ve lost by not selling or leasing their equipment to you.

该费用通常仅适用于从一个提供商转变为另一提供商的零售商人。 编程过程并不困难,但要提防成本-一些提供商会骗取您的编程费用。 如果您使用自己的设备,为什么他们要收取此费用? 公司经常使用此费用来弥补因不向您出售或租赁设备而蒙受的损失。

Discount Rate: 1.49% – 4% per transaction


This is the fixed percentage amount that’s deducted from the purchase cost. Lower discount rates are available to retail establishments, while higher rates are applied to Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) and Internet-based businesses. Why the lower cost for retail? Because the instances of credit card fraud are much lower in retail situations, so banks are able to charge lesser percentages to these businesses.

这是从购买成本中扣除的固定百分比金额。 较低的折扣率适用于零售机构,而较高的折扣率适用于邮购/电话订购(MOTO)和基于Internet的业务。 为什么零售成本更低? 由于在零售情况下信用卡欺诈的发生率要低得多,因此银行可以向这些业务收取较少的费用。

Transaction: $0.10 – $0.50 per transaction

交易:每笔交易$ 0.10 – $ 0.50

In addition to the discount rate, a transaction fee is also deducted from the purchase cost. As with discount rates, transaction fees are lower for retail businesses, and slightly higher amounts are charged for MOTO and Internet establishments. Address Verification Services (AVS) may either be charged as an additional fee, or they might be included in the base transaction fee.

除折现率外,还从购买成本中扣除交易费用。 与折扣率一样,零售业务的交易费用较低,而MOTO和Internet机构收取的交易费用略高。 地址验证服务(AVS)可能需要支付额外费用,或者可能会包含在基本交易费用中。

Monthly Minimum: $20 – $25 per month

每月最低费用:每月$ 20-$ 25

This fee is based on your transaction and discount rate fees that are charged on your credit card sales each month. For instance, if your bank charges $25 as a monthly minimum, the transaction and discount rate fees collected by the bank must equal or exceed $25 each month. If this is the case no monthly minimum will be charged. However, if the fees collected for that month do not meet the $25 minimum, you’ll be charged the difference. However, not all processors have a Minimum Fee.

该费用基于您每月通过信用卡销售收取的交易费和折扣率费用。 例如,如果您的银行每月收取25美元的最低费用,则银行收取的交易费和折现率费用必须等于或超过每月25美元。 如果是这种情况,则不会收取每月的最低费用。 但是,如果该月收取的费用未达到25美元的最低要求,则会向您收取差额。 但是,并非所有处理器都具有最低费用。

Gateway Access: $0 – $25+ per month

网关访问:每月$ 0 – $ 25 +

As in most cases, the Secure Payment Gateway provider is a separate company from the Merchant Processor, they charge separate fees. An access fee is payable for each month that your account is on their system. The big three gateways (outlined previously) all charge between $15 and $25 per month for gateway access. Find a smaller provider or a Merchant Processor with their own free gateway to get the best deal, which in some cases can mean free access.

与大多数情况一样,安全支付网关提供商与商户处理器是一家独立的公司,它们收取单独的费用。 您的帐户在其系统上的每个月都要支付访问费。 三大网关(前面已概述)的网关访问费用均为每月$ 15到$ 25。 寻找具有自己免费网关的小型提供商或商家处理器,以获取最佳交易,这在某些情况下可能意味着免费访问。

Statement: $10 – $15 per month

结单:每月$ 10 – $ 15

At the end of each month you’ll receive a statement from your processing bank, which lists all the transactions that occurred in that particular month – not unlike your credit card or telephone bill. In many cases the statement is displayed online, so there is no statement mailed, and this fee may be called an Account Maintenance or Technical Support fee instead.

在每个月末,您将从处理银行收到一份对帐单,其中列出了该特定月份发生的所有交易-与您的信用卡或电话账单不同。 在许多情况下,该对帐单是在线显示的,因此不会邮寄对帐单,该费用也可以称为帐户维护或技术支持费用。

Daily Close-Out: $0 – $0.15 each day

每日平仓:每天$ 0 – $ 0.15

This fee is associated with those software and terminal processing solutions that require you to close out all your transactions at the end of every business day. Most providers no longer charge this fee.

该费用与那些要求您在每个工作日结束时关闭所有交易的软件和终端处理解决方案相关。 大多数提供商不再收取此费用。

Address Verification System (AVS): $0 – $0.05 per transaction

地址验证系统(AVS):每笔交易$ 0-$ 0.05

The AVS service checks that the billing address given by the customer matches that which is associated with the credit card. This service only works in the US – currently there’s no AVS service avaialble for credit card holders outside the States.

AVS服务检查客户提供的帐单地址是否与与信用卡关联的帐单地址匹配。 该服务仅在美国有效-目前,美国境外的信用卡持有人无法使用AVS服务。

If you opt not to use AVS, VISA and MasterCard will not support your transactions, and they’ll charge you an additional .17% to 1.25% on those sales. Most merchant accounts come with AVS at no extra charge. If there is a charge, it’s combined with the per-transaction fee in most cases.

如果您选择不使用AVS,则VISA和万事达卡将不支持您的交易,它们会向您收取额外的.17%至1.25%的费用。 大多数商家帐户都附带有AVS,无需额外付费。 如果需要付费,则在大多数情况下会与每次交易费用相结合。

Chargeback: $5 – $25 per instance

退款:每个实例$ 5-$ 25

A chargeback occurs when the cardholder disputes a charge on their monthly credit card statement. A large number of chargebacks can cause you to have your Merchant Account dropped totally, and can leave you in a bind when you try to secure another Merchant Account for your business. If this is the case you may be unable to get another Merchant Account for several years.

当持卡人对其每月信用卡对帐单上的费用提出异议时,就会发生退款。 大量拒付可能会导致您的商户帐户被完全丢弃,并在您尝试为您的业务保护另一个商户帐户时使您陷入困境。 在这种情况下,您可能几年都无法获得另一个商户帐户了。

Reserve: Fees vary – ask specific providers for details


Some providers will require you to hold a reserve account, the balance of which is determined by your business’s estimated sales receipts. A reserve is almost always charged to merchants who aren’t based in the US and who are trying to obtain a Merchant Account in the States. Also, businesses that complete a high volume of sales each month may be charged a reserve fee.

某些提供程序会要求您持有一个备用帐户,其余额由您公司的估计销售收入确定。 储备金几乎总是向不在美国的商人和试图在美国获得商户的商人收取。 此外,每月完成大量销售的企业可能会被收取一笔保留费。

In most cases, the reserve fee is used to cover the cost of any chargebacks on the merchants account.


…The fees of most service providers fall within the ranges outlined above. You may find one or two companies that will charge lower fees for particular aspects of their service, but beware – they may make up the difference elsewhere in another fee.

…大多数服务提供商的费用都在上述范围之内。 您可能会发现一两家公司会针对其服务的某些方面收取较低的费用,但要提防–他们可能会用其他费用弥补其他地方的差额。

购买还是租赁? (Purchase or Lease?)

If you choose to lease you will pay more in the end than if you had purchased the processing solution on day 1. Lets say you find a merchant account provider who’ll charge you $200 to purchase a Real-Time Internet credit card processing solution. Or they’ll lease you the same solution for $20 per month for the next 48 months. This leasing agreement will cost you $980 in total – $760 more than you’d pay if you’d purchased the solution and used it over the same time period. Also, be aware the above calculations don’t include the state sales tax on the lease, or the amount that’s charged for the damage/loss waiver. With these two additional costs, you can end up paying as much as $20 more, along with the lease amount you’re charged for the solution. Another thing you should note is that the 48 month lease is not cancelable, so even if you go out of business you may still have to pay out that lease until the 4 years (48 months) is completed.

如果您选择租赁,那么最终您将比在第一天购买该处理解决方案多付钱。假设您找到一个商户帐户提供商,向您收取200美元以购买实时Internet信用卡处理解决方案。 或者,他们将在接下来的48个月内以每月20美元的价格向您租借相同的解决方案。 该租赁协议总共将花费您980美元,比您购买该解决方案并在同一时期内使用该解决方案要多付760美元。 另外,请注意,上述计算不包括租赁的州营业税,也不包括因免除损坏/损失而收取的金额。 有了这两个额外的费用,您最终最多要多支付20美元,以及为此解决方案支付的租赁费用。 您还应该注意的另一件事是48个月的租约是不可取消的,因此即使您倒闭,您仍必须在4年(48个月)完成之前偿还该租约。

Not all leases are for a 48 month period – some providers offer 12, 24 and 36 month leases. However, the shorter the lease period, the higher the monthly lease cost will be. Your credit rating will also have an effect on the amount you pay for a monthly lease. Those with bad or no credit will almost always pay more than those with good to excellent credit. Check with the Merchant Account Provider for details.

并非所有租约都提供48个月的租期-一些提供商提供12、24和36个月的租约。 但是,租赁期越短,每月的租赁费用就越高。 您的信用等级也会影响您每月支付的租金。 信用差或没有信用的人几乎总是比信用良好或优秀的人付出更多。 请与商家帐户提供商联系以获取详细信息。

Needless to say, purchasing a processing solution is by far the best way to go – and it’s 100% tax deductible, too.


常见问题 (General Questions To Ask)

In addition to identifying these fees, there are several things that you should ask a company before you take the plunge and purchase their solution:


Can you provide me with the email addresses or URLs of at least 5 customers who I can contact for references?

您能否向我提供至少5个可以与我联系以获得参考的客户的电子邮件地址或URL? Are you willing to put everything in writing, including all fees?

您是否愿意将所有内容(包括所有费用)以书面形式记录下来? What is the name and location of the processing bank?

处理银行的名称和位置是什么? Are you registered with Visa and MasterCard?

您是否已在Visa和MasterCard注册? Do you provide 24/7 support over the phone? (If so – and they should – test it out)

您是否通过电话提供24/7全天候支持? (如果这样,他们应该进行测试) Is a reserve account required? (If the answer is yes, look elsewhere)

是否需要准备金帐户? (如果答案为是,请在其他地方查看) When will my funds be available? (Aim for 3 days or less)

我的资金什么时候可用? (目标为3天或更少) Are you a member of your local Chamber of Commerce and/or with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)? (If they are, check to see if there are any previous complaints or disputes on their record)

您是当地商会和/或商业改善局(BBB)的成员吗? (如果有,请检查记录中是否有以前的投诉或争议) Are the banks with whom you partner to issue merchant accounts FDIC-Insured?

您与之合伙发行商户账户的银行是否有FDIC保险? Are you a member of the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)? The ETA is a trade organization that supports fair and ethical business practices for Independent Service Organizations (ISOs) -– a fancy name for Merchant Account Providers.

您是电子交易协会(ETA)的成员吗? ETA是一个贸易组织,为独立服务组织(ISO)支持公平和道德的商业惯例-商户帐户提供商的专有名称。
Internet实时处理问题 (Questions For Internet Real-Time Processing)
Do the Secure Payment Gateway and Merchant Account already work with the shopping cart or solution you want to use? Integration can be expensive or, in some cases, impossible.

安全付款网关和商户帐户是否已与您要使用的购物车或解决方案一起使用? 集成可能很昂贵,或者在某些情况下是不可能的。 Does your Web Hosting company support the Gateway/Processor you prefer? They may be able to accommodate you, but usually this takes time and patience – and can be impossible.

您的Web托管公司是否支持您喜欢的网关/处理器? 他们也许可以容纳您,但是通常这需要时间和耐心–并且可能是不可能的。 Does the Gateway/Processor support electronic checks? If not, you will have to pay yet another company to do this for you. Aim to find a provider who offers support for checks, credit cards and a Gateway all under one roof.

网关/处理器是否支持电子支票? 如果没有,您将不得不向另一家公司付款。 旨在找到一个提供支票,信用卡和网关支持的提供商。 Does the provider publish all their fees on their site? The ones that don’t may withhold this information so that they can mark up the price they charge you!

提供者是否在其网站上发布所有费用? 那些不保留此信息的人可能会标出他们向您收取的价格! Is the company too big for their (and your) own good? In many cases, a smaller company is better able to provide direct support, help eith integration, and consistent service.

公司是否对自己(和您)自己的利益来说太大了? 在许多情况下,规模较小的公司可以更好地提供直接支持,帮助进行集成以及提供一致的服务。 Does the Merchant Processor or Gateway only provide Internet services? We’ve all heard of “dot com failures”, and Internet Processors are no exception. CyberCash, perhaps the best know Gateway, recently filed for Bankruptcy! Make sure that your Processor/Gateway also has real world merchants as clients to ensure long term stability for your business.

商家处理器或网关仅提供Internet服务吗? 我们都听说过“ .com故障”,并且Internet处理器也不例外。 Cyber​​Cash,也许是最知名的网关,最近已申请破产! 确保您的处理器/网关也有真实世界的商人作为客户,以确保您的业务长期稳定。 Does the Gateway provide a Virtual Terminal and Online Reporting? Make sure they do, because you’ll need these facilities.

网关是否提供虚拟终端和在线报告? 确保他们这样做,因为您将需要这些功能。

Make sure you read all the terms and conditions carefully, and keep your eyes on all the costs involved – not just the discount and transaction rates. Again, we recommend that you consider the purchase of a processing solution rather than leasing one – you’ll be glad you did in the long run.

确保您仔细阅读所有条款和条件,并注意所有涉及的成本,而不仅仅是折扣和交易费率。 同样,我们建议您考虑购买一种处理解决方案,而不是租用一种解决方案–从长远来看,您会很高兴的。

Next week, Part 3 will explore third party processors, fraud, encryption, and an overview of shopping cart software. See you then!

下周, 第3部分将探讨第三方处理器,欺诈,加密和购物车软件概述。 回头见!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-payment-acceptance-2/

