
tech2024-06-26  93


Your domain name is the center of your Internet identity. So what type of things should you take into consideration when choosing the name that will represent you on the Web? offers these 8 handy tips.

您的域名是Internet身份的中心。 那么,在选择代表您在网络上的名称时,应该考虑哪种类型的事物? Jumpline.com提供了这8个方便的提示。

1.简短 (1. Keep it short)

Although some places allow you to register a name with up to 63 characters, you have to keep in mind that people need to be able to remember it, and easily type it into their browser. Try to register the shortest name that your customers and visitors will associate with your Website. The general rule of thumb is, keep it under seven characters if possible. (Not including the suffix.)

尽管有些地方可以注册最多63个字符的名称,但必须记住,人们需要能够记住该名称,并轻松在浏览器中键入该名称。 尝试注册您的客户和访客将与您的网站关联的最短名称。 一般的经验法则是,如果可能的话,将其保持在七个字符以内。 (不包括后缀。)

2.点什么? (2. Dot What?)

There are many different extensions available right now. For businesses, we recommend a .com suffix. It is the first extension that most people try when searching for a Website. Also, since it is one of the oldest extensions, .com shows that your business has been around for a while and that you have a well-established presence on the Web.

现在有许多不同的扩展。 对于企业,我们建议使用.com后缀。 这是大多数人搜索网站时尝试的第一个扩展。 此外,由于.com是最古老的扩展程序之一,因此它表明您的业务已经存在了一段时间,并且您在Web上拥有公认的地位。

3.避免使用商标名称 (3. Avoid Trademarked Names)

There are two really good reasons for this. First, it’s not very nice. We have all heard the stories about the zany guy who thought ahead and bought "" and sold it to the company for enough money to retire on. But, remember that those companies, like yours, have spent lots of time and money creating their brand, and what goes around comes around. Also, companies are no longer opening their pocketbooks to get their names back. They are calling their lawyers.

这样做有两个非常好的理由。 首先,它不是很好。 我们都听过关于这个疯狂的家伙的故事,这个家伙想了想,买了“几百万美元的公司”,然后以足够的钱卖给了公司,以退休。 但是,请记住,那些公司(如您的公司)已经花费了大量时间和金钱来建立自己的品牌,而周围发生的事情也随之而来。 而且,公司不再打开钱包找回名字。 他们正在给律师打电话。

4.现在注册您的域名 (4. Register Your Domain NOW)

Domain names are being snatched up faster than candy at the St. Patrick’s Day parade. You must register soon unless you want to get stuck with "". You do not have to have a Webmaster or an ecommerce department or a Web design consultant or… Heck, you don’t even need a Web page. Just get out there and register before you loose the opportunity to get the name you really want.

在圣帕特里克节游行中,域名的抢购速度比糖果要快。 您必须尽快注册,除非您想陷于“该域名,一个没人想要的.net”。 您不必拥有网站管理员,电子商务部门或Web设计顾问,也不需要……哎呀,您甚至不需要Web页面。 只要出去那里注册,然后再释放机会即可获得您真正想要的名字。

5.一个人可能还不够 (5. One May Not Be Enough)

Sometimes, it isn’t a bad idea to register several similar domain names. If you have "", register "" so no one else takes it. You can register your full company name and a shorter, easier to remember version. Some people even register common misspellings of their company’s name. (You don’t need a separate Web page for each. Several domains can point to the same Website.)

有时,注册几个相似的域名并不是一个坏主意。 如果您拥有“”,请注册“”,这样没人能接受。 您可以注册完整的公司名称以及更短,更容易记住的版本。 有些人甚至注册了公司名称的常见拼写错误。 (您不需要每个人都有单独的网页。多个域可以指向同一个网站。)

6.字符类型 (6. Character Types)

Just a reminder. Domain names can only use letters, numbers, and dashes. Spaces and symbols are not allowed. Also, domain names are not case sensitive.

只是提醒。 域名只能使用字母,数字和破折号。 不允许使用空格和符号。 另外,域名也不区分大小写。

7.四处询问 (7. Ask Around)

When you have settled on several available name choices, see what your friends and clients have to say. A name that may make perfect sense to you may be too hard for other people to remember. Is your domain easy to say? Is it hard to spell? Do you have to explain why you chose the name?

当您确定了几个可用的名称选择后,请查看您的朋友和客户必须说的话。 一个对您来说很有意义的名称可能很难让其他人记住。 您的域名容易说吗? 难拼吗? 您必须解释为什么选择这个名字吗?

8.不要掏出大量的$$$ (8. Don’t Shell Out Large Amounts of $$$)

At one time, companies were able to get away with charging reservation fees plus a "mandatory" $70 InterNIC fee. Recently, it was decided that other companies should be able to compete to sell domain names. This has lowered prices dramatically.

一次,公司可以免去收取预订费和“强制性” InterNIC 70美元的费用。 最近,决定其他公司应该能够竞争出售域名。 这大大降低了价格。

And remember, if you think that if you have found the right domain name, but you’re not quite sure if it’s the one… register it anyway before someone else does!



