
tech2022-08-06  163


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The start of a new year is always an exciting time. Everyone makes pledges to be better, to feel better, to do better. But like many New Years’ resolutions that quickly get tossed aside or forgotten, fad-like web design trends have a tendency to follow a similar path.

新年的开始总是令人兴奋的时刻。 每个人都承诺要变得更好,感觉更好,做得更好。 但是,就像许多新年的决议很快被抛弃或遗忘一样,类似时尚的网页设计趋势也倾向于遵循类似的道路。

That’s because it’s easy to get wrapped up in what’s cool now instead of focusing on what we can do to make a website grow stronger with each passing day.

这是因为它很容易在得到包裹什么的现在 ,而不是专注于我们能做些什么来使网站发展日新月异强降温。

5个具有真正持久力的Web设计趋势 (5 Web Design Trends That Have Real Staying Power)

Have a look at BeTheme and its 500+ pre-built websites. These clean and classic designs have real staying power.

看看BeTheme及其500多个预建网站。 这些干净经典的设计具有真正的持久力。

That’s because they’re centered around strong design principles. Not flashy color palettes, hip font choices, or technology your users aren’t ready for or don’t need. And that’s the key, right?

那是因为它们围绕着强大的设计原则。 不是浮华的调色板,时髦的字体选择或用户尚未准备好或不需要的技术。 这就是关键,对不对?

You’re building websites for the end user — not for yourself.


Spending your time using web design trends that will come and go is making barely any impact on your visitors. You can take advantage of these tried, tested, and long-lasting web design trends …

花时间使用即将到来的Web设计趋势对您的访问者几乎没有任何影响。 您可以利用这些久经考验,经久耐用的网页设计趋势…

趋势1:删除多余的内容并创建超级最小的导航 (Trend #1: Remove the Excess and Create a Super Minimal Navigation)

One of the awesome advantages of the Web moving towards a more mobile-first experience is that websites viewed on desktop have become simpler and easier to navigate, too.


With more consumers flocking to the Web on their smartphones, website menus have had to shrink in size. Not only in terms of the space they comprise, but also in the number of links.

随着越来越多的消费者涌向智能手机上网,网站菜单的规模不得不缩小。 不仅在它们构成的空间方面,而且在链接数量方面。

In 2020 and onwards, websites will have only the most essential of pages in the primary menu. Secondary links will be relegated to areas like the footer and sidebar. Consequently, this will help to clean up on-page designs. They won’t be so littered with call-to-action buttons pointing to internal pages.

从2020年开始,网站的主菜单中将只包含最基本的页面 。 辅助链接将降级到页脚和侧边栏等区域。 因此,这将有助于清理页面设计。 指向内部页面的号召性用语按钮不会太乱。

The BeRepair pre-built site is a beautiful example of this. With its navigation tucked away under a hamburger menu icon:

BeRepair预制站点就是一个很好的例子。 将其导航隐藏在汉堡菜单图标下:

When opened, the pop-out menu follows the trend of less-is-more. It has a short and simple-to-navigate list of links surrounded by a bunch of white space:

打开后,弹出菜单遵循少即是多的趋势。 它具有简短且易于导航的链接列表,其中包含一堆空白:

Non-traditional navigations can also benefit from this form of minimalism. BeGarden demonstrates this with its left-aligned menu:

非传统导航也可以从这种形式的极简主义中受益。 BeGarden通过其左对齐菜单对此进行了演示:

趋势2:通过空格将焦点更多地传递给您的消息 (Trend #2: Bring Greater Focus to Your Message with White Space)

Users are overloaded with content, offers, and other distractions every time they hit the Internet. Do you really want your website to be one more thing that causes them stress and, in turn, indecisiveness?

每次访问Internet时,用户就会沉迷于内容,优惠和其他干扰。 您是否真的希望您的网站成为一件事,使他们感到压力大,又犹豫不决?

When you design with white space, it gets you out of the habit of trying to put as much information and as many options into a single section or page as possible. Instead, it encourages you to do more with less.

当您使用空白进行设计时,它使您摆脱了尝试将尽可能多的信息和尽可能多的选项放入单个部分或页面的习惯。 相反,它鼓励您事半功倍。

Concise messaging + Wide, open spaces = Good for your conversion rate.


Take, for instance, this brief but powerful video banner at the bottom of BeWine:

以BeWine底部的简短但功能强大的视频横幅为例 :

You can find other ways to let strong yet simple imagery tell your brand’s story, as the BeWeddingPlanner site does:


趋势3:为访问者提供人性化的连接体验 (Trend #3: Give Visitors a Human Face to Connect To)

It doesn’t matter who your website or brand serves. It can be blog readers, online shoppers, or business customers looking for new software. They’re looking for brands to be loyal to.

您的网站或品牌服务谁都没有关系。 可能是博客读者,在线购物者或正在寻找新软件的商业客户。 他们正在寻找忠实的品牌。

Not only does loyalty to one company create less work for them. It gives them the peace of mind knowing they’re getting a high-quality product or result every time.

忠于一家公司不仅会减少他们的工作量。 知道他们每次都在获得高质量的产品或结果,这使他们高枕无忧。

Sometimes you’re not responsible for shaping the company’s offering. But the way you present the website to the world will affect how visitors initially feel about it.

有时,您不负责制定公司的产品。 但是,您向全世界展示该网站的方式将影响访问者最初的感受。

So, rather than use digitally constructed designs, integrate more human faces and real-world objects into your websites. The best way to start a relationship with prospective customers is to make them feel as though they’re interacting with someone instead of something.

因此,与其使用数字构造的设计,不如将更多的人脸和现实世界的物体集成到您的网站中。 与潜在客户建立关系的最佳方式是使他们感觉好像在与某人而非某物进行交互。

Even for companies in the business of selling things, bringing some life to your imagery can help improve the connections visitors have with your site.


BeEcoFood, for instance, adds warmth to its website with this header that’s full of life:

例如, BeEcoFood通过充满生命力的标题为网站增添了温暖:

BeCatering also does a great job of adding the human touch to its offering. (It’s something that’s essential to its real world offering but often takes a backseat to the food):

BeCatering在将人情味融入产品中也做得很出色。 (这是其现实世界中必不可少的产品,但通常在食品方面排在后座):

趋势4:使用普遍接受的字体创建一致的体验 (Trend #4: Create a consistent experience with universally-accepted typography)

Over the past few years, we’ve seen tons of websites playing around with decorative typography, especially to elicit a sense of nostalgia. The problem with this, however, is that many of these creative fonts don’t translate well across all devices.

在过去的几年中,我们看到无数的网站都在使用装饰性的字体,尤其是唤起人们的怀旧感。 但是,这样做的问题是,许多创意字体在所有设备上的翻译效果都不理想。

You spend so much time creating your web designs, so why would you allow your visitors’ browsers or devices to ultimately pick the backup fonts they’ll see on your sites?


As we move into the ’20s, we’re going to see more websites play it (web-)safe with typography. For starters, it allows for a more consistent experience across all devices. It’s also better for your website’s performance.

迈入20世纪20年代,我们将看到更多的网站以排版方式(网络)安全地对其进行播放。 对于初学者来说,它允许在所有设备上提供更一致的体验。 它也对您的网站的性能更好。

Plus, by using web-safe serif and sans-serif fonts, there are other elements you can invest your creative energies in. Just like this animation on the BeParty site:


Or you could simply focus on creating an eye-catching and impressive design from top-to-bottom as BeTheme does:


趋势5:拥抱黑暗模式 (Trend #5: Embrace Dark Mode)

This is one of the newer web design trends, but it’s already shown a lot of promise in terms of staying power. Just look at your own mobile devices and how many of your apps (or even the device itself) have dark mode options.

这是较新的Web设计趋势之一,但是就保持功能而言,它已经显示出很多希望。 只需查看您自己的移动设备,以及有多少应用程序(甚至设备本身)具有暗模式选项即可。

Many studies have suggested that dark mode is friendlier on the eyes when viewed in low-light environments and when reading smaller text. Consumers — especially those on mobile — have shown no signs of cutting down on time spent looking at screens. So, it’s no surprise that so many people rave about dark mode.

许多研究表明,在弱光环境下阅读较小的文本时,暗模式对眼睛更友好。 消费者,尤其是移动用户,没有迹象表明可以减少花在看屏幕上的时间。 因此,如此多的人热衷于黑暗模式也就不足为奇了 。

As such, many web designers are making the move to dark mode-esque color palettes, even if it’s just for key sections of the site.


In order to create a more user-friendly web over the long run, websites are likely to go darker in the right contexts as BeBoxing’s concise but powerful hero image does:


There’s also BeHosting, which uses a more dramatic palette to call attention to its key messages, like this one on the home page:

还有一个BeHosting ,它使用一个更具戏剧性的调色板来唤起人们对其关键信息的关注,例如主页上的这一信息:

The pricing table has another great example of this as the dramatic, darker palette is used to call attention to the best-value plan without having to explicitly call it out as such:


您今年将采用哪些Web设计趋势? (Which Web Design Trends Will You Adopt This Year?)

As a web designer, it would be in your best interests to keep an eye on what’s trending — but not expend too much energy on web design trends that are sure to be passing fads. There’s nothing wrong with using them when it makes sense to do so, so long as you’re committed to swapping them out when they fall out of fashion.

作为一名网页设计师,请密切注意趋势,这将是您的最大利益-但不要在肯定会流行的网页设计趋势上投入过多精力。 只要有必要,就可以使用它们,只要您承诺在它们过时时就将它们替换掉就可以了。

But if your goal is to build stronger websites, your focus needs to be on designing with trends that have real staying power. And, as we’ve seen in this post, you can easily turn that goal into a reality with any one of BeTheme’s 500+ pre-built websites.

但是,如果您的目标是建立更强大的网站,那么您的重点应该放在设计具有真正持久力的趋势上。 而且,正如我们在本文中所看到的,您可以使用BeTheme的500多个预建网站中的任何一个轻松地将这一目标变为现实。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-web-design-trends-for-2020-with-real-staying-power/

