
tech2022-08-07  188


If you’re a designer or developer, chances are you’ve made the shift to working from home in the past couple of weeks.


To help manage the change, we thought we’d share some of our best resources on working remotely — starting with some books…


远程工作的艺术 (The Art of Working Remotely)

If you work from home, a co-working space, or coffee shop, this book is for you. Discover how to set up a quality workspace. Learn the behaviors and practices that contribute to remote worker success. You, too, can thrive in a distributed workplace.

如果您是在家工作,共享办公空间或咖啡馆,那么此书适合您。 探索如何设置高质量的工作区。 了解有助于远程工作者成功的行为和实践。 您也可以在分散的工作场所中成长。

影响虚拟团队 (Influencing Virtual Teams)

Learn the psychological secrets of persuasion that influence your remote employees to do what you need them to do. In “Influencing Virtual Teams” you’ll get step-by-step tactics that you can implement straightaway with your team to improve your team’s engagement and commitment to doing their work.

了解有说服力的心理秘诀,这些秘诀会影响远程员工去做您需要他们做的事情。 在“影响虚拟团队”中,您将获得逐步的策略,可以与团队直接实施,以提高团队的敬业度和对工作的投入。

项目书 (The Project Book)

Projects are the lifeblood of organizations, but many projects fall short of expectations because of poor project management and/or poor project sponsorship. In The Project Book, Colin D Ellis teaches you the skills and behaviors required to make your projects succeed, every time.

项目是组织的命脉,但是由于项目管理不善和/或项目赞助不力,许多项目达不到预期。 在《项目书》中,科林·德·埃利斯(Colin D Ellis)每次都教您成功完成项目所需的技能和行为。

文章 (Articles)

远程工作:成功的提示,技巧和最佳实践 (Remote Work: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Success)

Make WFH a productive, happy work experience and avoid endless hours of misery, loneliness, and frustration.


远程工作的真正未来是异步的 (The Real Future of Remote Work is Asynchronous)

Kate Kendall looks at how remote work has drifted from its asynchronous potential – and what we can do to get it back there.

凯特·肯德尔(Kate Kendall)着眼于远程工作是如何从其异步潜力中转移的,以及我们如何才能使它回到那里。

富有成效的远程工作(当您的心理健康说“否”时) (Productive Remote Work (When Your Mental Health Says “No”))

Daniel Schwarz explores the downsides of remote work and offers tips for aligning your mind and body to make remote working work for you.

Daniel Schwarz探究了远程工作的弊端,并提供了使您的思想和身体保持一致以为您进行远程工作的技巧。

如何准备远程作业搜索 (How to Prepare for a Remote Job Search)

Joshua Kraus explores how to conduct a remote job search, impress remote employers, nail interviews and land a remote job that best fits your needs.

约书亚·克劳斯(Joshua Kraus)探索了如何进行远程工作寻找,给远程雇主留下深刻印象,进行面试并找到最适合您需求的远程工作。

可以访问我们的400多种书籍和课程 (Get access to our 400+ books and courses)

Join SitePoint Premium today and get access to all these books, plus over 400 other books and courses, for $3/month for your first three months ($9/month thereafter, cancel anytime).

立即加入SitePoint Premium,并在头三个月以每月3美元的价格访问所有这些书籍以及400多种其他书籍和课程(此后每月9美元,可随时取消)。

Get access now for $3/month.

立即访问,每月只需$ 3。

需要远程工作吗? (Need a remote job?)

Search hundreds of remote jobs on SitePoint Remote, with over 20 new jobs posted each day.

在SitePoint Remote上搜索数百个远程作业,每天发布20多个新作业。

Find a remote job.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/work-from-home-remote-team-resources/

