
tech2022-08-07  126


This article was created in partnership with Mekanism. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与Mekanism合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

2019 is the best year to become successful, to launch your own online or offline business, to invent a product or service, or to grow your business into a huge corporation. Because to sketch, test, build and launch that business that will become the next Uber, Instagram, or Waze is now easier than ever before.

2019年是取得成功,启动自己的在线或离线业务,发明产品或服务或将业务发展为大型公司的最佳年份。 因为草绘,测试,构建和启动将成为下一个Uber,Instagram或Waze的业务,现在比以往任何时候都容易。

The difference between now and previous years, is that there are now a plethora of web tools and services to help you launch your next big thing – some of them are even free! Today anybody can build a website or logo without any specialist knowledge or previous experience. With only a few hours investment, you can get amazing results. It’s a quick and affordable way to get your site or product to market.

现在和前几年的区别在于,现在有大量的网络工具和服务可以帮助您启动下一个重大任务–其中一些甚至是免费的! 今天,任何人都可以在没有任何专业知识或以前的经验的情况下建立网站或徽标。 仅需几个小时的投资,您就能获得惊人的结果。 这是将您的网站或产品推向市场的一种快速且负担得起的方法。

In this article we are going to review 36 different web tools and services that are recommended by successful people. Each of them will save you time and money, or help improve your business and workflows, so you can get on with launching and scaling.

在本文中,我们将回顾成功人士推荐的36种不同的Web工具和服务。 他们每个人都可以节省您的时间和金钱,或帮助您改善业务和工作流程,因此您可以继续进行启动和扩展。

1. Creative-TIM –高级引导程序主题和模板 (1. Creative-TIM – Premium Bootstrap Themes and Templates)

Creative Tim is the perfect place where web designers and web developers can find fully coded UI tools to help you build web and mobile apps. With over 750.000 users, Creative Tim offers UI Kits, Dashboards and Design Systems.

Creative Tim是Web设计人员和Web开发人员可以找到完全编码的UI工具来帮助您构建Web和移动应用程序的理想场所。 Creative Tim拥有超过750.000用户,提供UI套件,仪表板和设计系统。

All the development is made on top of Bootstrap 4: Vuejs, Angular, React, React Native. Using these tools will save developers and designers hours of work since the products already contain a large number of components and are packed with all the plugins that you might need on a project. Everything used to create the products can be downloaded for free under the MIT License.

所有的开发都是在Bootstrap 4之上进行的:Vuejs,Angular,React和React Native。 使用这些工具将节省开发人员和设计人员的工作时间,因为这些产品已经包含大量组件,并且包含了项目中可能需要的所有插件。 可以根据MIT许可证免费下载用于创建产品的所有内容。

For people with many upcoming projects, Creative Tim offers 6 Bundles at special prices, to encourage developers to save precious time and to trust the quality of their projects. Last but not least, Creative Tim’s products are used not only by thousands of freelancers and developers but by top companies like NASA, Cisco, IBM, and Amazon.

对于即将开展许多项目的人们,Creative Tim以特惠价格提供6套产品,以鼓励开发人员节省宝贵的时间并信任他们的项目质量。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,Creative Tim的产品不仅被成千上万的自由职业者和开发人员使用,而且还被NASA,Cisco,IBM和Amazon等顶级公司使用。

Check out their website and find the product that matches your needs.Pricing: Free to $249

查看他们的网站 ,找到符合您需求的产品。 定价:免费至$ 249

2. Brizy –创新的网站建设者 (2. Brizy – Innovative Site Builder)

Brizy is the most user-friendly visual page builder in town! No designer or developer skills required. The only tools you’ll need to master are clicks and drags.

Brizy是镇上最人性化的可视页面生成器! 无需设计人员或开发人员技能。 您需要掌握的唯一工具是单击和拖动。

Brizy can be used two ways. One is to download the WordPress plugin and use it as such, and the next one is the Cloud platform where you can create landing pages in minutes. From hosting to domain setups Brizy handles everything. Brizy Cloud is included with any Brizy PRO plan.

可以使用两种方式进行Brizy。 一种是下载WordPress插件并直接使用它,另一种是Cloud平台,您可以在几分钟内创建登录页面。 从托管到域设置,Brazy都能处理一切。 Brizy Cloud包含在任何Brizy PRO计划中。

Creating a powerful, fully functional website is extremely easy with Brizy and anybody can do it without having any designer’s skills or writing a single line of code. This website builder has the most powerful features included, both for the free and paid plans. The free account will bring you premium features that you have to pay for on other website builders. At Brizy, these features are free.

使用Brizy创建一个功能强大且功能齐全的网站非常容易,而且任何人都可以在没有任何设计人员技能或只编写一行代码的情况下进行操作。 该网站构建器具有免费和付费计划中最强大的功能。 免费帐户将为您带来高级功能,您必须在其他网站建设者处付费。 在Brizy,这些功能是免费的。

Build a free website with Brizy today, the process is very fast and intuitive.


3. 裁缝品牌 (3. Tailor Brands)

Tailor Brands is a revolutionary online logo and branding platform that will help you design your logo in seconds. It has over 10 million users and counting, and it was used to create over 400 million designs. Every second 1 a new design is made via it.

Tailor Brands是一个革命性的在线徽标和品牌平台,可帮助您在几秒钟内设计徽标。 它拥有超过1000万用户,并且在不断增加,用于创建超过4亿个设计。 每隔1秒就通过它制作一个新设计。

This AI-powered online logo maker platform does not use pre-made logo templates. Every design is uniquely crafted to match your business and brand personality perfectly. You don’t need to have any design skills or special knowledge, it is super simple to use and extremely fast.

这个由AI驱动的在线徽标制作器平台不使用预制徽标模板。 每个设计都经过精心设计,可完美匹配您的业务和品牌个性。 您不需要任何设计技能或特殊知识,它使用起来超级简单,而且速度非常快。

Write down the logo name you want, make a few selections from the options provided by Tailor Brands and you will get a number of designs to choose from.

写下您想要的徽标名称,从Tailor Brands提供的选项中进行一些选择,您将获得许多设计可供选择。

4. 48HoursLogo –价格合理的徽标 (4. 48HoursLogo – Affordable Logos Done Fast)

48hourslogo is a fast, easy and very affordable logo crowdsourcing website that has created over 3 million logos. With contest prizes starting at just $99, more than 40,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs have used this amazing logo design service to get gorgeous and creative designs.

48hourslogo是一个快速,轻松且价格合理的徽标众包网站,已创建了超过300万个徽标。 比赛的奖金仅从$ 99起,超过40,000的小型企业和企业家使用了这一惊人的徽标设计服务,以获取精美,创意的设计。

After launching your logo design contest at 48hourslogo, your project will go through 3 stages before arriving at your final design. The qualifying stage: the contest is open to all registered designers and they will submit multiple logo concepts for you to choose from. The design revision stage: at the end of qualifying stage, you will be prompted to select up to 3 finalist designers to enter the “design revision stage”. And at the end, the finalizing stage: after selecting your contest winner, you will work with your winning designer on finalizing your design, (you can still request small changes and tweaks to your winning logo).

在48hourslogo上启动徽标设计竞赛后,您的项目将经历3个阶段,然后才能提交最终设计。 资格赛阶段:竞赛对所有注册设计师开放,他们将提交多个徽标概念供您选择。 设计修订阶段:在资格审查阶段结束时,系统将提示您选择最多3名决赛入围设计师,以进入“设计修订阶段”。 最后是最终阶段:选择比赛的获胜者之后,您将与获奖设计师一起完成最终设计(您仍然可以对获奖徽标进行小的更改和调整)。

Start a logo design contest using 48hourslogo.


5. Codester (5. Codester)

Codester is a huge marketplace where web designers and web developers will find tons of premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins and much more.


Always check the Flash Sales section where hugely discounted items are being sold.


Browse Codester and pick the items you need.


6. NameQL (6. NameQL)

NameQL helps you find a great name. It considers thousands of potential names in milliseconds and shows you the best ones that are still available for purchase as [name].com. It’sa huge time saver whenever you are looking for a new website domain name.

NameQL可帮助您找到一个好名字。 它以毫秒为单位考虑了数千个潜在名称,并通过[name] .com向您显示了仍可以购买的最佳名称。 每当您正在寻找新的网站域名时,它都可以节省大量时间。

7. SeekVisa (7. SeekVisa)

Australia is a great destination to live and work, with developers, software engineers and user experience/user interface designer in high demand. If you’re considering immigrating to Australia, you can discuss with SeekVisa, who are migration experts.

澳大利亚是生活和工作的理想目的地,开发人员,软件工程师和用户体验/用户界面设计师的需求量很大。 如果您正在考虑移民到澳大利亚,则可以与移民专家SeekVisa进行讨论。

Australia’s Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) enables Australian employers to sponsor highly skilled workers to live and work permanently in Australia. This is the quickest way for IT developers to immigrate to Australia. Contact Seekvisa to determine your eligibility.

澳大利亚的雇主提名计划(ENS)使澳大利亚的雇主能够赞助高技能的工人在澳大利亚永久居住和工作。 这是IT开发人员移民到澳大利亚的最快方法。 请与Seekvisa联系以确定您的资格。

8. MobiLoud (8. MobiLoud)

Publishers are seeing up to 90% of their traffic coming from mobile. Mobile apps give readers the experience they want and let publishers increase engagement, traffic, and revenue.

发布商看到多达90%的流量来自移动设备。 移动应用程序可为读者提供所需的体验,并使发布者增加参与度,流量和收入。

With fast loading times, your app encourages loyalty and repeat visits. With push notifications, it brings people back again and again. Your icon is a constant reminder of your brand and content.

加载时间短,您的应用可以鼓励忠诚度和重复访问。 通过推送通知,它使人们一次又一次地返回。 您的图标会不断提醒您品牌和内容。

MobiLoud is the best solution for news mobile apps built on WordPress. They will publish and maintain your custom app, with push notifications, advertising and subscriptions, all at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional app development.

MobiLoud是基于WordPress构建的新闻移动应用程序的最佳解决方案。 他们将通过推送通知,广告和订阅来发布和维护您的自定义应用程序,而这一切所需的时间和成本仅是传统应用程序开发的一小部分。

9. WordPress总主题 (9. Total WordPress Theme)

Total is a complete WordPress theme with a bundled page builder and easy to use settings so you can create stunning WordPress powered websites with ease. With just a few clicks you can import your demo of choice and then tweak it to fit your needs. All demos make use of core Total features and are 100% optional you can choose to start from scratch if you prefer.

Total是一个完整的WordPress主题,具有捆绑的页面构建器和易于使用的设置,因此您可以轻松创建由WordPress驱动的出色网站。 只需单击几下,您就可以导入所选的演示,然后对其进行调整以适应您的需求。 所有演示都利用核心的Total功能,并且100%可选,如果您愿意,可以选择从头开始。

10. RankMath (10. RankMath)

Rank Math is the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin on the market, being highly advanced, yet super simple to use and autonomous. You configure it in a few simple steps at the start and then Rank Math is doing its job, so your website will rank higher in search engines.

Rank Math是市场上功能最强大的WordPress SEO插件,具有很高的先进性,但使用起来超级简单且具有自治性。 您从一开始就通过几个简单的步骤对其进行了配置,然后Rank Math完成了它的工作,因此您的网站在搜索引擎中的排名将更高。

11. 模式 (11. Schema)

Schema is the fastest loading, ultra-SEO friendly WordPress theme. Featuring all the best MyThemeShop features, including the custom options panel, all the shortcodes and widgets, and a pixel perfect design,.

Schema是加载速度最快,对SEO友好的WordPress主题。 拥有所有最好的MyThemeShop功能,包括自定义选项面板,所有短代码和小部件以及像素完美的设计。

Schema also includes rich snippets in order to help engines search your site and rank you higher.


12. WebResourcesDepot (12. WebResourcesDepot)

WebResourcesDepot is well known in the market for providing free bootstrap themes and UI kits for startups. The quality of the products is outstanding, usually not found in other free products.

WebResourcesDepot为市场提供免费的引导主题和UI套件,在市场上众所周知。 产品质量出色,通常在其他免费产品中找不到。

Browse this website and pick what you need.


13. ArchitectUI仪表板Vue PRO (13. ArchitectUI Dashboard Vue PRO)

ArchitectUI is a complete and gorgeous dashboard App Kit built with Vue.js & Bootstrap 4. It contains over 50 handpicked Vue widgets and components that are perfectly integrated with each other in order to create a common design language. In order to use this Vue theme you’ll need at least basic coding skills. Don’t worry, the theme has straight forward coding and uses Vue Router for the navigation links.

ArchitectUI是使用Vue.js和Bootstrap 4构建的完整而美观的仪表板应用程序套件。它包含50多个精心挑选的Vue小部件和组件,它们相互之间完美地集成在一起以创建通用的设计语言。 为了使用此Vue主题,您至少需要基本的编码技能。 不用担心,该主题具有直接编码,并使用Vue Router作为导航链接。

14. 格式–使用Bootstrap进行投资的免费网站模板 (14. Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio)

Format is a creative, clean, modern, and free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop up videos, smooth overlay for portfolio, and animations upon scrolling.

格式是一种创意,简洁,现代且免费的网站模板,可用于下一个投资组合项目。 如果您需要模板作为设计师,自由职业者,代理,网络工作室,格式就是您的理想选择! 它具有弹出式视频,用于作品集的平滑叠加以及滚动时的动画。

Check it out now!


15. 猛禽 (15. Raptor)

Raptor is a responsive, flexible and adaptable free web hosting website template that will help you launch your web site quickly and efficiently. Just go with the available and ready-to-use materials and you can have your page up and running in close to no time. Otherwise you can also customize your page and enhance the look and make Raptor follow your branding to the T.

Raptor是一个响应Swift,灵活且适应性强的免费虚拟主机网站模板,可帮助您快速有效地启动网站。 只需使用可用的即用型材料,您几乎就可以立即启动并运行页面。 否则,您还可以自定义页面并增强外观,并使Raptor遵循T的品牌。

16. Unlayer –电子邮件模板构建器 (16. Unlayer – Email template builder)

Unlayer is the perfect email template builder for SaaS and CRMs. It seamlessly embeds in your web applications and lets your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app.

Unlayer是SaaS和CRM的理想电子邮件模板构建器。 它无缝地嵌入到您的Web应用程序中,并使您的客户可以直接从您的应用程序创建精美的移动设备就绪电子邮件或登录页面。

Unlayer has combined many pre-designed tools which your users will be using to create awesome content from inside your application. HTML code produced by Unlayer editor has been tested on tools like Litmus, and Email on Acid. Your content will look great on all devices, and all clients.

Unlayer结合了许多预先设计的工具,您的用户将使用这些工具从您的应用程序内部创建很棒的内容。 Unlayer编辑器产生HTML代码已在Litmus和Acid on Email等工具上进行了测试。 您的内容在所有设备和所有客户端上看起来都很好。

17. MailMunch –通讯模板 (17. MailMunch – Newsletter Templates)

MailMunch is the fastest growing email marketing platform on the market where you will find lots of beautiful pre-designed newsletter templates to choose from, a powerful and simple to use drag n drop email and WYSIWYG builder, and much more.


Create eye-catching emails in minutes with the professional included newsletter templates


18. actiTIME (18. actiTIME)

actiTIME is the most popular timesheet software on the market that you can use to create project scope, assign work to your team, record work hours and keep everything on track with the insightful data. This software is a great fit for all kind of users and companies, including huge names like Accenture, Dell and Xerox.

actiTIME是市场上最流行的时间表软件,您可以使用它来创建项目范围,为团队分配工作,记录工作时间并利用有洞察力的数据使一切保持在正常状态。 该软件非常适合所有用户和公司,包括诸如埃森哲,戴尔和施乐等知名公司。

Try all features of actiTIME Online timesheet for free for 30 days.


19. 8b网站构建器 (19. 8b Website Builder)

8b is a free and simple online website builder that lets anyone create fast, mobile-optimized and Google-friendly websites in minutes, without having any programming knowledge or previous experience. Pick one of the 250 awesome templates and start building your website.

8b是一个免费,简单的在线网站构建器,它使任何人都可以在几分钟内创建快速,针对移动设备进行优化且对Google友好的网站,而无需任何编程知识或先前的经验。 从250个很棒的模板中选择一个,然后开始构建您的网站。

20. 内容陷阱 (20. Content Snare)

Content Snare is a powerful and popular content gathering tool that helps digital agencies get website & marketing content from their clients on time, in the right format, all without email.

Content Snare是一个功能强大且受欢迎的内容收集工具,可帮助数字代理商按时以正确的格式从其客户那里获取网站和营销内容,而无需电子邮件。

Pricing starts at $24 / mo – billed yearly – and included are lots of features and options, including unlimited requests and clients.


Start your free trial today.


21. 工作审查员 (21. Work Examiner)

Work Examiner is the most popular internet tracking software on the market. You can use it to increase productivity, prevent data theft, improve efficiency and greatly help the HR management. It is super simple to use, you don’t need any special skills to master Work Examiner.

Work Examiner是市场上最受欢迎的互联网跟踪软件。 您可以使用它来提高生产率,防止数据盗窃,提高效率并极大地帮助人力资源管理。 它使用起来超级简单,您不需要任何特殊技能即可掌握Work Examiner。

Start a 30-day free trial and see this software in action.


Logaster is a great logo generator that can also help you with brand identity, it’s super simple to use, fast and effective. Creating a brilliant logo with this AI driven platform is easy. You write down your company logo, you add a tagline and a symbol if needed, and then Logaster will show you hundreds of potential designs for you. You pay only when you find what you are looking for.

Logaster是一款出色的徽标生成器,它还可以帮助您提升品牌形象,它使用起来超级简单,快速,有效。 使用此AI驱动的平台创建出色的徽标很容易。 您写下公司徽标,如果需要,可以添加标语和符号,然后Logaster将为您展示数百种潜在设计。 仅在找到所需的东西时才付款。

23. WrapPixel (23. WrapPixel)

With over 150,000 happy customers, WrapPixel is a popular provider of free & premium Bootstrap, Angular & React Admin Templates + UI Kits.

WrapPixel拥有超过150,000个满意的客户,是免费和高级Bootstrap,Angular和React Admin模板+ UI套件的流行提供商。

The Mega Bundle contains over 45 unique dashboards, 11 admins templates, 130 customized plugins, 6500 UI Components & Pages, 3,000 premium font icons and much more.

Mega Bundle包含超过45个独特的仪表板,11个管理员模板,130个自定义插件,6500个UI组件和页面,3,000个高级字体图标等等。

Get the Mega Bundle for $79 ( single use).

只需79美元即可获得Mega Bundle(一次性使用)。

24. 皮克斯帕 (24. Pixpa)

Using Pixpa, anybody can create a gorgeous website, store, blog or client gallery. You don’t need to have any programming or special skills to use Pixpa, it’s super simple and you can do it in less than 1 hour.

使用Pixpa,任何人都可以创建一个漂亮的网站,商店,博客或客户画廊。 使用Pixpa不需要任何编程或特殊技能,它非常简单,并且可以在不到1小时的时间内完成。

25. SteadyWP – WordPress维护服务 (25. SteadyWP – WordPress maintenance service)

SteadyWP is a very popular WordPress maintenance service that will take care of your website. Let professionals do the security checks, daily backups, updates, and more.

SteadyWP是一种非常流行的WordPress维护服务,它将负责您的网站。 让专业人员进行安全检查,每日备份,更新等。

Price: $35/month or $350/year

价格:每月$ 35或每年$ 350

26. HelpJet (26. HelpJet)

HelpJet is a professional and easy to use knowledge based software that will automate your customer support. Help customers find answers to their questions with an easy-to-use knowledge base. You need 0 skills or previous experience to install and use HelpJet.

HelpJet是一款专业且易于使用的基于知识的软件,它将使您的客户支持自动化。 易于使用的知识库帮助客户找到问题的答案。 您需要0技能或以前的经验来安装和使用HelpJet。

Start your free HelpJet trial.


27. ForumPress – WordPress论坛主题 (27. ForumPress – WordPress Forum Theme)

ForumPress is the perfect WordPress Forum Theme for your online community forum. ForumPress is a fully featured bbPress forum theme for WordPress that works and looks excellent. It is focused on design and functionality, it has multiple forum support (Have multiple forums on your site. Manage topics, conversations and replies with ease.) and much more.

ForumPress是您的在线社区论坛的完美WordPress论坛主题。 ForumPress是适用于WordPress的功能齐全的bbPress论坛主题,外观很好。 它专注于设计和功能,具有多个论坛支持(您的站点上有多个论坛。轻松管理主题,对话和回复。)等等。

Now you can create an online forum with WordPress and it’s easier than ever.


28. Gorgias –顶级Shopify应用 (28. Gorgias – Top Shopify App)

Gorgias is the first customer service app built for Shopify and it looks remarkable. Respond to customers across all channels using this simple app. Get order info, delivery status and more from Shopify, Shipstation, Recharge & dozens of other apps, everything from one dashboard.

Gorgias是第一个为Shopify构建的客户服务应用程序,它看起来很棒。 使用这个简单的应用程序跨所有渠道回应客户。 从Shopify,Shipstation,充值和许多其他应用程序获取订单信息,交货状态等,所有这些都可以从一个仪表板获得。

29. InvoiceBerry (29. InvoiceBerry)

InvoiceBerry is a professional and simple to use invoicing software that you can use to create and send a fully customized invoice in less than 60 seconds. With it you can track expenses, create reports, manage clients, track payments and much more.

InvoiceBerry是一款专业且易于使用的发票软件,您可以在不到60秒的时间内创建并发送完全自定义的发票。 有了它,您可以跟踪费用,创建报告,管理客户,跟踪付款等等。

Sign up for the free trial, no credit card required.


30. Goodie网站 (30. Goodiewebsite)

Meet Goodiewebsite, the platform connecting designers, agencies, and developers directly with web developers. The services’ quality is guaranteed by a company with over 12 years of experience and the competitive price is achieved thanks to the process’s optimization.

认识Goodiewebsite,这个平台将设计人员,代理商和开发人员直接与Web开发人员联系在一起。 一家拥有12年以上经验的公司保证了服务的质量,并且通过流程的优化实现了具有竞争力的价格。

Goodie is the best match for a front-end development (“design to code conversion”), simple, yet robust WordPress websites and email templates.


31. 盆景–自由发票 (31. Bonsai – Freelance Invoice)

Bonsai is a popular suite of software dedicated to freelancers where they can create & customize smart invoices in seconds or generate them automatically from any proposal, contract or time sheet; track activity and payments; automate reminders and much more.

Bonsai是一款流行的软件套件,专用于自由职业者,他们可以在几秒钟内创建和自定义智能发票,也可以从任何投标,合同或时间表自动生成这些发票; 跟踪活动和付款; 自动化提醒等。

Try Bonsai for free.


32. RumbleTalk (32. RumbleTalk)

With over 570,000 chats created so far, Rumble is by far the most popular community chat solution for websites.


Easily create an online group chat for communities and live events or provide a direct private messaging chat for online experts and advisors. No need to have any programming skills or special knowledge.

轻松为社区和现场活动创建在线群聊,或者为在线专家和顾问提供直接的私人消息聊天。 无需具备任何编程技能或特殊知识。

33. Fotor (33. Fotor)

Powerful, user-friendly and globally accessible, Fotor is an online photo editing suite, using exclusive technology to bring an unprecedented level of editing control to anyone and everyone. While the ‘collage’ and ‘edit’ features are already enjoyed by millions of users, daily, the new ‘design’ feature gives the common user the ability to design any form of graphics and cover, limited only by your imagination.

功能强大,用户友好且可全球访问的Fotor是在线照片编辑套件,它使用专有技术为所有人和所有人带来了前所未有的编辑控制水平。 虽然每天都有成千上万的用户使用“拼贴”和“编辑”功能,但是新的“设计”功能使普通用户可以设计任何形式的图形和封面,而这仅受您的想象力的限制。

34. 自由职业者徽标设计 (34. FreelanceLogoDesign)

FreelanceLogoDesign is a powerful platform where you can launch your own logo design contest in a couple of minutes and let real designers compete on your project. In 60 minutes or less there will be 3 logo designers creating 6 custom logos for you to choose from.

FreelanceLogoDesign是一个功能强大的平台,您可以在几分钟内启动自己的徽标设计比赛,让真正的设计师参与您的项目竞争。 在60分钟或更短的时间内,将有3位徽标设计师创建6个自定义徽标,供您选择。

Start now for $19.


35. Icons8设计资产 (35. Icons8 Design Assets)

Icons8 is a one-stop resource to get lots of free design assets: over 90K of icons in different styles; vector illustrations for UX screens and pages; a big library of stock photos by pro photographers; Photo Creator to make realistic photo collages and Lunacy Editor that’s Sketch for Windows users.

Icons8是获取大量免费设计资产的一站式资源:超过9万种不同样式的图标; UX屏幕和页面的矢量插图; 大型的专业摄影师库存照片库; 用于创建逼真的照片拼贴的Photo Creator和适用于Windows用户的Sketch的Lunacy Editor。

36. 罗多斯 (36. Rhodos)

If you are looking for a ready-made WordPress solution to create a minimalist business and portfolio website, then Rhodos can be a perfect choice for you. A mobile-friendly layout of the theme will present your law firm, financial company, accounting services or other topic-specific websites remarkably on all screen sizes.

如果您正在寻找现成的WordPress解决方案来创建一个简约的业务和投资组合网站,那么Rhodos可能是您的理想选择。 主题适合移动设备的布局将在所有屏幕尺寸上显着地展示您的律师事务所,金融公司,会计服务或其他特定主题的网站。


