Machine Learning Note 2

tech2024-08-03  61

Word Respresentation

Neighbor-based respresentation

full document: word-document co-occurrence matrix gives general topicswindows: context window for each word

Window-Based Co-occurrence Matrix

统计所有词汇的 neighbor ,形成一个二维表,每个词汇则有对应的向量,通过向量的运算得出词汇的相关性 例子: to solve issues: low dimensional word vector

Low-Dimensional Dense Word Vector

Method 1: dimension reduction on the matrix Method 2: directly learn low-dimensional word vectors 直接找出 word 在 syntactic 的位置

Language Modeling

Goal: estimate the probablity of a word sequence

N-Gram language model: Probability is conditioned on a window of (n-1) previous words Issue: some sequences may not appear in the training data

Neural Language Modeling: estimate not from count, but from NN predition Issue: The input layer of the related words are close, so the possibility is almost the same

Recurrent Neutual Network Language Model (RNNLM) Idea: pass the information from the previous hidden layer to leverage all contexts

Recurrent Neutual Network

formulation: definition: Model Training: the target y is O, to train the model, we should change the parameters {U,V,W}

Backpropagation through Time (BPTT)

parameters{U,W} are tied together

Feature Scaling

Idea: make sure features are on the same scale compute the average and variance to adjust the feature Batch Normalization:
