
tech2022-08-07  202


You’re a wonderful developer.


You come early, and you stay late. Your code is clear and well documented, you’re eager to help others, and you’re able to handle 3x the work your co-workers can handle.

您来得早,您来得晚。 您的代码清晰,文档齐全,渴望帮助他人,并且能够处理同事可以处理的工作量的三倍。

You’re an amazing developer, and that’s your problem.


Your boss and your co-workers all want your best work. It’s an unspoken expectation in the workplace. No one prepares you for the horrible consequences that come with doing your job well.

您的老板和您的同事都希望您表现最好。 在工作场所这是不言而喻的期望。 没有人为做好工作带来的可怕后果做好准备。

您为努力工作付出的毁灭性代价 (The devastating price you pay for working hard)

There are several unpleasant downsides that come with exceptional performance and hard work. There’s one reward in particular that acts as a demotivator that destroys job satisfaction.

出色的性能和艰苦的工作带来了许多不利的方面。 特别是有一种奖励,它会破坏工作满意度。

You’re probably already familiar with it.


The reward for working hard and performing above expectations at your job is more work.

努力工作并表现出超出预期的回报是更多的工作 。

This is devastating to developers in the long term, and here are a few reasons why …


1. Price’s Law becomes a dysfunctional cycle Information scientist and physicist Derek de Solla Price discovered that the square root of the number of people in any domain does 50 percent of the work. If there are ten developers on your team, 3 of them do half the work. Who are these employees? If you’re an A-player, you’re already doing far more than your co-workers.

1.普氏定律成为功能失调的循环信息科学家和物理学家德里克·德·索拉·普赖斯 ( Derek de Solla Price)发现,任何领域的人数的平方根都承担着 50%的工作。 如果您的团队中有10个开发人员,那么其中3个完成一半的工作。 这些员工是谁? 如果您是一名A玩家,那么您已经比同事做得更多。

This is devastating because it creates a vicious cycle. In many organizations, you’re rewarded with more and more work, but your salary, titles or earning power remains unchanged. When this happens, your employer steals from your future, minimizing your earning power and your ability to get a new job at an appropriate salary level with an appropriate title.

这是毁灭性的,因为它造成了恶性循环 。 在许多组织中,您将获得越来越多的工作报酬,但是您的薪水,头衔或赚钱能力保持不变 。 发生这种情况时,您的雇主会从您的未来中窃取利益,从而最大程度地降低您的收入能力以及以适当的薪水水平获得具有适当头衔的新工作的能力。

2. Mercenaries corrupt patriots According to Gallup and Steve Rasmussen, former CEO of Nationwide, your co-workers are either Patriots or Mercenaries.

2.雇佣兵腐败的爱国者据盖洛普和全国前首席执行官史蒂夫·拉斯穆森说,您的同事要么是爱国者,要么是雇佣军 。

If you’re a Patriot, you’re engaged. You believe in your managers and co-workers, and they believe in you. You’re focused on taking care of your organization because you trust your co-workers to look out for you. If you’re a Mercenary, you’re focused primarily on yourself. You’re a job hopper or social climber. You’re focused on getting as much value as you can for yourself; forget the company!

如果您是爱国者 ,那就订婚了。 您相信您的经理和同事,他们也相信您。 您专注于照顾您的组织,因为您相信同事会为您提供帮助。 如果您是雇佣兵 ,那么您主要专注于自己。 您是工作狂或社交攀登者。 您专注于为自己获得尽可能多的价值。 忘了公司!

The employees who are willing to let others work for them? They’re usually mercenaries, people who are willing to do the bare minimum to collect a paycheck. Left unchecked, these mercenaries kill morale in the company, causing A-players to leave or become B- and C-players.

愿意让别人为他们工作的员工? 他们通常是雇佣军,他们愿意竭尽全力来收集薪水。 这些雇佣军任其发展,扼杀了公司的士气,导致A玩家离开或成为B玩家和C玩家。

3. Crab mentality sends A-players to the bottom of the social hierarchy Mediocre employees don’t like high achievers, and high achievers don’t like mediocre employees. If you’re an A-player who’s surrounded by mediocre B- and C-player employees, you’ll be punished for excellence.

3.螃蟹的心态将A玩家打入社会阶层的底层。平庸的员工不喜欢高成就的员工,而高成就的员工则不喜欢平庸的员工。 如果您是被平庸的B级和C级员工包围的A级玩家,那么您将受到卓越的惩罚。

What does this mean specifically?


Your co-workers will attempt to destroy the self-confidence of any employee (you) who achieves success or outperforms the rest of the group due to envy, spite, resentment, conspiracy or competitiveness. This isn’t mere speculation: the tall poppy syndrome, crab bucket mentality and tragedy of the commons are all examples of this kind of behavior in action. If you’re a great developer and you’re surrounded by mediocrity, you’ll be punished for it.

您的同事将试图破坏任何因嫉妒,恶意,怨恨,阴谋或竞争而取得成功或超越团队其他成员的员工(您)的自信心。 这不仅是猜测: 高大的罂粟综合症 , 蟹形桶的想法和公地的悲剧都是这种行为的例子。 如果您是一名出色的开发人员,并且被平庸所包围,那么您将为此受到惩罚。

“Yeah, well, I don’t care what anyone thinks anyway!”


Here’s why you should care. No man is an island. At some point, you’re going to need help from others to do your job or complete a task. Want to find another job? You’ll need references from your manager and co-workers.

这就是您应该关心的原因。 没有人是与世隔绝的。 在某个时候,您将需要他人的帮助才能完成工作或完成任务。 想找另一份工作吗? 您需要经理和同事的参考。

4. Mercenaries sabotage patriots Their methods are simple. They get A-player patriots to do the work for them. Then they immediately take the credit for the A-player’s hard work. Mercenaries use a variety of strategies to accomplish this.

4.雇佣军破坏爱国者他们的方法很简单。 他们让A玩家爱国者为他们完成工作。 然后,他们立即将A玩家的辛勤工作归功于他们。 佣兵使用各种策略来实现这一目标。

Machiavellianism, or interpersonal manipulation to shape alliances, is used to gain and maintain social status, regardless of their actual performance, to gain leverage against opponents or poison the well, turning managers against A-players they perceive as a threat.

马基雅维利主义 ,或人际关系操纵,以结成联盟,而不论其实际表现如何,都可用来获得和维持社会地位,以取得对对手的影响力或使井井中毒 ,从而使经理人对付被视为威胁的A玩家。

Indirect aggression is characterized by bullying, slander, gossip, shaming or ostracizing others. It’s common in office settings and typically involves some reputation destruction. The thing with indirect aggression is that it’s incredibly difficult to prove and harder still to counteract unless you have a clear understanding of what it is and how it works.

间接侵略的特征是欺凌,诽谤,八卦,羞辱或排斥他人。 这在办公室环境中很常见,通常会破坏声誉。 间接侵略的问题是,除非您清楚地知道它是什么以及它是如何工作的,否则很难证明它并且更难以抵消。

Leverage. Malicious mercenaries will use anything as leverage: past mistakes, secrets shared in confidence, insecurities — anything that will get others (you) to do what they want when they want. For whatever reason, it’s important that they win and you lose.

杠杆作用。 恶意雇佣军会利用一切作为杠杆:过去的错误,秘密共享的机密,不安全感-任何会使他人(您)在需要时做自己想做的事情。 无论出于何种原因,赢与输都很重要。

Successful patriots use their abilities and accomplishments as leverage to counter mercenary bad behavior. But they’ll also rely on strong relationships with others as a balm for scheming behavior. Unfortunately this is the exception, not the rule.

成功的爱国者会利用自己的能力和成就来对抗雇佣军的不良行为。 但是,他们也将依靠与他人的牢固关系来欺骗行为。 不幸的是,这是例外,而不是规则。

See what I mean?


Working hard comes with a devastating price. So what’s the alternative then? Doing the bare minimum? Working to keep my head down and collect a steady paycheck?

艰苦的工作付出了沉重的代价。 那么,还有什么选择呢? 做最低限度的吗? 正在努力压低我的头并收取稳定的薪水吗?

Many employees do that already.


Doing that is worse, because it comes with its own set of miserable problems. It’s difficult to find and keep a job. The mediocre aren’t paid all that well, and they’re the first to go if your company initiates layoffs or mass firings.

这样做会更糟,因为它会带来一系列自己的悲惨问题。 很难找到并找到工作。 平庸者的薪水还不够好,如果您的公司发起裁员或大规模裁员,他们将是首当其冲的人。

开发人员如何在不受到惩罚的情况下表现出色? (How Can Developers Overperform without Punishment?)

There are several strategies you can use to protect yourself from abusive, toxic or inappropriate behavior. These strategies are most helpful when they’re approached with sincerity and authenticity. You’ll see what I mean in a moment.

您可以使用多种策略来保护自己免受虐待,有毒或不当行为的侵害。 当以诚恳和真实的态度对待这些策略时,它们是最有用的。 稍后您会明白我的意思。

Let’s take a look.


策略1:与他人分享您的成功 (Strategy #1: Share your success with others)

Pay attention to your co-worker’s positive contributions to a project. Was your PM thorough and helpful? Did your account manager hold a client accountable when they failed to deliver on their end of the project? Did the front-end developers on your team make things easier for you?

注意同事对项目的积极贡献。 您的项目经理彻底且乐于助人吗? 当客户在项目结束时未能交付时,您的客户经理是否对客户负责? 团队中的前端开发人员是否为您简化了工作?

Write it down.


Then, express your gratitude. You can do it publicly if this person had an impact on others on your team, or you can do it privately if you’re dealing with an introvert.

然后,表达您的感激之情。 如果此人对您团队中的其他人有影响,那么您可以公开进行此操作,或者,如果您正在与一个性格内向的人打交道,则可以私下进行。

Here’s why you should do this consistently.


This strategy counteracts the crab bucket mentality many people have. In some cases, it actually reverses it. Gratitude works when it’s genuine because others are allowed to share in your success.

这种策略抵消了许多人对螃蟹桶的想法。 在某些情况下,它实际上可以逆转它。 感谢是真诚的,因为别人可以分享您的成功。

Here’s the thing about gratitude.


Your co-workers can sense sincerity and authenticity; when you’re not sincere or authentic, you’re co-workers know it, and you amplify the crab bucket mentality I discussed earlier.

您的同事可以感受到真诚和真实性; 当您不真诚或不真实时,您就是同事知道这一点,然后您放大了我之前讨论的螃蟹桶思维。

策略2:建立成就组合 (Strategy #2: Create an accomplishment portfolio)

I covered this in a previous post, but I’ll share a quick recap here.


Any time you achieve anything of value, no matter how small or insignificant (to you), open your notes and write it down.


Did you receive a compliment from a manager in another department? Write it down.

您是否收到了另一个部门的经理的称赞? 写下来。 Have you fixed three times as many bugs as the next developer in your company? Write it down.

您修复的错误数量是公司下一位开发人员的三倍吗? 写下来。 Have you created libraries and tools for other developers at your company? Write it down.

您是否为公司的其他开发人员创建了库和工具? 写下来。

There’s no judgment in this.


Don’t question it, don’t debate with yourself about whether your work is really that good, but don’t oversell it either. Just record the facts.

不要质疑它,不要与自己辩论您的作品是否真的那么好,但是也不要卖得过高。 只需记录事实。

Do this regularly.


This enables you to build a list of amazing stories you can share in your cover letter, resumé and job interviews. You’ll need to record specific bits of information to ensure that it’s useful to you later.

这样,您就可以建立一份精彩的故事列表,您可以在求职信,简历和工作面试中分享这些故事。 您需要记录一些特定的信息,以确保以后对您有用。

Your accomplishment: what you did, why it’s significant.

您的成就:您做了什么,为什么如此重要。 The dates of your accomplishments: when it happened and the range of time (such as Jan 15th to Mar 31st).

您的成就日期:发生的时间和时间范围(例如1月15日至3月31日)。 The results of your accomplishment (such as “reduced website load times by 23 percent, increased conversions by 19 percent”).

您取得的成就(例如“网站加载时间减少了23%,转换次数增加了19%”)。 Attach a dollar value to each accomplishment that’s based in reality. Don’t make something up or guess. Use real dollar amounts from your company, third-party tools, research or data to justify your claim.

为现实中的每一项成就附加一个美元价值。 不要编造或猜测。 使用您公司的实际美元金额,第三方工具,研究或数据来证明您的索赔合理。

Here’s why this strategy is so effective.


Recording this data makes it difficult for any of your co-workers (or managers) to steal the credit for your hard work. You need the credit for your hard work. Your accomplishment portfolio is the justification you need to win a coveted promotion, raise or bonus. Your accomplishment portfolio protects your present and your future.

记录这些数据将使您的任何同事(或经理)都很难因为您的辛勤工作而获得功劳。 您需要功劳的功劳。 您的成就档案包是您赢得梦promotion以求的晋升,加薪或奖金所需的理由。 您的成就组合可以保护您的现在和将来。

策略3:说“不”(强制或强制) (Strategy #3: Say No (gently or forcefully))

There are forceful and gentle ways to say No. When your co-workers demand that you do their work for them, you can take a gentle or forceful approach. Here are some strategies you can use.

有强制性和温和的方式说不。当您的同事要求您为他们的工作做时,您可以采取温和或有力的方法。 这是您可以使用的一些策略。

温和 (Gentle)

These gentle requests are easy to swallow, but the intent is often deceptive or manipulative. This phrasing makes it easy for them to get your help and take the credit when they’re done.

这些温柔的要求很容易被吞下,但意图往往是欺骗性或操纵性的。 这种表述使他们很容易获得您的帮助并在完成后获得功劳。

Co-worker: Would you help me with these bug fixes?


You: I can help you when I’m finished with X

您: X结束后,我可以为您提供帮助

Co-worker: Can you show me how to do X?


You: Absolutely, here’s the training I used to figure out X.


Can you see the manipulation with these requests? They’re presented as requests, but they’re really not. If a co-worker wants to saddle you with their work, they’ll ask for “help” then decide to have you do all of it.

您能看到这些请求的操纵吗? 它们是作为请求提供的,但实际上不是。 如果同事想让您忙于工作,他们会要求“帮助”,然后决定让您完成所有工作。

有力 (Forceful)

These requests are commands that come with implied or unspoken consequences.


Co-worker: I need you to help me fix Y.


You: What’s going on with Y?

您: Y怎么了?

Co-worker: [Boss] says you need to help me fix Y.

同事: [老板]说您需要帮助我解决Y。

You: [You CC boss and co-worker] Sure, I can do that. [Boss] did you want me to stop working on X to take care of Y? We may miss our deadline.

您: [您的CC老板和同事]当然可以。 [老板]您要我停止为X工作以照顾Y吗? 我们可能会错过最后期限。

These are commands, but they’re phrased in such a way that they’re implicitly coercive. If you don’t go along with their command, there may be a negative consequence to you. As it turns out, this is the secret to countering these manipulative and coercive requests.

这些是命令,但是用隐式强制的方式来表达它们。 如果您不遵守他们的命令,可能会对您造成负面影响。 事实证明,这是应对这些操纵性和强制性要求的秘诀。

You ask questions or agree (tentatively) with the request, but you lay out the consequences that will come as a result of their request. These consequences could be missed deadlines, poor quality work due to inexperience, or increased cost or expense.

您提出问题或(暂时)同意该请求,但是您提出了由于其请求而带来的后果。 这些后果可能是错过了截止日期,由于缺乏经验而导致的劣质工作或增加了成本或费用。

艰苦的工作不必付出沉重的代价 (Hard Work Doesn’t Have to Come with a Devastating Price)

If you’re a wonderful developer, you’ll be punished for your hard work. The truth of the matter is that not everyone has your best interests at heart. A large number of your co-workers would like nothing more than to see you fail — to prove once and for all that they’re better or smarter than you.

如果您是一个出色的开发人员,那么您的辛勤工作将受到惩罚。 事情的真相是,并不是每个人都将自己的最大利益放在心上。 您的许多同事只希望看到您失败,就一劳永逸地证明他们比您更好或更聪明。

You can counteract this behavior.


If you choose to come early and you stay late, you should be rewarded. Do you go above and beyond with superior code that’s clear and well documented? You can keep your accomplishments.

如果您选择早起而熬夜,则应该得到奖励。 您是否拥有清晰且有据可查的高级代码,从而超越一切? 您可以保持自己的成就。

You’re an amazing developer, and that’s your problem.


Your co-workers expect you to deliver high-quality work. It’s an unspoken expectation in the workplace. The good news? You’re prepared for the horrible consequences that come with doing your job well. You have the strategies and tactics you need to work with mercenary co-workers. Pay close attention to the signals from your co-workers, and you’ll find hard work really does pay off.

您的同事希望您提供高质量的工作。 在工作场所这是不言而喻的期望。 好消息? 您已经做好做好工作所带来的可怕后果的准备。 您拥有与雇佣军同事合作所需的策略和策略。 密切注意同事的信号,您会发现艰苦的工作确实有回报。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-devastating-price-developers-pay-for-working-hard/

