
tech2024-10-04  47


Inherits: Range < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Texture-based progress bar. Useful for loading screens and life or stamina bars.

基于纹理的进度条。 对于加载屏幕和生命或耐力条很有用。


TextureProgress works like ProgressBar, but uses up to 3 textures instead of Godot's Theme resource. It can be used to create horizontal, vertical and radial progress bars.

TextureProgress的工作方式类似于ProgressBar,但最多使用3个纹理而不是Godot的主题资源。 它可用于创建水平,垂直和径向进度条。


intfill_mode0MouseFiltermouse_filter1 (parent override)boolnine_patch_stretchfalseVector2radial_center_offsetVector2( 0, 0 )floatradial_fill_degrees360.0floatradial_initial_angle0.0intstretch_margin_bottom0intstretch_margin_left0intstretch_margin_right0intstretch_margin_top0Texturetexture_over Texturetexture_progress Texturetexture_under Colortint_overColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )Colortint_progressColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )Colortint_underColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )


intget_stretch_margin ( Margin margin ) constvoidset_stretch_margin ( Margin margin, int value )


enum FillMode:

FILL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0 --- The texture_progress fills from left to right.text_progress从左到右填充。FILL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 1 --- The texture_progress fills from right to left.texture_progress从右到左填充。FILL_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 2 --- The texture_progress fills from top to bottom.texture_progress从上到下填充。FILL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP = 3 --- The texture_progress fills from bottom to top.texture_progress从下到上填充。FILL_CLOCKWISE = 4 --- Turns the node into a radial bar. The texture_progress fills clockwise. See radial_center_offset, radial_initial_angle and radial_fill_degrees to control the way the bar fills up.将节点转换为径向条。texture_progress顺时针填充。请参见radial_center_offset、radial_initial_angle和radial_fill_degrees来控制填充条的方式。FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = 5 --- Turns the node into a radial bar. The texture_progress fills counterclockwise. See radial_center_offset, radial_initial_angle and radial_fill_degrees to control the way the bar fills up.将节点转换为径向条。texture_progress是逆时针填充的。请参见radial_center_offset、radial_initial_angle和radial_fill_degrees来控制填充条的方式。FILL_BILINEAR_LEFT_AND_RIGHT = 6 --- The texture_progress fills from the center, expanding both towards the left and the right.texture_progress从中心填充,向左和向右扩展。FILL_BILINEAR_TOP_AND_BOTTOM = 7 --- The texture_progress fills from the center, expanding both towards the top and the bottom.texture_progress从中心填充,同时向顶部和底部扩展。FILL_CLOCKWISE_AND_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = 8 --- Turns the node into a radial bar. The texture_progress fills radially from the center, expanding both clockwise and counterclockwise. See radial_center_offset, radial_initial_angle and radial_fill_degrees to control the way the bar fills up.将节点转换为径向条。texture_progress从中心开始呈放射状填充,同时顺时针和逆时针展开。请参见radial_center_offset、radial_initial_angle和radial_fill_degrees来控制填充条的方式。

Property Descriptions

int fill_mode Default0Setterset_fill_mode(value)Getterget_fill_mode()

The fill direction. See FillMode for possible values.


bool nine_patch_stretch DefaultfalseSetterset_nine_patch_stretch(value)Getterget_nine_patch_stretch()

If true, Godot treats the bar's textures like in NinePatchRect. Use the stretch_margin_* properties like stretch_margin_bottom to set up the nine patch's 3×3 grid. When using a radial fill_mode, this setting will enable stretching.


Vector2 radial_center_offset DefaultVector2( 0, 0 )Setterset_radial_center_offset(value)Getterget_radial_center_offset()

Offsets texture_progress if fill_mode is FILL_CLOCKWISE or FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE.


float radial_fill_degrees Default360.0Setterset_fill_degrees(value)Getterget_fill_degrees()

Upper limit for the fill of texture_progress if fill_mode is FILL_CLOCKWISE or FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE. When the node's value is equal to its max_value, the texture fills up to this angle.


See Range.value, Range.max_value.


float radial_initial_angle Default0.0Setterset_radial_initial_angle(value)Getterget_radial_initial_angle()

Starting angle for the fill of texture_progress if fill_mode is FILL_CLOCKWISE or FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE. When the node's value is equal to its min_value, the texture doesn't show up at all. When the value increases, the texture fills and tends towards radial_fill_degrees.

如果fill_mode填充,texture_progress的填充起始角度为FILL_CLOCKWISE或FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE。 当节点的值等于其min_value时,纹理根本不显示。 值增加时,纹理将填充并趋向于radial_fill_degrees。

int stretch_margin_bottom Default0Setterset_stretch_margin(value)Getterget_stretch_margin()

The height of the 9-patch's bottom row. A margin of 16 means the 9-slice's bottom corners and side will have a height of 16 pixels. You can set all 4 margin values individually to create panels with non-uniform borders.

9宫格底部行的高度。 边距为16表示9宫格的底角和侧面的高度为16像素。 您可以分别设置所有4个边距值,以创建边框不一致的面板。

int stretch_margin_left Default0Setterset_stretch_margin(value)Getterget_stretch_margin()

The width of the 9-patch's left column.


int stretch_margin_right Default0Setterset_stretch_margin(value)Getterget_stretch_margin()

The width of the 9-patch's right column.


int stretch_margin_top Default0Setterset_stretch_margin(value)Getterget_stretch_margin()

The height of the 9-patch's top row.


Texture texture_over Setterset_over_texture(value)Getterget_over_texture()

Texture that draws over the progress bar. Use it to add highlights or an upper-frame that hides part of texture_progress.

绘制进度条的纹理。 使用它来添加高光或隐藏texture_progress的一部分的上部框架。

Texture texture_progress Setterset_progress_texture(value)Getterget_progress_texture()

Texture that clips based on the node's value and fill_mode. As value increased, the texture fills up. It shows entirely when value reaches max_value. It doesn't show at all if value is equal to min_value.

根据节点的值和fill_mode进行裁剪的纹理。 随着值的增加,纹理将填满。 它会在value达到max_value时完整显示。 如果value等于min_value则根本不显示。

The value property comes from Range. See Range.value, Range.min_value, Range.max_value.

值属性来自范围。 请参阅``范围值'',``范围最小值'',``范围最大值''。

Texture texture_under Setterset_under_texture(value)Getterget_under_texture()

Texture that draws under the progress bar. The bar's background.

在进度条下方绘制的纹理。 bar的背景。

Color tint_over DefaultColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )Setterset_tint_over(value)Getterget_tint_over()

Multiplies the color of the bar's texture_over texture. The effect is similar to CanvasItem.modulate, except it only affects this specific texture instead of the entire node.

将bar的“ texture_over”纹理的颜色相乘。 效果与CanvasItem.modulate相似,除了它只影响此特定纹理而不是整个节点。

Color tint_progress DefaultColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )Setterset_tint_progress(value)Getterget_tint_progress()

Multiplies the color of the bar's texture_progress texture.


Color tint_under DefaultColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 )Setterset_tint_under(value)Getterget_tint_under()

Multiplies the color of the bar's texture_under texture.

将bar的“ texture_under”纹理的颜色相乘。

Method Descriptions

int get_stretch_margin ( Margin margin ) const
void set_stretch_margin ( Margin margin, int value )