
tech2024-10-15  2

over() 指定函数工作的数据窗口大小 partition by ... 按照...分区 rows between ... and ... 指定运算范围 unbounded preceding 起始行 unbounded following 终止行 n preceding 从前n行数据开始 n following 到后n行数据 例如: rows between 1 preceding and 1 following 从前一行数据到后一行数据 总共三行数据

 lag(cloumn,n)               前n行数数据

例如: lag(ctime , 1)


1. 列出连续多天有订单的店铺

1.1 数据


a,2020-02-10,600 a,2020-03-01,200 a,2020-03-02,300 a,2020-03-03,200 a,2020-03-04,400 a,2020-03-05,600 a,2020-02-05,200 a,2020-02-06,300 a,2020-02-07,200 a,2020-02-08,400 b,2020-02-05,200 b,2020-02-06,300 b,2020-02-08,200 b,2020-02-09,400 b,2020-02-10,600 c,2020-01-31,200 c,2020-02-01,300 c,2020-02-02,200 c,2020-02-03,400 c,2020-02-10,600

1.2 需求 :


1.3 步骤:

1. 创建表---加载数据

---创建表 create table tb_shop( name string, ctime string, cost double ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; ---加载本地数据到表中 load data local inpath '/doit17/orders.txt' into table tb_shop;

2. 为了判断数据是连续三天的---按照店铺名分区---对日期进行排序并编号

为了得到结果更快 , 本地运行mapreduce程序 , 不提交Yarn



show functions;


desc function 函数;

select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by ctime) from tb_shop; ---row_number() 给每行数据编号 ---partition by name 按照店铺名分区 ---order by ctime 相同店铺名按照日期排序

3. 使用函数date_sub将日期与编号相减 , 连续几个结果相同即为连续几天有订单

date_sub(start_date, num_days) - Returns the date that is num_days before start_date.

select *, date_sub(ctime , rn) diff from ( select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by ctime) rn ---对编号起别名 from tb_shop ) t1 ---对子查询起别名 ;

 4. 按照店铺名和diff进行分组,并统计组内个数---店铺名相同,diff相同为一组---统计连续天数>3的店铺名和天数

select name, diff, count(1) days from ( select *, date_sub(ctime , rn) diff from ( select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by ctime) rn from tb_shop ) t1 ) t2 group by name,diff having days > 3 ;

5. 去除重复数据--得出最终结果

select distinct name from ( select name, diff, count(1) days from ( select *, date_sub(ctime , rn) diff from ( select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by ctime) rn from tb_shop ) t1 ) t2 group by name,diff having days > 3 ) t3 ;


2. 列出连续打中地鼠的人名

2.1 数据


u01,1,1 u01,2,0 u01,3,1 u01,4,1 u01,5,0 u01,6,1 u02,1,1 u02,2,1 u02,3,0 u02,4,1 u02,5,1 u02,6,0 u02,7,0 u02,8,1 u02,9,1 u03,1,1 u03,2,1 u03,3,1 u03,4,1 u03,5,1 u03,6,0

2.2 创建表-加载数据

create table tb_hit_game( name string, num int, ifhit int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; load data local inpath '/doit17/game.txt' into table tb_hit_game;

2.3 sql语句

select distinct name from ( select name, diff, count(1) c from ( select *, (num-bh) diff ---num和行编号相减---按照人名和diff分组,组内结果相同的就是连续打中的 from ( select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by num) bh ---按照人名分区,区内排序,对每行数据编号 from ( select * from tb_hit_game where ifhit=1 ---排除没有打中的数据 ) t1 ) t2 ) t3 group by name,diff having c > 3 ) t4 ;

