mastodon 网络

tech2022-08-10  127

mastodon 网络

In this article, I’ll introduce Mastodon, a social media network founded in the spirit of a decentralized Internet. A decentralized web has plenty of challenges and is not necessarily for the faint-hearted, but there are good reasons to persevere.

在本文中,我将介绍Mastodon,这是一个基于分散式Internet精神而建立的社交媒体网络。 分散的网络面临很多挑战,不一定适合胆小者,但有充分的理由坚持不懈。

On July 15, 2020, one of the biggest scams in Twitter’s history happened. Through intelligent social engineering, a group of people managed to gain access to Twitter’s administrative tools, allowing them to post tweets directly from several high-profile accounts.

2020年7月15日,发生了Twitter历史上最大的骗局之一。 通过智能社交工程,一群人设法访问了Twitter的管理工具,从而使他们可以直接从多个知名帐户发布推文。

More than 130 influential Twitter accounts were hacked. In a matter of minutes, the profiles of Apple, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and others asked individuals to send Bitcoin to a cryptocurrency wallet, with the promise that the money sent would be doubled and returned as a charitable gesture.

超过130个有影响力的Twitter帐户被黑客入侵。 在几分钟之内,苹果,比尔·盖茨,埃隆·马斯克等人的个人档案要求个人将比特币发送到加密货币钱包,并承诺将所发送的钱加倍并以慈善姿态返还。

Within minutes of the initial tweets, more than 300 transactions had already taken place — to a value of over US$180,000 — before Twitter took the scam messages down.


With a centralized structure in place, only a single person with administrative rights needed to be tricked into giving out access to these high-profile accounts. In similar circumstances, someone with a more sinister motive might aim at a stock market crash, fabricated political tension, or even global unrest.

有了集中的结构,只需要欺骗一个拥有管理权限的人就可以访问这些备受瞩目的帐户。 在类似情况下,动机更险恶的人可能会瞄准股市崩盘,人为制造的政治紧张局势,甚至是全球动荡。

集权的利弊 (The Pros and Cons of Centralization)

Centralization is a double-edged sword. Its core idea is based on the storage, ownership, and protection of your data by a social media platform. While this sounds awful, there are benefits. The first and strongest advantage of centralized platforms is their ease of use. For example, when you forget your password or your account gets hacked, platforms with a centralized structure can recover them with ease, since they store all of your data on their servers.

集中化是一把双刃剑。 其核心思想是基于社交媒体平台对数据的存储,所有权和保护。 虽然这听起来很糟糕,但有很多好处。 集中式平台的第一个也是最大的优势是易于使用。 例如,当您忘记密码或帐户被黑客入侵时,具有集中式结构的平台可以轻松恢复它们,因为它们将所有数据存储在服务器上。

But this sense of protection comes at a price. Your data — like tweets, retweets, likes, and shares — are stored and owned by a corporation. These companies have yearly financial KPIs, and your data is a great way for them to generate money, primarily when used for targeted advertisements. Another downside to such platforms is that they’re not open source, meaning there’s no transparency between the users and the platform they’re on. As a user, you have no idea what’s happening under the hood or how your data is being handled.

但是这种保护意识是有代价的。 您的数据(如tweet,retweet,likes和share) 由公司存储和拥有 。 这些公司每年都有财务KPI,而您的数据是它们赚钱的好方法,主要是用于有针对性的广告时。 这种平台的另一个缺点是它们不是开源的,这意味着用户与其所使用的平台之间没有透明性。 作为用户,您不知道幕后情况或数据处理方式。

So what if there was a platform with a decentralized structure, where you owned what you posted and you could see what your data was being used for? For a long time, people have tried to create such platforms —, Peach, Diaspora and Ello are a few of the better-known examples.

那么,如果有一个具有分散结构的平台,您拥有所发布的内容并且可以看到您的数据被用于什么呢? 长期以来,人们一直在尝试创建这样的平台,Peach,Diaspora和Ello是一些较著名的示例。

But the latest pioneer in decentralized social media comes with all of the benefits listed above.


输入Mastodon (Enter Mastodon)

Mastodon was released in 2016. In the eyes of many, this network is the first step in social media decentralization. While similar to Twitter in both appearance and features, Mastodon focuses on the safety and privacy of its user base by being decentralized and federated. All of its data are distributed across a vast number of independent servers, known as “instances”. Each instance has its own terms of service, code of conduct, and moderation policies while working seamlessly together with other servers as a federating network.

Mastodon于2016年发布。在许多人眼中,该网络是社交媒体去中心化的第一步。 尽管Mastodon在外观和功能上与Twitter相似,但它们通过分散和联合来专注于其用户群的安全和隐私。 它的所有数据分布在大量独立的服务器上,这些服务器称为“实例”。 每个实例都有自己的服务条款,行为准则和审核策略,同时可以与其他服务器作为联邦网络无缝协作。

The founder of Mastodon, Eugen Rochko, explains that the platform works very similarly to email. Email users can easily connect, even if one person uses Gmail and the other uses Outlook. The same applies to Mastodon and its instances. While users have the freedom to interact with a vast number of instances, each instance can also block content from other servers with policies or content they’re against, without losing access to the entire Mastodon network.

Mastodon的创始人Eugen Rochko解释说,该平台的工作原理与电子邮件非常相似。 电子邮件用户可以轻松连接,即使一个人使用Gmail而另一个人使用Outlook也是如此。 Mastodon及其实例也是如此。 尽管用户可以自由地与大量实例进行交互,但是每个实例还可以使用他们所反对的策略或内容来阻止来自其他服务器的内容,而不会失去对整个Mastodon网络的访问权限。

Mastodon入门 (Getting Started with Mastodon)

Getting started with Mastodon is not as easy as joining Facebook or Twitter. Since the platform is a federated service, very similar to email, Mastodon lets you sign up to many sites that run the Mastodon client, similar to how you create an email account on services like Gmail, Hotmail or Protonmail.

Mastodon入门并不像加入Facebook或Twitter那样容易。 由于该平台是类似于电子邮件的联合服务,因此Mastodon可让您注册许多运行Mastodon客户端的网站,类似于在Gmail,Hotmail或Protonmail等服务上创建电子邮件帐户的方式。

There isn’t one central place to create a Mastodon account. Instead, you choose a community that you want to be a part of and create an account there.

没有一个中心位置可以创建Mastodon帐户。 相反,您可以选择要加入的社区并在其中创建一个帐户。 is for people who want to discover and explore Mastodon, and it’s a good starting point. If you register on this instance, the account you create will be discoverable through the combination of your username and instance name. For example, my full username where you can send me messages is You can view your profile name as a combination of your Twitter handle and email address.

mstdn.social适用于想要发现和探索Mastodon的人们,这是一个很好的起点。 如果您在此实例上注册,则可以通过用户名和实例名称的组合来发现您创建的帐户。 例如,可以向我发送消息的我的完整用户名是@ alextraykov @ 。 您可以将您的个人资料名称作为Twitter句柄和电子邮件地址的组合来查看。

You don’t need new accounts for each different Mastodon instance. But if you wish, you can have separate identities that match the various instances you’re interested in. As mentioned previously, since Mastodon is federated, you can interact with other users from different servers without being registered on the same server. This is the most powerful feature of the platform.

您不需要为每个不同的Mastodon实例创建新帐户。 但是,如果愿意,您可以具有与您感兴趣的各种实例相匹配的单独身份。如上所述,由于Mastodon是联合身份的,因此您可以与来自不同服务器的其他用户进行交互,而无需在同一服务器上注册。 这是平台最强大的功能。

But what about mobile? Is there an app where you can scroll through toots and boosts while commuting back home?

但是手机呢? 是否有一个应用程序,您可以在上下班途中滚动嘟嘟声和增强声音?

There’s no official app for Android and iOS. But because Mastodon is open source, there are numerous third-party apps that allow you to check on your accounts. For Android, a popular pick is Tusky, and for iOS there’s Toot! or Mast. Here’s a full list of apps for mobile, desktop and web.

没有适用于Android和iOS的官方应用。 但是由于Mastodon是开源的,因此有许多第三方应用程序可让您检查帐户。 对于Android,最受欢迎的选择是Tusky,对于iOS,则是Toot! 或桅杆。 这是移动,桌面和网络应用程序的完整列表 。

Mastodon和去中心化社交媒体的最终结论 (A Final Take on Mastodon & Decentralized Social Media)

While steadily growing, Mastodon is far away from becoming as big as Twitter or any major centralized social network. Due to its lack of official apps, its onboarding process, and its more complicated server structure, Mastodon has a steeper learning curve than the established social media we use daily. But that doesn’t stop millions of new users from joining every year, seeking a more honest alternative to what they currently have.

在稳定增长的同时,Mastodon还远没有像Twitter或任何主要的集中式社交网络那样庞大。 由于缺少正式的应用程序,入门流程和更复杂的服务器结构,Mastodon的学习曲线比我们每天使用的成熟社交媒体更为陡峭。 但这并不能阻止每年成千上万的新用户加入,寻求比他们目前拥有的更诚实的替代方案。

The future of decentralized social platforms is unclear. Mastodon is one of the first pioneering steps towards something different on the web, like the internet model of the Fediverse. I encourage you to put on your explorer’s hat and set sail towards these new horizons of the internet.

分散式社交平台的未来尚不清楚。 Mastodon是针对诸如Fediverse的互联网模型之类的网络上其他事物的首批开拓性步骤之一。 我鼓励您戴上探险家的帽子,朝着互联网的这些新视野航行 。


mastodon 网络
