
tech2022-08-10  123



create table if not exists student ( sid int(10) comment '学生学号', sname varchar(5) comment '学生姓名', sage datetime comment '学生出生日期', sgender char(1) comment '学生性别' )engine=innodb default charset=utf8; insert into student values (01,'赵雷','1990-01-01','男'); insert into student values (02,'钱电','1990-12-21','男'), (03,'孙风','1990-12-20','男'), (04,'李云','1990-12-06','男'), (05,'周梅','1991-12-01','女'), (06,'吴兰','1992-01-01','女'), (07,'郑竹','1989-01-01','女'), (08,'张三','2017-12-20','女'), (09,'李四','2017-12-25','女'), (10,'李四','2012-06-06','女'), (11,'赵六','2013-06-13','女'), (12,'孙七','2014-06-01','女'); -- 科目表 create table course ( cid int(10) comment '科目号', cname varchar(10) comment '科目名称', tid int(10) comment '授课老师' )engine=innodb default charset=utf8; insert into course values (01,'语文',02),(02,'数学',01),(03,'英语',03); --教师表 create table teacher( tid int(10) comment '教师学号', tname varchar(10) comment '教师姓名' )engine=innodb default charset=utf8; insert into teacher values(01,'张三'),(02,'李四'),(03,'王五'); --考试成绩表 create table score( sid int(10) comment '学生学号', cid int(10) comment '科目号', grade decimal(18,1) )engine=innodb default charset=utf8; insert into score values (01,01,80), (01,02,90), (01,03,99), (02,01,70), (02,02,60), (02,03,80), (03,01,90), (03,02,80), (03,03,80), (04,01,50), (04,02,30), (05,01,76), (05,02,87), (06,01,31), (06,03,34), (07,02,89), (07,03,98);
Q1:查询 01课程比02课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数
步骤1、首先在score表中查询出有0102课程的学生以及对应的成绩 select * from score a inner join score b on a.sid=b.sid where a.cid=01 and b.cid=02;

步骤2:由结果可知,我们只需要sid=2/3/4的学生,因为这些学生的01课程分数高于02课程 要查询的有:sid,01课程的grade,02课程的grade select a.sid,a.grade,b.grade from score a inner join score b on a.sid=b.sid where a.cid=01 and b.cid=02 and a.grade>b.grade;

步骤3、连接学生表,查询学生信息 要查询的有:sid,sname,sage,sgender,01课程grade,02课程grade 哪些表:student、上图2显示的表 思路:采用子查询方式,将上图显示的表定义成新的表,然后与student表进行连接 select s.sid,sname,sage,sgender,class1,class2 from student s inner join ( select a.sid, a.grade as class1, b.grade as class2 from score a inner join score b on a.sid=b.sid where a.cid=01 and b.cid=02 and a.grade>b.grade; ) r on s.sid=r.sid;

方法2:先查询01课程的sid和grade,在查询02的sid和grade 将这2个表连接查询出共同的sid,与grade 在将student表与上表结合 select s.sid,sname,sage,sgender,class1,class2 from student s inner join( select a.sid,class1,class2 from (select sid,grade as class1 from score where score.cid=01) a, (select sid,grade as class2 from score where score.cid=02) b where a.sid=b.sid and class1>class2 ) r on s.sid=r.sid;


select * from (select * from score where score.cid=01) a, (select * from score where score.cid=02) b where a.sid=b.sid;


select * from (select * from score where score.cid=01) a left join (select * from score where score.cid=02) b on a.sid=b.sid;


select * from score where score.sid not in( select sid from score where score.cid=01 ) and score.cid=02;
步骤1:根据sid求每个学生的平均成绩 select sid,avg(grade) as agrade from score group by sid;

步骤2:查询平均成绩大于60分的 select sid,avg(grade) as agrade from score group by sid having agrade>60;

步骤3:结合student表,查询sname select s.sid,sname,avg_grade from student s inner join( select sid,avg(grade) as avg_grade from score group by sid having avg_grade>60 ) r on s.sid=r.sid;

Q3:查询在 score 表存在成绩的学生信息
select s.sid,sname,sage,sgender from student s inner join ( select distinct sid from score ) r on s.sid=r.sid;
步骤1:查询所有学生的选课总数和课程总成绩 select sid, count(cid) as count_cid, sum(grade) as sum_grade from score group by sid;

步骤2:连表student查询学生姓名 select s.sid,sname,count_cid,sum_grade from student s left join ( select sid, count(cid) as count_cid, sum(grade) as sum_grade from score group by sid ) r on s.sid=r.sid;


select s.sid,sname,sage,sgender from student s,( select distinct sid from score ) r where s.sid=r.sid;
Q5:查询 [李] 姓老师的数量
select count(*) from teacher where tname like '李%';
分析:先在teacher表中查找【张三】老师的tid,然后根据tid在course表中查到教的科目cid,然后根据cid在score表中找到有这个科目的学生sid,根据sid在student中查询学生信息 select student.* from student,teacher,course,score where teacher.tname ='张三' and teacher.tid=course.tid and course.cid=score.cid and score.sid=student.sid;
分析:反向思考,查询所有课程都选了学生,除掉这些学生之外的学生就是要求的 步骤1:查询所有课程个数 select count(cid) from course 步骤2:查询所有课程都选的学生sid select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=(select count(cid) from course) 步骤3:连接student表,查询学生信息 select student.* from student where student.sid not in( select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=(select count(cid) from course) );

Q8:查询至少有一门课与学号为" 01 "的同学所学相同的同学的信息

思路:① 从score表中,查询sid=01的学生所有的选课cid

​ ② 从score表中,查询所有学生的sid,如果这个学生的cid出现在前面的结果中

​ ③ 从student表中,查询所有学生的信息,如果这个学生的sid出现在前面的结果中

select * from student where sid in( select distinct sid from score where cid in( select cid from score where sid=01 ) );
Q9:查询和" 01 "号的同学学习的课程完全相同的其他同学的信息


没有学01号同学没有学的课程 select sid from score where cid in( select cid from score where sid=01 ) group by sid 和01号同学学的课程数量相同 select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=( select count(cid) from score where sid=01 )


select * from student where sid in( select sid from score where cid in( select cid from score where sid=01 ) group by sid ) and sid in( select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=( select count(cid) from score where sid=01 ) )

思路:① 在teacher表中,查询张三老师的tid

​ ② 在course表中,查询科目cid,如果这个科目的tid出现在前面的结果中

​ ③ 在score表中,查询学生sid,如果这个学生的cid出现在之前的结果中

​ ④ 在student表中,查询学生信息,如果学生的sid不出现在前面的结果中

-- 方法1:嵌套查询 select * from student where sid not in( select sid from score where cid in( select cid from course where tid in( select tid from teacher where tname='张三' ) ) ); -- 方法2:多表联合查询 select * from student where sid not in( select sid from score,course,teacher where teacher.tname='张三' and teacher.tid=course.tid and score.cid=course.cid );

思路:① 在score表中,选择grade<60,并group by sid,having count(cid)>1

​ ② 在student表中,查询sname

select s.sid,sname,avg_grade from student s inner join ( select sid, avg(grade) as avg_grade from score where grade<60 group by sid having count(cid)>1 ) r on s.sid=r.sid
Q12:检索" 01 "课程分数小于 60,按分数降序排列的学生信息
-- 方法1:先查询 01 课程分数小于 60且按照分数降序排列的sid,grade -- 在联合student表,查询学生信息 select s.sid,sname,sage,sgender,grade from student s inner join( select sid,grade from score where grade<60 and cid=01 order by grade desc ) r on s.sid=r.sid; -- 方法2:多表查询 select student.*,grade from student, score where score.cid=01 and score.grade<60 and student.sid=score.sid order by score.grade desc

思路:① 在score中,查询sid,avg(grade)

​ ② score表和上表联合查询

select score.sid,grade,avg_grade from score left join( select sid,avg(grade) as avg_grade from score group by sid ) r on score.sid=r.sid order by avg_grade desc
select cid,max(grade) as max_grade, min(grade) as min_grade, avg(grade) as avg_grade from score group by cid


select r.*,cname from course c inner join ( select cid, max(grade) as 最高分, min(grade) as 最低分, avg(grade) as 平均分, count(sid) as 选课人数 from score group by cid ) r on c.cid=r.cid;
Q15:按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名, Score 重复时保留名次空缺


set @rank=0; select cid,sid,grade,@rank:=@rank+1 as 排名 from ( select cid,sid,grade from score where cid=01 order by grade desc ) r;


select a.cid, a.sid, a.grade, count(b.grade)+1 as rank from score as a left join score as b on a.grade<b.grade and a.cid = b.cid group by a.cid, a.sid,a.grade order by a.cid, rank ASC;
set @rank=0; select sid,总分,@rank:=@rank+1 as 排名 from ( select sid,sum(grade) as 总分 from score group by sid order by 总分 desc ) r;
Q17:统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[60-0] 及所占百分比
select s.cid,cname, sum(case when grade<=100 and grade>85 then 1 else 0 end) as '[100-85]', sum(case when grade<=85 and grade>70 then 1 else 0 end) as '[85-70]', sum(case when grade<=70 and grade>60 then 1 else 0 end) as '[70-60]', sum(case when grade<=60 and grade>0 then 1 else 0 end) as '[60-0]' from score s left join course c on s.cid=c.cid group by s.cid;


select cid,sid,grade from score group by cid,sid order by cid,grade desc

网上看到一种解法:使用partiton by函数

-- partition by cid order by grade desc:按照cid将每一个grade进行排序,然后选取其中的前三个 -- 但是注意:只能在mysql8.0以上版本才支持partition by的写法 select * from ( select *,row_number() over(partition by cid order by grade desc) as rank from score ) r where rank<4
select cid,count(sid) from score group by cid;

思路:① 在score表中,查找只选择了2门课的学生sid

​ ② 在student表中,查找学生的sname,如果学生的sid在前面的结果中、

select sid,sname from student where sid in( select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=2 );
select sgender,count(*) from student group by sgender;
Q22:查询名字中含有 [风] 字的学生信息
-- %:多个字符 _:一个字符 select * from student where sname like '%风%';
-- 统计同名人数 select sname,count(sname) as 同名人数 from student group by sname having count(sname)>1 -- 查询同名学生信息 select * from student s where sname in ( select sname from student group by sname having count(sname)>1 );
Q24:查询 1990 年出生的学生名单
select * from student where year(sage)='1990';
select score.cid,cname,avg(grade) as 平均分 from course,score where course.cid=score.cid group by course.cid order by 平均分 desc,course.cid asc
Q26:查询平均成绩大于等于 85 的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩

思路:① 在score表中,查询平均分大于85的学生sid,平均成绩

​ ② 在student表中,查询sname


select s.sid,sname,平均成绩 from student s inner join ( select sid,avg(grade) as 平均成绩 from score group by sid having 平均成绩>=85 ) r on s.sid=r.sid;


select a.sid,sname,avg(grade) as 平均成绩 from student a, score b where a.sid=b.sid group by b.sid having 平均成绩>=85;
Q27:查询课程名称为「数学」,且分数低于 60 的学生姓名和分数

思路:① 在course表中,查询【数学】的cid

​ ② 在score表中,查询分数低于60的sid,如果cid在前面的结果中

​ ③ 连表查询sname

select sname,grade from student s inner join ( select sid,grade from score where cid in ( select cid from course where cname='数学' ) and grade<60 ) r on s.sid=r.sid;
select s.sid,sname,cid,grade from student s left join score c on s.sid=c.sid;
Q29:查询任何一门课程成绩在 70 分以上的姓名、课程名称和分数
-- 方法1 select sname,cname,grade from student a,course b,( select * from score where grade>70 group by sid,cid ) r where a.sid=r.sid and b.cid=r.cid -- 方法2 select sname,cname,grade from student a,course b,score c where c.grade>70 and a.sid=c.sid and b.cid=c.cid
select cid from score where grade<60 group by cid
Q31:查询课程编号为 01 且课程成绩在 80 分及以上的学生的学号和姓名
select a.sid,sname from student a,score b where b.cid=01 and grade>80 and a.sid=b.sid
select cid,count(*) as 学生人数 from score group by cid

思路:① 在teacher表中,查询【张三】老师的tid

​ ② 在course表中,根据tid查询cid

​ ③ 在score表中,根据cid查询所有学生的成绩,然后按照成绩降序排序,最后选择第一条记录,就是第一名

select student.sid,sname,grade from student,score where cid=( select cid from course where tid=( select tid from teacher where tname='张三' ) ) and student.sid=score.sid order by grade desc limit 1;



update score set grade=90 where sid=07 and cid=02;


select a.sid,sname,grade from student a,teacher b,course c,score d where b.tname='张三' and b.tid=c.tid and c.cid=d.cid and d.sid=a.sid and d.grade=( select max(grade) from student,teacher,course,score where teacher.tname='张三' and teacher.tid=course.tid and course.cid=score.cid and score.sid=student.sid );
select a.sid,a.cid,a.grade from score a inner join score b on a.sid=b.sid and a.cid!=b.cid and a.grade=b.grade


select a.sid,a.cid,a.grade from score as a left join score as b on a.cid = b.cid and a.grade<b.grade group by a.cid, a.sid having count(b.cid)<2 order by a.cid;
Q37:统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过 5 人的课程才统计)
select cid,count(sid) from score group by cid having count(sid)>5;
select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)>=2;

思路:① 查询course表,统计一共有几门课

​ ② 从score表中,查询选修了全部课程的学生sid

​ ③ 从student表中,查询学生信息,如果这个学生的sid出现在前面的结果中

select * from student where sid in( select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=( select count(cid) from course ) )


方式一:between and语句

select * from student where sage between '2018-01-01' and '2018-12-31';

以上语句查询的实际时间范围是:2018-01-01 00:00:00 ~ 2018-12-31 00:00:00,而2018-12-31这一天的数据无法显示


语法:datediff(date1,date2) 该函数是返回两个日期之间的天数

select datadiff('2018-01-01','2018-01-05'); -- 结果:-4


语法:timestampdiff (interval,datetime1,datetime2),比较的单位interval可以为以下数值


FRAC_SECOND 表示间隔是毫秒 SECOND 秒 MINUTE 分钟 HOUR 小时 DAY 天 WEEK 星期 MONTH 月 QUARTER 季度 YEAR 年 select timestampdiff(day,'2018-07-01 09:00:00','2018-07-04 12:00:00'); -- 结果:3 select timestampdiff(Year,'2018-07-01 09:00:00','2019-01-04 12:00:00'); -- 结果:0

CURDATE() 函数:返回当前的日期。




select sid,sname,timestampdiff(year,sage,curdate()) as 学生年纪 from student;


select weekofyear('2020-01-09'); -- 结果:2 -- 1月9号在2020年的第二周内


select * from student where weekofyear(sage)=weekofyear(curdate());
select * from student where weekofyear(sage)=weekofyear(curdate())+1;


select * from student where month(sage)=month(curdate());
select * from student where month(sage)=month(curdate())+1;