
tech2022-08-12  99

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本文是与TemplateMonster合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Most users feel overwhelmed when they need to select the best ready-made design for their website. There are plenty of agencies and web design studios offering unique designs to help users get started with websites for multiple purposes.

大多数用户在需要为其网站选择最佳的现成设计时感到不知所措。 有很多机构和Web设计工作室提供独特的设计,以帮助用户开始使用具有多种目的的网站。

The number of web platforms selling themes crafted by vendors worldwide grows quickly all the time. If you want to select the best ready-made design for your site and feel confident that you’ve made the right choice, then it’s always a great idea to choose the industry leaders.

由世界各地的供应商精心制作的销售主题的Web平台数量一直在Swift增长。 如果您想为自己的站点选择最佳的现成设计,并且对自己做出的正确选择充满信心,那么选择行业领先者总是一个好主意。

TemplateMonster and ThemeForest have proven to be the two leading digital marketplaces selling WordPress templates of top quality. Comparing these two options, which one is a better place to buy themes for your websites? That’s the question that we are going to answer in this post.

事实证明, TemplateMonster和ThemeForest是销售高质量WordPress模板的两个领先的数字市场。 比较这两种选择,哪一种是为您的网站购买主题的更好的地方? 这就是我们在这篇文章中要回答的问题。

为什么要谨慎选择WordPress主题 (Why You Should Select WordPress Themes with Caution)

WordPress has become one of the leading content management systems in the world. With its help, you will find no difficulty launching any kind of website, representing any business niche in an effective style.

WordPress已成为世界领先的内容管理系统之一。 有了它的帮助,您将可以轻松启动任何类型的网站,以有效的方式代表任何业务细分市场。

Selecting the most optimal starting point for your site, you need to make sure that your WordPress theme complements the content that you are going to share on your site. Using WordPress, you can create stunning blogs, portfolios, business and corporate web projects, landing pages, and even eCommerce sites. Depending on the goal and the type of the online project that you need to launch, you need to select WordPress themes that meet your specific requirements. For example, launching a blog, you need to select a template that improves the readability of your content. If you want to launch a portfolio site, then the template of your choice should be optimized for handling image-rich web projects perfectly well.

为您的网站选择最佳的起点,您需要确保WordPress主题与您将在网站上共享的内容相辅相成。 使用WordPress,您可以创建出色的博客,投资组合,业务和公司Web项目,登录页面,甚至是电子商务站点。 根据您需要启动的在线项目的目标和类型,您需要选择满足特定要求的WordPress主题。 例如,启动博客,您需要选择一个模板来提高内容的可读性。 如果要启动一个投资组合网站,则应优化所选模板以完美地处理图像丰富的Web项目。

Many WordPress templates available today are pre-installed with plugins and extensions intended to enhance the performance of niche-specific web projects. Just in case the selected WordPress theme isn’t loaded with the necessary tools, make sure that it’s compatible with the respective functionality.

当今可用的许多WordPress模板已预装了插件和扩展程序,旨在增强针对特定市场的Web项目的性能。 以防万一所选的WordPress主题未加载必要的工具,请确保其与相应功能兼容。

Security is one of the top priorities that you need to take into consideration while selecting the best WordPress theme for your site. Although WordPress is known as one of the safest CMSs on the web, featuring regular updates, you need to make sure that you download a template that features regular updates so it won’t become outdated a few months after the launch of your site.

安全是为网站选择最佳WordPress主题时需要考虑的最重要的优先事项之一。 尽管WordPress被称为具有常规更新功能的最安全的CMS CMS,但您仍需要确保下载具有常规更新功能的模板,这样在启动网站后的几个月内它就不会过时。

Let’s compare the functionality included in two of the top-selling business WordPress themes from both marketplaces. There are some features they have in common and certain peculiarities that make each of them unique. So, let’s compare and choose the best theme of the two reviewed.

让我们比较两个市场上两个最畅销的商业WordPress主题中包含的功能。 它们具有一些共同点和某些特殊性,从而使每个特性都与众不同。 因此,让我们比较一下,并选择两个最佳主题。

EasyJet vs Argenta多用途WordPress主题 (EasyJet vs Argenta Multipurpose WordPress Themes)

EasyJet is a functional multipurpose template sold by ZEMEZ in the TemplateMonster digital marketplace. This is a usable ready-made solution that is easy-to-handle by both beginners and expert webmasters. This is a feature-rich WordPress template that comes loaded with everything that you need for the launch of personal, business or eCommerce sites. There is no need to be an expert web designer or a programming specialist in order to handle the theme on your own. The theme’s download pack includes a wide range of features that will appeal to users of all skill levels.

EasyJet是ZEMEZ在TemplateMonster数字市场中出售的多功能模板。 这是一个可用的现成的解决方案,对于初学者和专业网站管理员都易于操作。 这是功能丰富的WordPress模板,其中包含启动个人,企业或电子商务网站所需的一切。 无需专门的网页设计师或编程专家即可自行处理主题。 主题的下载包包括广泛的功能,这些功能将吸引所有技能水平的用户。

Argenta is a creative multipurpose WordPress template sold by Colabrio on the ThemeForest marketplace. This is one of those feature-rich WordPress templates suited to be used for content-heavy web projects. Collections of the fully editable layouts that are included in the theme’s download pack are ready to be customized by means of the usable modification features that can be accessed via the dashboard.

Argenta是Colabrio在ThemeForest市场上出售的创意多用途WordPress模板。 这是功能丰富的WordPress模板之一,适合用于内容繁多的Web项目。 主题的下载包中包含的完全可编辑布局的集合可以通过可通过仪表板访问的可用修改功能进行自定义。

Both of the reviewed WordPress templates are multipurpose solutions that include a handful of tools and features that provide for specific needs. Both templates include similar options and different sets of tools, which make one of them stronger than the other. Well, enough said. Let’s get straight to the comparison.

这两个经过审查的WordPress模板都是多用途解决方案,其中包括满足特定需求的少量工具和功能。 这两个模板都包含相似的选项和不同的工具集,这使得其中一个比另一个更强大。 好吧,足够说了。 让我们直接进行比较。

安装 (Installation)

In order to start working with any WordPress template, you need to have WordPress installed. If you haven’t done this yet, make sure you install the latest WordPress version on your web host.

为了开始使用任何WordPress模板,您需要安装WordPress。 如果尚未执行此操作,请确保在Web主机上安装了最新的WordPress版本。

In order to start working with the EasyJet WordPress template, you need to make all the necessary preparations and run the plugin installations. This guarantees that the chosen template will work correctly after the installation of all its components.

为了开始使用EasyJet WordPress模板,您需要进行所有必要的准备并运行插件安装。 这样可以保证所选模板在安装完所有组件后都能正常工作。

EasyJet features the automatic and manual installation of all components. One-click installation is realized with the help of the Cherry Wizard plugin. As soon as the theme is installed, you will receive a notification window asking you to select the skin for your future site. It’s generally considered that automatic installation will be the best choice for non-tech-savvy users, as well as those webmasters that look forward to using all the tools included in the theme’s pack.

EasyJet具有自动和手动安装所有组件的功能。 一键安装是在Cherry Wizard插件的帮助下实现的。 一旦安装了主题,您将收到一个通知窗口,要求您为将来的站点选择外观。 通常认为,对于不懂技术的用户以及那些希望使用主题包中包含的所有工具的网站管理员,自动安装将是最佳选择。

EasyJet can also be installed manually. To use this method, you need to have access to your WordPress server via FTP or the File Manager of your hosting control panel. While installing EasyJet manually, you can select the plugins, tools, and extensions that are essential for your future site, and skip those solutions that won’t affect the usability of your online project.

EasyJet也可以手动安装。 要使用此方法,您需要通过FTP或托管控制面板的文件管理器访问WordPress服务器。 手动安装EasyJet时,可以选择对将来的站点必不可少的插件,工具和扩展,而跳过那些不会影响在线项目可用性的解决方案。

As for Argenta, the theme features regular installation, which will upload all components of the theme’s archive to the web server.


其他演示 (Additional Demos)

The availability of additional skins is one of the biggest advantages of both of the mentioned WordPress themes. Both templates feature growing collections of child skins, which are expanded with the release of every consecutive update.

附加皮肤的可用性是上述两个WordPress主题的最大优势之一。 这两个模板均具有不断增长的子皮肤集合,并随着每次连续更新的发布而扩展。

EasyJet includes a collection of 12+ outstanding homepage demos that are intended to be used for a range of niche-specific web projects. You can preview all demos on the theme’s live demo site. If you have already bought EasyJet, then you may expect new skins to be delivered to you automatically each time a new update is released. Switching between demos you may rest assured that all of your data will remain untouched. The demo skins include CrossFit studio, beauty, business, construction, architecture, photography, restaurant, car repair, and other niche-specific skins.

EasyJet包含12个以上出色的首页演示的集合,这些演示可用于一系列特定于利基市场的Web项目。 您可以在主题的实时演示站点上预览所有演示。 如果您已经购买了EasyJet,那么您可能希望每次发布新更新时都会自动向您提供新外观。 在演示之间进行切换,您可以放心,所有数据都将保持不变。 演示皮肤包括CrossFit工作室,美容,商业,建筑,建筑,摄影,餐厅,汽车维修以及其他特定于细分市场的皮肤。

Argenta gives users access to 14+ demo skins, all of which can be installed with just one click. Similar to EasyJet, new skins will be delivered with the release of new updates. The skin demos are available for free online preview, so you can see how different skins work and feel before making your final decision. The demo skins include personal blog, cafe and bar, fashion store, corporate portal, mobile app, sports and fitness, etc.

Argenta使用户可以访问14个以上的演示皮肤,只需单击即可安装所有演示皮肤。 与EasyJet相似,新皮肤将随新更新的发布一起提供。 皮肤演示可免费在线预览,因此您可以在做出最终决定之前查看不同皮肤的工作方式和感觉。 演示皮肤包括个人博客,咖啡馆和酒吧,时尚商店,企业门户,移动应用,体育和健身等。

预制布局 (Pre-made Layouts)

EasyJet includes collections of pre-made layouts in every demo skin from the gallery. This guarantees that the pre-designed layouts will fit your niche-specific web project, making it so much easier to bring the necessary changes to the page in the future. For example, selecting a skin for a business blog, you will be provided with the possibility of choosing from several blog layouts. Portfolio templates include sets of portfolio layouts, and so on.

EasyJet在画廊的每个演示皮肤中都包含预制布局的集合。 这保证了预先设计的布局将适合您的特定于利基市场的Web项目,从而使将来对页面进行必要的更改变得容易得多。 例如,为企业博客选择外观,将为您提供从几种博客布局中进行选择的可能性。 投资组合模板包括投资组合布局集,等等。

Details | Demo

详情 | 演示版

The Argenta template is loaded with a range of pre-designed layouts, ready-to-go pages, and six headers that are ready to be adjusted in any way that matches your personal or business needs.


Details | Demo

详情 | 演示版

视觉生成器 (Visual Builder)

EasyJet is loaded with the WordPress Live Customizer and Elementor page builder, which provide for the code-free modification of pre-designed layouts. WordPress Live Customizer is one of the most popular WYSIWYG solutions that allows you to change general site settings, colors, typography, social icons, page layout, menus, sidebars, widgets, etc.

EasyJet装有WordPress Live Customizer和Elementor页面构建器,它们提供了对预设计布局的无代码修改。 WordPress Live Customizer是最流行的WYSIWYG解决方案之一,它允许您更改常规站点设置,颜色,版式,社交图标,页面布局,菜单,侧边栏,小部件等。

Moreover, EasyJet is loaded with one of the most functional frontend drag-and-drop page builders – Elementor. It helps you to create unique content without any specific coding skills. The builder is loaded with a large number of elements that provide for the quick and seamless customization of the theme’s design. Additionally, you will be provided with a variety of content modules, which make it quicker and effortless to enhance your site’s pages with videos, buttons, dividers, carousels, image galleries, sliders, etc.

此外,EasyJet配备了功能最强大的前端拖放页面构建器之一– Elementor。 它可以帮助您创建独特的内容,而无需任何特定的编码技能。 该构建器加载有大量元素,这些元素可用于快速无缝地定制主题设计。 此外,还将为您提供各种内容模块,这些模块使您可以更快,更轻松地通过视频,按钮,分隔线,轮播,图像画廊,滑块等来增强站点的页面。

Argenta includes WordPress Visual Composer. This is one of the most popular WordPress extensions included in the theme’s package for free. With its help, you can make any sort of changes to the theme’s layout code-free. The layout structure, header and footer can be personalized as you simply drag and drop different page elements.

Argenta包括WordPress Visual Composer。 这是免费包含在主题包中的最受欢迎的WordPress扩展之一。 有了它的帮助,您可以免费更改主题布局的各种形式。 您只需拖放不同的页面元素,就可以个性化布局结构,页眉和页脚。

外挂程式 (Plugins)

EasyJet includes:


The JetElements addon. This is an outstanding module, which was developed to enhance your experience of working with Elementor page builder. The module includes a rich collection of features intended to make your website unique and engaging. These include an advanced carousel, map, animated texts and boxes, banners, brands, and a number of additional elements that are intended to help you deliver all pieces of data quickly and easily.

JetElements插件。 这是一个出色的模块,旨在增强您使用Elementor页面构建器的经验。 该模块包括丰富的功能集,旨在使您的网站具有独特性和吸引力。 其中包括高级轮播,地图,动画文本和框,横幅,品牌以及许多其他元素,这些元素旨在帮助您快速轻松地交付所有数据。 EasyJet contains Cherry Data Importer. This is a plugin that will help you export posts, comments, widgets, settings etc., from one site to another. With a single click of a button, the plugin generates an XML file that can be imported to another website.

EasyJet包含Cherry数据导入器。 这是一个插件,可以帮助您将帖子,评论,小部件,设置等从一个站点导出到另一个站点。 只需单击一个按钮,该插件就会生成一个XML文件,该文件可以导入到另一个网站。 As mentioned at the beginning, the Cherry Wizard plugin is included as well. With its help, you will need just a couple of minutes to get all of the theme’s components installed on your site.

如开头所述,Cherry Wizard插件也包括在内。 有了它的帮助,您只需几分钟就可以在您的站点上安装所有主题的组件。 Thanks to the Contact Form 7 plugin, you can manage multiple contact forms. It also lets you customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.

得益于Contact Form 7插件,您可以管理多个联系表。 它还使您可以通过简单的标记灵活地自定义表单和邮件内容。

Argenta includes three premium WordPress plugins under the hood.


Visual Composer is provided for the code-free modification of the template’s ready-made layouts without the need to change a line of code.

Visual Composer提供了对模板的现成布局的无代码修改,而无需更改代码行。 Thanks to the built-in Revolution Slider, you will be able to create fully responsive slides featuring usable transition effects.

借助内置的Revolution Slider,您将能够创建具有可用过渡效果的完全响应式幻灯片。 ACF Pro is the advanced custom fields plugin for web developers. With its help, you can bring changes to all sections of your site, thus taking full control of your WordPress edit screens and custom field data.

ACF Pro是Web开发人员的高级自定义字段插件。 借助它的帮助,您可以对网站的所有部分进行更改,从而完全控制WordPress编辑屏幕和自定义字段数据。

附加功能 (Extras)

The things that both of the reviewed themes have in common include:


100% mobile-friendly layouts

100%适合移动设备的布局 cross-browser compatibility

跨浏览器兼容性 compatibility with all the major WordPress plugins and extensions

与所有主要的WordPress插件和扩展程序兼容 WooCommerce support

WooCommerce支持 SEO-friendliness

SEO友好 Retina-ready designs

视网膜就绪设计 valid code

有效码 performance optimization


Both of the templates are ready to be customized to meet your demands, using the functionality that’s included in their download packages.


价钱 (Pricing)

EasyJet is sold for $75. The single site license provides you with the non-exclusive permission to use the template on a single site. The cost includes all premium extensions that were mentioned in the review. It also includes free 24/7 technical support, detailed documentation, and free lifetime updates. Additionally, you can order installation and optimization of the theme for a fee.

EasyJet的售价为75美元。 单个站点许可证为您提供了在单个站点上使用模板的非专有许可。 费用包括评论中提到的所有高级扩展。 它还包括免费的24/7全天候技术支持,详细的文档和终身免费更新。 此外,您可以付费订购主题的安装和优化。

Argenta is sold for $49 for the regular license and $2950 for the extended license. In addition to the features that were highlighted in the review, you will be provided with documentation, free updates, and 6 months support. The latter includes:

Argenta的普通许可证售价为49美元,扩展许可证售价为2950美元。 除了评论中突出显示的功能外,还将为您提供文档,免费更新和6个月的支持。 后者包括:

Availability of the author to answer questions

作者可以回答问题 Assistance with reported bugs and issues

协助报告错误和问题 Help with included 3rd party assets


Customization and installation services are not provided.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

If you asked me which of these two multipurpose WordPress themes I would like to choose for the launch of my own web project, my answer will be EasyJet for a number of reasons. First of all, it’s likely that I will need some help with installation and customization as I start working with it. While the tools and theme options are rather intuitive, I’d like to feel confident that I won’t be left alone.

如果您问我要启动我自己的Web项目时要选择这两个多功能WordPress主题中的哪一个,则出于多种原因,我的答案将是EasyJet。 首先,当我开始使用它时,可能会需要一些有关安装和自定义的帮助。 尽管工具和主题选项非常直观,但我想确信自己不会被孤立。

The availability of extra modules, widgets and premium plugins saves me extra cash and time while uploading the theme with my content and changing the layout.


The wide choice of skins and diversity of pre-designed layouts attracts me as well.


Launching a customized website in a matter of days becomes possible with the frontend Elementor page builder. Additionally, I can feel safe that all data will be protected and up-to-date thanks to the regular updates.

使用前端Elementor页面构建器,可以在几天之内启动自定义网站。 此外,由于定期更新,我可以放心地保护所有数据并保持最新。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-market-for-wordpress-themes-templatemonster-or-themeforest/

相关资源:TemplateMonster 个性模板